Tuesday 31 March 2015

How to add your own photo in My Computer properties

To do this:
1. Open Notepad.

2. Type the following:[General]Manufacturer=”Abdul Kader”Model=HP d530 
SFF(DC578AV)[Support Information]Line1= Your Ph NoLine2= Your Address…..

3. Save as “oeminfo.ini” in the System32 folder.(Without Quote)

4. Create a bmp file(Your Photo) and save it the System32 folder as “oemlogo.bmp”(Without Quote).

5. Now Check your My Computer Properties


In Windows XP How to Fix System32 hal.dll Errors

If you run the Windows operating system on your computer, there are a few problems you are simply going to have to deal with from time to time. Sometimes your applications will crash or refuse to open altogether. There may be instances when the system fails, interrupting your activities with a blue screen error or your PC crashing altogether.
When this is the case, you may be greeted with a message that resembles something like:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: system32 hal.dll
This means that either the hal dll file is either not present, damaged or one of your boot.ini files is corrupt. Both typically mean that you have a serious issue on your hands, one that needs to be addressed quickly.

What Causes a System32 hal.dll Error?

Such a dll error usually means that the specified file has been moved or deleted from its original location. Aside from the being a damaged or missing dll or boot.ini file, this problem could also be related to a hard disk drive that suffered physical damage. Fortunately, this error can be fixed and there are a few different angles from which you can approach it.

Recover the Missing or Damaged File

The easiest way to fix this problem is to utilize the installation disc that contains your copy of Windows. There is a good chance that the disc will be able to repair the missing or corrupt files and get rid of the system32 hal.dll error.
  • Insert the Windows disc, restart your PC, and press any key to boot from the CD.
  • Once the setup files have finished loading, press the "R" key to repair the error using the Recovery Console utility.
  • Once inside, type in the following command "expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32\hal.dll" and press enter.
  • When you are prompted to overwrite the file, press the "Y" key for Yes.
  • Exit and then press "Enter" at the command prompt.
  • Reboot your computer and see if the error returns. If it does, the issue is probably related to a damaged or corrupted partition.

Use Recovery Software

In the event that you no longer have the original installation disc, don't worry because there are other measures you can take to get rid of the system32 hal dll missing or corrupt error.
Due to the fact that this particular error has been such a menace for so many users, numerous third-party companies have developed software solutions specifically designed to fix the problem. These programs make it easy to repair and install the required files whether they are corrupt or missing all together. This type of software will ultimately help to get your PC running at an optimal level again.
While you can get rid of the error by completely reinstalling Windows, this often proves to be very cumbersome when considering all your data that will need to be backed up.


Dealing with the system32 hal dll missing or corrupt error can be very frustrating to say the least. Unlike many other errors related to Microsoft software, this one can prevent you from running Windows entirely. The good thing is that it can be resolved with relative ease when the right tools are at your disposal. If you can't find your original Windows disc, do a little research and find yourself a good program that will automatically clear up the troublesome system32 hal.dll error.

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