Required Study techniques to become an effective Engineering student and achieve success in Career - Part1

Following are the skills that you must develop to succeed in your studies and career

1) Be motivated

Focus on your personal goals and rewards
See things in perspective
Acknowledge your successes
Learn from setbacks
Recognise challenges and seek strategies and support to deal with them

2) Manage time & self efficiently

Work with a year-planner & diary
Timetable all routine & study tasks
Prioritise tasks & don’t over-commit
Expect crises…leave time to deal with them
Estimate time on task realistically
Break up large tasks
Learn to delegate some tasks & ask for help when you feel yourself lagging behind
Reward yourself - schedule time off!

3) Organise a study system

Know what is expected & required (when?)
Do various learning activities
Develop a filing system (& use it !!)
Consolidate materials weekly / fortnightly
Use different techniques to organise info
Join a study group but also study independently
Identify your strengths & areas you need to work on
Revise regularly

4) Make notes effectively

Listen for ideas & key words at lectures
Put things in your own words
Use notes as a framework & fill in the details – examples, explanation,Qs, etc.
Make things stand out
Write down your reactions & Qs
Use short-hand (symbols and abbrev)
Write down where the info comes from
Write down what to follow up on

5) Interact with others & communicate clearly

Talk with classmates & lecturers to clarify requirements & get support
Ask questions and exchange ideas to understand ‘process’ & ‘content’
Listen & reflect on what others say
Express your ideas verbally
Learn co-operatively & collaboratively to ease the transition
Develop alternate ways of ‘knowing’ & ‘doing’