Sunday 2 November 2014

SUMO Simulation of Urban Mobility installation in Linux (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint)

SUMO-Simulation of Urban Mobility

SUMO an open source, microscopic, multi-modal traffic simulation. 

It allows to simulate how a given traffic demand which consists of single vehicles moves through a given road network. The simulation allows to address a large set of traffic management topics. It is purely microscopic: each vehicle is modelled explicitly, has an own route, and moves individually through the network.


Step 1: Download the SUMO latest source-tarball from here. At the time of this writing, it was version sumo-src-0.21.0.tar.gz.

Step 2: Change into the directory in which you downloaded the tarball file. In my case, it's the Downloads directory, inside my home:

$ cd
$ cd Downloads

Step 3: Two Prerequisites packages are necessary to build SUMO with GUI: type

$ sudo apt-get install libgdal1-dev proj libxerces-c2-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libfox-1.6-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev

Step 4: Ubuntu 12.04 does not ship with, only with So, create a symbolic link:
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/libgdal.

Note: Ubuntu 14.04 doesnt require this step. It comes inbuilt with libgdal package.

Step 5: Installation:

Decompress the tarball:

$ tar -xzvf sumo-src-0.15.0.tar.gz

Step 6:
Move the decompressed directory to '/usr/local/src':

$ sudo mv -v sumo-0.15.0 /usr/local/src

Step 7:
Enter the source directory and call configure, make and make install:

$ cd /usr/local/src/sumo-0.15.0

$ ./configure --with-fox-includes=/usr/include/fox-1.6 \
--with-gdal-includes=/usr/include/gdal --with-proj-libraries=/usr \
--with-gdal-libraries=/usr --with-proj-gdal

Step 8: type
$ make
$ sudo make install

Step 9: To call SUMO in the command line, type:

$ sumo-gui

For more details about SUMO, go to their homesite.

Mail me for any installation issues.

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