
 Formal Languages and Automata

Instructor: T.K  prasad
Textbook:Thomas A. Sudkamp: Languages and Machines, 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley,
Download Slides from here
Introduction; Recursive Definitions
Proof by Induction; Strings and Languages
Regular Sets and Expressions
Context-Free Grammars
Proofs by Induction
Parsing  (only if time permits)
Transforming CFGs
Normal Forms
Finite State Automaton
Closure Properties
Nonregularity; Pumping Lemma
Examples of Nonregularity Proofs
Lambda Transitions and their removal; DFA Minimization
FSA/Regular Sets/Grammars


Books: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. (Second Edition) by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig 

1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.
Intelligent Agents (ppt)

2. Problem Solving: Search, Informed Search, Game Playing
Search (ppt)
Informed Search (ppt)
Adversarial Search (ppt)

3.Computer Vision and Inference
Introduction to Computer Vision and Inference (ppt)

4. Knowledge and Logic
Propositional or Boolean Logic (ppt)

First Order Logic (FOL) (ppt)

Inference in FOL (ppt)
The extra class is this Friday, April 11th, at 3 pm (*not 5 pm*) in room 109, WWH. We will complete the inference in first order logic.

5. Uncertainty & Learning
Uncertainty and Probability (ppt)

Bayesian Probability (ppt)

Learning (ppt)

Evaluation: 60% final exam, 40% mid term exam. Hoemworks are provided to help students learn the material, but no grading will be done.
Midterm Exam: Tuesday March 11th.
MidtermExam.Solution (pdf)

Final Exam: May 13th, 7pm to 9 pm
It covers all the material in the course, including chapter 18th, but not chapter 20th.
Last year, 2007, exam and solution is here (pdf)

Homeworks: Students are encouraged to work with others. There is no grading. Solutions will be posted two weeks after the problems are posted.
Homework1 (txt)
Posted January 30th.

Solution1 (pdf)
Posted February 20th.

Homework2 (txt)
Posted February 20th.

Solution2 (pdf)
Posted February 27th.

Homework3 (txt)
Posted April 1st.

Solution3 (pdf)
Posted April 20th.

Homework4 (txt)
Posted April 20th.

Solution4 (pdf)
Posted April 20th.


Atomic and Laser Physics

Course description

PHY332 covers the quantum theory of simple atoms and atomic spectra, and also the basic principles of lasers. The first part of the course covers the physics of atoms and atomic spectra, beginning with hydrogen and then moving on to multi-electron atoms. The second part gives an introduction to laser physics, with emphasis on the basic principles of amplification by stimulated emission.
The aims of the course are as follows:
  1. to understand the quantum theory of the hydrogen atom and other simple atoms;
  2. to describe the main features of atomic spectra ;
  3. to understand the basic principles of laser operation;

Recommended books

  • Demtroder W, "Atoms, molecules and photons" (Springer-Verlag)
  • Haken H and Wolf H C, "The physics of atoms and quanta" (Springer-Verlag)
Other useful books include
  • Eisberg R and Resnick R, "Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei and particles " (Wiley)
  • Wilson J and Hawkes J, "Optoelectronics: an introduction" (Prentice Hall)
  • Smith F G and King T A, "Optics and Photonics " (Wiley)
  • Silfvast, W T, "Laser fundamentals" (Cambridge)

Lecture notes

The lecture notes are given in pdf format. They can be viewed and printed using Acrobat Reader. If you do not have this programme on your computer, you can download it free of charge from here: Adobe website
Part IAtomic Physics
Table of contents
3Radiative transitions
4The shell model and alkali spectra
5Fine structure
6External fields
7Helium and the exchange force
Part IILaser Physics
8Population inversion, stimulated emission and gain. Cavities. Gas & solid state lasers


InstructorTina Kapur and Rajeev Surati

Course Description 

Focuses on modeling, quantification, and analysis of uncertainty by teaching random variables, simple random processes and their probability distributions, Markov processes, limit theorems, elements of statistical inference, and decision making under uncertainty. This course extends the discrete probability learned in the discrete math class. It focuses on actual applications, and places little emphasis on proofs. A problem set based on identifying tumors using MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is done using Matlab.

Text:   Fundamentals of Applied Probability Theory, Al Drake

Lecture Notes


Lecture Videos

07-02-01: Introduction, Algebra of Events, Conditional Probability
07-03-01: Independence, Bayes Theorem, Probability Mass Functions
07-05-01: Conditional PMFs, Probability Density Functions
07-06-01: PDFs and Image Guided Surgery
07-09-01: Bayesian Segmentation of MRI Images

Problem Sets


Applications of the Internet


Prof. Shie-Yuan Wang


·        James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet,” Addison Wesley, 2001, ISBN: 0-201-47711-4.

Course slides:

Analysis & Design of Accounting Information Systems

Jagdish S. Gangolly
Department of Accounting & Law
State University of New York at Albany

These notes are prepared exclusively for the benefit of the students in the course Acc 681 Accounting Information Systems in the Department of Accounting & Law at the State University of New York at Albany, and are not to be used by others for any purpose without the express permission of the author.

I shall be adding to these notes as we go along. You can download the file and print the pages that you need. You will find the instructions for viewing postscript files on the course homepage at



Instructor: Paulo F. Ribeiro

Feedback principles and electronic circuit theory and device theory applied to multi-stage transistor amplifiers. Detailed study of operational amplifier specs, nonidealities, and compensation. Introduction to filter theory and practical realizations. Power supply design: rectifier circuits, linear and switching regulators. Nonlinear circuits: comparators, multipliers, Schmitt trigger, S/H circuits, multivibrators and oscillators. Introduction to noise analysis and low noise design. Emphasis on realization of designs using commercially available IC's. Design experience emphasized in projects and the laboratory.

Lecture Notes

Other Handouts and Links

An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking

by S. Keshav ISBN 0-201-63442-2 * Hardcover * 688 pages * 1997

Here are a set of slides (in Microsoft PowerPoint and HTML format) that cover the material in the book. The HTML was automatically generated by PowerPoint and needs a browser that supports frames. Feel free to copy and reuse this material (acknowledge me if you're feeling virtuous: I have not put my name on any of the slides).

Chapter 1: Atoms, Bits, and Networks

Chapter 2: The Telephone Network

Chapter 3: The Internet

Chapter 4: ATM Networks

Chapter 5: Protocol Layering

Chapter 6: System Design

Chapter 7: Multiple Access

Chapter 8: Switching

Chapter 9: Scheduling

Chapter 10: Naming and Addressing

Chapter 11: Routing

Chapter 12: Error Control

Chapter 13: Flow Control

Chapter 14: Traffic Management

Chapter 15: Common Protocols

Chapter 16: Protocol Implementation

The REAL network simulator
PowerPoint 95
PowerPoint 97



Lecture Slides


Instructor: David Luebke

Description: This course will provide a rigorous introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms. We will discuss classic problems (e.g., sorting, traveling salesman problem), classic algorithm design strategies (e.g., divide-and-conquer, greedy approaches), and classic algorithms and data structures (e.g., hash tables, Dijkstra's algorithm). We will also analyze algorithm complexity throughout, and touch on issues of tractibility such as "NP-Completeness". Texts:Required: Introduction to Algorithms (Second Edition) by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, McGraw-Hill (2001).
This book is similar to the first edition, so you could probably get by with only the first edition.  However, all homework problems assigned from the book will be referenced from the second edition; it is your responsibility to find a way to look them up.  I strongly recommend that you buy the text rather than borrow it; this is one of only two text books that I still use on a regular basis.  It is an indispensable reference.
Lectures: A tentative schedule of lecture topics is given below. The "CULTURE" topics represent interesting but non-essential material from fields such as computational geometry and computer graphics; they add some variety to the schedule but also give us some slack if we get behind schedule.  If we cover a "culture" topic in class, you will be tested on it.
4.3, 6.1-6.2
6, 7.1-7.3
5.4 last section


21.1-21.3, 23.2
15.1, 15.3


Data structures and Algorithms

Instructor: Rada Mihalcea
Textbook: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ M.A.Weiss

Download slides from here

Lecture Reading material
Introduction. Course Overview. [ppt]-
Algorithm Analysis I. [ppt]Weiss, chap.2
Algorithm Analysis II / ADT [ppt]Weiss, chap.2
Algorithm Analysis II [ppt]Weiss, chap.2
Arrays [ppt]Weiss, chap.3
Lists [ppt].Weiss, chap.3
More Lists [ppt].Weiss, chap.3
Stacks [ppt]Weiss, chap.3
Queues [ppt]Weiss, chap.3
Stack Applications [ppt]-
Trees [ppt]Weiss, chap.4 (4.1)
Trees [ppt]Weiss, chap.4
Binary search trees [ppt]Weiss, chap.4
Search Trees [ppt].Weiss, chap.4
Search Trees [ppt].Weiss, chap.4
Priority Queues. Heaps. [ppt].Weiss, chap.6
Applications using Trees. [ppt]Weiss, sec.10.1.2
Dictionaries. Skip Lists. [ppt]Weiss, chap.5, sec.10.4
Hashing [ppt]Weiss, chap.5, sec.10.4
Sorting (I) [ppt].Weiss, chap.7
Sorting (II) [ppt]Weiss, chap.7
Graphs (I) [ppt].Weiss, chap.9




Lecture Video Segment Link To Source Code


-- General Orientation Orientation.ppt

Advanced Programming

1a Basics basics.ppt
1b Derived Data Types derived.ppt

Concepts in Object-Oriented Design

2a Introduction intro.ppt
2b UML - Based Notation UMLNotation.pdf


3a Introduction classIntro.ppt
3b Constructors and Destructors constAndDest.ppt
3c Access Specifiers specifiers.ppt
3d Copy Constructors copyConst.ppt
3e Static Members statMembers.ppt
3f Friends friends.ppt
3g Class Data Members and Initializers initial.ppt
3h This and Pointer to Members thisPointer.ppt
3i Member Qualifiers qualifiers.ppt

Stream Input/Output Basics

4a Basics streamBasics.ppt
4b Manipulators manipulators.ppt
4c File IO streamFiles.ppt

Abstract Data Type

5a Fraction Example fractionIE.ppt

Operator Overloading

6a Member Functions memberFunctions.ppt
6b Friend Functions & Special Forms

  • specialForms.ppt
  • formsExample.html
  • Inheritance

    7a Part I inheritanceI.ppt
    7b Part II inheritanceII.ppt

    Virtual Functions

    8a Introduction virtualFunctions.ppt
    8b Polymorphism polymorphism.ppt

    Exception Handling

    9a Introduction excepHandling.ppt


    10a Introduction

  • templates.ppt
  • templateExamples.html
  • Standard Template Library

    11a Introduction stanTempLibrary.ppt

    History of Graphical User Interfaces

    12a Introduction historyOfGUIs.ppt

    Introduction To Visual Programming

    13a Introduction

    QT Designer

    14a demo

    Boolean Algebra

    15a Introduction booleanAlg.ppt
    15b Standard Forms standardForms.ppt

    Digital Logic

    16a Introduction digitalLogic.ppt

    Analysis of Algorithms

    17a Introduction using Insertion Sort insertionSort.ppt
    17b Growth Rates growthRates.ppt
    17c Big-Oh bigOh.ppt
    17d Big-Omega and Big-Theta bigOhbigTheta.ppt
    17e Statement Analysis statementAnalysis.ppt

    Elementary Data Structures

    18a Array Lists arrayLists.ppt
    18b Linked Lists linkedLists.ppt


    19a Review of Recursion recursion.ppt

    Abstract Data Types

    20a Stacks stacks.ppt
    20b Queues queues.ppt
    20c Polynomials polynomials.ppt
    20d Sparse Matrices sparseMatrices.ppt
    20e Trees trees.ppt

    Elementary Sorting Algorithms

    21a Sorting sorting.ppt


    22a Algorithm algorithm.ppt
    22b Analysis analysis.ppt


    23a Introduction mergeSort.ppt


    24a Ethics ethics.ppt


    Advanced Computer Architecture Slides

    Course Content

    Instruction set, memory management and hierarchy, input/output and buses, pipelining techniques, branch prediction, RISC architectures, VLIW architectures and specific compiling techniques, superscalar architectures, out of order execution, parallel architectures and multiprocessors.


    TSEA04 (Switching Theory and Logical Design),
    TSEA19/20 (Computer Hardware and Architecture)

    Reading Instructions

    Outline, Basic computer architecture and organization, Basic functions of a computer and its main components, The von Neumann architecture, Historical perspective.
    Some basic issues are recapitulated which are supposed to be known from previous courses.
    (2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, Chapter 9, 10.1, 10.3, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 15.1, 15.2)

    The Memory System and its Organization:
    Memory hierarchy, Organization of internal memories, Cache memories, Memory Management.
    (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 7.3)

    Instruction Pipelining:
    Organization of pipelined units, Pipeline hazards, Reducing branch penalties, Branch prediction strategies.
    (11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 12.5)

    Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) Architectures:
    An analysis of instruction execution for code generated from high-level language programs, Compiling for RISC architectures, Main characteristics of RISC architectures, RISC-CISC trade-offs.
    (12.1, 12.2, 12.4, 12.8)

    Superscalar Architectures:
    Instruction level parallelism and machine parallelism, Hardware techniques for performance enhancement, Data dependencies, Policies for parallel instruction execution, Limitations of the superscalar approach.
    (13.1, 13.2)

    Very Large Instruction Word (VLIW) Architectures:
    The VLIW approach - advantages and limitations. Compiling for VLIW architectures. The Merced (Itanium) architecture.

    Architectures for Parallel Computation:
    Parallel programms, Performance of parallel computers, A classification of computer architectures, Array processors, Multiprocessors, Multicomputers, Vector processors. Cache Coherence and the MESI Protocol.
    (16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.6)

    Architectures for Low Power Consumption: The Crusoe Processors
    The Technology Behind Crusoe Processors.



    Advanced Computer Architecture 

    Description and objectives
    Studying the architecture, organization and use of the newest general purpose (micro)processors currently on the market, and the latest research developments in computer architecture. Architectures exploiting instruction-level parallelism (ILP), thread-level and task-level parallelism are treated. Starting from basic architecture concepts we will end with discussing the latest commercial processors (e.g., Pentium 4 multi-core, EPIC processors like Itanium, and embedded processors such as the TriMedia), and academic processors (like TRIPS).
    This course also treats how processors can be combined in a multiprocessing platform, e.g. by using a Network-on-Chip. Interprocessor communication issues will be dealt with. Furthermore new code generation techniques needed for exploiting ILP will be treated. Special emphasis will be on quantifying design decisions in terms of performance and cost.


    Basic principles (like instruction set design), pipelining and its consequences; VLIW (very long instruction word) architectures, Superpipelined, Superscalar, SIMD (single instruction, multiple data, used in vector and sub-wordparallel processors) and MIMD (multiple instruction, multiple data) architectures; SMT (Simultaneous Multi-Threading); Out-of-order and speculative execution; Branch prediction; Data (value) prediction; Design of advanced memory hierarchies; Memory coherency and consistency; Multi-threading; Exploiting task-level and instruction-level parallelism; Inter-processor communication models; Input and output; Network Communication Architecture; and Networks-on-Chip.

    Book and Handouts

    Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach; 4th ed.

    John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson
    Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
    ISBN  9780123704900


    ** will be added and updated during the course period **



    Course Description

    Algorithm design and analysis is a fundamental and important part of computer science. This course introduces students to advanced techniques for the design and analysis of algorithms, and explores a variety of applications.

    The topics and applications that we plan to cover include hashing, bloom filters, scheduling, network design, online load balancing, algorithms in machine learning, boosting (in the context of learning), Markov chains and the MCMC method, byzantine agreement, internet algorithms, and nearest neighbor algorithms. Enroute, we will encounter various useful ideas, including randomization, probabilistic analysis, amortized analysis, competitive analysis, eigenvalues, linear and semi-definite programming, high dimensional geometry, and random walks.

    Reference books

    There is no textbook required for the course. Lecture notes will be made available from the course web page. Please visit the course webpage frequently for extra reading material. Reference books for each topic are listed below. Some of these books (as specified below) have been placed on reserve in the Wendt library.

    Approximation Algorithms
    Randomized Algorithms
    Online Algorithms
    Learning theory
    Basic algorithm design (undergraduate material)
    Download all lectures notes in a single PDF file here.

    1. 09/05 W   [PDF]   Intro, greedy algorithms: scheduling, MST. (K&T §4, §5)
    2. 09/07 F     [PDF]   Set cover, Divide & Conquer, Dynamic programming. (K&T §5, §6, §11.3)
    3. 09/10 M   [PDF]   Dynamic programming. (K&T §6)
    4. 09/12 W   [PDF]   Network flow. (K&T §7)
    5. 09/14 F     [PDF]   Network flow applications, matchings. (K&T §7)
    6. 09/17 M   [PDF]   Randomized algorithms, Karger's min-cut algorithm. (K&T §13)
               Here are some lecture notes by Avrim Blum on how to speed-up Karger's algorithm.
    7. 09/19 W   [PDF]   Randomized load balancing and hashing. (K&T §13.10, §13.6, M&R §8.4, §8.5)
    8. 09/21 F     [PDF]   Bloom filters, NP-completeness. (M&R §8.4, §8.5, M&U §5.5)
               See also, this survey on the applications of bloom filters by Broder & Mitzenmacher.
    9. 10/01 M   [PDF]   NP-completeness contd., Approximation algorithms. (K&T §8, Vaz. §1)
    10. 10/03 W   [PDF]   Approximation via local search.
    11. 10/08 M   [PDF]   Linear programming, LP rounding. (Vaz. §14)
    12. 10/10 W   [PDF]   Randomized rounding, concentration bounds. (M&R §3.2, §4.1, §4.2)
    13. 10/15 M   [PDF]   Randomized rounding (contd.), LP duality. (M&R §4.2, Vaz. §12)
    14. 10/17 W   [PDF]   LP duality, Primal-dual algorithms. (Vaz. §12, 15)
    15. 10/19 F     [PDF]   Primal-dual algorithms. (Vaz. §15)
    16. 10/22 M   [PDF]   Semi-definite Programming. (Vaz. §26)
    17. 10/24 W   [PDF]   SDP (contd.), Streaming algorithms.
    18. 10/26 F     [PDF]   Streaming algorithms (contd.).
               See this survey by Muthu Muthukrishnan for some motivation behind, and math used in, streaming algorithms.
    19. 10/29 M   [PDF]   Online algorithms & competitive analysis. (B&E-Y §1)
               Here is a nice presentation by Pat Riley & Elly Winner about different approaches to evaluating online algorithms.
    20. 10/31 W   [PDF]   Caching/Paging, k-server problem. (B&E-Y §3, §4, §10)
    21. 11/05 M   [PDF]   Caching lower bound based on Yao's principle, Work function algorithm. (B&E-Y §8.4, §10, §12)
               For a complete analysis of the work function and other k-server algorithms, see these detailed lecture notes (lectures 5-9) by Yair Bartal.
    22. 11/07 W   [PDF]   Work function (contd.), Online learning: regret minimization & the weighted majority algorithm.
    23. 11/12 M   [PDF]   Mistake bound model, winnow & perceptron algorithms.
    24. 11/14 W   [PDF]   MB model contd., PAC model. (K&V §1, §2)
    25. 11/16 F     [PDF]   PAC model, Occam's razor. (K&V §1, §2)
    26. 11/19 M   [PDF]   Boosting in the PAC framework. (K&V §4)
    27. 11/26 M   [PDF]   Random Walks & Markov chains. Cover time, hitting time. (M&R §6)
    28. 12/07 F     [PDF]   Random Walks & Markov chains: the resistance method, and mixing time. (M&R §6)
    29. 12/10 M                Markov chains wrap-up and Q-A session.
               No lecture notes are available for this last lecture, however, these notes contain all of what we covered, and extra.

    Course Description Algorithm design and analysis is a fundamental and important part of computer science. This course introduces students to advanced techniques for the design and analysis of algorithms, and explores a variety of applications.  Download all lectures notes in a single PDF file here.
    1. 09/05 W   [PDF]   Intro, greedy algorithms: scheduling, MST. (K&T §4, §5) 
    2. 09/07 F     [PDF]   Set cover, Divide & Conquer, Dynamic programming. (K&T §5, §6, §11.3) 
    3. 09/10 M   [PDF]   Dynamic programming. (K&T §6) 
    4. 09/12 W   [PDF]   Network flow. (K&T §7) 
    5. 09/14 F     [PDF]   Network flow applications, matchings. (K&T §7) 
    6. 09/17 M   [PDF]   Randomized algorithms, Karger's min-cut algorithm. (K&T §13)
       Here are some lecture notes by Avrim Blum on how to speed-up Karger's algorithm. 
    7. 09/19 W   [PDF]   Randomized load balancing and hashing. (K&T §13.10, §13.6, M&R §8.4, §8.5) 
    8. 09/21 F     [PDF]   Bloom filters, NP-completeness. (M&R §8.4, §8.5, M&U §5.5)
      See also, this survey on the applications of bloom filters by Broder & Mitzenmacher. 
    9. 10/01 M   [PDF]   NP-completeness contd., Approximation algorithms. (K&T §8, Vaz. §1) 
    10. 10/03 W   [PDF]   Approximation via local search. 
    11. 10/08 M   [PDF]   Linear programming, LP rounding. (Vaz. §14) 
    12. 10/10 W   [PDF]   Randomized rounding, concentration bounds. (M&R §3.2, §4.1, §4.2) 
    13. 10/15 M   [PDF]   Randomized rounding (contd.), LP duality. (M&R §4.2, Vaz. §12) 
    14. 10/17 W   [PDF]   LP duality, Primal-dual algorithms. (Vaz. §12, 15) 
    15. 10/19 F     [PDF]   Primal-dual algorithms. (Vaz. §15) 
    16. 10/22 M   [PDF]   Semi-definite Programming. (Vaz. §26) 
    17. 10/24 W   [PDF]   SDP (contd.), Streaming algorithms. 
    18. 10/26 F     [PDF]   Streaming algorithms (contd.).
      See this survey by Muthu Muthukrishnan for some motivation behind, and math used in, streaming algorithms. 
    19. 10/29 M   [PDF]   Online algorithms & competitive analysis. (B&E-Y §1)
       Here is a nice presentation by Pat Riley & Elly Winner about different approaches to evaluating online algorithms. 
    20. 10/31 W   [PDF]   Caching/Paging, k-server problem. (B&E-Y §3, §4, §10) 
    21. 11/05 M   [PDF]   Caching lower bound based on Yao's principle, Work function algorithm. (B&E-Y §8.4, §10, §12)
      For a complete analysis of the work function and other k-server algorithms, see these detailed lecture notes (lectures 5-9) by Yair Bartal. 
    22. 11/07 W   [PDF]   Work function (contd.), Online learning: regret minimization & the weighted majority algorithm. 
    23. 11/12 M   [PDF]   Mistake bound model, winnow & perceptron algorithms. 
    24. 11/14 W   [PDF]   MB model contd., PAC model. (K&V §1, §2) 
    25. 11/16 F     [PDF]   PAC model, Occam's razor. (K&V §1, §2) 
    26. 11/19 M   [PDF]   Boosting in the PAC framework. (K&V §4) 
    27. 11/26 M   [PDF]   Random Walks & Markov chains. Cover time, hitting time. (M&R §6) 
    28. 12/07 F     [PDF]   Random Walks & Markov chains: the resistance method, and mixing time. (M&R §6) 
    29. 12/10 M                Markov chains wrap-up and Q-A session.
      No lecture notes are available for this last lecture, however, these notes contain all of what we covered, and extra.
    Homeworks (Note: Solutions are no longer available here. Please email Shuchi for a copy.)
    1. HW1    [PDF]
    2. HW2    [PDF]
    3. HW3    [PDF]


    ADVANCE COMPILER Instructor: Sorin Lerner


    In this course, we will explore the basic techniques that are the cornerstone of a variety of program analysis tools, including optimizing compilers, just-in-time compilers, program verifiers, bug fingers, code refactoring tools, garbage collectors, and runtime monitoring systems. These techniques may come in handy, no matter what field of CS you end up working in.

    At the same time, you will get a feeling for what research is like in the area of program analysis and compilers by reading research papers, and getting your feet wet in a small research project. If you haven't picked an area of research to work in, being exposed to some research will help you make a better decision. If you have already picked an area of research to work in, seeing what research is like in other fields of CS will broaden your perspective.

    Schedule (ever evolving)

    Using MS PowerPoint to view the slides will give you the best experience. If you don't have MS PowerPoint, Open Office works too, except that in some versions of Open Office, the digital ink doesn't display correctly. You can also use Acrobat Reader to view the slides in pdf format. The pdf files display the ink properly, but they are some artifacts here and there, mostly related to animations.

    Week 0 Th 09/24
    • Intro
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    • Slides about budget: [ppt | pdf]
    Week 1 Tu 09/29
    • Intro (continued)
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Th 10/01
    • Program Analysis
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Week 2 Tu 10/7
    • Program Analysis (continued)
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Th 10/9
    • Program Analysis (continued)
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Week 3 Tu 10/13
    • Program Analysis (continued)
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Th 10/15
    • Program Representations
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Week 4 Tu 10/20
    • Class cancelled
    Th 10/22
    • Program Representations (continued)
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Week 5 Tu 10/27
    • Program Representations (continued)
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Th 10/29
    • Program Representations (continued)
    • Interprocedural Analysis/Optimizations
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Week 6 Tu 11/03
    • Group project meetings
    Th 11/05
    • Group project meetings
    Week 7 Tu 11/10
    • Interprocedural Analysis/Optimizations
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Th 11/12
    • Interprocedural Analysis/Optimizations
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Week 8 Tu 11/17
    • Pointer Analysis
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Th 11/19
    • Class canceled
    Week 9 Tu 11/24
    • Pointer analysis
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Th 11/26
    • Thanksgiving
    Week 10 Tu 12/01
    • Pointer analysis (continued)
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    • Constraint-based analyses
    • Slides: [ppt | pdf]
    Th 12/03
    • TBD

    Accounting Information Systems Ninth Edition

    Accounting Information SystemsMarshall B. Romney
    Paul John Steinbart

    Study Guide

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