Tuesday 16 April 2013

Rise and End of Dajjal


The Dajjal will rule over the world for 40 days, one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week, and the rest like regular days. Thus his rule will last for 14 months and 14 days. 
He will appear from the East (in Iran, Afghanistan) and begin his campaign of mischief and corruption between Syria and Iraq. The Dajjal will have a large following of mainly the 70,000 Jews from Isfahan, Iran wearing Persian Shawls, Bedouins, and illegitimate people (those born outside of marriage).

Imraan son of Hussain says the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam  said: "Those who hear about Dajjal should stay far from him. By Allah! A person will approach him thinking him to be a Believer, but on seeing his amazing feats he will become his follower."

Ubadah son of Saamit once said, "I have explained Dajjal to you but I fear that you might not have understood. Maseeh Dajjal will be short, and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will be extremely twisted. He will have one eye (with which he can see, and this is the protruding eye about which other ahadeeth inform us) while his other eye will be totally flat. It will neither be deep (in its socket) nor protruding.

If you still have any doubt regarding him then remember that your Sustainer (Rabb) is not one-eyed. (Because Dajjal will eventually claim to be Allah).

In a lengthy Hadeeth narrated by Abu Saeed, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam  is reported to have said: "Dajjal will come but it will be prohibited and impossible for him to enter Madina. He will set up camp in a barren land outside Madina." One person who will be the best of persons will confront him by saying: "I bear witness that you are the very Dajjal about whom the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam  has informed us."
Dajjal will say to his followers, "If I kill this person and then revive him, you people will still doubt me?"

They will reply, "No."

He will then kill this person, (according to another narration he will split this person in two) and thereafter revive him. This person will say, "I am totally convinced more than ever before that you definitely are Dajjal."

Dajjal will attempt to kill this person again but his efforts will now be in vain.

(According to a hadeeth, after this incident, Dajjal will not be able to harm anyone.)

Hadhrat Anas says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam  said: "Dajjal will come and finally reach the outskirts of Madina. There will be three tremors. At that time, all the disbelievers and hypocrites will flee (from Madinah).

In this way Madinah Munawwarah will be purified of all the evil hypocrites."

Hadhrat Asma daughter of Yazeed narrates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam  once came to my house and there he spoke about Dajjal. He said that before the emergence of Dajjal there will be three spells of drought. In one year the skies will withhold one third of its rains, causing the earth to withhold one third of its produce. In the second year the skies will withhold two thirds of its rains, causing the earth to withhold two thirds of its produce. In the third year, the skies will withhold all its water and there will be no crops that year. All animals, be they hooved or toothed, will die as a result. The greatest evil of Dajjal will be to approach anyone and ask him: "If I bring your camel back to life, will you then believe that I am your Rabb?"
This person will reply, "Most certainly."

Thereafter Shaytaan (from the many Shayaateen who will always accompany the Dajjal) will appear before this person in the form of his camel with a fat hump and fully laden udders.

Likewise Dajjal will appear before another person whose father and brother have long passed away and ask him, "If I bring your father and brother back to life will you believe that I am your Rabb?"

This person will reply, "Why not?"

Shaytaan will once again take on the appearance of his brother and father...

Hadhrat Mughira son of Shu'bah says that, "No one asked the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam  about Dajjal as much as myself. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam  said to me, "How can he possibly harm you?"

I said: "People are saying that he will have with him a mountain of bread (provisions) and a river of water."

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam  said: "In the sight of Allah he is much more disgraced than that. (i.e. Allah knows full well that in reality Dajjal has nothing with him, and all that which appears to be with him is but deception).



He would come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion) and they would affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He would then give command to the sky and there would be rainfall upon the earth and it would grow crops. Then in the evening, their posturing animals would come to them with their humps very high and their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched. He would then come to another people and invite them. But they would reject him and he would go away from them and there would be drought for them and nothing would be lef t with them in the form of wealth .

He would then walk through the waste, land and say to it: Bring forth your treasures, and the treasures would come out and collect (themselves) before him like the swarm of bees. He would then call a person brimming with youth and strike him with the sword and cut him into two pieces and (make these pieces lie at a distance which is generally) between the archer and his target. He would then call (that young man) and he will come forward laughing with his face gleaming (with happiness) and it would at this very time that Allah would send Christ, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damscus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he would lower his head, there would fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he would raise it up, beads like pearls would scatter from it. Every non-believer who would smell the odour of his self would die and his breath would reach as far as he would be able to see. He would then search for him (Dajjal) until he would catch hold of him at the gate of Ludd and would kill him. Then a people whom Allah had protected would come to Jesus, son of Mary, and he would wipe their faces and would inform them of their ranks in Paradise and it would be under such conditions that Allah would reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from amongst My servants such people against whom none would be able to fight; you take these people safely to Tur, and then Allah would send Gog and Magog and they would swarm down from every slope. The first of them would pass the lake of Tibering and drink out of it. And when the last of them would pass, he would say: There was once water there. Jesus and his companions would then be besieged here (at Tur, and they would be so much hard pressed) that the head of the ox would be dearer to them than one hundred dinirs and Allah's Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would supplicate Allah, Who would send to them insects (which would attack their necks) and in the morning they would perish like one single person. Allah's Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then come down to the earth and they would not find in the earth as much space as a single span which is not filled with their putrefaction and stench. Allah's Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then again beseech Allah, Who would send birds whose necks would be like those of bactrin camels and they would carry them to  a safe place.

Then Allah would send rain which no house of clay or (the tent of) camel's hairs would keep out and it would wash away the earth until it could appear to be a mirror. Then the earth would be told to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing and, as a result thereof, there would grow (such a big) pomegranate that a group of persons would be able to eat that, and seek shelter under its skin and milch cow would give so much milk that a whole party would be able to drink it. And the milch camel would give such (a large quantity of) milk that the whole tribe would be able to drink out of that and the milch sheep would give so much milk that the whole family would be able to drink out of that and at that time Allah would send a pleasant wind which would soothe (people) even under their armpits, and would take the life of every Muslim and only the wicked would survive and the Last Hour would come to them.



Dajjal the individual will be the epitome of the Dajjal system, the ultimate kaffir, and therefore inevitably to be chosen as the leader of that system, when he appears. The letters KFR are the basic root letters of the Arabic word Kufr, or Kaffir. Kufr is to cover up and to reject. The kaffir is the one who covers up the true nature of existence - and who rejects the messengers who are sent by Allah to show people how to live in harmony with what is within in them and with what is without them, and to worship and have knowledge of Allah. The Prophet Muhammad said that kufr is one system. The Kufr system is the Dajjal. The three aspects of Dajjal are in fact interlinked and indivisible.

The Dajjal is also described in the Hadith as having many eyes on both sides, and travelling about the world in large hops. Among other descriptions of the Dajjal in the Hadith collections we find the following: 

The Dajjal can be heard all over the world at the same time. 
The Dajjal will talk of the Fire (Jahannam), and make it. seem like the Garden (Jannah). Dajjal [the Sick Man of Humanity] will talk of the Garden, and make it seem like the Fire. [Two examples of these relate to matters of justice and peace. He will proclaim justice but he will pursue injustice, and he will proclaim peace but he will pursue the opposite of peace and every proclaimation by him of the so-called peace will be a deterioration of whatever is left of peace. That is, he will do exactly opposite of what he proclaims].
The following are facts taken from the sayings of the Messenger of Allah ( Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) regarding Dajjal the individual.


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