Showing posts with label Apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apps. Show all posts

Friday, 29 May 2015

Notepad++ Multilingual

Free source code editor without installation.
Download Portable Notepad++ Online (0.5 MB) 15/04/15
In first screen enter:
If you use as default editor (F4) in Total Commander edit Notepad++Portable.ini with AllowMultipleInstances=true.
Language set by launcher according Windows localization : Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, PortugueseBR, Romanian, Russian, SimpChinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, TradChinese, Turkish, Ukrainian.
You can change Language in Settings-Preference...Localization Menu.
Settings of installed Notepad++ should be preserved.
A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
Tested on Windows XP Pro SP3 and Windows 7 Integrale SP1.
On Vista and 7 turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

7-Zip 32-64 bit 15.03 alpha, 9.38 beta & 9.20 Multilingual

File archiver with a high compression ratio without installation.
Download Portable 7-Zip alpha Online (0.2 MB) 01/04/15
In first screen enter: 1503
Download Portable 7-Zip Online (0.2 MB) 07/12/14
In first screen enter: 9.38 or 9.20
Extract and run 7-ZipPortable.
32 or 64 bit files selected by launcher.
Drive letter of editor's path updated (if you plug USB key in another computer).
You can Add Parameters in 7-ZipPortable.ini
If you have Notepad++Portable or UltraEditPortable in the same foder as 7-ZipPortable you can choose one of them as editor (F4) by changing one (not two) false to true in 7-ZipPortable.ini.
Settings of installed 7-Zip should be preserved.

ConvertXtoDVD & Multilingual
Extract and run ConvertXtoDVD*Portable.
Working folder set by user. If you just burn you can set it in TEMP (deleted when leaving) with WorkingFolder=temp in ConvertXtoDVD*Portable.ini. You can also set it in portable folder with WorkingFolder=portable (the worst on USB key).
Sound events language set by launcher according localisation of Windows : English, French, German, Japanese,Spanish.
Settings of installed ConvertXtoDVD should be preserved.

PowerArchiver 2015 15.02.04 Multilingual

Archiving utility without installation.
Download Portable PowerArchiver 2015 Multilingual Online (0.4 MB) 28/05/15
In first screen enter: 150204
Extract and run PowerArchiverPortable.
Settings of installed PowerArchiver should be preserved.

GoldWave 6.11 64 bit & 5.70 32 bit
 7 commentaires 27 May 2015

Extract and run GoldWavePortable.
Settings of installed GoldWave should be preserved.

Any Video Converter Ultimate 5.8.1 Multilingual 18 commentaires

Extract and run AVCUltimatePortable.
On an new computer register with avc-ultimate-kg: registration will be left on computer in a CLSID registry key changing with computer.
Settings of installed AVCUltimate should be preserved.

Any DVD Converter Professional 5.8.1 Multilingual

Extract and run ADCProPortable.
Output and Snapshot in portable folder, if you want to fix path: edit ADCProPortable.ini.
Settings of installed ADCPro should be preserved.

The KMPlayer Multilingual

Multimedia Player without installation.
Download Portable KMPlayer Online (0.6 MB) 27/05/15
In first screen enter download ID: 66
Extract and run KMPlayerPortable.
If you drag'n drop a file on (or open with) KMPlayerPortable: it will be opened in KMPlayer.
Language set by launcher according Windows localization: Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bosnian, PortugueseBR, Bulgarian, TradChinese, SimpChinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian.
If you don't want, write SystemLang=false in KMPlayerPortable.ini.
Capture in portable folder. If you don't want, write PortableCapture=false in KMPlayerPortable.ini.
Settings of installed KMPlayer should be preserved.

CCleaner Professional 5.06.5219 Plus 32-64 bit Multilingual

PC Optimization and Cleaning without installation.
Download Portable CCleaner Online (0.6 MB) 14/11/14
In first screen enter: 506 or 419
Winapp2 included.

File and Disk Defragmentation without installation.
Download Portable Defraggler Online (0.6 MB) 23/05/14
In first screen enter: 219 for version 2.19.982

Undelete, Unerase, File and Disk Recovery without installation.
Download Portable Recuva Online (0.6 MB) 23/05/14
In first screen enter: 152 for version 1.52.1086

System Information without installation.
Download Portable Speccy Online (0.6 MB) 23/05/14
In first screen enter: 128 for version 1.28.709
Extract and run *Portable.
Language set by launcher according UserDefaultLang (if you don't want: write UserDefaultLang=false in *Portable.ini).

Google Chrome 43.0.2357.81 32-64 bit Multilingual
Google Internet browser without installation.
Download Portable Chrome 32-64 bit MultiVersion Online (0.5 MB) 03/03/15
Check Stable for latest 43.x.x.x
Check Beta for latest 44.x.x.x
Check Dev for latest 45.x.x.x
Check Canary for latest 45.x.x.x

SRWare Iron 42.0.2250.1 is based on the Chromium-source and offers the same features as Chrome but without the critical points that the privacy concern.
Download Portable SRWare Iron 32-64 bit Multiversion Online (0.4 MB)10/02/15
ChromePass Chrome Browser Password Recovery.
Download Portable ChromePass latest Online (0.5 MB) 20/11/13
To see Passwords stored in Chromium or Iron Portable, write Browser=Chromium orBrowser=Iron in ChromePassPortable.ini
ChromeHistoryView Chrome Browser History Viewer.
Download Portable ChromeHistoryView latest Online (0.5 MB) 07/12/14
To see History stored in Chromium or Iron Portable, write Browser=Chromium orBrowser=Iron in ChromeHistoryViewPortable.ini
Extract and run ChromePortable or ChromiumPortable or IronPortable.
If you want to add parameters, start in incognito mode, not set cache in temp, not delete cache or allow multiple instances: edit *Portable.ini.
Example: AdditionalParameters=--app=
Settings of installed Chrome, Chromium or Iron should be preserved.

Thursday, 10 May 2012 - Easy Typing Lessons Online

Have you ever wished that you had a way to practice typing so that you could become a more efficient and capable keyboard jockey? Typing at the “speed of thought,” perhaps? Enter — the flash–based typing instructor you’ve been waiting for! - Easy Typing Lessons Online is very straightforward. You can choose from three basic lessons that start with a certain number of keys on the keyboard, and then, as you progress through the lessons, more keys are introduced to the mix to make things a little tougher. As an added bonus, our software keeps track of all your mistakes and your words–per–minute (wpm) — and even creates graphs of your day–by–day performance.
But, things get even better! Once you have determined that the lessons you have completed have reached their maximum result, get ready to play with custom mode, where you can edit and personalize the text that you wish to practice! Very bare–bones, but oh, so functional.
Finally, to up the entertainment level of your typing lessons, you can import content from a web site or blog into to type it out.
But why even bother to learn touch typing? The answer is simple — it is healthier for you, faster and more accurate. Blogging, writing long documents and e–mails, instant messaging with your friends, and even coding sophisticated computer programs will become much easier and more enjoyable once you eliminate distraction of hunt–and–peck typing.
How long would it take for you to develop a good typing speed? It would probably take you weeks to polish your skills up to a top level, but really decent speed can be achieved in a matter of hours with daily training. We promise that we can teach you to type at a speed of above 50 words per minute in less than ten hours with our course. And who wouldn’t benefit from that?
So now enjoy typing instructor on the Go and improve your skills and type faster and faster.

How to Force Delete Locked Files Easily with LockHunter

Lock Hunter is a free tool that can delete blocked files which are not getting deleted in one go. It simply scans files and bring the exact conclusion to that thing and what the problem is so you simply have to right click and choose what is blocking that file.How to Force Delete Locked Files Easily with Lock Hunter
So download Lock Hunter from below according to your system if its 32 Bit choose that or choose 64 Bit one.


How to Repair Corrupted WinRAR .RAR Package Easily

If you have any corrupted packages and you wanna repair them than you can attempt that recovery using Advanced RAR Repair software which can repair damaged packages using its advanced technology through scanning and detecting bad sectors. Well obviously its not always the best option for recovery as sometimes it may not be able to recover all packages.
Advanced RAR Repair supports all .rar  and sfx packages, also supports to recover all kind solid and encrypted corrupt packages. It can handle packages of size in GB’s and easy interface makes this job more fun and interesting. Well the best thing is that the file is really small and can be taken in pendrive for outside use.

Download Advanced RAR Repair Software Windows :

You can Download Advanced RAR Repair and than follow instruction after installing it, steps are guided and you will find no problem using it.