Thursday 5 February 2015



Micro-economic Analysis

  • Demand analysis – Marshallian, Hicksian and Revealed preference approaches
  • Theory of Production and Costs
  • Pricing and output under different forms of market structure
  • Factor Pricing analysis
  • Elements of general equilibrium and new welfare economics

Macro-economic Analysis

  • Determination of output and employment – Classical approach, Keynesian approach, Consumption hypotheses
  • Demand for Money – Fisher and Cambridge versions, Approaches of Keynesian, Friedman, Patinkin, Baumol and Tobin
  • Supply of Money, Determinants of money supply, High-powered money, Money multiplier
  • Phillips Curve analysis
  • Business cycles – Models of Samuelson, Hicks and Kaldor
  • Macro-economic Equilibrium – Relative roles of monetary and fiscal policies

Development and Planning

  • Economic Growth, Economic Development and sustainable Development – Importance of institutions – Government and markets – Perpetuation of underdevelopment – Vicious circle of poverty, circular causation, structural view of underdevelopment – Measurement of development conventional, HDI and quality of life indices
  • Theories of Development – Classical, Marx and Schumpeter; Economic Growth – Harrod-Domar model, instability of equilibrium, Neoclassical growth – Solow's model, steady state growth. Approaches to development : Balanced growth, critical minimum effort, big push, unlimited supply of labour, unbalanced growth, low income equilibrium trap
  • Indicators and measurement of poverty
  • Importance of agriculture and industry in economic development – choice of techniques and appropriate technology – Investment criteria – Elementary idea of cost-benefit analysis
  • Trade and Aid – International trade as 'engine of growth' – Globalization and LDC's Objectives and role of monetary and fiscal policies in economic development Techniques of planning; Plan Models in India; planning in a market-oriented economy

Public Finance

  • Role of the Government in Economic activity – Allocation, distribution and stabilization functions; Private, Public and Merit goods
  • The Public Budgets – Kinds of Budgets, Zero-base budgeting, different concepts of budget deficits; Budgets of the Union Government in India Public Expenditure – Hypotheses; effects and evaluation
  • Public Revenue – Different approaches to the division of tax burden, incidence and effects of taxation; elasticity and buoyancy ; taxable capacity Public Debt – Sources, effects, burden and its management
  • Fiscal Federalism -Theory and problems ; Problems of Centre-State Financial relations in India
  • Fiscal Policy – Neutral and compensatory and functional finance; balanced budget multiplier

International Economics

  • Theories of International Trade : Empirical verification and Relevance International Trade under Imperfect competition Terms of Trade and Economic Growth – Secular Deterioration of Terms of Trade Hypothesis – a critical review
  • Equilibrium / disequilibrium in Balance of Payment – Traditional, Absorption and Monetary approaches for adjustment in the Balance of Payments, Foreign Trade multiplier
  • Impact of Tariffs, Partial and general equilibrium analysis; Political economy of Non-Tariff Barriers
  • Theory of regionalism at Global level – Collapse of Bretton-Wood System – Recent
  • Monetary reforms
  • Trade Policy and Reforms in India

Indian Economy

  • Basic Economic indicators – National income, performance of different sectors Trends in prices and money supply Agriculture – Institutional and technological aspects, new agricultural policy Industry – New industrial policy and liberalization
  • Money and banking – Concepts of money supply, inflation, monetary policy and financial sector reforms
  • Public finance – Trends in revenue and expenditures of the Central and State Governments, Public debt; analysis of the Union Budget Foreign trade – Trends, Balance of payments and trade reforms Poverty, unemployment, migration and environment

Statistical Methods

  • Measures of Central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis
  • Elementary theory of probability – Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions
  • Simple correlation and regression analysis
  • Statistical inferences – Applications, sampling distributions (t, x2 and F tests)
  • sampling of attributes, testing of Hypothesis
  • Index numbers and time series analysis
  • Sampling and census methods, types of sampling and errors
PAPER III (A) [Core group]


  • Theory of Demand-Axiomatic approach, Demand functions, Consumerbehaviour
  • under conditions of uncertainty
  • Theory of production
  • Collusive and non-collusive oligopolies
  • Different models of objectives of the firm – Baumol, Morris and Williamson
  • Factor pricing
  • General equilibrium and Welfare Economics


  • Keynesian and post-Keynesian approaches to theory of output and employment; concept of investment multiplier; consumption
  • hypotheses Theories of investment and accelerator
  • Theories of demand for money – Keynesian and post-Keynesian
  • Different approaches to money supply; money supply; components and determinants
  • money multiplier
  • Output – price determination (aggregate supply and aggregate demand curve analysis) Flerning-Mundell open economy model


  • Development and Growth – Role of institutions
  • Theories of growth and development – Models of growth of Joan Robinson and Kaldor; Technical Progress – Hicks, Harrod and learning by doing, production function approach to the determinants of growth : Endogenous growth : role of education, research and knowledge – explanation of cross country differentials in economic development and growth
  • Theories of development – Classical, Marx, Schumpeter and structural analysis of development – Imperfect market paradigm, Lewis model of development, Ranis-Fei model, Dependency theory of development
  • Factors in economy development – natural resources, population, capital, Human Resource Improvement and infrastructure
  • Trade and development – trade as engine of growth, Prebisch, two-gap analysis, Singer and Myrdal views; gains from trade and LDCs


  • Theories of taxation, types, incidence and effects
  • Theories of public expenditure – effects on savings, investment and growth Burden of public debt
  • Union Finance – Trends in Revenue and Expenditure of the Government of India
  • State finance – Trends in Revenue and Expenditure of the State Governments
  • Public Debt – India's Public debt since 1951 – growth composition, ownership pattern and debt management
  • Union-State Financial Relations – Horizontal and vertical imbalances; the Finance Commissions
  • Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Reforms in India


  • Monetary approach' and adjustment in the balance of payments
  • Regional blocs – multilateralism and world trading system
  • The Political Economy of imposition of non-tariff barriers
  • International trade under conditions of imperfect competition in goods market
  • Theory of International reserves
  • Optimum Currency Areas – Theory and impact in the developed and developing countries
  • WTO and its impact on the different sectors of the economy


  • Components of money supply
  • Role, constituents and functions of money and capital markets
  • RBI – recent monetary and credit policies
  • Commercial banks and co-operative banks
  • Specialized financial and investment institutions
  • Non-Bank financial institutions and Regional Rural Banks


  • Industrial structure and economic growth
  • Pattern of industrialization – Public and Private; large and small industries
  • Theories of Industrial location – Indian experience
  • Industrial productivity – measurement, partial and total trends Industrial Finance in India
  • Industrial Labour – Problems, policies and reforms in India Economic Reforms and industrial growth


  • Human population and Economic growth – interrelation between population, development and environment , Optimum theory of population, sustainable development Malthusian theory of population, theory of demographic conversion, population as 'Limits to Growth' and as 'Ultimate Source
  • Concepts of Demography – Vital rates, Life tables, composition and uses, Measurement of fertility – Total fertility rate, gross and net reproduction rate – Age pyramids, population projection – stable, stationary and quasi-stationary population; characteristics of Indian population through recent census
  • Poverty in India – Absolute and relative; analysis of poverty in India
  • Environment as necessity – amenity and public goods; causes of environmental and ecosystem degeneration – policies for controlling pollution – economic and persuasive; their relative effectiveness in LDCs; Relation between population, poverty and environmental degradation – microplanning for environment and eco-preservation – water sheds , joint forest administration and self help groups Role of State in the environmental preservation – Review of environmental legislation in India


  • Role of Agriculture in Indian Economy – Share of Agriculture, interrelationship between agriculture and industry
  • Institutional aspects – Land reforms, Green revolution
  • Technological aspects – Agricultural inputs and shifts in production function
  • Capital formation in the rural sector – Savings, assets and credits
  • Strategies for rural development
  • Regional disparities in Indian agriculture
  • Cooperative movement in India – Organization, structure and development of different types of cooperatives in India


  • Application of Differential and Integral Calculus in theories of consumer behaviour, Production and pricing under different market conditions
  • Input-output analysis and linear programming
  • Application of Correlation and Regression
  • Evaluating of Hypothesis in Regression Analysis


  • Single Equation Linear Model
    • Assumption and properties of OLS
    • Multiple Regression Model – Estimation and Interpretation
    • Multi-collinearity – Auto-correlation and heteroscedasticity – Causes, detection, consequences and remedy
    • Dummy variables, distributed lags – Need, limitations and interpretation
    • Applications in Economics
  • Simultaneous Equation models
    • Structural and reduced forms
    • Endogenous and exogenous variables
    • Identification problems and conditions
    • Single equation methods of estimations – TSLS, indirect least squares and least variance ratio
  • Techniques of Forecasting
    • ARMA
    • ARIMA
    • Econometric properties of time series, Unit root, integrated series, random walk and white noise


  • Theory of Consumer Behaviour and Theory of Firms
  • Theory of Pricing – Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, Duopoly and Oligopoly
  • Theory of Games – Two-person, Zero-sum Game, Pure and Mixed strategy, Saddle point solution, Linear programming and input output analysis
  • Static and Dynamic Multiplier and Accelerator, Samuelson-Hicks trade cycle model.
  • Growth Models – Harrod and Domar, Neoclassical models – Solow, Meade, Kaldor's Model with technological progress, endogenous growth models
  • Employment and output determination with fixed and flexible prices (IS-LM, Aggregate demand and aggregate supply analysis)


  • The Rise and Fall of Bretton-Wood and emerging International Monetary System World Trading System – Evolution and Distortions
  • Globalization – Developments in Exchange Markets, Euro-Currency Markets, and International Bond Markets, International Debt crisis
  • Theory of Foreign Exchange Markets – Exchange Trading, Arbitrage and Market Hedging


  • Growth and Productivity trends in Indian Agriculture Development of distributive institutions – Costs and price policies Agricultural marketing and credit
  • Trends in migration and labour markets. Minimum Wages Act WTO and sustainable agricultural development Reforms in Indian agriculture


  • Planning and Economic Development
  • Costs, Prices, WTO and Indian Agriculture
  • Globalization, Liberalization and the Indian Industrial Sector
  • Infrastructure and Economic Development
  • Social Sector, Poverty and Reforms in India
  • Women, Environment and Economic Development
  • Trade Reforms and Liberalization
  • Financial sector reforms
  • Fiscal policy and fiscal reforms

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