Theroy of Computation
The diagram shows how different classes of languages such as regular, context free, context sensitive, P, NP, PSAPACE, NPSPACE, EXPTIME, NEXPTIME, EXPSPACE, ACCEPTABLE, DECIDABLE, CO-ACCEPTABLE etc are related to each other.
1. A Universal Turing Machine can compute anything that any other Turing Machine could possibly compute.
2.The Turing Test is a test of whether a problem can be solved by a Turing Machine.
3. Every acceptable language is also decidable.
4. Decidability is a special case of decidability
5. Regular languages are decidable
6. Context free languages are not decidable
2.The Turing Test is a test of whether a problem can be solved by a Turing Machine.
3. Every acceptable language is also decidable.
4. Decidability is a special case of decidability
5. Regular languages are decidable
6. Context free languages are not decidable
Chomsky Hierarchy
The diagram shows how different classes of languages such as regular, context free, context sensitive, P, NP, PSAPACE, NPSPACE, EXPTIME, NEXPTIME, EXPSPACE, ACCEPTABLE, DECIDABLE, CO-ACCEPTABLE etc are related to each other.
Steps to solve Pumping Lemma problems:
1. If the language is finite, it is regular , otherwise it might be non-regular.
2. Consider the given language to be regular
3. State pumping lemma
4. Choose a string w from language, choose smartly .
5. Partition it according to constraints of pumping lemma in a generic way
6. Choose a pumping factor k such that the new ‘pumped’ string is not part of the language
7. State the contradiction and end the proof.
How to remember what pumping Lemma says:
Pumping Lemma alternates between “for all” and “there is at least one” or “for every” or
“there exists”. Notice:
For every regular language L
There exists a constant n
For every string w in L such that |w| >= n,
There exists a way to break up w into three strings w = xyz such that |y| > 0 , |xy| <= n and For every k>=0 , the string xykz is also in L.
1. Show that L2 = {0m1m | x ∈ {0, 1}*} is not regular.
We show that the pumping lemma does not hold for L1. Consider any pumping number p; p≥ 1. Choose w = 0p1p.
Consider any pumping decomposition w = xyz;
|y| > 0 and |xy| ≤ p. It follows that x = 0a and y = 0b and z = 0p-a-b1p, for b ≥ 1. Choose i = 2. We need to show that xy2z = 0p+b1p is not in L1.
b ≥ 1.
So p+b > p
Hence 0p+b1p is not in L.
2. L2 = {xx | x ∈ {0, 1}*} is not regular.
We show that the pumping lemma does not hold for L2. Consider any pumping number
p ≥ 1. Choose w = 10p10p. Consider any pumping decomposition w = xyz; all we know about xyz is that
|y| > 0 and |xy| ≤ p. There are two possibilities:
(a) x = 10aand y = 0b and z = 0p-a-b10p, for b ≥ 1.
(a) x = " and y = 10b and z = 0p-b10p1.
Choose i = 2. We need to show that xy2z is not in L2.
In case (a), xy2z = 10p+b10p, which is not in L2 because b ≥ 1.
In case (b), xy2z = 10b10p10p, which is not in L2 because it contains three 1’s.
3. We prove that L3 = {1n2 | n ≥ 0} is not regular.
We show that the pumping lemma does not hold for L3. Consider any pumping number p ≥ 1.
Choose w = 1p2.
Consider any pumping decomposition w = xyz such that |y| > 0 and |xy| ≤ p. It follows
that x = 1a and y = 1b and z = 1p2
−a−b, for b ≥ 1 and a + b ≤ p. Choose i = 2. We need to show that
xy2z = 1n2+b is not in L3; that is, we need to show that p2 + b is not a square. Since b ≥ 1, we have
p2 + b > p2. Since a + b ≤ p, we have p2 + b ≤ p2 + p < (p + 1)2 4.Prove that Language L = {0n: n is a perfect square} is irregular.
Solution: L is infinite. Suppose L is also regular. Then according to pumping lemma there exists an integer n such that for every string w in where |w| >= n, we can break w into three strings w = xyz such that:
|y| > 0 , |xy| <= n and for all k>=0 , the string xykz is also in L.
Choose w to be w = 0s where s = n2 that is it is a perfect square.
Let w= 00000000000000000………00000 = xyz . (The length of w = s = n2 in this case.)
Let |xy| <= n and |y| = k. That is w = 0000 0k 000… X y z So, |xyz| = |xz| + |y| = (n2- k ) + (k) From pumping lemma, I can pump y any number of times and the new string should also belong to the language. Suppose I pump y twice then, the new string should belong to the language that is it should have length that is a perfect square but, |xy2z| = |xz| + 2|y| = (n2- k ) + 2k = n2 + k where n2 + k < 1 =" (n+1)(n+1)"> n2 (As k > 0)
=> n2 <>2 + k < (n+1)2 => n2 + k is not a perfect square
=> xy2z is not in L
=> This is a contradiction to the pumping lemma
So, our initial assumption must have been wrong that is L is not regular.
1. If the language is finite, it is regular , otherwise it might be non-regular.
2. Consider the given language to be regular
3. State pumping lemma
4. Choose a string w from language, choose smartly .
5. Partition it according to constraints of pumping lemma in a generic way
6. Choose a pumping factor k such that the new ‘pumped’ string is not part of the language
7. State the contradiction and end the proof.
How to remember what pumping Lemma says:
Pumping Lemma alternates between “for all” and “there is at least one” or “for every” or
“there exists”. Notice:
For every regular language L
There exists a constant n
For every string w in L such that |w| >= n,
There exists a way to break up w into three strings w = xyz such that |y| > 0 , |xy| <= n and For every k>=0 , the string xykz is also in L.
1. Show that L2 = {0m1m | x ∈ {0, 1}*} is not regular.
We show that the pumping lemma does not hold for L1. Consider any pumping number p; p≥ 1. Choose w = 0p1p.
Consider any pumping decomposition w = xyz;
|y| > 0 and |xy| ≤ p. It follows that x = 0a and y = 0b and z = 0p-a-b1p, for b ≥ 1. Choose i = 2. We need to show that xy2z = 0p+b1p is not in L1.
b ≥ 1.
So p+b > p
Hence 0p+b1p is not in L.
2. L2 = {xx | x ∈ {0, 1}*} is not regular.
We show that the pumping lemma does not hold for L2. Consider any pumping number
p ≥ 1. Choose w = 10p10p. Consider any pumping decomposition w = xyz; all we know about xyz is that
|y| > 0 and |xy| ≤ p. There are two possibilities:
(a) x = 10aand y = 0b and z = 0p-a-b10p, for b ≥ 1.
(a) x = " and y = 10b and z = 0p-b10p1.
Choose i = 2. We need to show that xy2z is not in L2.
In case (a), xy2z = 10p+b10p, which is not in L2 because b ≥ 1.
In case (b), xy2z = 10b10p10p, which is not in L2 because it contains three 1’s.
3. We prove that L3 = {1n2 | n ≥ 0} is not regular.
We show that the pumping lemma does not hold for L3. Consider any pumping number p ≥ 1.
Choose w = 1p2.
Consider any pumping decomposition w = xyz such that |y| > 0 and |xy| ≤ p. It follows
that x = 1a and y = 1b and z = 1p2
−a−b, for b ≥ 1 and a + b ≤ p. Choose i = 2. We need to show that
xy2z = 1n2+b is not in L3; that is, we need to show that p2 + b is not a square. Since b ≥ 1, we have
p2 + b > p2. Since a + b ≤ p, we have p2 + b ≤ p2 + p < (p + 1)2 4.Prove that Language L = {0n: n is a perfect square} is irregular.
Solution: L is infinite. Suppose L is also regular. Then according to pumping lemma there exists an integer n such that for every string w in where |w| >= n, we can break w into three strings w = xyz such that:
|y| > 0 , |xy| <= n and for all k>=0 , the string xykz is also in L.
Choose w to be w = 0s where s = n2 that is it is a perfect square.
Let w= 00000000000000000………00000 = xyz . (The length of w = s = n2 in this case.)
Let |xy| <= n and |y| = k. That is w = 0000 0k 000… X y z So, |xyz| = |xz| + |y| = (n2- k ) + (k) From pumping lemma, I can pump y any number of times and the new string should also belong to the language. Suppose I pump y twice then, the new string should belong to the language that is it should have length that is a perfect square but, |xy2z| = |xz| + 2|y| = (n2- k ) + 2k = n2 + k where n2 + k < 1 =" (n+1)(n+1)"> n2 (As k > 0)
=> n2 <>2 + k < (n+1)2 => n2 + k is not a perfect square
=> xy2z is not in L
=> This is a contradiction to the pumping lemma
So, our initial assumption must have been wrong that is L is not regular.