Sunday 2 November 2014

Installing ns-2.35 on Mountain Lion, Mavericks and Yosemite (OS X 10.8/9/10)

Here i will provide step by step procedure for you to install ns-2.35 on mac OS X 10.8/9/10 which i successfully installed on my mac (fully tested by me and its working)

Credits:- ISI, Brain Adamson(for great patch) ,Henrique Zelak Leite Bastos for the right help and last but not the least APPLE for Mac OS X.(the best a dev. can get)

1. Enabling root user. (not a necessary step, you can skip if you want)

Enable root by following these steps

2. Download files and install them.

   a. Download ns 2.35 from

   b. Download XCODE from app store and install command line tools from preferences of XCODE (not needed for XCODE 5 or later).

   c. Download XQuartz from (this installs X11 libraries)
install and reboot .

3. Choose install directory.

Place the downloaded ns-allione-2.35.tar.gz file in the location you want to install it. 

4. Extract ns files.

Go to location where you have put your downloaded ns file and run 

tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.35.tar.gz 

6.  Get into the Directory.

Execute  cd ns-allinone-2.35

7. Download Patch.

Download zip file from . Extract and put these files in ns-allinone-2.35 directory.

8. Execute command

Execute sudo ./install64 (will give paths after completion. Copy them)

9. Save Paths.

So now we save them properly. Come back to your user/home directory and run

touch ~/.bash_profile (if you dont have a bash_profile file in your home directory).
open ~/.bash_profile (opens bash_profile file in textEdit).

now enter the paths like 

export PATH=$PATH:path1:path2:path3( Here paths should be separated by colon)

similarly for

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:path1:path2( Here paths should be separated by colon)

and also for


Save and Exit. Now run

source ~/.bash_profile 

Type nam and .... Bingo!!! if you see the nam window.(or else recheck 9th step)

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