Discrete Structures by Imran
Context Free Grammar generates the context free
languages .Hence these are defined by the form A -> b where A is non
terminal and b is the String of terminals
Push down automata manipulates the stack as a
part of performing a transition.
If in every situation one transition is available as continuation of computation, then the result is A Deterministic Push Down Automata.
State diagram is known as the graphical
representation of Finite Automata.
If the two sets have no elements in common they are called as Disjoint Sets.
A regular language is accepted by the finite automation. Every Regular language is Context Free.
Context Free grammar consists of terminals, symbols, non-terminal symbols, set of production rules, a start symbol but does not have an end symbol.
Regular grammar is Context free grammar. Such a grammar restricts its rules to a single non-terminal on the left hand side and right hand side consisting of a single terminal.
Context free language is closed under Union, Kleen star and Concatenation.