Tuesday 16 April 2013

Muslims , What will be fate of non - muslims on day of qayamat ??!!?

Is it true that kaafirs will hide behind stones & each stone will speak out that theres a kafir hiding behind me ,
or what else should a non muslim ( kaafir ) expect on day of qayamat ??

If you believe in Islam, then yes, thats one thing thats gonna happen, the other thing is this:

There will be a night equal to 3 nights long and a day in the following 3 days long, so the Earth is going to spin slowly on it's axis at some point in the future.

The sun will rise from the West and set in the East, after this point, Islam will be shown to be the true religion and everybody will believe, including the non-believers, however, it will be too late for them because the point of God not showing himself to us directly is to test our "belief in the unseen", but at this point, that test ends.

The beast will rise from the Earth and place a barrier between those who believe in those who do not believe. The beast marks the believers face white and the non-believers face black, so when a person greets someone, they know if they are muslims or not.

Also the antichrist will arrive, This will put muslims under severe hardship as everything will belong to the antichrist. Almost all the non-believers will believe him (majority being women or females) because they want to chase there rights. The Anti-christ will perform miracles and bring people to life, ect.

There are other signs which will occur in the future but towards the very end the muslims will die of a "wind" which will smoothely collect the souls of the believers, The purpose of this is to filter out the good from the bad, so the Bad are left on this world to face the extraordinary phenomena of Judgement Day (like collapsing world and Earth and all)

The rock thing can also be symbolic, as in it could be pretty obvious were those who do not believe will hide. so not all things may be literal but hold the same meaning.

The site I gave os good and is considered authentic.


An announcement will be made by Arch Angel Gabriel :

" Oh the Creations ! Come your Lord wants to take you to account for your deeds."

The believers in Allah will take their deeds to respective Angels which will place them on the Scale and after weighing their deeds, will send them to heaven or to hell, depending upon their deeds. But the deeds of non Muslims will not be accepted and the angel will say, these deeds you did not do for Allah but for someone else, so take your deeds to the one for whom they were done. So they will have no good deeds and have only sins and crimes they committed during their life time. So they will be dumped in to hell to suffer forever.

I must clarify that Islam considers true believers of Moses and Jesus as true Muslims and they will not be included in the hell bound masses. But their deeds will be weighed and their future will depend on their own deeds.

Muhammad Javed Iqbal
First you should understand the meaning of 'Muslim'. A Muslim is a person who submits his will to God. Till the prophet hood of Mohammad (pbuh), whoever submitted his will to God & acted as per the guidance of their prophet & believed in all the previous prophets will be saved.

For example, during the time of Moses the people who truly followed Moses & believed in all previous prophets will be saved. After the coming of Jesus the people who truly followed Jesus & who believed in all the previous prophets will be saved. But during the time of Jesus, if someone followed Moses, then he will not be saved.
Similarly, after Jesus & till the day of judgment, whoever followed Mohammad(pbuh) & believed in all the previous prophets will be saved. But after the coming of Mohammad(pbuh) whoever followed Jesus(pbuh) or Moses(pbuh) will not be saved.
As regards to the ‘kaafirs hiding behind the stones’, it is not during the day of Qiyamah, but it will happen on earth & it is not all kaafirs , but only Jews.
What non-Muslims can expect in Qiyamah? There are two types of non-Muslims, (1) the people who received the message of Islam & rejected it & (2) people who did not receive the message of Islam. As regards to (1), they are destined by Allah to Hell (may Allah guide them with Islam before they die). As regards to (2), there are two sub categories (a) For one group, Allah will put in their hearts the monotheistic thought during their life & if they would have believed in one God, they will be saved, if they rejected that thought, they will also be destined to hell (may Allah guide them with Islam before they die) & (b) For another group, Allah will show the prophet on the day of judgment & ask them to pronounce the Islamic creed & they will the saved.

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