Tuesday 31 March 2015

Finding IP address in Yahoo! Mail

1. Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
2. Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail.

3. Open the mail.

4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on General Preferences
* Scroll down to Messages where you have the Headers option
* Make sure that Show all headers on incoming messages is selected
* Click on the Save button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail

5. You should see similar headers like this:
Yahoo! headers : name
Look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ]. Here, it is
That is be the IP address of the sender

6. Track the IP address of the sender
Imp note….
When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.


The following two tricks lets you see who is invisibe in yahoo messenger.without his or her knowing that you are aware of his or her presence.This is a working trick.
Trick 1
1..Open the conversation window of the person..whom you suspect to be online.
2..Click on IMvironments.find doodle from the imvironments.click on it
3..you will see a screen..”Waiting for your buddy to load doodle”….Wait sometime
4..After sometime if it is able to load….it means your so called buddy is online n he or she doesnot want to talk to you..
5..if it doesnot load….you can be sure that he or she is really offline
also u can find it out by using www.xeeber.com

How to Multiple Log In Google-Talk

1. Right-click on the desktop
2. Select New
3. Select Shortcut
4. Paste this into the text box:
    “c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex
    (dont miss even a comma)
5. Click Next
6. Name it whatever: Google Talk Multiple, etc.
7. Click OK until you are done.

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