The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Univer-sity College of Enginee-ring-Kakinada is set to get a fillip, as the World Bank sanctioned Rs.12.5 crore under the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP).

According to sources, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be signed by the college with the National Project Implementation Unit (Union Governm-ent) in the end of the month or the first week of March.

“The college academic committee will meet on February 18 to discuss the utilisation of funds,” said the college principal, Mr P. Udaya Bhas-kar, who strived hard for bringing the funds.

Sources said that the five departments of civil, electrical and electronics, mechanical, electronics and communications and computer science and engineering will be improved with the funds.

According to sources, the college is planning to provide scholarships to students of the Aviation Engineering Course whi-ch was introduced in last year and Power Electro-nic Devices Course whi-ch is to be introduced in the upcoming academic year in the college.

The college secured the National Board of Accr-editation (NBA) in Sept-ember-2011 for all dep-artments in the college.

Later, the University Grants Commission (UGC) granted autonomy to the college in January-2012. The period of conferment of autonomy status will apply from 2011-12 to 2016-17 academic years.

Mr Udaya Bhaskar said that the funds are to be spent within three years and the plan of utilisation of funds would be given before March 31 to the Union government.

Source : DC