What is your opinion of a place in which only
women work, teaching dance to women, e.g., ballet and other types of
dance, as a hobby and not as a profession? What is the ruling on money
earned from this profession (dance teacher)? Please note that the
training will be done to music. If this income is haraam, what should
one do?
Praise be to Allah.
Praise be to Allah.
It is not permissible for a Muslim who lives in a Muslim
land to doubt the prohibition of working in places where women dance,
‘awrahs are uncovered and evil acts are committed. The prohibition on such
things is well known in Islam. If such actions are not haraam, then what
is haraam??
Undoubtedly the one who exposes himself to such actions is
only exposing himself to the anger, wrath and punishment of Allah. How can
he dare to commit sins such as these openly in front of people, and even
help to propagate them, teach them and train others in them, when he knows
deep down that this deed is inspired by the Shaytaan and he is aware of the
abhorrent nature of some Western practices which involve nakedness and
promiscuity. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, may give respite to the
evildoers but never lets them off, and He has prepared a severe punishment
for those who propagate immorality and corruption in the land.
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation
of the meaning):
“Did you (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) not see
(thought) how your Lord dealt with Ad (people)?
Who were very tall like lofty pillars,
The like of which were not created in the land?
And (with) Thamood (people), who cut (hewed) out rocks in
the valley (to make dwellings)?
And (with) Firaun (Pharaoh), who had pegs (who used to
torture men by binding them to pegs)?
Who did transgress beyond bounds in the lands (in the
disobedience of Allah).
And made therein much mischief.
So your Lord poured on them different kinds of severe
Verily, your Lord is Ever Watchful (over them).”
[al-Fajr 89:6-14].
These matters are very well known in Islam and there is no
need to establish proof concerning them. The one who approves of them or
regards them as permissible is in grave danger; we ask Allah to keep us and
you safe and sound.
As that is the case, the income earned from teaching women
how to dance half-naked and from participating in the promotion of
corruption and sin in the land is haraam earnings. It is not permissible for
him to consume it or take it or use it; rather he must hasten to repent from
It says in al-Mawsoo‘ah al-Fiqhiyyah (23/10-11):
If the dancing is accompanied by something haraam, such as
drinking alcohol, uncovering the ‘awrah, and so on, then it is haraam
according to scholarly consensus. There is no difference of opinion among
the fuqaha’ that it is not permissible to rent out property for haraam
purposes. As dancing is haraam, it is not permissible to rent out property
for that purposes.
End quote.
Repenting from acquiring wealth that is haraam because of the
manner in which it was acquired is done by giving it up and donating it to
charitable causes. So he should give in charity all of his wealth that he
acquired by haraam means. But there is nothing wrong with him keeping what
was produced from that haraam wealth by means of permissible trade, or
keeping enough to meet his needs until he finds permissible work from which
he can earn a halaal income.
We have previously discussed how to repent from haraam wealth
in the answers to the following questions:
And Allah knows best.
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