Sunday 2 November 2014

To enable Hello Packets in AODV ?

     > By default Hello Packet is not enabled. You have to enable it.

 Steps :
           i) In, comment the line as shown

                     //#ifndef AODV_LINK_LAYER_DETECTION
                       htimer.handle((Event*) 0);
                       ntimer.handle((Event*) 0);
                     //#endif // LINK LAYER DETECTION

 How can i change the Hello interval ?

     >  By default hello interval set to 1 second ( 1000 milli sec )

      >  In aodv.h, Macro variable HELLO_INTERVAL can be found.
Expected Questions
how to disable data packet ack from all intermediate nodes in aodv
Do not use TCP protocol, use UDP.

how to mointor whether intermediate node send data packets to next intermediate node in aodv ,with out using ack 
thats where tap function plays the role

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