Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Interview Questions for FRESHERS
Interview Questions for Experienced
Tell me about yourself. | |||||
Why should I hire you? | |||||
What are your strengths and weaknesses? | |||||
Why do you want to work at our company? | |||||
What is the difference between confidence and over confidence? | |||||
What is the difference between hard work and smart work? | |||||
How do you feel about working nights and weekends? | |||||
Can you work under pressure? | |||||
Are you willing to relocate or travel? | |||||
What are your goals? | |||||
What motivates you to do good job? | |||||
What makes you angry? | |||||
Give me an example of your creativity. | |||||
How long would you expect to work for us if hired? | |||||
Are not you overqualified for this position? | |||||
Describe your ideal company, location and job. | |||||
What are your career options right now? | |||||
Explain how would be an asset to this organization? | |||||
What are your outside interests? | |||||
Would you lie for the company? | |||||
Who has inspired you in your life and why? | |||||
What was the toughest decision you ever had to make? | |||||
Have you considered starting your own business? | |||||
How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition? | |||||
If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work? | |||||
Tell me something about our company. | |||||
How much salary do you expect? | |||||
Where do you see yourself five years from now? | |||||
On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer. | |||||
Do you have any questions for me? |
Interview Questions for Experienced
Why did you resign from your previous job? |
Why have you been out of work so long? |
Why have you had so many jobs? |
Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized. |
Could you have done better in your last job? |
Tell me about the most boring job you have ever had. |
May I contact your present employer for a reference? |
How many hours a week do you normally work? |
What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced? |
Have you been absent from work more than a few days in any previous position? |
What changes would you make if you came on board? |
What would you say to your boss if he is crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks? |
How could you have improved your career progress? |
Tell me honestly about the strong points and weak points of your boss (company, management team, etc.) |
Looking back on your last position, have you done your best work? |
Why should I hire you from the outside when I could promote someone from within? |
How do you feel about reporting to a younger person? |
Looking back, what would you do differently in your life? |
Why are not you earning more money at this stage of your career? |
Important Viva Questions by Principal JAVA
while(true); //always true
- What is a class? A class is a blueprint, or prototype, that defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of a certain kind.
- What is a object? An object is a software bundle of variables and related methods.An instance of a class depicting the state and behavior at that particular time in real world.
- What is a method? Encapsulation of a functionality which can be called to perform specific tasks.
- What is encapsulation? Explain with an example. Encapsulation is the term given to the process of hiding the implementation details of the object. Once an object is encapsulated, its implementation details are not immediately accessible any more. Instead they are packaged and are only indirectly accessible via the interface of the object
- What is inheritance? Explain with an example. Inheritance in object oriented programming means that a class of objects can inherit properties and methods from another class of objects.
- What is polymorphism? Explain with an example. In object-oriented programming, polymorphism refers to a programming language's ability to process objects differently depending on their data type or class. More specifically, it is the ability to redefine methods for derived classes. For example, given a base class shape, polymorphism enables the programmer to define different area methods for any number of derived classes, such as circles, rectangles and triangles. No matter what shape an object is, applying the area method to it will return the correct results. Polymorphism is considered to be a requirement of any true object-oriented programming language
- Is multiple inheritance allowed in Java? No, multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java.
- What is interpreter and compiler? Java interpreter converts the high level language code into a intermediate form in Java called as bytecode, and then executes it, where as a compiler converts the high level language code to machine language making it very hardware specific
- What is JVM? The Java interpreter along with the runtime environment required to run the Java application in called as Java virtual machine(JVM)
- What are the different types of modifiers? There are access modifiers and there are other identifiers. Access modifiers are public, protected and private. Other are final and static.
- What are the access modifiers in Java? There are 3 access modifiers. Public, protected and private, and the default one if no identifier is specified is called friendly, but programmer cannot specify the friendly identifier explicitly.
- What is a wrapper class? They are classes that wrap a primitive data type so it can be used as a object
- What is a static variable and static method? What's the difference between two? The modifier static can be used with a variable and method. When declared as static variable, there is only one variable no matter how instances are created, this variable is initialized when the class is loaded. Static method do not need a class to be instantiated to be called, also a non static method cannot be called from static method.
- What is garbage collection? Garbage Collection is a thread that runs to reclaim the memory by destroying the objects that cannot be referenced anymore.
- What is abstract class? Abstract class is a class that needs to be extended and its methods implemented, aclass has to be declared abstract if it has one or more abstract methods.
- What is meant by final class, methods and variables? This modifier can be applied to class method and variable. When declared as final class the class cannot be extended. When declared as final variable, its value cannot be changed if is primitive value, if it is a reference to the object it will always refer to the same object, internal attributes of the object can be changed.
- What is interface? Interface is a contact that can be implemented by a class, it has method that need implementation.
- What is method overloading? Overloading is declaring multiple method with the same name, but with different argument list.
- What is method overriding? Overriding has same method name, identical arguments used in subclass.
- What is singleton class? Singleton class means that any given time only one instance of the class is present, in one JVM.
- What is the difference between an array and a vector? Number of elements in an array are fixed at the construction time, whereas the number of elements in vector can grow dynamically.
- What is a constructor? In Java, the class designer can guarantee initialization of every object by providing a special method called a constructor. If a class has a constructor, Java automatically calls that constructor when an object is created, before users can even get their hands on it. So initialization is guaranteed.
- What is casting? Conversion of one type of data to another when appropriate. Casting makes explicitly converting of data.
- What is the difference between final, finally and finalize? The modifier final is used on class variable and methods to specify certain behaviour explained above. And finally is used as one of the loop in the try catch blocks, It is used to hold code that needs to be executed whether or not the exception occurs in the try catch block. Java provides a method called finalize( ) that can be defined in the class. When the garbage collector is ready to release the storage ed for your object, it will first call finalize( ), and only on the next garbage-collection pass will it reclaim the objects memory. So finalize( ), gives you the ability to perform some important cleanup at the time of garbage collection.
- What is are packages? A package is a collection of related classes and interfaces providing access protection and namespace management.
- What is a super class and how can you call a super class? When a class is extended that is derived from another class there is a relationship is created, the parent class is referred to as the super class by the derived class that is the child. The derived class can make a call to the super class using the keyword super. If used in the constructor of the derived class it has to be the first statement.
- What is meant by a Thread? Thread is defined as an instantiated parallel process of a given program.
- What is multi-threading? Multi-threading as the name suggest is the scenario where more than one threads are running.
- What are two ways of creating a thread? Which is the best way and why? Two ways of creating threads are, one can extend from the Java.lang.Thread and can implement the rum method or the run method of a different class can be called which implements the interface Runnable, and the then implement the run() method. The latter one is mostly used as first due to Java rule of only one class inheritance, with implementing the Runnable interface that problem is sorted out.
- What is deadlock? Deadlock is a situation when two threads are waiting on each other to release a resource. Each thread waiting for a resource which is held by the other waiting thread. In Java, this resource is usually the object lock obtained by the synchronized keyword.
- What are the three types of priority? MAX_PRIORITY which is 10, MIN_PRIORITY which is 1, NORM_PRIORITY which is 5.
- What are synchronized methods and synchronized statements? Synchronized methods are methods that are used to control access to an object. For example, a thread only executes a synchronized method after it has acquired the lock for the method's object or class. Synchronized statements are similar to synchronized methods. A synchronized statement can only be executed after a thread has acquired the lock for the object or class referenced in the synchronized statement.
- What are different ways in which a thread can enter the waiting state? A thread can enter the waiting state by invoking its sleep() method, blocking on I/O, unsuccessfully attempting to acquire an object's lock, or invoking an object's wait() method. It can also enter the waiting state by invoking its (deprecated) suspend() method.
- Can a lock be acquired on a class? Yes, a lock can be acquired on a class. This lock is acquired on the class's Class object.
- What's new with the stop(), suspend() and resume() methods in new JDK 1.2? The stop(), suspend() and resume() methods have been deprecated in JDK 1.2.
- What is the preferred size of a component? The preferred size of a component is the minimum component size that will allow the component to display normally.
- What method is used to specify a container's layout? The setLayout() method is used to specify a container's layout. For example, setLayout(new FlowLayout()); will be set the layout as FlowLayout.
- Which containers use a FlowLayout as their default layout? The Panel and Applet classes use the FlowLayout as their default layout.
- What state does a thread enter when it terminates its processing? When a thread terminates its processing, it enters the dead state.
- What is the Collections API? The Collections API is a set of classes and interfaces that support operations on collections of objects. One example of class in Collections API is Vector and Set and List are examples of interfaces in Collections API.
- What is the List interface? The List interface provides support for ordered collections of objects. It may or may not allow duplicate elements but the elements must be ordered.
- How does Java handle integer overflows and underflows? It uses those low order bytes of the result that can fit into the size of the type allowed by the operation.
- What is the Vector class? The Vector class provides the capability to implement a growable array of objects. The main visible advantage of this class is programmer needn't to worry about the number of elements in the Vector.
- What modifiers may be used with an inner class that is a member of an outer class? A (non-local) inner class may be declared as public, protected, private, static, final, or abstract.
- If a method is declared as protected, where may the method be accessed? A protected method may only be accessed by classes or interfaces of the same package or by subclasses of the class in which it is declared.
- What is an Iterator interface? The Iterator interface is used to step through the elements of a Collection.
- How many bits are used to represent Unicode, ASCII, UTF-16, and UTF-8 characters? Unicode requires 16 bits, ASCII require 7 bits (although the ASCII character set uses only 7 bits, it is usually represented as 8 bits), UTF-8 represents characters using 8, 16, and 18 bit patterns, UTF-16 uses 16-bit and larger bit patterns
- What is the difference between yielding and sleeping? Yielding means a thread returning to a ready state either from waiting, running or after creation, where as sleeping refers a thread going to a waiting state from running state. With reference to Java, when a task invokes its yield() method, it returns to the ready state and when a task invokes its sleep() method, it returns to the waiting state
- What are wrapper classes? Wrapper classes are classes that allow primitive types to be accessed as objects. For example, Integer, Double. These classes contain many methods which can be used to manipulate basic data types
- Does garbage collection guarantee that a program will not run out of memory? No, it doesn't. It is possible for programs to use up memory resources faster than they are garbage collected. It is also possible for programs to create objects that are not subject to garbage collection. The main purpose of Garbage Collector is recover the memory from the objects which are no longer required when more memory is needed.
- Name Component subclasses that support painting? The following classes support painting: Canvas, Frame, Panel, and Applet.
- What is a native method? A native method is a method that is implemented in a language other than Java. For example, one method may be written in C and can be called in Java.
- How can you write a loop indefinitely?
while(true); //always true
- Can an anonymous class be declared as implementing an interface and extending a class? An anonymous class may implement an interface or extend a superclass, but may not be declared to do both.
- What is the purpose of finalization? The purpose of finalization is to give an unreachable object the opportunity to perform any cleanup processing before the object is garbage collected. For example, closing a opened file, closing a opened database Connection.
- What invokes a thread's run() method? After a thread is started, via its start() method or that of the Thread class, the JVM invokes the thread's run() method when the thread is initially executed.
- What is the GregorianCalendar class? The GregorianCalendar provides support for traditional Western calendars.
- What is the SimpleTimeZone class? The SimpleTimeZone class provides support for a Gregorian calendar.
- What is the Properties class? The properties class is a subclass of Hashtable that can be read from or written to a stream. It also provides the capability to specify a set of default values to be used.
- What is the purpose of the Runtime class? The purpose of the Runtime class is to provide access to the Java runtime system.
- What is the purpose of the System class? The purpose of the System class is to provide access to system resources.
- What is the purpose of the finally clause of a try-catch-finally statement? The finally clause is used to provide the capability to execute code no matter whether or not an exception is thrown or caught. For example,
//some statements
// statements when exception is cought
//statements executed whether exception occurs or not
- What is the Locale class? The Locale class is used to tailor program output to the conventions of a particular geographic, political, or cultural region.
- What must a class do to implement an interface? It must provide all of the methods in the interface and identify the interface in its implements clause.
- What is the difference between an Abstract class and Interface?
- What is user defined exception?
- What do you know about the garbage collector?
- What is the difference between java and c++?
- In an htm form I have a button which makes us to open another page in 15 seconds. How will you do that?
- What is the difference between process and threads?
- What is update method called?
- Have you ever used HashTable and Directory?
- What are statements in Java?
- What is a JAR file?
- What is JNI?
- What is the base class for all swing components?
- What is JFC?
- What is the difference between AWT and Swing?
- Considering notepad/IE or any other thing as process, What will happen if you start notepad or IE 3 times ? Where three processes are started or three threads are started?
- How does thread synchronization occur in a monitor?
- Is there any tag in htm to upload and download files?
- Why do you canvas?
- How can you know about drivers and database information ?
- What is serialization?
- Can you load the server object dynamically? If so what are the 3 major steps involved in it?
- What is the layout for toolbar?
- What is the difference between Grid and Gridbaglayout?
- How will you add panel to a frame?
- Where are the card layouts used?
- What is the corresponding layout for card in swing?
- What is light weight component?
- Can you run the product development on all operating systems?
- What are the benefits if Swing over AWT?
- How can two threads be made to communicate with each other?
- What are the files generated after using IDL to java compiler?
- What is the protocol used by server and client?
- What is the functionability stubs and skeletons?
- What is the mapping mechanism used by java to identify IDL language?
- What is serializable interface?
- What is the use of interface?
- Why is java not fully objective oriented?
- Why does java not support multiple inheritance?
- What is the root class for all java classes?
- What is polymorphism?
- Suppose if we have a variable 'I' in run method, if I can create one or more thread each thread will occupy a separate copy or same variable will be shared?
- What are virtual functions?
- Write down how will you create a Binary tree?
- What are the traverses in binary tree?
- Write a program for recursive traverse?
- What are session variable in servlets?
- What is client server computing?
- What is constructor and virtual function? Can we call a virtual function in a constructor?
- Why do we use oops concepts? What is its advantage?
- What is middleware? What is the functionality of web server?
- Why is java not 100% pure oops?
- When will you use an interface and abstract class?
- What is the exact difference in between Unicast and Multicast object? Where will it be used?
- What is the main functionality of the remote reference layer?
- How do you download stubs from Remote place?
- I want to store more than 10 objects in a remote server? Which methodology will follow?
- What is the main functionality of Prepared Statement?
- What is meant by Static query and Dynamic query?
- What are Normalization Rules? Define Normalization?
- What is meant by Servelet? What are the parameters of service method?
- What is meant by Session? Explain something about HTTP Session Class?
- In a container there are 5 components. I want to display all the component names, how will you do that?
- Why there are some null interface in JAVA? What does it mean? Give some null interface in JAVA?
- Tell some latest versions in JAVA related areas?
- What is meant by class loader? How many types are there? When will we use them?
- What is meant by flickering?
- What is meant by distributed application? Why are we using that in our application?
- What is the functionality of the stub?
- Explain about version control?
- Explain 2-tier and 3-tier architecture?
- What is the role of Web Server?
- How can we do validation of the fields in a project?
- What is meant by cookies? Explain the main features?
- Why java is considered as platform independent?
- What are the advantages of java over C++?
- How java can be connected to a database?
- What is thread?
- What is difference between Process and Thread?
- Does java support multiple inheritance? if not, what is the solution?
- What are abstract classes?
- What is an interface?
- What is the difference abstract class and interface?
- What are adapter classes?
- what is meant wrapper classes?
- What are JVM.JRE, J2EE, JNI?
- What are swing components?
- What do you mean by light weight and heavy weight components?
- What is meant by function overloading and function overriding?
- Does java support function overloading, pointers, structures, unions or linked lists?
- What do you mean by multithreading?
- What are byte codes?
- What are streams?
- What is user defined exception?
- In an htm page form I have one button which makes us to open a new page in 15 seconds. How will you do that?
Working of Java Servlet
A Java servlet is a Java programming language program that extends the capabilities of a server. Although servlets can respond to any types of requests, they most commonly implement applications hosted on Web servers.[1] Such Web servlets are the Java counterpart to other dynamic Web content technologies such as PHP and ASP.NET.
The following is a typical user scenario of these methods.
A Java servlet is a Java programming language program that extends the capabilities of a server. Although servlets can respond to any types of requests, they most commonly implement applications hosted on Web servers.[1] Such Web servlets are the Java counterpart to other dynamic Web content technologies such as PHP and ASP.NET.
The following is a typical user scenario of these methods.
- Assume that a user requests to visit a URL.
- The browser then generates an HTTP request for this URL.
- This request is then sent to the appropriate server.
- The HTTP request is received by the web server and forwarded to the servlet container.
- The container maps this request to a particular servlet.
- The servlet is dynamically retrieved and loaded into the address space of the container.
- The container invokes the
method of the servlet.- This method is invoked only when the servlet is first loaded into memory.
- It is possible to pass initialization parameters to the servlet so that it may configure itself.
- The container invokes the
method of the servlet.- This method is called to process the HTTP request.
- The servlet may read data that has been provided in the HTTP request.
- The servlet may also formulate an HTTP response for the client.
- The servlet remains in the container's address space and is available to process any other HTTP requests received from clients.
- The
method is called for each HTTP request.
- The
- The container may, at some point, decide to unload the servlet from its memory.
- The algorithms by which this decision is made are specific to each container.
- The container calls the servlet's
method to relinquish any resources such as file handles that are allocated for the servlet; important data may be saved to a persistent store. - The memory allocated for the servlet and its objects can then be garbage collected.
Finding IP address in Yahoo! Mail
1. Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.2. Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on General Preferences
* Scroll down to Messages where you have the Headers option
* Make sure that Show all headers on incoming messages is selected
* Click on the Save button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail
5. You should see similar headers like this:
Yahoo! headers : name
Look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ]. Here, it is
That is be the IP address of the sender
6. Track the IP address of the sender
Imp note….
When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.
The following two tricks lets you see who is invisibe in yahoo messenger.without his or her knowing that you are aware of his or her presence.This is a working trick.Trick 1
1..Open the conversation window of the person..whom you suspect to be online.
2..Click on IMvironments.find doodle from the imvironments.click on it
3..you will see a screen..”Waiting for your buddy to load doodle”….Wait sometime
4..After sometime if it is able to load….it means your so called buddy is online n he or she doesnot want to talk to you..
5..if it doesnot load….you can be sure that he or she is really offline
also u can find it out by using www.xeeber.com
How to Multiple Log In Google-Talk
1. Right-click on the desktop2. Select New
3. Select Shortcut
4. Paste this into the text box:
“c:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex
(dont miss even a comma)
5. Click Next
6. Name it whatever: Google Talk Multiple, etc.
7. Click OK until you are done.
How to add your own photo in My Computer properties
To do this:1. Open Notepad.
2. Type the following:[General]Manufacturer=”Abdul Kader”Model=HP d530
SFF(DC578AV)[Support Information]Line1= Your Ph NoLine2= Your Address…..
3. Save as “oeminfo.ini” in the System32 folder.(Without Quote)
4. Create a bmp file(Your Photo) and save it the System32 folder as “oemlogo.bmp”(Without Quote).
5. Now Check your My Computer Properties
In Windows XP How to Fix System32 hal.dll Errors
If you run the Windows operating system on your computer, there are a few problems you are simply going to have to deal with from time to time. Sometimes your applications will crash or refuse to open altogether. There may be instances when the system fails, interrupting your activities with a blue screen error or your PC crashing altogether.
When this is the case, you may be greeted with a message that resembles something like:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: system32 hal.dll
This means that either the hal dll file is either not present, damaged or one of your boot.ini files is corrupt. Both typically mean that you have a serious issue on your hands, one that needs to be addressed quickly.
What Causes a System32 hal.dll Error?
Such a dll error usually means that the specified file has been moved or deleted from its original location. Aside from the being a damaged or missing dll or boot.ini file, this problem could also be related to a hard disk drive that suffered physical damage. Fortunately, this error can be fixed and there are a few different angles from which you can approach it.Recover the Missing or Damaged File
The easiest way to fix this problem is to utilize the installation disc that contains your copy of Windows. There is a good chance that the disc will be able to repair the missing or corrupt files and get rid of the system32 hal.dll error.- Insert the Windows disc, restart your PC, and press any key to boot from the CD.
- Once the setup files have finished loading, press the "R" key to repair the error using the Recovery Console utility.
- Once inside, type in the following command "expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32\hal.dll" and press enter.
- When you are prompted to overwrite the file, press the "Y" key for Yes.
- Exit and then press "Enter" at the command prompt.
- Reboot your computer and see if the error returns. If it does, the issue is probably related to a damaged or corrupted partition.
Use Recovery Software
In the event that you no longer have the original installation disc, don't worry because there are other measures you can take to get rid of the system32 hal dll missing or corrupt error.Due to the fact that this particular error has been such a menace for so many users, numerous third-party companies have developed software solutions specifically designed to fix the problem. These programs make it easy to repair and install the required files whether they are corrupt or missing all together. This type of software will ultimately help to get your PC running at an optimal level again.
While you can get rid of the error by completely reinstalling Windows, this often proves to be very cumbersome when considering all your data that will need to be backed up.
Dealing with the system32 hal dll missing or corrupt error can be very frustrating to say the least. Unlike many other errors related to Microsoft software, this one can prevent you from running Windows entirely. The good thing is that it can be resolved with relative ease when the right tools are at your disposal. If you can't find your original Windows disc, do a little research and find yourself a good program that will automatically clear up the troublesome system32 hal.dll error.How to make your pc work faster
Here you can find useful tips you can do to make your pc work faster in a few minutes , just follow these tips and you will definitely have a much faster and more reliable PC!Quote:
1. Wallpapers: They slow your whole system down, so if you’re willing to compromise, have a basic plain one instead!
2. Minimizing: If you want to use several programs at the same time then minimize those you are not using. This helps reduce the overload on RAM.
3. Boot Faster: The ‘starting Windows 9x , xp’ message on startup can delay your booting for a couple of seconds. To get rid of this message go to c:\ and find the file Msdos.sys. Remove the Read-Only option. Next, open it in Notepad or any other text editor. Finally, go to the text ‘Options’ within the file and make the following changes: Add BootDelay=0. To make your booting even faster, set add Logo=0 to remove the Windows logo at startup.
4. Restart only Windows: When restarting your PC, hold down Shift to only restart Windows rather than the whole system which will only take a fraction of the time.
5. Turn Off Animations: Go to Display Settings from the Control Panel and switch to the Effects Tab. Now turn off Show Windows Content While Dragging and Smooth Edges on Screen Fonts. This tip is also helpful with Windows XP because of the various fade/scroll effects.
6. Resolutions: If you are willing to do anything for faster performance from your PC, then try lowering your display resolution. The lower it is, the faster your PC
7. Start Up Programs: Windows can be slowed down when programs run on start up. To eliminate this, check your Start up folder. You can access it from the start menu: Start, Programs, Start Up. Another way to eliminate programs from loading even before Windows actually starts is by doing the following: Click on Start, then Run. Type msconfig. It will take quite a long time for this program to load, but when you finally see it on your screen, explore the different tabs. They all have to do with how quickly your PC boots, so select what you want, and uncheck what you don’t want!
8. Fonts: When Windows starts, it loads every single font in the Fonts folder. Therefore, the more fonts you have, the slower the booting process. To get rid of unwanted fonts, simply go to the Fonts folder under c:\windows and remove whatever you don’t want. Fonts that have a red letter ‘A’ as their icon are system fonts, so don’t delete them.
Steps1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc2] Find the file named “HOSTS” 3] Open it in notepad4] Under “ localhost” Add www.orkut.com , and that site will no longer be accessable.
example : localhost http://www.orkut.com-
www.orkut.com is now unaccessable
For every site after that you want to add, just add “1” to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the addy like before.
ie: www.yahoo.com www.msn.com www.google.com
This also works with banner sites, just find the host name of the server with the banners and do the same.
How to create files and folders without any name.
Just follow the following steps:1.Select any file or folder.
2.Right click on it,press rename or simply press F2.
3.Press and hold the alt key.While holding the Alt key,type numbers 0160 from the numpad.
Note:Type the numbers 0160 from the numpad,that is,the numbers present on the right side of the keyboard.Dont type the numbers which are present on top of the character keys.
4.Press Enter and the nameless file or folder will be created.
Reason:The file or folder that seems nameless is actually named with a single space.
But what if you want to create another nameless file or folder in the same directory ?
For this you will have to rename the file with 2 spaces.Just follow these steps below:
1.Select file,press F2.
2.Hold alt key and type 0160 from the numpad.
3.Release the alt key.Now without doing anything else,again hold alt key and press 0160.
4.Press enter and you will have second nameless file in the same directory.
5.Repeat step 3 to create as many nameless files or folders in the same directory
Increase your ram speed at no cost
Here I will give you a cool tip to increase your system RAM while working for no cost.1)Start any application, say window window media player.Start playing any song.
2)Now start the Task Manager Processor tab and sort the list in descending order on Memory Usage.
You will notice that Wmp.exe will be somewhere at the top, using multiple MBs of memory.
3)Now go back to media player and simply minimize it.
4)Now go back to the Task Manager and see where Wmp.exe is listed. Most probably you will not find it at the top. You will typically have to scroll to the bottom of the list to find Word.
Now check out the amount of RAM it is using.The memory utilization has reduced by a huge amount.
So,simple-minimize each application that u are currently not working on by clicking on the Minimize button and you can increase the amount of available RAM by a great margin.
Depending upon the number and type of applications you use together, the difference can be as much as 50 percent of extra RAM and all this is free of cost. In any multitasking system, minimizing an application means that it won’t be utilized by the user right now.
Easy way to Change your processor name
Solution for fixing corrupted windows files in XP
This tutorial has been made so people that are having problems with corrupted files, can learn how to fix them easy.Requirement:
1. Windows XP CD
Now, follow this steps:
1. Place the xp cd in your cd/dvd drive
2. Go to start
3. run
4. type “sfc /scannow” (without “)
Now sit back and relax, it should all load and fix all your corrupted file on win XP.
How to Hide the drives(C:D:E:F) in My PC:
To disable the display of local or networked drives when you click My Computer.1. Go to start->run.2. Type regedit. Now go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ExplorerNow in the right pane create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives(it is case sensitive). Now modify it’s value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal). Now restart your computer. So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown(all gone…). To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD item that you created. Again restart your computer. You can now see all the drives again.
Windows 7 and XP tricksz:
Hidden Programs In Windows Xp1) Private Character Editor
This program is for designing icons and Characters(Alphapet)
Click :start
Then :run
2) iExpress
This Program is for converting your files to EXECUTABLE files
Click : start
Then : run
type : iexpress
3)Disk Cleanup
This program used for cleaning harddisk to offer space
Click : start
Then : run
type : cleanmgr
4)Dr Watson
This program Is for repairing problems in Windows
Click : start
Then : run
type : drwtsn32
5)Windows Media Player 5.1
Opens the old media player
Click : start
Then : run
type : mplay32
Program …………. CODE
__________ __________
Character Map = charmap
DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag
Object Packager = packager
System Monitor = perfmon
Program Manager = progman
Remote Access phone book = rasphone
Registry Editor = regedt32
File signature verification tool = sigverif
Volume Control = sndvol32
System Configuration Editor = sysedit
/* Write a C program to calculate the following Sum:
Sum=1-x2/2! +x4/4!-x6/6!+x8/8!-x10/10!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
void main()
int counter,f_coun;
float sum=0,x,power,fact;
printf("<-----------------------PROGRAM FOR SUM OF EQ. SERIES----------------------->");
printf("\n\n\tEQUATION SERIES : 1- X^2/2! + X^4/4! - X^6/6! + X^8/8! - X^10/10!");
printf("\n\n\n\tENTER VALUE OF X : ");
for(counter=0, power=0; power<=10; counter++,power=power+2)
for(f_coun=power; f_coun>=1; f_coun--)
fact *= f_coun;
printf("SUM : %f",sum);
Sum=1-x2/2! +x4/4!-x6/6!+x8/8!-x10/10!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
void main()
int counter,f_coun;
float sum=0,x,power,fact;
printf("<-----------------------PROGRAM FOR SUM OF EQ. SERIES----------------------->");
printf("\n\n\tEQUATION SERIES : 1- X^2/2! + X^4/4! - X^6/6! + X^8/8! - X^10/10!");
printf("\n\n\n\tENTER VALUE OF X : ");
for(counter=0, power=0; power<=10; counter++,power=power+2)
for(f_coun=power; f_coun>=1; f_coun--)
fact *= f_coun;
printf("SUM : %f",sum);
/* Write a C program toe find the roots of a quadratic equation. */
void main()
float a,b,c,root1,root2;
printf("\n Enter values of a,b,c for finding roots of a quadratic eq:\n");
/*checking condition*/
printf("\n*****ROOTS ARE*****\n");
printf("\n root1=%f\n root2=%f",root1,root2);
printf("\n Imaginary Roots.");
void main()
float a,b,c,root1,root2;
printf("\n Enter values of a,b,c for finding roots of a quadratic eq:\n");
/*checking condition*/
printf("\n*****ROOTS ARE*****\n");
printf("\n root1=%f\n root2=%f",root1,root2);
printf("\n Imaginary Roots.");
/* Write C programs that use both recursive and non-recursive functions
To find the factorial of a given integer.*/
unsigned int recr_factorial(int n);
unsigned int iter_factorial(int n);
void main()
int n,i;
long fact;
printf("Enter the number: ");
printf("Factorial of 0 is 1\n");
printf("Factorial of %d Using Recursive Function is %d\n",n,recr_factorial(n));
printf("Factorial of %d Using Non-Recursive Function is %d\n",n,iter_factorial(n));
/* Recursive Function*/
unsigned int recr_factorial(int n) {
return n>=1 ? n * recr_factorial(n-1) : 1;
/* Non-Recursive Function*/
unsigned int iter_factorial(int n) {
int accu = 1;
int i;
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
accu *= i;
return accu;
To find the factorial of a given integer.*/
unsigned int recr_factorial(int n);
unsigned int iter_factorial(int n);
void main()
int n,i;
long fact;
printf("Enter the number: ");
printf("Factorial of 0 is 1\n");
printf("Factorial of %d Using Recursive Function is %d\n",n,recr_factorial(n));
printf("Factorial of %d Using Non-Recursive Function is %d\n",n,iter_factorial(n));
/* Recursive Function*/
unsigned int recr_factorial(int n) {
return n>=1 ? n * recr_factorial(n-1) : 1;
/* Non-Recursive Function*/
unsigned int iter_factorial(int n) {
int accu = 1;
int i;
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
accu *= i;
return accu;
/* Write C programs that use both recursive and non-recursive functions
To find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two given integers.*/
unsigned int GcdRecursive(unsigned m, unsigned n);
unsigned int GcdNonRecursive(unsigned p,unsigned q);
int main(void)
int a,b,iGcd;
printf("Enter the two numbers whose GCD is to be found: ");
printf("GCD of %d and %d Using Recursive Function is %d\n",a,b,GcdRecursive(a,b));
printf("GCD of %d and %d Using Non-Recursive Function is %d\n",a,b,GcdNonRecursive(a,b));
/* Recursive Function*/
unsigned int GcdRecursive(unsigned m, unsigned n)
return GcdRecursive(n,m);
return m;
return GcdRecursive(n,m%n);
/* Non-Recursive Function*/
unsigned int GcdNonRecursive(unsigned p,unsigned q)
unsigned remainder;
remainder = p-(p/q*q);
return q;
To find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two given integers.*/
unsigned int GcdRecursive(unsigned m, unsigned n);
unsigned int GcdNonRecursive(unsigned p,unsigned q);
int main(void)
int a,b,iGcd;
printf("Enter the two numbers whose GCD is to be found: ");
printf("GCD of %d and %d Using Recursive Function is %d\n",a,b,GcdRecursive(a,b));
printf("GCD of %d and %d Using Non-Recursive Function is %d\n",a,b,GcdNonRecursive(a,b));
/* Recursive Function*/
unsigned int GcdRecursive(unsigned m, unsigned n)
return GcdRecursive(n,m);
return m;
return GcdRecursive(n,m%n);
/* Non-Recursive Function*/
unsigned int GcdNonRecursive(unsigned p,unsigned q)
unsigned remainder;
remainder = p-(p/q*q);
return q;
To solve Towers of Hanoi problem.*/
/* Non-Recursive Function*/
void hanoiNonRecursion(int num,char sndl,char indl,char dndl)
char stkn[100],stksndl[100],stkindl[100],stkdndl[100],stkadd[100],temp;
int top,add;
printf("\nMove top disk from needle %c to needle %c ",sndl,dndl);
goto four;
goto one;
printf("\nMove top disk from needle %c to needle %c ",sndl,dndl);
goto one;
goto three;
else if(add==5)
goto four;
/* Recursive Function*/
void hanoiRecursion( int num,char ndl1, char ndl2, char ndl3)
if ( num == 1 ) {
printf( "Move top disk from needle %c to needle %c.", ndl1, ndl2 );
hanoiRecursion( num - 1,ndl1, ndl3, ndl2 );
printf( "Move top disk from needle %c to needle %c.", ndl1, ndl2 );
hanoiRecursion( num - 1,ndl3, ndl2, ndl1 );
void main()
int no;
printf("Enter the no. of disks to be transferred: ");
printf("\nThere's nothing to move.");
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Poem by Principal
Look at the battlefield in the snow. Who is willing to hold his place alone in the center.
The stallions and the golden arrows catch the sun's glory.
But who can tell me where i am going.
Another is courage. In a world of chaos and conflict.
No matter how tough the obstacles.
I swear to turn turmoil into peace.
To turn foes into friends. There's no need for weapons.
We'll move forward hand in hand. May war's end forever.
Look at the battlefield in the snow. Who is willing to hold his place alone in the center.
The stallions and the golden arrows catch the sun's glory.
But who can tell me where i am going.
Another is courage. In a world of chaos and conflict.
No matter how tough the obstacles.
I swear to turn turmoil into peace.
To turn foes into friends. There's no need for weapons.
We'll move forward hand in hand. May war's end forever.
Free Windows 10 - Microsoft Will Distribute
The software giant announced the end of nearly 3 decades of history, launching its first free version of Windows. Microsoft recently unveiled Windows 10, its first update in 2 years, while announcing that a new operating system would be a free upgrade (only for the first year though) for users of Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone. Microsoft is planning to release Windows 10 later in 2015, but no specific date is set yet.However, there were even more surprises from Microsoft: the company also unveiled its headset, Hololens, which will work with Windows 10 by allowing people to interact with 3D holograms, including holographic Skype calls. It should be noted that the development comes shortly after Google shut down the development phase of Google Glass, its online-enabled headset.
The industry observers point out that the decision to distribute Windows 10 for free marks a major shift for Microsoft, because the company has always made most of its profits from selling its OS – Bill Gates launched its first version, Windows 1, back in 1985. Although the company does not provide specific figures for Windows’ revenues anymore, it is known that they were eclipsed by its Office suite of services in 2013.
Microsoft still dominates the market of personal computers, but loses to Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS in mobile computing. The company was previously called to offer its operating system for free in order to outrun its rivals, which do not charge for their software.
Windows 10 will be able to run across personal computers, mobiles, tablets and even Microsoft’s Xbox gaming console. The new version of Windows will also bring back Windows Start menu, which was dropped in Windows 8. The latter, by the way, failed to convince many Microsoft users to upgrade – the statistics say that the OS, launched three years ago, is currently on 10% of PCs and 20% of tablets.
Microsoft previewed the new version of Windows to business customers back in 2014 and announced that it would skip Windows 9 in its attempt to mark a break with the past (or maybe just because Windows 9 could have problems due to being confused with Windows 95 and 98 by some software). The developer preview has been downloaded 1.7 million times and 800,000 pieces of feedback have been left.
Bad News Twitter May Sell Tweets to Data Miners
Today, computer systems aggregate trillions of tweets in search of commercial opportunities. However, the data is mined not only in commercial interests – it can be used by large companies to surprise their clients and for many other purposes.
Nevertheless, selling data is just a tiny part of Twitter’s income, as its largest share of profits is derived from advertising. Now Twitter decided to increase the figures and acquired Chris Moody’s analytics company Gnip for $130m a year ago.
It is known that Google and Facebook have built their businesses around sharing information, but the concerns are raised over their control of the private and public data, which is an area fraught with ethical and reputational risk. In the meantime, not all Twitter users realize that they are addressing the world, or the company that wants to listen in to their tweets. For most of the users, their audience is their followers. Although Twitter users can’t choose who follow them, they can shape their following by blocking or muting nuisance or abusive users. However, when you use a hashtag or address another user via Twitter handle, this may be regarded as the intention to publish a tweet it for a wider audience. As a result, Twitter takes these moves into account when distributing its data.
Another potential use for Twitter data is using geolocation and language algorithms. The service can match its users to some corporation’s database of customers in order to provide targeted advertising. In this case, the profiles can be matched, for instance, by using emails. Twitter also resells information for other social networks, including Tumblr and Foursquare. The company guarantees that this is done in a completely anonymized fashion, i.e. it doesn’t share private data.
Geolocation and programs monitoring aggressive or negative reactions could be used to monitor football crowds, for example. In this particular case, tweets could help assess the reaction of fans during and after a match. This may be helpful for police to decide where to deploy resources in combating public disturbance. In the meantime, information is about the crowd, which is not a means for police to target individual fans.
While Twitter doesn’t share the content of direct messages, the company considers all their other musings entirely public property. Remember about that.
Twitter a very important social networking site for its Tweets in General Elections
According to recent UK research, a popular microblogging service could be very useful for political parties to appeal to young voters ahead of the general election. 18 to 34-year-olds who use Twitter were surveyed, and almost half of them said they had become interested in or joined a political or social cause with the help of Twitter, while 37% said they used it to monitor political information.
1/3 of respondents had changed their vote from one party to another, almost half of them had reconsidered their views thanks to Twitter, and 1/5 said they were still undecided.
Twitter has over 15 million British users, but its power over voting intentions has always been disputed. For example, during the campaigning for Scotland’s independence referendum, the “yes” campaign prevailed on social media, but this didn’t translate into real votes.
Apparently, young users were less likely to vote – 74% of them are going to vote in the next election, while for the rest of citizens this figure is 83%. Actual voter turnout in the United Kingdom in 2010 was around 65%.
So, Twitter is largely recognized as a place where the live conversation about the election is happening. 70% of respondents said they use the platform to know news in a “simple to understand way”; 66% – to “get a more honest and unpolished perspective on politics”; and 44% believe they can find genuinely unbiased coverage on Twitter.
On the other hand, the politicians claim that it is getting harder and harder for them to campaign in elections due to conspiracy theories on social media, as the voters today are increasingly getting their information from Facebook and Twitter
Yahoo Will Shut Down Beijing Office and Quit China
The tech giant has announced its plans to close its last office in China as part of its new cost-cutting strategy. According to media reports, shutdown of Yahoo’s research and development in Chinese office will cut 200 to 300 jobs. The California-based company confirmed that it notified employees about the closure a few days ago. In fact, Yahoo has cut staff elsewhere in its attempt to keep up with the Internet market’s transition to portable devices instead of desktop computers.Leaving China follows the company’s announcement made in January about its intentions to spin off its stake in Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba. By the way, the latter listed on the New York Stock Exchange in a record offer back in 2014. Nine years earlier, in 2005, Yahoo acquired a 40% stake in Alibaba for $1bn and turned over control of its China operations to the group. However, Yahoo stopped offering its services in the country in 2013.
The financial experts point out that Yahoo’s profit for the most recent quarter fell twice compared to a year earlier, with the company’s revenue dipping just 1%.
Apple Is Getting Ready to Launch Its Online TV |
It was previously reported that Apple hold negotiations with Walt Disney, CBS, 21st Century Fox and a number of other media companies in attempt to create a modest bundle with well-known channels, such as like CBS, ESPN and FX. However, the company will leave out many networks in the standard cable TV package. Apple is expected to present its service in September.
Media reports revealed that Apple didn’t talk to NBCUniversal, which owns the NBC broadcast network, as well as cable channels, including USA and Bravo. This might be due to a falling-out between Apple and NBCUniversal parent company Comcast. It is known that Apple and Comcast were in early-stage discussions last year to offer a streaming-TV service. This could allow Apple set-top boxes to bypass congestion on the Internet.
Flash News
The Supreme Court has finally truck down controversial legislation, under which those who posted “offensive” comments on social media could be jailed. The move followed a 2-year campaign by free speech activists. The court decided that an amendment to India’s Information Technology Act was unconstitutional and called it a restriction on freedom of speech.
The legislation in question, which received presidential assent 6 years ago, declared posting offensive comments punishable by up to 3 years of prison time. According to campaigners, police repeatedly misused this amendment. For example, a few weeks ago a teenager was arrested for a Facebook post allegedly “carrying derogatory language against a community” wrongly attributed to a powerful local politician.
This was not the only case, as you can understand. For instance, a university professor was jailed for posting a cartoon about the minister of the state, 2 young women were arrested for criticizing the shutdown of Mumbai after the death of a local hardline politician, one of them being arrested for a simple “like”. Although a court later quashed those charges, they sparked fierce debate about Internet censorship in the country.
Now Indian politicians welcomed the recent court ruling, though some believe that the law in question should remain to prevent “misuse” of the worldwide web. The communications and law minister of India announced that the government had earlier believed that firm guidelines were required to ensure the legislation didn’t contradict with freedom of expression as guaranteed by the constitution. As for government lawyers, they had to admit that the legislation had been misused, but pointed out that they needed some means to regulate offensive content posted online.
The Supreme Court has finally truck down controversial legislation, under which those who posted “offensive” comments on social media could be jailed. The move followed a 2-year campaign by free speech activists. The court decided that an amendment to India’s Information Technology Act was unconstitutional and called it a restriction on freedom of speech.
The legislation in question, which received presidential assent 6 years ago, declared posting offensive comments punishable by up to 3 years of prison time. According to campaigners, police repeatedly misused this amendment. For example, a few weeks ago a teenager was arrested for a Facebook post allegedly “carrying derogatory language against a community” wrongly attributed to a powerful local politician.
This was not the only case, as you can understand. For instance, a university professor was jailed for posting a cartoon about the minister of the state, 2 young women were arrested for criticizing the shutdown of Mumbai after the death of a local hardline politician, one of them being arrested for a simple “like”. Although a court later quashed those charges, they sparked fierce debate about Internet censorship in the country.
Now Indian politicians welcomed the recent court ruling, though some believe that the law in question should remain to prevent “misuse” of the worldwide web. The communications and law minister of India announced that the government had earlier believed that firm guidelines were required to ensure the legislation didn’t contradict with freedom of expression as guaranteed by the constitution. As for government lawyers, they had to admit that the legislation had been misused, but pointed out that they needed some means to regulate offensive content posted online.
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Key Points For Scoring Good Marks in JNTU Final Exams
The below given key points will gain you the good marks in jntuh final exams. These points are gathered from my experience and also my friends experience and we finally got out with distinction without any single backlog from first to last year.
I hope these points will help you a lot for gaining the good marks in your final exams.
The main key point in the final exams is your HAND WRITING. If your hand writing is good then no problem if not then try to write the words clearly and make sure to keep 3 space gap between each word. Try to avoid making mistakes as the evaluator shouldn’t get irritated with your paper.
Another key point is PRESENTATION. It plays vital role in evaluation. along with neat hand writing presentation is also important. Try to write in a point wise manner and write them correctly don’t bluff in the points as it may give bad impression.
Another important point is DIAGRAMS. Most of the subjects in all branches have diagrams, so draw the diagram first before writing the theory part. The diagrams should be neat and clear so that it is clearly understood. Most of the marks can be scored in diagrams only.
If the diagram is too big then draw it in another page instead of drawing in remaining space left in the previous page.
Use a good pencil to draw the diagrams and do some ruff work before drawing it on the original location to avoid the scratches as well as to improve neatness.
Some questions doesn’t have diagrams we don’t find any diagrams in our text books or materials so for that kind of questions from the answer that you know try to develop a diagram or figure so that the complete diagram portraits the whole answer. So that the evaluator doesn’t concentrates much on your theory part.
If the answer contains any equations then try to write the equations separately in the next line and if possible draw a box over it using a pencil.
For programming languages:
Most the questions will be given on programs instead of theory. For these type try to write the program clearly. It is better to confirm the program by doing ruff works if you are not sure about the program.
Try to write the program from the next page if you at the end of the previous page.
Make sure that your program ends with minimum number of lines.
For theory type questions use flow chart representations along with theory and try to give example program to fetch good marks.
Tips for gaining pass marks in your exams:
We can’t expect how the JNTU paper comes. Some times students who prepares well will also unable to answer the questions. But don’t fear here are some tips
If you don’t know any of the questions or if you are seeing that type of questions first time just read the question carefully you will find some known words from that question try to write answer on those words as much as possible.
Don’t write more number of pages from 40 fill at least 30 to 35 but don’t write below 15
The answer should be written at least 3-5 pages.
Your handwriting should be neat and clear In programming languages try to write a related program which you know.
Figures are important in the answers, try to figure out the answer and make sure to draw clearly and neatly.
Don’t leave the paper without writing anything , try to write any related matter on that questions so that you may fetch at least pass marks.
I think all these points will gain you good marks
The below given key points will gain you the good marks in jntuh final exams. These points are gathered from my experience and also my friends experience and we finally got out with distinction without any single backlog from first to last year.
I hope these points will help you a lot for gaining the good marks in your final exams.
The main key point in the final exams is your HAND WRITING. If your hand writing is good then no problem if not then try to write the words clearly and make sure to keep 3 space gap between each word. Try to avoid making mistakes as the evaluator shouldn’t get irritated with your paper.
Another key point is PRESENTATION. It plays vital role in evaluation. along with neat hand writing presentation is also important. Try to write in a point wise manner and write them correctly don’t bluff in the points as it may give bad impression.
Another important point is DIAGRAMS. Most of the subjects in all branches have diagrams, so draw the diagram first before writing the theory part. The diagrams should be neat and clear so that it is clearly understood. Most of the marks can be scored in diagrams only.
If the diagram is too big then draw it in another page instead of drawing in remaining space left in the previous page.
Use a good pencil to draw the diagrams and do some ruff work before drawing it on the original location to avoid the scratches as well as to improve neatness.
Some questions doesn’t have diagrams we don’t find any diagrams in our text books or materials so for that kind of questions from the answer that you know try to develop a diagram or figure so that the complete diagram portraits the whole answer. So that the evaluator doesn’t concentrates much on your theory part.
If the answer contains any equations then try to write the equations separately in the next line and if possible draw a box over it using a pencil.
For programming languages:
Most the questions will be given on programs instead of theory. For these type try to write the program clearly. It is better to confirm the program by doing ruff works if you are not sure about the program.
Try to write the program from the next page if you at the end of the previous page.
Make sure that your program ends with minimum number of lines.
For theory type questions use flow chart representations along with theory and try to give example program to fetch good marks.
Tips for gaining pass marks in your exams:
We can’t expect how the JNTU paper comes. Some times students who prepares well will also unable to answer the questions. But don’t fear here are some tips
If you don’t know any of the questions or if you are seeing that type of questions first time just read the question carefully you will find some known words from that question try to write answer on those words as much as possible.
Don’t write more number of pages from 40 fill at least 30 to 35 but don’t write below 15
The answer should be written at least 3-5 pages.
Your handwriting should be neat and clear In programming languages try to write a related program which you know.
Figures are important in the answers, try to figure out the answer and make sure to draw clearly and neatly.
Don’t leave the paper without writing anything , try to write any related matter on that questions so that you may fetch at least pass marks.
I think all these points will gain you good marks
Name of the Officer & Designation Office Fax E-mail
Direct Line PBX Ext.
Dr. DN Reddy, Vice-Chancellor 23156109 23156112 reddydn@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. K. Lal Kishore Rector 32422256 1222 23158665 lalkishorek@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. E. Saibaba Reddy Registrar 32422253 /1333 / 23158665 esreddy75@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. Tulasiram Das Director, Acad. & Plg. 23156115 1444 23156115 das_tulasiram@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. GK Viswanath Director of Evaluation 23156113 1313 23158668 dejntuh@jntuh.ac.in
Dr.K. Rama Mohan Rao Director, BICS & Officer I/c. ED 23156110 1150 23156110 rkunapareddy@jntuh.ac.in
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Dr. G. Poshal Director I/c., Admissions 23158669 2180 gposhal_jntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. TKK Reddy Director I/c., R&D Cell 32505591 4050 reddykishen@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. A. Vinay Babu Director, SCDE 32410630 23372662 dravinayababu@jntuh.ac.in
Sri K. Chandrasekhar Finance Officer 32405422 1101 chandrasekhar.ka@jntuh.ac.in
Sri J. Rama Sekhar Joint Registrar (Acad.) 1306 ramasekhar.j@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Ram Mohan ReddyController of Examinations 32422249 1555 cejntuh@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. V. Kamakshi PrasadAddl. Controller of Exams. 1311 jntuonlineexams@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. R. Markandeya Addl. Controller of Exmn. ceedep@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. Krishna Mohan Addl. Controller of Exmn. kmrgurram@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Madhavi KumariAddl. Controller of Exmn. thoomati@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. K. Eswara PrasadDirector I/c., R&D Cell 23053124 1207 tnpjntuh08@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. K. MukkantiHead, Centre for Environment 23155413 3472 kmukkanti@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Prabhu Kumar Dy. Director, ASC prabsjntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. B. Balu NaikHead, Centre for Nanotechnology banothbn@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. B. Venkateswara Rao Head, Centre for Water Res 23155412 3469
Dr. Archana GiriHead, Sch. of Biotech. 23156129 3456 archanagiriin@jntuh.ac.in
Sri J. VenkateshHead, Centre for Spatial Inf. Tech 23058716 3486 vt_ig@jntuh.ac.in
Sri Anajaneya PrasadCoordinator, PIU & NSS 23151974 1170 baprasadjntu@jntuh.ac.in
Prof. B. RajagopalProf. of Library 1350 dr.b.rajagopal@jntuh.ac.in
Sri S. Seshanna Dy. Registrar (Admn.) 1211 seshannaseelam@jntuh.ac.in
Sri CJ Rama RajuDy. Registrar (Legal) & RTI Cell 1230 mudunuripadma@jntuh.ac.in
Sri K. Venkat ReddyDy. Registrar (Acct.) 1102 venkatareddy.k@jntuh.ac.in
Sri M. Radha Krishna Dy. Registrar (R&DC) 32505591 4040 radhakrishna.mrk@jntuh.ac.in
Sri PG Subba RaoAsst. Registrar (Acad.) 1201 subbarao.p.g@jntuh.ac.in
Sri T. Eswara PrasadAsst. Registrar (ED) 1160 eshwarprasad@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. V. Vijaya LakshmiAsst. Registrar (SIT) 4303 vila31@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. P. Nirmala Devi Asst. Registrar (SCDE) 32410629 nirmaladevi@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. Krishna VeniAsst. Registrar (ASC) 2312
Sri M. Narayana MurthyAsst. Registrar (Admns) 2182
Sri D. GopalAsst. Registrar (Accts.) 1108 gopal.d@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. E. DevamaniAsst. Registrar (Pen.) 1104 devamani.e@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. C. SashiAsst. Registrar (Acad. & Plg.) 1204 shashi.c@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. C. ArunaAsst. Registrar (Audit) 1105 aruna.c@jntuh.ac.in
Sri C. VenkateswarluUniversity Engineer 1500 venkateshwarulu.c@@jntuh.ac.in
Sri GNV PrasadExecutive Engineer, Engg. Dept. 1501 prasad.g.n.v@@jntuh.ac.in
Sri D. Nimma NaikDEE 1500 nimmanail.d@jntuh.ac.in
Sri Arun KumarProject Officer (Elec.) 1010 arunkunar.g.b@jntuh.ac.in
Sri MUM PrasadPA to Vice-Chancellor 32422254 1112 mum_prasad@jntuh.ac.in
Sri G. BapujiPA to Vice-Chancellor 32422254 1112 bapuji_g@jntuh.ac.in
Sri A. SremannyarayanaPA to Registrar 32422253 1334
Sri KSR Satya SaiPA to Registrar 32422254 1335 muralidhar_kotha@jntuh.ac.in
Sri S. Venkata KrishnaPA to DAP 23156115 1335 pa2dap@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. NV Ramana Rao Principal, JNTU CE, Hyd 32422251 4223 23057787 nvrrao@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. ACS Kumar Vice-Principal, JNTU CE, Hyd 32516950 4202 acskumar@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. M.V. Seshagiri Rao Head, Dept. of Civil EngG. 32408664 4555 rao_vs_meduri@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. L. Pratap ReddyHead, Dept. of ECE 32516932 4333 prataplr@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. M. Surya KalavathiHead, Dept. of EEE 4111 munagala12@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. A. GovardhanHead, Dept. of Comp. Sc. & Engg. 32408718 4444 govardhan_cse@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Ashok KumarHead, Dept. of Mech. Engg. 4522 ashokkumar@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. PoshalHead, EDC Cell 32408657 gposhal_jntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. KV SharmaCentre for Energy Studies 32408715 cesjntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. ARK PrasadHead, Mathematics Dept. 4310 prof.prasadak@jntuh.ac.in
Sri A. AdinarayanaJoint. Registrar adinarayana.a@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. Madhura VaniAEE, JNTU CEH tmvani9@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Chennakesava ReddyPrincipal I/c. (08724)-231345 kesavary@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. NV RamanaVice-Principal I/c nvrjntu@ jntuh.ac.in
Sri R. LakshmanDEE lakshman.r@jntuh.ac.in
Guest House 23050871 1400
State Bank of Hyderabad 23050096 1191
Andhra Bank 23058193 1277
Nodal Centre JNTU CEH 23151269
Nodal Centre, ASC 23156102 2315
(PBX-3158662 to 3158664)
Principal 4223 P.A. to Principal 4222 Vice-Principal 4202
Examination Branch 4203 Special Officer (PTDC) 4204 Dy. Registrar 4205 Establishment 4200 Accounts Section 4207
Assistant Registrar 4206
Academic Section 4208 Engineering Cell 4209 Library 4244 Medical Officer 4255 Andhra Bank 4277
EEE Head 4111 Staff Room 4112 Measurement Lab 4113 Electrical Engineering Lab 4114
ECE Head 4333 Staff Room 4334 Ladies Staff Room 4335 Communication Lab 4336 IPC Lab 4337
CSE Head 4444 Staff Room 4445 Computer Lab 4446 Staff Room (I Floor) 4447 Computer Lab (I Floor) 4448
Civil Head 4555 Hydraulic Lab 4556 SM Lab 4557 Environmental Lab 4558 Geotechnics Lab 4559
Mechanical Head 4522 Staff Room 4523 Fuels & IC Engines Lab 4524 Workshop 4525
Mathematics Head 4310 Mathematics Staff Room 4311
Physics Head 4320 Physics Staff Room 4321
Chemistry Head 4330 Chemistry Staff Room 4331
Humanities Dept. 340
Placement & Trg. Officer 526 Metallurgy Head 530 Printing Head 540 PBX/Telephone Operator 100
Name of the Officer & Designation Office Fax E-mail
Direct Line PBX Ext.
Dr. DN Reddy, Vice-Chancellor 23156109 23156112 reddydn@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. K. Lal Kishore Rector 32422256 1222 23158665 lalkishorek@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. E. Saibaba Reddy Registrar 32422253 /1333 / 23158665 esreddy75@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. Tulasiram Das Director, Acad. & Plg. 23156115 1444 23156115 das_tulasiram@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. GK Viswanath Director of Evaluation 23156113 1313 23158668 dejntuh@jntuh.ac.in
Dr.K. Rama Mohan Rao Director, BICS & Officer I/c. ED 23156110 1150 23156110 rkunapareddy@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. BC Jinaga Director I/c., SIT 32516831 3401 23158269 jinagabc@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. M Lakshmi Narasu Director, IST 23156128 3451 23058729 mangamoori@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. M. Anji ReddyDirector I/c., UFA 3477 director.ufr@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. IV Murali Krishna OSD
Dr. A. Damodaram Director I/c., ASC 32410621 2310 23156795 damodarama@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. A. Ramachandra AryasriDirector I/c., Sch. of Manage 23057111 2320 aryasri@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. Poshal Director I/c., Admissions 23158669 2180 gposhal_jntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. TKK Reddy Director I/c., R&D Cell 32505591 4050 reddykishen@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. A. Vinay Babu Director, SCDE 32410630 23372662 dravinayababu@jntuh.ac.in
Sri K. Chandrasekhar Finance Officer 32405422 1101 chandrasekhar.ka@jntuh.ac.in
Sri J. Rama Sekhar Joint Registrar (Acad.) 1306 ramasekhar.j@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Ram Mohan ReddyController of Examinations 32422249 1555 cejntuh@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. V. Kamakshi PrasadAddl. Controller of Exams. 1311 jntuonlineexams@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. R. Markandeya Addl. Controller of Exmn. ceedep@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. Krishna Mohan Addl. Controller of Exmn. kmrgurram@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Madhavi KumariAddl. Controller of Exmn. thoomati@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. K. Eswara PrasadDirector I/c., R&D Cell 23053124 1207 tnpjntuh08@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. K. MukkantiHead, Centre for Environment 23155413 3472 kmukkanti@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Prabhu Kumar Dy. Director, ASC prabsjntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. B. Balu NaikHead, Centre for Nanotechnology banothbn@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. B. Venkateswara Rao Head, Centre for Water Res 23155412 3469
Dr. Archana GiriHead, Sch. of Biotech. 23156129 3456 archanagiriin@jntuh.ac.in
Sri J. VenkateshHead, Centre for Spatial Inf. Tech 23058716 3486 vt_ig@jntuh.ac.in
Sri Anajaneya PrasadCoordinator, PIU & NSS 23151974 1170 baprasadjntu@jntuh.ac.in
Prof. B. RajagopalProf. of Library 1350 dr.b.rajagopal@jntuh.ac.in
Sri S. Seshanna Dy. Registrar (Admn.) 1211 seshannaseelam@jntuh.ac.in
Sri CJ Rama RajuDy. Registrar (Legal) & RTI Cell 1230 mudunuripadma@jntuh.ac.in
Sri K. Venkat ReddyDy. Registrar (Acct.) 1102 venkatareddy.k@jntuh.ac.in
Sri M. Radha Krishna Dy. Registrar (R&DC) 32505591 4040 radhakrishna.mrk@jntuh.ac.in
Sri PG Subba RaoAsst. Registrar (Acad.) 1201 subbarao.p.g@jntuh.ac.in
Sri T. Eswara PrasadAsst. Registrar (ED) 1160 eshwarprasad@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. V. Vijaya LakshmiAsst. Registrar (SIT) 4303 vila31@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. P. Nirmala Devi Asst. Registrar (SCDE) 32410629 nirmaladevi@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. Krishna VeniAsst. Registrar (ASC) 2312
Sri M. Narayana MurthyAsst. Registrar (Admns) 2182
Sri D. GopalAsst. Registrar (Accts.) 1108 gopal.d@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. E. DevamaniAsst. Registrar (Pen.) 1104 devamani.e@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. C. SashiAsst. Registrar (Acad. & Plg.) 1204 shashi.c@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. C. ArunaAsst. Registrar (Audit) 1105 aruna.c@jntuh.ac.in
Sri C. VenkateswarluUniversity Engineer 1500 venkateshwarulu.c@@jntuh.ac.in
Sri GNV PrasadExecutive Engineer, Engg. Dept. 1501 prasad.g.n.v@@jntuh.ac.in
Sri D. Nimma NaikDEE 1500 nimmanail.d@jntuh.ac.in
Sri Arun KumarProject Officer (Elec.) 1010 arunkunar.g.b@jntuh.ac.in
Sri MUM PrasadPA to Vice-Chancellor 32422254 1112 mum_prasad@jntuh.ac.in
Sri G. BapujiPA to Vice-Chancellor 32422254 1112 bapuji_g@jntuh.ac.in
Sri A. SremannyarayanaPA to Registrar 32422253 1334
Sri KSR Satya SaiPA to Registrar 32422254 1335 muralidhar_kotha@jntuh.ac.in
Sri S. Venkata KrishnaPA to DAP 23156115 1335 pa2dap@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. NV Ramana Rao Principal, JNTU CE, Hyd 32422251 4223 23057787 nvrrao@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. ACS Kumar Vice-Principal, JNTU CE, Hyd 32516950 4202 acskumar@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. M.V. Seshagiri Rao Head, Dept. of Civil EngG. 32408664 4555 rao_vs_meduri@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. L. Pratap ReddyHead, Dept. of ECE 32516932 4333 prataplr@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. M. Surya KalavathiHead, Dept. of EEE 4111 munagala12@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. A. GovardhanHead, Dept. of Comp. Sc. & Engg. 32408718 4444 govardhan_cse@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Ashok KumarHead, Dept. of Mech. Engg. 4522 ashokkumar@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. PoshalHead, EDC Cell 32408657 gposhal_jntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. KV SharmaCentre for Energy Studies 32408715 cesjntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. ARK PrasadHead, Mathematics Dept. 4310 prof.prasadak@jntuh.ac.in
Sri A. AdinarayanaJoint. Registrar adinarayana.a@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. Madhura VaniAEE, JNTU CEH tmvani9@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Chennakesava ReddyPrincipal I/c. (08724)-231345 kesavary@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. NV RamanaVice-Principal I/c nvrjntu@ jntuh.ac.in
Sri R. LakshmanDEE lakshman.r@jntuh.ac.in
Guest House 23050871 1400
State Bank of Hyderabad 23050096 1191
Andhra Bank 23058193 1277
Nodal Centre JNTU CEH 23151269
Nodal Centre, ASC 23156102 2315
(PBX-3158662 to 3158664)
Principal 4223 P.A. to Principal 4222 Vice-Principal 4202
Examination Branch 4203 Special Officer (PTDC) 4204 Dy. Registrar 4205 Establishment 4200 Accounts Section 4207
Assistant Registrar 4206
Academic Section 4208 Engineering Cell 4209 Library 4244 Medical Officer 4255 Andhra Bank 4277
EEE Head 4111 Staff Room 4112 Measurement Lab 4113 Electrical Engineering Lab 4114
ECE Head 4333 Staff Room 4334 Ladies Staff Room 4335 Communication Lab 4336 IPC Lab 4337
CSE Head 4444 Staff Room 4445 Computer Lab 4446 Staff Room (I Floor) 4447 Computer Lab (I Floor) 4448
Civil Head 4555 Hydraulic Lab 4556 SM Lab 4557 Environmental Lab 4558 Geotechnics Lab 4559
Mechanical Head 4522 Staff Room 4523 Fuels & IC Engines Lab 4524 Workshop 4525
Mathematics Head 4310 Mathematics Staff Room 4311
Physics Head 4320 Physics Staff Room 4321
Chemistry Head 4330 Chemistry Staff Room 4331
Humanities Dept. 340
Placement & Trg. Officer 526 Metallurgy Head 530 Printing Head 540 PBX/Telephone Operator 100
Basic Computer Networks Viva Questions With Answers
1.What do you mean by data communication?
Ans: It is the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium such as wire cable. The communicating system must be part of a communication system made up of a combination of hardware and software.The effectiveness of a data communication system depends on three fundamental characteristics: delivery, accuracy and timeliness.
2.What is simplex?
Ans: It is the mode of communication between two devices in which flow of data is unidirectional. i.e. one can transmit and other can receive.
E.g. keyboard and monitor.
3.What is half-duplex?
Ans: It is the mode of communication between two devices in which flow of data is bi-directional but not at the same time. ie each station can transmit and receive but not at the same time.
E.g walkie-talkies are half-duplex system.
4.What is full duplex?
Ans: It is the mode of communication between two devices in which flow of data is bi-directional and it occurs simultaneously. Here signals going in either direction share the capacity of the link.
E.g. telephone
5.What is a network?
Ans: It is a set of devices connected by communication links. A node can be a computer or any other device capable of sending and/or receiving data generated by other nodes on the network.
6.What is distributed processing?
Ans: It is a strategy in which services provided by the network reside at multiple sites.
7.What is point to point connection?
Ans:It provides a dedicated link between two devices. The entire capacity of the link is reserved for transmission between the two devices
e.g. when we change the TV channels by remote control we establish a point to point connection between remote control and TV control system.
8.What is multipoint connection?
Ans: In multipoint connection more than two specific devices share a single link.
Here the capacity of the channel is shared either separately or temporally.
9.What is a topology?
Ans: Topology of a network is defined as the geometric representation of the relationship of all the links and linking devices (node) to one another.Four basic topologies are star, bus, ring and mesh.
Star – Here each device has a dedicated point to point link only to a central controller called hub.
Bus -It is multipoint. One long cable acts as a backbone to link all the devices in the network.
Ring -Here each device has a dedicated point to point connection only with the two devices on either side of it.
Mesh -Here every device has a dedicated point to point link to every other device.
10.Define LAN, MAN and WAN.
Ans: LAN- A local area network (LAN) is a privately owned and links the devices in a single office, building or campus.
It allows resources to be shared between personal computers and work stations.
MAN- A metropolitan-area network (MAN) spreads over an entire city.
It may be wholly owned and operated by a private company, eg local telephone company.
WAN – A wide area network (WAN) provides long distance transmission of data, voice, image and video information over large geographic areas that comprise a country, a continent or even whole world.
1.Define internet?
Ans: It is a network of networks.
12.What is a protocol?
Ans: It is a set of rules that governs data communication. A protocol defines what is communicated, how it is communicated, and when it is communicated. The key elements of protocol are syntax, semantics and timing.
13.What is TCP/IP protocol model?
Ans: It is a five layered model which provides guidelines for the development of universally compatible networking protocols.
The five layers are physical, data link, network, transport and application.
14.Describe the functions of five layers?
Ans: Physical- It transmits raw bits over a medium. It provides mechanical and electrical specification.
Data link- It organizes bits into frames. It provides hop to hop delivery.
Network-It moves the packets from source to destination.It provide internetworking.
Transport-It provides reliable process to process message delivery and error recovery.
Application-It allows ti access to network resources.
15.What is ISO-OSI model?
Ans: Open Systems Interconnection or OSI model was designed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) .It is a seven layer model. It is a theoretical model designed to show how a protocol stack should be implemented.
It defines two extra layers in addition to TCP/IP model.
Session -It was designed to establish, maintain, and synchronize the interaction between communicating system.
Presentation-It was designed to handle the syntax and semantics of the information exchanged between the two systems. It was designed for data translation, encryption, decryption, and compression.
16. What is multiplexing?
Ans: Multiplexing is the process of dividing a link, the phycal medium, into logical channels for better efficiency. Here medium is not changed but it has several channels instead of one.
16.What is switching?
Ans: Switching in data communication is of three types
Circuit switching
Packet switching
Message switching
17.How data is transmitted over a medium?
Ans: Data is transmitted in the form of electromagnetic signals.
18. Compare analog and digital signals?
Ans: Analog signals can have an infinite number of values in a range but digital signal can have only a limited number of values.
19.Define bandwidth?
Ans: The range of frequencies that a medium can pass is called bandwidth. It is the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies that the medium can satisfactorily pass.
20.What are the factors on which data rate depends?
Ans: Data rate ie.how fast we can send data depends upon
i) Bandwidth available
ii) The levels of signals we can use
iii) The quality of the channel (level of noise)
21.Define bit rate and bit interval?
Ans: Digital signals are aperiodic.so instead of using period and frequency we use bit interval and bit rate respectively.Bit interval is the time required to send one single bit.Bit rate is the number of bit intervals per second.
22.What is Nyquist bit rate formula?
Ans: For a noiseless channel, the Nyquist bit rate formula defines the theoretical maximum bit rate
Bitrate=2* Bandwidth*log2L
Where Bandwidth is the bandwidth of the channel
L is the number of signal level used to represent the data
Bitrate is the bit rate in bits per second.
23.Define Shannon Capacity?
Ans: Shannon Capacity determines the theoretical highest data rate foe a noise channel.
Capacity= Bandwidth * log2 (1+SNR)
Bandwidth is the bandwidth of the channel.
SNR is the signal to noise ratio, it is the statical ratio of the power of the signal to the power of the noise.
Capacity is the capacity of the channel in bits per second
24.What is sampling?
Ans: It is the process of obtaining amplitude of a signal at regular intervals.
25.Define pulse amplitude modulation?
Ans: It is an analog to digital conversion method which takes analog signals, samples it and generates a series of pulse based on the results of the sampling. It is not used in data communication because the series of pulses generated still of any amplitude. To modify it we use pulse code modulation.
26.Define pulse code modulation?
Ans: Pulse code Modulation modifies pulses created by PAM to create a completely digital signal.
For this PCM first quantizes the PAM pulse. Quantization is the method of assigning integral values in a specific tange to sampled instances.PCM is made up of four separate processes: PAM, quantization, binary encoding and line encoding.
27.What is Nyquist Theorem?
Ans: According to this theorem, the sampling rate must be at least 2 times the highest frequency of the original signal.
28.What are the modes of data transmission?
Ans: Data transmission can be serial or parallel in mode
In parallel transmission, a group of bits is sent simultaneously, with each bit on a separate line.In serial transmission there is only one line and the bits are sent sequentially.
29.What is Asynchronous mode of data transmission?
Ans: It is a serial mode of transmission.
In this mode of transmission, each byte is framed with a start bit and a stop bit. There may be a variable length gap between each byte.
30.What is Synchronous mode of data transmission?
Ans: It is a serial mode of transmission.In this mode of transmission, bits are sent in a continuous stream without start and stop bit and without gaps between bytes. Regrouping the bits into meaningful bytes is the responsibility of the receiver.
31.What are the different types of multiplexing?
Ans: Multiplexing is of three types. Frequency division multiplexing and wave division multiplexing is for analog signals and time division multiplexing is for digital signals.
32.What is FDM?
Ans: In frequency division multiplexing each signal modulates a different carrier frequency. The modulated carrier combines to form a new signal that is then sent across the link.
Here multiplexers modulate and combine the signal while demultiplexers decompose and demodulate.
Guard bands keep the modulating signal from overlapping and interfering with one another.
32.What is TDM ?
Ans: In TDM digital signals from n devices are interleaved with one another, forming a frame of data.
Framing bits allow the TDM multiplexer to synchronize properly.
33.What are the different transmission media?
Ans: The transmission media is broadly categorized into two types
i)Guided media(wired)
i)Unguided media(wireless)
34.What are the different Guided Media?
Ans: The media which provides a conduct from one device to another is called a guided media. These include twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, and fiber-optic cable.
35.Describe about the different Guided Medias.
Ans: Twisted pair cable consists of two insulated cupper wires twisted together. It is used in telephone line for voice and data communications.
Coaxial cable has the following layers: a metallic rod-shaped inner conductor, an insulator covering the rod, a metallic outer conductor (shield), an insulator covering the shield, and a plastic cover.Coaxial cable can carry signals of higher frequency ranges than twisted-pair cable.
Coaxial cable is used in cable TV networks and Ethernet LANs.Fiber-optic cables are composed of a glass or plastic inner core surrounded by cladding, all encased in an outer jacket.Fiber-optic cables carry data signals in the form of light. The signal is propagated along the inner core by reflection. Its features are noise resistance, low attenuation, and high bandwidth capabilities.
It is used in backbone networks, cable TV nerworks, and fast Ethernet networks.
36.What do you mean by wireless communication?
Ans: Unguided media transport electromagnetic waves without using a physical conductor. This type of communication is referred as wireless communication.
Here signals are broadcaster through air and thus available to anyone who has a device to receive it.
37.What do you mean by switching?
Ans: It is a method in which communication devices are connected to one another efficiently.
A switch is intermediary hardware or software that links devices together temporarily.
38.What are the switching methods?
Ans: There are three fundamental switching methods: circuit switching, packet switching,
And message switching.In circuit switching, a direct physical connection between two devices is created by space division switches, time division switches or both.
In packet switching data is transmitted using a packet switched network. Packet switched network is a network in which data are transmitted in independent units called packets.
39.What are the duties of data link layer?
Ans: Data link layer is responsible for carrying packets from one hop (computer or router) to the next. The duties of data link layer include packetizing, adderssing, error control, flow control, medium access control.
40.What are the types of errors?
Ans: Errors can be categorized as a single-bit error or burst error. A single bit error has one bit error per data unit. A burst error has two or more bits errors per data unit.
41.What do you mean by redundancy?
Ans: Redundancy is the concept of sending extra bits for use in error detection. Three common redundancy methods are parity check, cyclic redundancy check (CRC), and checksum.
42.Define parity check.
Ans: In parity check, a parity bit is added to every data unit so that the total number of 1s is even (or odd for odd parity).Simple parity check can detect all single bit errors. It can detect burst errors only if the total number of errors in each data unit is odd.In two dimensional parity checks, a block of bits is divided into rows and a redundant row of bits is added to the whole block.
43. Define cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
Ans: C RC appends a sequence of redundant bits derived from binary division to the data unit. The divisor in the CRC generator is often represented as an algebraic polynomial.
44. What is hamming code?
Ans: The hamming code is an error correction method using redundant bits. The number of bits is a function of the length of the data bits. In hamming code for a data unit of m bits, we use the formula 2r >= m+r+1 to determine the number of redundant bits needed. By rearranging the order of bit transmission of the data units, the hamming code can correct burst errors.
45.What do you mean by flow control?
Ans: It is the regulation of sender’s data rate so that the receiver buffer doesn’t become overwhelmed.i.e. flow control refers to a set of procedures used to restrict the amount of data that the sender can send before waiting for acknowledgement.
46.What do you mean by error control?
Ans: Error control refers primarily to methods of error detection and retransmission. Anytime an error is detected in an exchange, specified frames are retransmitted. This process is called automatic repeat request (ARQ).
47.Define stop and wait ARQ.
Ans: In stop and wait ARQ, the sender sends a frame and waits for an acknowledgement from the receiver before sending the next frame.
48.Define Go-Back-N ARQ?
Ans: In Go-Back-N ARQ, multiple frames can be in transit at the same time. If there is an error, retransmission begins with the last Unacknowledged frame even if subsequent frames arrived correctly. Duplicate frames are discarded.
49.Define Selective Repeat ARQ?
Ans: In Selective Repeat ARQ, multiple frames can be in transit at the same time. If there is an error, only unacknowledged frame is retransmitted.
50.What do you mean by pipelining, is there any pipelining in error control?
Ans: The process in which a task is often begun before the previous task has ended is called pipelining. There is no pipelining in stop and wait ARQ however it does apply in Go-Back-N ARQ and Selective Repeat ARQ.
l51.What is HDLC?
Ans: It is a bit oriented data link protocol designed to support both half duplex and full duplex communication over point to point and multi point links.HDLC is characterized by their station type,configuration and their response modes.
52.What do you mean by point to point protocol?
Ans: The point to point protocol was designed to provide a dedicated line for users who need internet access via a telephone line or a cable TV connection. Its connection goes through three phases: idle, establishing, authenticating, networking and terminating.
At data link layer it employs a version of HDLC.
53. What do you mean by point to point protocol stack?
Ans: Point to point protocol uses a stack of other protocol to use the link, to authenticate the parties involved, and to carry the network layer data. Three sets of protocols are defined: link control protocol, Authentication protocol, and network control protocol.
54.What do you mean by line control protocol?
Ans: It is responsible for establishing, maintaining, configuring, and terminating links.
55.What do you mean by Authentication protocol?
Ans: Authentication means validating the identity of a user who needs to access a set of resources.
It is of two types
i)Password Authentication Protocol(PAP)
ii)Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol(CHAP)
PAP is a two step process. The user sends a authentication identification and a password. The system determines the validity of the Information sent.CHAP is a three step process. The system sends a value to the user. The user manipulates the value and sends the result. The system Verifies the result.
56.What do you mean by network control protocol?
Ans: Network control protocol is a set of protocols to allow the encapsulation of data coming from network layer protocol that requires the services of PPP.
57. What do you mean by CSMA?
Ans: To reduce the possibility of collision CSMA method was developed. In CSMA each station first listen to the medium (Or check the state of the medium) before sending. It can’t eliminate collision.
58.What do you mean by Bluetooth?
Ans: It is a wireless LAN technology designed to connect devices of different functions such as telephones, notebooks, computers, cameras, printers and so on. Bluetooth LAN Is an adhoc network that is the network is formed spontaneously? It is the implementation of protocol defined by the IEEE 802.15 standard.
59.What is IP address?
Ans: The internet address (IP address) is 32bits that uniquely and universally defines a host or router on the internet.
The portion of the IP address that identifies the network is called netid. The portion of the IP address that identifies the host or router on the network is called hostid.
60.What do you mean by subnetting?
Ans: Subnetting divides one large network into several smaller ones. It adds an intermediate level of hierarchy in IP addressing.
61.What are the advantages of fiber optics cable ?
Ans: The advantages of fiber optics cable over twisted pair cable are Noise resistance-As they use light so external noise is not a factor. Less signal attenuation-fiber optics transmission distance is significantly greater than that of other guided media.Higher bandwidth-It can support higher bandwidth.
62.What are the disadvantages of fiber optics cable?
Ans: The disadvantages of fiber optics cable over twisted pair cable are
Cost-It is expensive Installation/maintenance-Any roughness or cracking defuses light and alters the signal Fragility-It is more fragile.
63.What are the propagation type of radio wave ?
Ans: Radio wave propagation is dependent upon frequency.There are five propagation type.
i)surface propagation
ii)Tropospheric propagation
iii)Ionospheric propagation
iv)Line of sight propagation
v)space propagation
64.What do you mean by Geosynchronous Satellites ?
Ans: Satellite communication uses a satellite in geosynchronous orbit to relay signals.The Satellite must move at the same speed as the earth so that it seems to remain fixed above a certain spot..Only one orbit can be geosynchronous.This orbit occurs at the equatorial plane and is approximately 22,000 miles from the surface of earth.
65.What are the factors for evaluating the suitability of the media ?
Ans: The factors are cost,throughput,attenuation,Electromagneric interference(EMI),securtty.
66.What do you mean by medium access control(MAC) sublayer.
Ans: The protocols used to determine who goes next on a multi-access channel belong to a sublayer of the data link layer is called the multi-access channel(MAC) sublayer.It is the buttom part of data link layer.
67.What do you mean by ALOHA ?
Ans: It is the method used to solve the channel allocation problem .It is used for:
i)ground based radio broadcasting
ii)In a network in which uncoordinated users are competing for the use of single channel.
It is of two types:
1.Pure aloha
2.Slotted aloha
68.What is pure ALOHA?
Ans: It lets users transmit whenever they have data to sent.Collision may occur but due to feedback property sender can know the status of message.conflict occur when at one time more bits are transmitted.The assumptions are :
i)all frame size is same for all user.
ii)collision occur when frames are transmitted simultaneously
iii)indefinite population of no of user.
iv)N=number of frames/frame time
iv)it obeys poisson’s distribution if N>1 there will be collision 0<1
69.What is slotted ALOHA?
Ans: In this method time is divided into discrete intervals,each interval corresponding to one frame.It requires user to agree on slot boundaries.Here data is not send at any time instead it wait for beginning of the next slot.Thus pure ALOHA is tuened into discrete one.
70.What do you mean by persistent CSMA(carrier sense multiple access) ?
Ans: When a station has data to send,it first listens to the channel to see if anyone else is transmitting at that moment.If channel is busy it waits until the station becomes idle. When collision occurs it waits and then sends.It sends frame with probability 1 when channel is idle.
71.What do you mean by non persistent CSMA(carrier sense multiple access) ?
Ans: Here if no one else is sending the station begins doing so itself.However if the channel is already in use,the station does’t continuously sense it rather it waits for a random period of time and then repeats.It leads better channel utilization but longer delay.
72.What do you mean by p persistent CSMA(carrier sense multiple access) ?
Ans: It applies to slotted channels.when a station becomes ready to send,it senses the channel.If it is idle it transmits with a probability P,with a probability Q=P-1
It defers until the next slot.If that slot is also idle,it either transmits or defers again with probability P and Q.The process is repeated until either the frame has been transmitted or another station begins transmitting.
73.What is FDDI?
Ans: It is high performance fiber optic token ring LAN running at 100Mbps over distance up 1000 stations.FDDI access is limited by time.A FDDI cabling consist of two fiber rings.
i)one transmitting clockwise
ii)one transmitting counterclockwise
74.What is Firewalls?
Ans: It is an electronic downbridge which is used to enhance the security of a network. It’s configuration has two components.
i)Two routers
ii)Application gateway
the packets traveling through the LAN are inspected here and packets meeting certain criteria are forwarded and others are dropped.
75.What is Repeaters ?
Ans: A receiver receives a signal before it becomes too weak or corrupted,regenerates the original bit pattern,and puts the refreshed copy back onto the link.It operates on phycal layer of OSI model.
76.What is Bridges?
Ans: They divide large network into smaller components.They can relay frames between two originally separated LANs.They provide security through partitioning traffic.They operate on phycal and data link layer of OSI model.
77.What is Routers ?
Ans: Router relay packets among multiple interconnected networks.They receive packet from one connected network and pass it to another network.They have access to network layer addresses and certain software that enables them to determine which path is best for transmission among several paths.They operate on phycal,data link and network layer of OSI model.
78.What is Gateway ?
Ans: It is a protocol converter.A gateway can accept a packet formatted for one protocol and convert it to a packet formatted for another protocol.It operates on all the seven layers of OSI model.
79.What do you mean by Data Terminal Equipment(DTE) ?
Ans: It is any device that is source of or destination for binary digital data.At phycal layer it can be a terminal computer. They generate or consume information.
80.What do you mean by Data Terminating Equipment (DCE) ?
Ans: Data circuit terminating equipment includes any functional unit that transmit or receives data in the form of an analog or digital signal through a network.DTE generates digital data and passes them to a DCE ,the DCE converts the data to a form acceptable to the transmission media and sends the converted signal to another DCE on the network.
81.What do you mean by protocol stack ?
Ans: The list of protocols used by certain system ,one protocol per layer is called protocol stack.
82.What do you mean by peer ?
Ans: Entities comprising the corresponding layers on different machines are called peers.It may be
• hardware device.
• processes
• human being
peers communicate by using protocol.
83.What do you mean by broadcasting ?
Ans: Broadcast system allow addressing a packet to all destination by using a special code in address field.when packet is transmitted it is received and processed by every machine on the network.
84.What are the advantages of broadcast network.
• a single communication channel is shared by all computers.
• packets are transmitted and received by all the computer.
• address field is attached to whom it is intended.
• multicasting is used in network.
85.What do you mean by point to point network?
Ans: Point to point network consist of many connections between individual pair of machines.large networks are point to point.Routing algorithm plays an important in point to point network.It uses stored ad forword technique.It is a packet switching network.
86.What are the design issue of layers ?
Ans: The design issue of layer are
• Addressing technique.ie source and destination address
• Types of communication
• Error control
• Order of message.
• Speed matching
• Multiplexing and demultiplexing.
87.What are the protocols in application layer ?
Ans: The protocols defined in application layer are
88.What are the protocols in transport layer ?
Ans: The protocols defined in transport layer are
89.Define TCP ?
Ans: It is connection oriented protocol.It consist byte streams oeiginating on one machine to be delivered without error on any other machine in the network.while transmitting it fragments the stream to discrete messages and passes to interner layer.At the destination it reassembles the messages into output stream.
90.Define UDP ?
Ans: It is unreliable connectionless protocol.It is used for one-shot,client-server type,requesr-reply queries and applications in which prompt delivery is required than accuracy.
91.Define IP ?
Ans: Internetwork protocol (IP) is the transmission mechanism used by TCP/IP protocol.It is an unreliable and connectionless datagram protocol.It provides no error checking and tracking.
92.What do you mean by client server model ?
Ans: In client server model ,the client runs a program to request a service and the server runs a program to provide the service.These two programs communicate with each other. One server program can provide services to many client programs.
93.What are the information that a computer attached to a TCP/IP internet must possesses ?
Ans: Each computer attached to TCP/IP must possesses the following information
• Its IP addesss
• Its subnet mask
• The IP addesss of the router.
• The Ip address of the name server.
94.What is domain name system(DNS)?
Ans: Domain Name System (DNS )is a client server application that identifies each host on the internet with a unique user friendly name.
95.What is TELNET ?
Ans: TELNET is a client –server application that allows a user to log on to a remote machine,giving the user access to the remote system. TELNET is an abbreviation of terminal Network.
96.What do you mean by local login and remote login ?
Ans: When a user logs into a local time-sharing system ,it is called local login. When a user wants to access an application program or utility located on a remote machine,he or she performs remote login.
97.What is Network Virtual Terminal ?
Ans: A universal interface provided by TELNET is called Network Virtual Terminal(NVT) character set.Via this interface TELNET translates characters (data or command) that come from local terminal into NVT form and delivers them to the network.
98.What do you mean by Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ?
Ans: The TCP/IP protocol that supports electronic mail on the internet is called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.SMTP provides for mail exchange between users on the same or different computer and supports Sending a single message to one or more recipient Sending message that include text, voice,video,or graphics.Sending message to users on network outside the internet.
99.What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) ?
Ans: It is the main protocol used to access data on the World Wide Web .the protol transfers data in the form of plain text,hypertext,audio,video,and so on. It is so called because its efficiency allows its use in a hypertext environment where there are rapid jumps from one document to another.
100.What is URL ?
Ans: It is a standard for specifying any kind of information on the World Wide Web.
101. What is World Wide Web ?
Ans: World Wide Web is a repository of information spread all over the world and linked together.It is a unique combination of flexibility,portability,and user-friendly features .The World Wide Web today is a distributed client-server service,in which a client using a browser can access a service using a server.The service provided is distributed over many locations called web sites.
102.What is HTML ?
Ans: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language for creating static web pages
1.What do you mean by data communication?
Ans: It is the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium such as wire cable. The communicating system must be part of a communication system made up of a combination of hardware and software.The effectiveness of a data communication system depends on three fundamental characteristics: delivery, accuracy and timeliness.
2.What is simplex?
Ans: It is the mode of communication between two devices in which flow of data is unidirectional. i.e. one can transmit and other can receive.
E.g. keyboard and monitor.
3.What is half-duplex?
Ans: It is the mode of communication between two devices in which flow of data is bi-directional but not at the same time. ie each station can transmit and receive but not at the same time.
E.g walkie-talkies are half-duplex system.
4.What is full duplex?
Ans: It is the mode of communication between two devices in which flow of data is bi-directional and it occurs simultaneously. Here signals going in either direction share the capacity of the link.
E.g. telephone
5.What is a network?
Ans: It is a set of devices connected by communication links. A node can be a computer or any other device capable of sending and/or receiving data generated by other nodes on the network.
6.What is distributed processing?
Ans: It is a strategy in which services provided by the network reside at multiple sites.
7.What is point to point connection?
Ans:It provides a dedicated link between two devices. The entire capacity of the link is reserved for transmission between the two devices
e.g. when we change the TV channels by remote control we establish a point to point connection between remote control and TV control system.
8.What is multipoint connection?
Ans: In multipoint connection more than two specific devices share a single link.
Here the capacity of the channel is shared either separately or temporally.
9.What is a topology?
Ans: Topology of a network is defined as the geometric representation of the relationship of all the links and linking devices (node) to one another.Four basic topologies are star, bus, ring and mesh.
Star – Here each device has a dedicated point to point link only to a central controller called hub.
Bus -It is multipoint. One long cable acts as a backbone to link all the devices in the network.
Ring -Here each device has a dedicated point to point connection only with the two devices on either side of it.
Mesh -Here every device has a dedicated point to point link to every other device.
10.Define LAN, MAN and WAN.
Ans: LAN- A local area network (LAN) is a privately owned and links the devices in a single office, building or campus.
It allows resources to be shared between personal computers and work stations.
MAN- A metropolitan-area network (MAN) spreads over an entire city.
It may be wholly owned and operated by a private company, eg local telephone company.
WAN – A wide area network (WAN) provides long distance transmission of data, voice, image and video information over large geographic areas that comprise a country, a continent or even whole world.
1.Define internet?
Ans: It is a network of networks.
12.What is a protocol?
Ans: It is a set of rules that governs data communication. A protocol defines what is communicated, how it is communicated, and when it is communicated. The key elements of protocol are syntax, semantics and timing.
13.What is TCP/IP protocol model?
Ans: It is a five layered model which provides guidelines for the development of universally compatible networking protocols.
The five layers are physical, data link, network, transport and application.
14.Describe the functions of five layers?
Ans: Physical- It transmits raw bits over a medium. It provides mechanical and electrical specification.
Data link- It organizes bits into frames. It provides hop to hop delivery.
Network-It moves the packets from source to destination.It provide internetworking.
Transport-It provides reliable process to process message delivery and error recovery.
Application-It allows ti access to network resources.
15.What is ISO-OSI model?
Ans: Open Systems Interconnection or OSI model was designed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) .It is a seven layer model. It is a theoretical model designed to show how a protocol stack should be implemented.
It defines two extra layers in addition to TCP/IP model.
Session -It was designed to establish, maintain, and synchronize the interaction between communicating system.
Presentation-It was designed to handle the syntax and semantics of the information exchanged between the two systems. It was designed for data translation, encryption, decryption, and compression.
16. What is multiplexing?
Ans: Multiplexing is the process of dividing a link, the phycal medium, into logical channels for better efficiency. Here medium is not changed but it has several channels instead of one.
16.What is switching?
Ans: Switching in data communication is of three types
Circuit switching
Packet switching
Message switching
17.How data is transmitted over a medium?
Ans: Data is transmitted in the form of electromagnetic signals.
18. Compare analog and digital signals?
Ans: Analog signals can have an infinite number of values in a range but digital signal can have only a limited number of values.
19.Define bandwidth?
Ans: The range of frequencies that a medium can pass is called bandwidth. It is the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies that the medium can satisfactorily pass.
20.What are the factors on which data rate depends?
Ans: Data rate ie.how fast we can send data depends upon
i) Bandwidth available
ii) The levels of signals we can use
iii) The quality of the channel (level of noise)
21.Define bit rate and bit interval?
Ans: Digital signals are aperiodic.so instead of using period and frequency we use bit interval and bit rate respectively.Bit interval is the time required to send one single bit.Bit rate is the number of bit intervals per second.
22.What is Nyquist bit rate formula?
Ans: For a noiseless channel, the Nyquist bit rate formula defines the theoretical maximum bit rate
Bitrate=2* Bandwidth*log2L
Where Bandwidth is the bandwidth of the channel
L is the number of signal level used to represent the data
Bitrate is the bit rate in bits per second.
23.Define Shannon Capacity?
Ans: Shannon Capacity determines the theoretical highest data rate foe a noise channel.
Capacity= Bandwidth * log2 (1+SNR)
Bandwidth is the bandwidth of the channel.
SNR is the signal to noise ratio, it is the statical ratio of the power of the signal to the power of the noise.
Capacity is the capacity of the channel in bits per second
24.What is sampling?
Ans: It is the process of obtaining amplitude of a signal at regular intervals.
25.Define pulse amplitude modulation?
Ans: It is an analog to digital conversion method which takes analog signals, samples it and generates a series of pulse based on the results of the sampling. It is not used in data communication because the series of pulses generated still of any amplitude. To modify it we use pulse code modulation.
26.Define pulse code modulation?
Ans: Pulse code Modulation modifies pulses created by PAM to create a completely digital signal.
For this PCM first quantizes the PAM pulse. Quantization is the method of assigning integral values in a specific tange to sampled instances.PCM is made up of four separate processes: PAM, quantization, binary encoding and line encoding.
27.What is Nyquist Theorem?
Ans: According to this theorem, the sampling rate must be at least 2 times the highest frequency of the original signal.
28.What are the modes of data transmission?
Ans: Data transmission can be serial or parallel in mode
In parallel transmission, a group of bits is sent simultaneously, with each bit on a separate line.In serial transmission there is only one line and the bits are sent sequentially.
29.What is Asynchronous mode of data transmission?
Ans: It is a serial mode of transmission.
In this mode of transmission, each byte is framed with a start bit and a stop bit. There may be a variable length gap between each byte.
30.What is Synchronous mode of data transmission?
Ans: It is a serial mode of transmission.In this mode of transmission, bits are sent in a continuous stream without start and stop bit and without gaps between bytes. Regrouping the bits into meaningful bytes is the responsibility of the receiver.
31.What are the different types of multiplexing?
Ans: Multiplexing is of three types. Frequency division multiplexing and wave division multiplexing is for analog signals and time division multiplexing is for digital signals.
32.What is FDM?
Ans: In frequency division multiplexing each signal modulates a different carrier frequency. The modulated carrier combines to form a new signal that is then sent across the link.
Here multiplexers modulate and combine the signal while demultiplexers decompose and demodulate.
Guard bands keep the modulating signal from overlapping and interfering with one another.
32.What is TDM ?
Ans: In TDM digital signals from n devices are interleaved with one another, forming a frame of data.
Framing bits allow the TDM multiplexer to synchronize properly.
33.What are the different transmission media?
Ans: The transmission media is broadly categorized into two types
i)Guided media(wired)
i)Unguided media(wireless)
34.What are the different Guided Media?
Ans: The media which provides a conduct from one device to another is called a guided media. These include twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, and fiber-optic cable.
35.Describe about the different Guided Medias.
Ans: Twisted pair cable consists of two insulated cupper wires twisted together. It is used in telephone line for voice and data communications.
Coaxial cable has the following layers: a metallic rod-shaped inner conductor, an insulator covering the rod, a metallic outer conductor (shield), an insulator covering the shield, and a plastic cover.Coaxial cable can carry signals of higher frequency ranges than twisted-pair cable.
Coaxial cable is used in cable TV networks and Ethernet LANs.Fiber-optic cables are composed of a glass or plastic inner core surrounded by cladding, all encased in an outer jacket.Fiber-optic cables carry data signals in the form of light. The signal is propagated along the inner core by reflection. Its features are noise resistance, low attenuation, and high bandwidth capabilities.
It is used in backbone networks, cable TV nerworks, and fast Ethernet networks.
36.What do you mean by wireless communication?
Ans: Unguided media transport electromagnetic waves without using a physical conductor. This type of communication is referred as wireless communication.
Here signals are broadcaster through air and thus available to anyone who has a device to receive it.
37.What do you mean by switching?
Ans: It is a method in which communication devices are connected to one another efficiently.
A switch is intermediary hardware or software that links devices together temporarily.
38.What are the switching methods?
Ans: There are three fundamental switching methods: circuit switching, packet switching,
And message switching.In circuit switching, a direct physical connection between two devices is created by space division switches, time division switches or both.
In packet switching data is transmitted using a packet switched network. Packet switched network is a network in which data are transmitted in independent units called packets.
39.What are the duties of data link layer?
Ans: Data link layer is responsible for carrying packets from one hop (computer or router) to the next. The duties of data link layer include packetizing, adderssing, error control, flow control, medium access control.
40.What are the types of errors?
Ans: Errors can be categorized as a single-bit error or burst error. A single bit error has one bit error per data unit. A burst error has two or more bits errors per data unit.
41.What do you mean by redundancy?
Ans: Redundancy is the concept of sending extra bits for use in error detection. Three common redundancy methods are parity check, cyclic redundancy check (CRC), and checksum.
42.Define parity check.
Ans: In parity check, a parity bit is added to every data unit so that the total number of 1s is even (or odd for odd parity).Simple parity check can detect all single bit errors. It can detect burst errors only if the total number of errors in each data unit is odd.In two dimensional parity checks, a block of bits is divided into rows and a redundant row of bits is added to the whole block.
43. Define cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
Ans: C RC appends a sequence of redundant bits derived from binary division to the data unit. The divisor in the CRC generator is often represented as an algebraic polynomial.
44. What is hamming code?
Ans: The hamming code is an error correction method using redundant bits. The number of bits is a function of the length of the data bits. In hamming code for a data unit of m bits, we use the formula 2r >= m+r+1 to determine the number of redundant bits needed. By rearranging the order of bit transmission of the data units, the hamming code can correct burst errors.
45.What do you mean by flow control?
Ans: It is the regulation of sender’s data rate so that the receiver buffer doesn’t become overwhelmed.i.e. flow control refers to a set of procedures used to restrict the amount of data that the sender can send before waiting for acknowledgement.
46.What do you mean by error control?
Ans: Error control refers primarily to methods of error detection and retransmission. Anytime an error is detected in an exchange, specified frames are retransmitted. This process is called automatic repeat request (ARQ).
47.Define stop and wait ARQ.
Ans: In stop and wait ARQ, the sender sends a frame and waits for an acknowledgement from the receiver before sending the next frame.
48.Define Go-Back-N ARQ?
Ans: In Go-Back-N ARQ, multiple frames can be in transit at the same time. If there is an error, retransmission begins with the last Unacknowledged frame even if subsequent frames arrived correctly. Duplicate frames are discarded.
49.Define Selective Repeat ARQ?
Ans: In Selective Repeat ARQ, multiple frames can be in transit at the same time. If there is an error, only unacknowledged frame is retransmitted.
50.What do you mean by pipelining, is there any pipelining in error control?
Ans: The process in which a task is often begun before the previous task has ended is called pipelining. There is no pipelining in stop and wait ARQ however it does apply in Go-Back-N ARQ and Selective Repeat ARQ.
l51.What is HDLC?
Ans: It is a bit oriented data link protocol designed to support both half duplex and full duplex communication over point to point and multi point links.HDLC is characterized by their station type,configuration and their response modes.
52.What do you mean by point to point protocol?
Ans: The point to point protocol was designed to provide a dedicated line for users who need internet access via a telephone line or a cable TV connection. Its connection goes through three phases: idle, establishing, authenticating, networking and terminating.
At data link layer it employs a version of HDLC.
53. What do you mean by point to point protocol stack?
Ans: Point to point protocol uses a stack of other protocol to use the link, to authenticate the parties involved, and to carry the network layer data. Three sets of protocols are defined: link control protocol, Authentication protocol, and network control protocol.
54.What do you mean by line control protocol?
Ans: It is responsible for establishing, maintaining, configuring, and terminating links.
55.What do you mean by Authentication protocol?
Ans: Authentication means validating the identity of a user who needs to access a set of resources.
It is of two types
i)Password Authentication Protocol(PAP)
ii)Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol(CHAP)
PAP is a two step process. The user sends a authentication identification and a password. The system determines the validity of the Information sent.CHAP is a three step process. The system sends a value to the user. The user manipulates the value and sends the result. The system Verifies the result.
56.What do you mean by network control protocol?
Ans: Network control protocol is a set of protocols to allow the encapsulation of data coming from network layer protocol that requires the services of PPP.
57. What do you mean by CSMA?
Ans: To reduce the possibility of collision CSMA method was developed. In CSMA each station first listen to the medium (Or check the state of the medium) before sending. It can’t eliminate collision.
58.What do you mean by Bluetooth?
Ans: It is a wireless LAN technology designed to connect devices of different functions such as telephones, notebooks, computers, cameras, printers and so on. Bluetooth LAN Is an adhoc network that is the network is formed spontaneously? It is the implementation of protocol defined by the IEEE 802.15 standard.
59.What is IP address?
Ans: The internet address (IP address) is 32bits that uniquely and universally defines a host or router on the internet.
The portion of the IP address that identifies the network is called netid. The portion of the IP address that identifies the host or router on the network is called hostid.
60.What do you mean by subnetting?
Ans: Subnetting divides one large network into several smaller ones. It adds an intermediate level of hierarchy in IP addressing.
61.What are the advantages of fiber optics cable ?
Ans: The advantages of fiber optics cable over twisted pair cable are Noise resistance-As they use light so external noise is not a factor. Less signal attenuation-fiber optics transmission distance is significantly greater than that of other guided media.Higher bandwidth-It can support higher bandwidth.
62.What are the disadvantages of fiber optics cable?
Ans: The disadvantages of fiber optics cable over twisted pair cable are
Cost-It is expensive Installation/maintenance-Any roughness or cracking defuses light and alters the signal Fragility-It is more fragile.
63.What are the propagation type of radio wave ?
Ans: Radio wave propagation is dependent upon frequency.There are five propagation type.
i)surface propagation
ii)Tropospheric propagation
iii)Ionospheric propagation
iv)Line of sight propagation
v)space propagation
64.What do you mean by Geosynchronous Satellites ?
Ans: Satellite communication uses a satellite in geosynchronous orbit to relay signals.The Satellite must move at the same speed as the earth so that it seems to remain fixed above a certain spot..Only one orbit can be geosynchronous.This orbit occurs at the equatorial plane and is approximately 22,000 miles from the surface of earth.
65.What are the factors for evaluating the suitability of the media ?
Ans: The factors are cost,throughput,attenuation,Electromagneric interference(EMI),securtty.
66.What do you mean by medium access control(MAC) sublayer.
Ans: The protocols used to determine who goes next on a multi-access channel belong to a sublayer of the data link layer is called the multi-access channel(MAC) sublayer.It is the buttom part of data link layer.
67.What do you mean by ALOHA ?
Ans: It is the method used to solve the channel allocation problem .It is used for:
i)ground based radio broadcasting
ii)In a network in which uncoordinated users are competing for the use of single channel.
It is of two types:
1.Pure aloha
2.Slotted aloha
68.What is pure ALOHA?
Ans: It lets users transmit whenever they have data to sent.Collision may occur but due to feedback property sender can know the status of message.conflict occur when at one time more bits are transmitted.The assumptions are :
i)all frame size is same for all user.
ii)collision occur when frames are transmitted simultaneously
iii)indefinite population of no of user.
iv)N=number of frames/frame time
iv)it obeys poisson’s distribution if N>1 there will be collision 0<1
69.What is slotted ALOHA?
Ans: In this method time is divided into discrete intervals,each interval corresponding to one frame.It requires user to agree on slot boundaries.Here data is not send at any time instead it wait for beginning of the next slot.Thus pure ALOHA is tuened into discrete one.
70.What do you mean by persistent CSMA(carrier sense multiple access) ?
Ans: When a station has data to send,it first listens to the channel to see if anyone else is transmitting at that moment.If channel is busy it waits until the station becomes idle. When collision occurs it waits and then sends.It sends frame with probability 1 when channel is idle.
71.What do you mean by non persistent CSMA(carrier sense multiple access) ?
Ans: Here if no one else is sending the station begins doing so itself.However if the channel is already in use,the station does’t continuously sense it rather it waits for a random period of time and then repeats.It leads better channel utilization but longer delay.
72.What do you mean by p persistent CSMA(carrier sense multiple access) ?
Ans: It applies to slotted channels.when a station becomes ready to send,it senses the channel.If it is idle it transmits with a probability P,with a probability Q=P-1
It defers until the next slot.If that slot is also idle,it either transmits or defers again with probability P and Q.The process is repeated until either the frame has been transmitted or another station begins transmitting.
73.What is FDDI?
Ans: It is high performance fiber optic token ring LAN running at 100Mbps over distance up 1000 stations.FDDI access is limited by time.A FDDI cabling consist of two fiber rings.
i)one transmitting clockwise
ii)one transmitting counterclockwise
74.What is Firewalls?
Ans: It is an electronic downbridge which is used to enhance the security of a network. It’s configuration has two components.
i)Two routers
ii)Application gateway
the packets traveling through the LAN are inspected here and packets meeting certain criteria are forwarded and others are dropped.
75.What is Repeaters ?
Ans: A receiver receives a signal before it becomes too weak or corrupted,regenerates the original bit pattern,and puts the refreshed copy back onto the link.It operates on phycal layer of OSI model.
76.What is Bridges?
Ans: They divide large network into smaller components.They can relay frames between two originally separated LANs.They provide security through partitioning traffic.They operate on phycal and data link layer of OSI model.
77.What is Routers ?
Ans: Router relay packets among multiple interconnected networks.They receive packet from one connected network and pass it to another network.They have access to network layer addresses and certain software that enables them to determine which path is best for transmission among several paths.They operate on phycal,data link and network layer of OSI model.
78.What is Gateway ?
Ans: It is a protocol converter.A gateway can accept a packet formatted for one protocol and convert it to a packet formatted for another protocol.It operates on all the seven layers of OSI model.
79.What do you mean by Data Terminal Equipment(DTE) ?
Ans: It is any device that is source of or destination for binary digital data.At phycal layer it can be a terminal computer. They generate or consume information.
80.What do you mean by Data Terminating Equipment (DCE) ?
Ans: Data circuit terminating equipment includes any functional unit that transmit or receives data in the form of an analog or digital signal through a network.DTE generates digital data and passes them to a DCE ,the DCE converts the data to a form acceptable to the transmission media and sends the converted signal to another DCE on the network.
81.What do you mean by protocol stack ?
Ans: The list of protocols used by certain system ,one protocol per layer is called protocol stack.
82.What do you mean by peer ?
Ans: Entities comprising the corresponding layers on different machines are called peers.It may be
• hardware device.
• processes
• human being
peers communicate by using protocol.
83.What do you mean by broadcasting ?
Ans: Broadcast system allow addressing a packet to all destination by using a special code in address field.when packet is transmitted it is received and processed by every machine on the network.
84.What are the advantages of broadcast network.
• a single communication channel is shared by all computers.
• packets are transmitted and received by all the computer.
• address field is attached to whom it is intended.
• multicasting is used in network.
85.What do you mean by point to point network?
Ans: Point to point network consist of many connections between individual pair of machines.large networks are point to point.Routing algorithm plays an important in point to point network.It uses stored ad forword technique.It is a packet switching network.
86.What are the design issue of layers ?
Ans: The design issue of layer are
• Addressing technique.ie source and destination address
• Types of communication
• Error control
• Order of message.
• Speed matching
• Multiplexing and demultiplexing.
87.What are the protocols in application layer ?
Ans: The protocols defined in application layer are
88.What are the protocols in transport layer ?
Ans: The protocols defined in transport layer are
89.Define TCP ?
Ans: It is connection oriented protocol.It consist byte streams oeiginating on one machine to be delivered without error on any other machine in the network.while transmitting it fragments the stream to discrete messages and passes to interner layer.At the destination it reassembles the messages into output stream.
90.Define UDP ?
Ans: It is unreliable connectionless protocol.It is used for one-shot,client-server type,requesr-reply queries and applications in which prompt delivery is required than accuracy.
91.Define IP ?
Ans: Internetwork protocol (IP) is the transmission mechanism used by TCP/IP protocol.It is an unreliable and connectionless datagram protocol.It provides no error checking and tracking.
92.What do you mean by client server model ?
Ans: In client server model ,the client runs a program to request a service and the server runs a program to provide the service.These two programs communicate with each other. One server program can provide services to many client programs.
93.What are the information that a computer attached to a TCP/IP internet must possesses ?
Ans: Each computer attached to TCP/IP must possesses the following information
• Its IP addesss
• Its subnet mask
• The IP addesss of the router.
• The Ip address of the name server.
94.What is domain name system(DNS)?
Ans: Domain Name System (DNS )is a client server application that identifies each host on the internet with a unique user friendly name.
95.What is TELNET ?
Ans: TELNET is a client –server application that allows a user to log on to a remote machine,giving the user access to the remote system. TELNET is an abbreviation of terminal Network.
96.What do you mean by local login and remote login ?
Ans: When a user logs into a local time-sharing system ,it is called local login. When a user wants to access an application program or utility located on a remote machine,he or she performs remote login.
97.What is Network Virtual Terminal ?
Ans: A universal interface provided by TELNET is called Network Virtual Terminal(NVT) character set.Via this interface TELNET translates characters (data or command) that come from local terminal into NVT form and delivers them to the network.
98.What do you mean by Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ?
Ans: The TCP/IP protocol that supports electronic mail on the internet is called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.SMTP provides for mail exchange between users on the same or different computer and supports Sending a single message to one or more recipient Sending message that include text, voice,video,or graphics.Sending message to users on network outside the internet.
99.What is Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) ?
Ans: It is the main protocol used to access data on the World Wide Web .the protol transfers data in the form of plain text,hypertext,audio,video,and so on. It is so called because its efficiency allows its use in a hypertext environment where there are rapid jumps from one document to another.
100.What is URL ?
Ans: It is a standard for specifying any kind of information on the World Wide Web.
101. What is World Wide Web ?
Ans: World Wide Web is a repository of information spread all over the world and linked together.It is a unique combination of flexibility,portability,and user-friendly features .The World Wide Web today is a distributed client-server service,in which a client using a browser can access a service using a server.The service provided is distributed over many locations called web sites.
102.What is HTML ?
Ans: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a language for creating static web pages
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