Showing posts with label Microsoft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microsoft. Show all posts

Friday, 24 July 2015


Diagnostic Tools debugger window in Visual Studio 2015

Diagnostic Tools debugger window in Visual Studio 2015


Supported project types and configurations

The following startup project types and debugging configurations are supported by the Diagnostic Tools window in Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5:
  • Managed WPF, WinForms, Console projects running locally 
  • Native Win32, Console, and MFC projects running locally 
    • Note: the Debugger Events tool is currently not supported for Native projects 
  • ASP.NET 4 using IIS Express 
  • Managed or Native 32-bit Windows Store projects running locally 
The Diagnostic Tools window currently does not support:
  • ASP.NET 5 projects, or ASP.NET 4 projects using IIS 
  • Windows Store projects that are 64-bit, using JavaScript, or running on a remote device 
  • Targeting remote devices

Monday, 4 June 2012

Brilliant work in MS Excel

Brilliant and excellent work done in MS excel!!

May be the person is a maniac in excel or he doesn't know how to kill time on that day!

But what ever he did is fabulous!!

  1. Download the excel sheet
  2. Select all rows/ columns or Press CTRL + A key combination to select all
  3. Set row height to 15.53
  4. Set column width to 2.84

Watch the magic!!

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Brilliant work in MS Excel

Brilliant work in MS Excel

Brilliant and excellent work done in MS excel!!

May be the person is a maniac in excel or he doesn't know how to kill time on that day!

But what ever he did is fabulous!!

  1. Download the excel sheet
  2. Select all rows/ columns or Press CTRL + A key combination to select all
  3. Set row height to 15.53
  4. Set column width to 2.84

Watch the magic!!