Tuesday 16 April 2013


Once a wise man was riding along when he saw a snake going into the mouth of a sleeping man! He tried all that were possible to scare away the snake but to no avail. The snake however succeeded in entering the mouth of the sleeping man. Seeing that the snake had already entered the mouth of that man, the rider tried to employ other methods to help that man. He beat the sleeper several powerful blows with a mace. Those blows roughly awakened the man who was under a tree. Still he knew not about the snake.
Many rotten apples were falling down from the tree. The wise man sternly ordered him to eat the rotten apples. So many apples the man had eaten that some were falling out from his mouth. The man in desperation, without knowing what really happened cried out: "O Chief, why are you behaving like this with me? What have I done?
Happy is he who never sees our face. Ill omen was the hour you
sighted me. Why are you torturing me? What is my crime?"
Every now and then he was cursing the rider but the latter kept
beating him. The wise man ordered him to run about on the plain. He had no alternative but to run about, because the blows of mace were swift as the wind. After the tiresome and frightful running, he fell on his face. He was gorged up with apples. He was tired. A hundred wounds covered his body. In the other hand, the rider ceased not to beat him and making him running here and there until dusk. The man staggered with pain and fatigue. So much had the rider tossed him that by nightfall nausea, caused by bile, overtook him. He vomited all that he had consumed, good or bad. Until at last, the snake thrusted out from his mouth. When he saw the snake coming out from him, he kneeled before the wise man. As soon as he saw the horrified black and ugly snake went away from him all his grief and pain disappeared. He started eulogizing the rider: "You are the Jibrail (Gabriel) of mercy, you are the lord of bounty. How blessed and blossomed was the hour you saw me. I was almost dead; you restored life to me. You were caring at me like mothers and I was fleeing like asses. How many foolish words have I uttered? Have I known but a little, I would have spoken words of praises instead of those ugly words. But your silence perturbed me so much. Your silence stuck me over and over. My wits flew away. My reason shattered in hundred pieces. I had no knowledge of what you were doing to me. Forgive me of that which I said to you without knowledge".
The wise man then said: "had I unveiled to you the reason behind my actions, your gall would have instantly turned to water. If I were to describe to you the qualities of the snake, fear would have fetched up the breath from your soul. By elucidating the truth, more harm would be done to you".
Moral: Likewise blame not the Creator for the trials and the problems you are encountering in your daily lives. But rather think the benefiting effects they have on you. Praise and show gratitude to the Lord of the Universe
in every situation - good or bad, and be patient!

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