Saturday 29 June 2013

Source codes for Blackhole attack in wireless Adhoc Networks (Manets)

Part 1

 Instructions for Installing Ns2.34 in Ubuntu versions

Instructions for Installing Ns2.34 in Ubuntu 10.04
This manual will work for NS2 allinone-2.34 with Ubuntu 10.04. As Ubuntu is a new version 10.04 need following packages before any further installation, otherwise it will not work with it.
Please follow the following steps:
1.   Install necessary tools for building:
         sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev   gcc-4.3
2.   It turns out that otcl does not like the version of gcc installed by default in Lucid. So go ahead and change ns-allinone-2.34/otcl-1.13/
Find the Line That says
CC = @CC@
                                        and change it to:
CC = gcc-4.3
3.   Now follow the following steps for installation of nsallinone 2.34 and it will work with your machine. (Copy ns-allinone-2.34.tar.gz)
Suppose that there is "ns-allinone-2.33.tar.gz" in current directory (e.g. "~/" for me is "/home/ram").
All steps are done in Terminal, so open a terminal in Accessories/Terminal.
To extract the file:
tar xvfz ./ns-allinone-2.33.tar.gz
4. Change your directory within terminal as following way
$ cd /home/ram
     $ cd /home/ram/ns-allinone-2.34
4.   Download & install some packages from repository if needed
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libxmu-dev
5.   Install the ns2
$ cd ns-allinone-2.34
$ ./install
    6. Edit some paths
         $ gedit ~/.bashrc
Put these lines on that file in the last. Off course, you might change
/home/ram for it depends on where you extract ns-allinone-2.34.tar.
7.   Validate it (take very long time compare to install process)
$ cd ns-2.33
         $ ./validate
If you have any doubts please comment.. i will try to solve it my level best. Thank you.
Testing ns2 Installation

Use the following ns batch command

set ns [new Simulator]
$ns at 1 “puts \“Hello World!\””
$ns at 1.5 “exit”
$ns run


1. Copy the commands above and paste in the text editor
2. Save the file as simple.tcl
3. Type command in command prompt

$ ns simple.tcl

4. It will show
Hello World in the line below

1. Problem : The system cannot find Tcl or it tells that Tcl does not install correctly

Solution 1 : Check your ns tcl nam ... version, check folder name. If it is not correct, edit the .bashrcSolution 2 : run ./install again

2. Problem : nam does not work

Solution 1 : In fact, you need to change that particular file in your Linux manually.

Here is what you should do.

Apply the following patch :

--- tk8.4.18-orig/generic/tkBind.c 2006-07-21 08:26:54.000000000 +0200
+++ tk8.4.18/generic/tkBind.c 2008-07-05 12:17:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -586,6 +586,9 @@
/* ColormapNotify */ COLORMAP,
/* ClientMessage */ 0,
/* MappingNotify */ 0,
+#ifdef GenericEvent
+ /* GenericEvent */ 0,
/* VirtualEvent */ VIRTUAL,
/* Activate */ ACTIVATE,
/* Deactivate */ ACTIVATE,

Create a file with the above lines and name it : abc.patch. To apply the patch navigate to ns directory and execute the following command in terminal:

patch -b < abc.patch
Then run $ ./install to compile and install ns2 again. Hope this helps, drop in your comment for HELP ! :)

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