Wednesday 19 November 2014

Ebola and Muslims

If it's true Ebola is caused by the following:

Eating bats,
Eating monkeys,
Eating bush meats,
Eating carcasses, cadavers or morts,
Mammals such as:
Lemurs, Bushbabies, Tarsiers, Marmosets and all animals with hands-like feet with forward-facing eyes, as well as eating human flesh,

Or is caused by dirtiness, contamination. Impurity and foulness, then listen to this:

Allah has strongly forbid the Muslims since 1500 years ago from eating all the mentioned above primate animal and birds meats!

Allah has strongly commanded us since 1500  years ago to slaughter all animals and birds, and to allow the blood to completely drain and then cook, roast or fry them properly before we eat them!

Allah has strongly forbid us since 1500 years ago to eat carcasses, morts and cadavers! (Qur'an: 2: 173; 5: 3; 16: 115)

Allah has since 1500 years ago commanded us to wash our hands everyday 30 times each at five different intervals during the day and night times! (Qur'an: 5: 6)

Allah has commanded us since 1500 years ago to wash our feets everyday 15 times each at five different intervals during the day and night times! (Qur'an: 5: 6)

Allah has commanded us since1500 years ago to wash and bathe our bodies whenever we meet our spouses! (Qur'an: 4: 43; 5: 6)

Our Prophet has commanded us since 1500 years ago to atleast take bath once a week regardless of the circumstances! (Bukhari and muslim)

Islam has commanded us since 1500 years ago to wash our hands before and after eating!

Islam has commanded us since 1500 years ago to brush our teeth atleast 5 times daily!

Islam has commanded us since 1500 years ago to wash our private parts whenever we ease ourselves and wash our hands immediately!

Islam has commanded us since 1500 years ago to clean our clothes every time before going to masjid for prayers! (Qur'an: 7: 31)

At the end, Allah has made cleanliness as one of the obligatory conditions of good faith!

With these favours from Allah since 1500

So, which of the favor of your lord will you deny? (Quran 55:26).

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