Thursday 19 February 2015

Objectives of Internship

The following list of program objectives has been extensively reported in literature discussing internship programs. The College of Business subscribes to the following objectives but does not expect each student to achieve every objective. Many of the program objectives will only be important to a few students, but each student should achieve a substantial portion of those listed

1) Internships will provide students the opportunity to test their interest in a      particular career before permanent commitments are made

2) Internship students will develop skills in the application of theory to practical work      situations

3) Internships will provide students the opportunity to test their aptitude for a      particular career before permanent commitments are made

4) Internship students will develop skills and techniques directly applicable to their      careers

5) Internships will aid students in adjusting from college to full-time employment

6) Internships will provide students the opportunity to develop attitudes conducive to     effective interpersonal relationships

7) Internships will increase a student's sense of responsibility

8) Internship students will be prepared to enter into full-time employment in their area     of specialization upon graduation

9) Internship students will acquire good work habits

10) Internships will provide students with the opportunity to earn a salary while      pursuing educational goals

11) Internship students will develop employment records/ references that will enhance      employment opportunities

12) Internships will provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the formal
     functional activities of a participating organization

13) Internships will provide students the opportunity to understand informal
      sorganizational interrelationships

14) Internship programs will enhance advancement possibilities of graduates

15) Internship students will have higher levels of academic performance

16) Internship programs will increase student earning potential upon graduation

17) Internship programs motivate students to continue their education
     Students have access to new concepts and ideas through the intern

Benefits to the University

1) Provides an opportunity for the university to relate academic training to job

2) Uses many community facilities and resources for educational purposes making it
    possible for the university to provide education in fields that it could not
    otherwise serve.

3) Enables the university to keep abreast of developments in the business and
    industrial world.

4) Provides a direct avenue through which the university can meet community

Student Responsibilities
Before the internship

1) Meet with the internship coordinator to determine if the internship is acceptable     and if you meet the academic requirements.

2) If the internship is acceptable and you meet the above academic requirements,     prepare an application file.

3) If your application is approved, you will be given permission to register.
    Once permission is given, you must register for your internship.

During the internship

     Submit Weekly Reports weekly to the Dropbox in wiling Desire to Learn that describe your daily activities and progress toward your goals during the previous week.

At the end of the internship
    Complete a Student Evaluation of Internship survey. Write an Internship Final Report. 

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