Wednesday 5 November 2014


Ebooks Links Click & Download
Software Engineering 
Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V
Pressman Download link

Jalote Download link

DISCRETE MATHEMATICS valid arguments Proof methods proof methods methods of proofs MCQ's mathematical induction graph theory basics Functions distance_centre_diameter connectivity in graphs complexity of graph searching closure of relations
Discrete Mathematics e-boook by Kenneth H Rosen Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5
Download all parts and then extract part1.

PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Introduction Unit II Unit III Unit IV Subprogram Control Efficiency and Regularity

Advance Operating System

quiz3.doc Download

quiz4.doc Download

unit3ans.doc Download

unit5ans.doc Download

UNIT5_MPS.ppt Download

Theory of Computation

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Computer Networks

ch26.ppt View Download
Chap-23.ppt View Download
Chapter 22 Transport Layer.ppt View Download
chapter3a.ppt View Download
Chapter5 (Subnetting and Supernetting).ppt View Download
Chapter6TransportLayer-1.ppt View Download
Copy of tcp.ppt View Download
Lecture18.ppt View Download


Distributed Systems

Unit 1 Tutorial.doc View Download

Unit 2 Tutorial.doc View Download

Unit 3.doc View Download

Unit 4.doc View Download

Unit 5.doc View Download

MCQs.doc View Download    


Mobile Computing


ute 3,4 and 5 units.docx View Download 

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unit2 tute.docx View Download

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