Tuesday, 10 February 2015

M.Sc. Biotech Entrance

Syllabus for M.Sc Entrance Unit:1
BIOLOGY: Properties of amino acids, 10,2°.3°,4° structures of protein, physical interactions, protein metabolism and urea cycle, heme and chlorophyll biosynthesis, protein related diseases. Enzymes and their kinetics, inhibitions, Allostery Chromatography, mass spectroscopy, electrophoresis. Macro and micro nutrients- related diseases. Vitamins and their chemistry Biochemical thermodynamics, Enzyme kinetics NMR. ESR
CHEMISTRY: Atomatic Structure Nuclear Chemistry PHYSICS: motion in one, two and three dimension MATHS: Number system, Permutations & Combinations Unit:2
BIOLOGY: CABOHYDRATE Structure of mono, di and polysaccharides and their chemical reactions carbohydrate metabolism- glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, HMP, glycogen metabolism, TCA, oxidative phosphorylation, Regulation of glucose metabolism . Diabetes case studies. GAGs. Glycoproteins.
L1PIDS Digestion, Absorption. Secretion. Transport through blood.Lipid biosynthesis, oxidation. Specialized fatty acids, ketone bodies. Phosphofipid metabolism , Glycolipid metabolism,. Cholesterol and steroid metabolism
CHEMISTRY: Periodic Properties PHYSICS: Newtons law of motion, Work power and Energy MATHS: Probability- I & II Unit:3 BIOLOGY: Membrane Alteration and dialysis Biomembranes and sub cellular organization of eukaryotic cells . transport across cell membranes, activity of neurons and synapse, major neurotransmitters Protein sorting- mitochondria and chloroplast protein synthesis and targeting, Peroxisomal protein, ER, Golgi . Post translational modification, exocytosis and endocytosis CHEMISTRY: Chemical Bonding, Ionic Solids, Weak Interactions PHYSICS: Uniform circulation motion, rotatory motion of rigid bodies MATHS: Complex Numbers, Logarithms Unit:4
BIOLOGY: Cytoskeleton- actin , myosin, intermediate filament, cell locomotion, muscles , microtubules and their dynamics, Cilia and flagella. Cell cycle and its control in eukaryotes. molecular mechanism - yeast and mammalian cell. cell to cell interaction Important viral and bacterial diseases of ptants,animal and Human.
CHEMISTRY: S-Block Element, P-Block Elements, Chemistry of Noble Gases, Chemistry of Elements of First Transition Series PHYSICS: Gravitation, simple harmonic motion MATHS: Binomial Theorem, Progressions
Unit:5 BIOLOGY: Classification of microbesand virus , Microscopy, N2 fixation Microbial fermentation, antibiotics, organic acid and vitamins production . Important fungal viral and bacterial diseases of ptants,animal and Human CHEMISTRY: Chemistry of Elements of Second and Third Transition Series, Coordination Compounds, Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects of Metal Complexes, Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes, Electron Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes, Metal-Ligand Bonding in Transition Metal complexes PHYSICS: Archimedes principal, elasticity surface tension, viscosity and Bernoulli's principle, kinetic theory of gases MATHS: Quadratic equations, Linear equations, Inequations Unit:6 BIOLOGY: Component of immune system- cells and organs, antigens / antibodies- structures and types. Ag/Ab reactions. B- cell maturation, Activation and Differentiation, Ag processing and presentation. T-cell maturation, Activation, Differentiation. immunological methods Complement system, cytokines, leukocyte migration, and inflammation, hypersensitive reactions, vaccines, Autoimmunity , AIDS, immune response to infectious diseases, transplantation, immunology CHEMISTRY: Structure and Bonding, Mechanism of Organic Reactions, Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, Optical Isomerism, Geometric Isomerism, Conformational isomerism PHYSICS: Thermometry, calorimetry, expansion of solids, liquids and gases MATHS: Trigonometry- Plane trigonometry, Solutions of triangle, Trigonometric equations Unit:7 BIOLOGY: Mendel's laws and their applications, genetic counseling, genetic interaction, multiple alleles, linkage analysis , crossing over , sex determination , sex - limited and sex - linked, chromatin structure and function .chomosome mutation, concept of gene, concept of gene, organelle genome, nuclear genome mutation and selection , gene transfer in bacteria. CHEMISTRY: Alkanes and Cycloalkanes, Alkenes, Cycloalkenes, Dienes and Alkynes, Arenes and Aromaticity, Aromaticity, Aromatic electrophilic substitution PHYSICS: thermodynamics, isothermal, adiabatic changes,transmission of heat MATHS: Inverse Trigonometry, Heights & Distances Unit:8 BIOLOGY: Southern , northern western south western hybridization , colony hybridization , Dot blot technique, PCR and its application, real time PCR, Molecular probes, Electrophoresis-agarose and SDS-PAGE Restriction endonuclease , selection of recombinant clones radioactivity. autoradiography. sedimentation. CHEMISTRY: Alkyl and Aryl Halides, Polyhalogen compounds PHYSICS: Wave motion, superposition of waves (beats, interference and stationary waves), MATHS: Coordinate Geometry, The Point (2-D), Straight line Unit:9 BIOLOGY: Nucleic acid structure (1°,2°,3°) nucleic acid binding properties, recombination , Replication - initiation, priming, termination and regulation, DNA sequencing. PCR and its application . gene expressing and regulation, two hybrid system, Operon model . Processing of transcript, t-RNA genetic code, protein synthesis , DNA methylation multigene families . mobile genetic element, mutagenesis and DNA repair mechanism, Plasmid , recombinant DNA and molecular cloning, cloning vectors , gene libraries analysis and use of cloned DNA CHEMISTRY: Alcohols, Monhydric Alcohols, Ethers and Epoxides, Phenols PHYSICS: vibration of columns and strings, Doppler effect MATHS: Circles, Conic sections Unit:10 BIOLOGY: Origin of life . Concept of evolution . molecular evolution . Theories of organic evolution . Variability, isolation , selection , genetic drift , speciation . Population genetics , adaptation , mimicry geological distribution of animals , evolution of man , insular fauna CHEMISTRY: Aldehydes and Ketones PHYSICS: Reflection at plane and spherical surface, refraction at plane surface, refraction through spherical surface MATHS: Sets, Relations and Functions, Limits and Continuity Unit: 11 BIOLOGY: Concept and dynamics of ecosystem, its components,types of ecosystem, food chain and energy flow, productivity and biogeological cycles, biological control, community structure and organization, Environmental pollution CHEMISTRY: Carboxylic Acid, Carboxylic Acid Derivatives PHYSICS: Eye optical instrument aberration and defect of vision, wave nature of light, photometry MATHS: Differentiation, Higher Order Derivative. Unit: 12 BIOLOGY: Biological nomenclature , theories of biological classification , structural biochemical and molecular systematics , numerical taxonomy , biodiversity characterization generation maintenance and loss , magnitude and distribution of biodiversity,concept of origin , economic value , wildlife biology , conservation strategies , cryopreservation CHEMISTRY: Organic Compounds of Nitrogen PHYSICS: Electric field and potential MATHS: Application to derivatives - Rate Measure, Tangents & Normals, Increasing & Decreasing, Maxima & Minima. Unit:13 BIOLOGY: Study of Non-chordatcs(up to class level)and chordates (up to subclass level) :-Type study of Amoeba, Entamoeba, paramecium, trypanosome, plasmodium, leucosolenia, hydra, obelia, taenia solium, Ascaris, Pheritima, Periplanata Major disease caused by nonchordates to Man and Animals CHEMISTRY: Heterocylic Compounds PHYSICS: Capacity and condenser MATHS: Integration Unit:14 BIOLOGY: Study of major plant groups- fungi and lichens, algae, bryophytes. pteridophytes, gymnosperm and their economic importance CHEMISTRY: Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids, Fats, Oils and Detergents Synthetic and Natural Polymers PHYSICS: Electric conduction and heating effect of current, simple circuites MATHS: Definite integration, Area bounded region Unit:15 BIOLOGY: Plant development megasporogenesis and microsporogenesis, fertilization development of plant embryo development of seedling, root, shoot, leaf and flower. Classification of Angiosperms and study of important families:- Brassicaceae, Malvaceae, Fabaceae, Compositeae,liliaceae, Graminae, Ranunculaceae CHEMISTRY: Electromagnetic Spectrum : An introduction PHYSICS: chemical effect of current and thermo-electricity MATHS: Differential equations Unit:16 BIOLOGY: Physiology of skin, Digestion, Respiration, Circulation, Working of heart ,Excretion CHEMISTRY: Gaseous States, Molecular velocities, Liquid State, Solid State, Laws of crystallograph- PHYSICS: Electromagnetism and magnetism, meters MATHS: Matrix, Determinants Unit: 17 BIOLOGY: CNS & PNS, Sensory organs:- Eyes, Ear, Endocrinology . Reproductive organs and their physiology . CHEMISTRY: Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis, Experimental methods of chemical kinetics, Theories of chemical kinetics PHYSICS: Electromagnetic induction, alternating current MATHS: 3- Dimensional Geometry, D.C's, D.R's, Plane
Unit: 18 BIOLOGY: Photosynthesis:- Light Reaction. C3, C4 cycle, CAM pathway, photorespiration, physiological and anatomical adaptations, absorption spectroscopy , fluorescence spectroscopy Phytochrome, blue light receptors CHEMISTRY: Thermodynamics-I, First Law of Thermodynamics, Thermodchemistry, Thermodynamics-II Second Law of Thermodynamics, Concept of Entropy, Third law of thermodynamics, Gibbs and Helmholtz functions PHYSICS: Universe, diode and triode valves and semi-conducting devices, MATHS: Vectors Unit:19 BIOLOGY:Plant water relation, osmosis, diffusion,ascent of sap, respiration Major plant hormones:-Auxin Gibberel1in , Cytokinin , ABA ,ethylene and others CHEMISTRY: Chemical Equilibrium, Acid and Bases, Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB), Non-aqueous Solvents, Solutions, Dilute Solutions and Colligative Properties, Colloidal State - Liquids in solids (gels) PHYSICS: Solids, atomic models and spectra, radio-activity, nuclear structure and nuclear energy MATHS: Statistics- Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation, Variance Unit:20 BIOLOGY: Basic concept, cell fate and commitment, its mechanism mosaic and regulative development, maintenance of differentiation, pattern formation and compartmentalization Sex gametes formation, molecular biology of fertilization, gastrulation in invertebrates and vertebrates(Drosophila) and (chick) cell lineage. Axis specification in invertebrates and vertebrates fate of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm, cell differentiation mechanism and factors affecting it. Organogenesis in invertebrates and vertebrates, programmed cell death, aging and senescence CHEMISTRY: Electrochemistry-I, Electrochemistry-II PHYSICS: Cathode rays and positive rays, photo-electric effect, X-rays, Matter waves MATHS:Miscellaneous Topics Hyperbolic Functions, Mensuration, Allegation.

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