Tuesday 25 June 2013

Ways to find Whether a Company is Real or Fake (Fraud)

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Steps to Know Whether a Company is registered or not ?

Step 1: Click on below link to Open the Ministry of Corporate Affairs

Step 2: Enter the Company name (Don't try with Short Forms or half names)

Step 3: If the company is not registered you will get a Pop-up Like

Step 4: If the company is registered you will get information like

  1. LLPIN/CIN/1A Ref No
  2. Company or LLP Name
  3. State
  4. Registration Date
  5. Company Status

Step 5: If you get the information like above that particular company is registered by Govt. of India.

Resume Tips For College Freshers

Resume Tips For College Freshers

Around this time every year, most college grads start scratching their heads -- almost to the point of baldness -- wondering how in the world to write their first resume.To write a first resume that works, keep these four points in mind ...

1) Act like a professional

The competition for jobs is fierce right now, so you must present yourself in the best possible light.
The biggest complaint employers make about resumes from new college grads is their use of cutesy or inappropriate email addresses
For example, an email address like icarryagun@aol.com isn't going to help your job search.
A close second in terms of things that annoy employers is poorly written resumes, with spelling errors, grammatical errors, passive language and other easily correctable mistakes,

2) One page is a good length

You dont have to tell your life story in your first resume. Far from it.

Very few new college graduate resumes should be more than one page long,"

"Any work experience not related to the job you're applying for should be left off. Although its great that you had a paper route from age 10 to 14, for example, that isnt relevant to an employer considering you for a civil engineering position,"
Employers will be more interested in your academic credentials and experience you obtained while in school, so focus on that.

3) Stick to the truth

Avoid the temptation to sprinkle your resume with buzzwords and skills you don't actually have.

"It annoys hiring managers when they call applicants for an interview, only to find they can't explain what's on their resume,"

Its more than annoying to claim more knowledge on your resume than you actually have. Its flat out lying. And it will cost you dearly when an employer finds out -- and they always do.

4) Finding a job is a full-time job

Too many first-time job seekers believe employers will magically find them if they just post their resume to a few job sites.

Posting resumes to high-traffic job sites is just a starting point. New college grads need to use their career service offices. They need to network. In short, they need to regard the process of finding a job as a full-time job,
This final tip is the most important and the one that takes the longest to learn, in my view.

Whether your a recent graduate or experienced professional, you should never sit back and wait for your next job to find you. Because you may be in for a very long wait.

  Interview Face 2 Face

Before the interview

Research the company by visiting their website, try to get important points about the company and note down it for reference. Identify the values of the company and compare it with your personal traits. Write down important ideas and bring it to the interview.

Enquire from your friends/relatives about the company and the mindset of the interviewer if possible. Try to get mock interview questions and if you feel necessary, try to do mock interview with some of your friends.

Think about how you would answer typical questions such as:

What are your goals over the next two, five, and ten years?
What are your strengths and would you explain with examples at workplace?
What are your weaknesses? How you were able to overcome from it?
What do you know about our company?
Tell me about yourself in brief in 2 minutes?
Why should I select you for the job?
Who has been your favorite supervisor? Why?
Who has been your least favorite supervisor? Why?
Try to look into the job description and how would you be suitable to the position. Prepare a list of specific strengths and professional qualifications you have for this particular position

  Tips to answer the personal interview questions

* As you go for a personal interview, always expect the question “Tell us something about yourself”. Go prepared to answer it.
* Understand the requirements of the role properly and keep your answer ready for “Why does this role interest you?”
* To judge your stability in the personal interview, the interviewer might ask a direct question like “Why do you think should we take you?” Go prepared to answer it.
* Prepare your answer to the question the interviewer might ask about your strengths and weaknesses in the interview. Take the word weaknesses as liberally as possible.
* Analyze the qualities that you required to achieve something big. Talk your latest achievement in the interview. When asked about mistakes, mention the one from long past.
* Never approach the interviewer as a “Job Beggar”. Go as a “Problem Solver”. Answer in positive when you are asked if you are speaking to some other companies for your job search.
* Show your flexible attitude during the personal interview. This can be done by being open to relocation.
* If you have stayed in your last job for too long or have switched the jobs very frequently, have an answer ready to the queries that might appear during the personal interview.
* Demonstrate the keenness to learn if you do not have all the required experience.
* Never talk bad about your last jobs or employers.
* Sound ambitious but stable.
* Sound like a team player but be open to take the autonomous responsibilities.
* Don’t jump on the salary in the initial part of the interview. Let the interviewer take it out first.
* Study about the company before you go for the interview. Ask intelligent questions when give a chance to ask questions to interviewers.
* Stay confident, composed and calm during the interview.

Required Skills to Become a Human Resource Manager (HRM)

Human resources managers handle day-to-day employment issues for a company or organization. While HR managers normally report to HR directors or the company's CEO, it is the duty of the HR manager to keep company departments running smoothly while making sure that everyone in the organization, from high-level executives to departmental employees, have a peaceful and formulated life at work. The skills needed to be an HR manager are many, but with the proper education and training, a person can excel in this career at a fast pace.

1. The HR manager focuses on the day-to-day operations of employment and placement; compensation and benefits; training and development; and labor relations for a company or organization. The HR manager also oversees the human resources department's own budget; employee training, hiring and termination policies; and employee salaries. Normally HR managers are in charge of other HR supervisors, as well as HR team leads and HR assistants in various departments.

2. Typically a bachelor's degree (four years of college) in human resources is required for a person to hold a position as a human resources manager. Some companies require the HR manager to hold a degree in psychology or business. Because of the tough competition for this type of job, many HR managers obtain their master's degree in their chosen field. Also, being certified as a professional in human resources (PHR) or senior professional in human resources (SPHR) will give you extra training and the accreditation needed to be successful in this career.

Workplace Skills
3. In the workplace, HR managers find themselves wearing many hats. Being knowledgeable in payroll procedures, labor laws, workers compensation and employee benefits, to name a few issues, is mandatory in some organizations and will assist the HR manager in doing her job to the best of her ability. Because human resources managers normally work within an office setting, skills such as typing and being able to use computer software are also necessary.

People Skills
4. Human resource managers must be able to get along with people at all levels of the company and be adept at explaining and understanding the strategy of the organization. At times, when confronted with difficult situations such as layoffs or terminations, they have to demonstrate communication skills and tact. HR managers frequently have an open-door policy as they are the information hub for the company. They must practice discipline and fairness with all employees, from the janitor to the CEO.

5. According to the government's Occupational Outlook Handbook of 2008-2009, the earnings for a human resources manager range between $60,000 and $145,000 a year. The job outlook for this profession is above average, with an estimated 17 percent growth until 2016.

  Group Discussion MBA- General Tips/ Tricks

A group discussion (GD) is a simulated exercise, where you cannot suddenly put up a show, since the evaluators will see through you easily. In this page you can find tips on GD and how to handle them to ensure a positive outcome.

Here's how most group discussions work

* Normally groups of 8-10 candidates are formed into a leaderless group, and are given a specific situation to analyze and discuss within a given time limit.

* The group may be given a case study and asked to come out with a solution for a problem.

* The group may be given a topic and asked to discuss on the same.

A panel will observe the proceedings and evaluate the members of the group.


Lets start from the basic. One needs to know what one's objective in the group is. A good definition of your objective is - to be noticed to have contributed meaningfully in an attempt to help the group reach the right consensus. What does this essentially mean?

1. The first implication is that you should be noticed by the panel. Merely making a meaningful contribution and helping the group arrive at a consensus is not enough. You have to be seen by the evaluating panel to have made the meaningful contribution. What does that mean in practice?

* You must ensure that the group hears you. If the group hears you, so will the evaluator. That does not mean that you shout at the top of your voice and be noticed for the wrong reasons.

* You have to be assertive. If you are not a very assertive person, you will have to simply learn to be assertive for those 15 minutes. Remember, assertiveness does not mean being bull-headed or being arrogant.

* And most importantly, you have to make your chances. Many group discussion participants often complain that they did not get a chance to speak. The fact is that in no group discussion will you get a chance to speak. There is nothing more unacceptable in a GD than keeping one's mouth shut or just murmuring things which are inaudible.

* Participate in as many practice GDs as possible before you attend the actual GD. There is nothing like practice to help you overcome the fear of talking in a GD.

2. The second important implication is that making just any sort of contribution is not enough. Your contribution has to be meaningful. A meaningful contribution suggests that
* You have a good knowledge base
* You are able to put forth your arguments logically and are a good communicator.

* The quality of what you said is more valuable than the quantity. There is this myth amongst many group discussion participants that the way to succeed in a group discussion is by speaking loudly and at great length. One could not be more wrong. You must have meat in your arguments.

Therefore, think things through carefully.

Always enter the room with a piece of paper and a pen. In the first two minutes jot down as many ideas as you can.

When you jot down points, keep these pointers in mind.

If it is a topic where you are expected to take a stand, say for example, "Should India sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty?" note down points for both sides of the argument. It will be useful on two counts :

* One, if you do not start the GD and are not amongst the first five speakers and find that everyone in the group is talking for the topic, then it makes sense to take the alternate approach and oppose the topic even if you initially intended to talk for the topic.

* Second, it helps to have a knowledge of how group members who take a stand diametrically opposite to yours will put forth their argument and to be prepared with counter arguments.

3. Everybody else will state the obvious. So highlight some points that are not obvious. The different perspective that you bring to the group will be highly apprecaited by the panel. Some pointers on being relevant while having a different perspective are:

* Be careful that the "something different" you state is still relevant to the topic being debated.
* Can you take the group ahead if it is stuck at one point?
* Can you take it in a fresh and more relevant direction?

4. The last implication is that you must be clearly seen to be attempting to build a consensus.

* Gaining support or influencing colleagues is the mantra adopted by many a successful Business Leaders.

* Nobody expects a group of ten intelligent, assertive people, all with different points of view on a controversial subject to actually achieve a consensus. But what matters is "Did you make attempts to build a consensus?

* The reason why an attempt to build a consensus is important is because in most work situations you will have to work with people in a team, accept joint responsibilities and take decisions as a group.

* You must demonstrate the fact that you are capable and inclined to work as part of a team.

Designing your resume to grab employer's attention

Job hunting can be one of the most exhilarating and yet one of the most agonizing experiences in your life. While you look forward to the new chapter in your professional life, finding a way to stand out from other candidates, who are at least equally qualified for the position you want, is a difficult task.

Your resume is the first contact your potential employer has with you. A well formatted and a well-written resume can make a difference between getting the interview and getting the job, and being passed over. Most employers receive a stack of resumes of qualified candidates and scan them quickly before they decide whether or not hey want to read further. You only have a few seconds to make a lasting impression. Don't panic. Instead, focus on the design of your resume as it is the first thing your employer, whether on paper or in electronic form.

The most commonly made mistake in resume design include using templates that are already available in Microsoft Word. While these templates provide a quick, easy to follow tools to create your resume, they are outdated, and they will make your resume appear generic and uninviting. Additionally, these templates, while well formatted in Microsoft Word, will not translate well when emailed or uploaded to job search engine web sites.

Second most commonly made mistake in resume design is inclusion of graphics on the page. Your picture and/or any other graphics are not appropriate for a resume. Including anything outside of plain text will make you stand out in a way that makes the employer think you are not taking yourself seriously as a professional, and this is certainly not the first impression you want to make. You can find samples of resumes on the Internet; search for resumes by your industry to find the templates that make most sense for the job you are seeking. Than work on a blank page to replicate the look and feel of the resume you like.

The following are basic formatting rules for your resume:

- Limit the length of the resume to two pages.
- The page should have one-inch margins, top and bottom, right and left.
- Use left justification only - as a rule, do not center the content of your resume.
- The font and font size should be consistent.
- The bullet points should be basic - use circles or squares, but never any symbols that may not translate well when you email your resume to your potential employer.
- Headlines can be in all caps; the remaining text should not have special formatting.
- Do not underline any of the information in your resume. In the world of Internet driven job applications, underlining in a document implies a web link.
- The font size for headlines should not exceed 14 points; the remainder of the text in the resume should not exceed 12 points.
- Use the Tab key instead of the Space bar to create spaces between the text in your resume.

As a last formatting check point, ask your friends or your family for help in reviewing your resume. Send the resume file via email to a few of your friends - ask them to review the resume and make sure nothing seems out of place. Print out the resume on paper and review to make sure that margins are accurately set, and that the content doesn't appear crowded on the page. Keep in mind - when it comes to your resume, sleek simple appearance, and great writing, will get you the job you are seeking.

Imp Tips-2 don't Neglect

A great resume is all one big assertions section. In other words, every single word, even the basic facts about your history, are crafted to have the desired effect, to get them to pick up the phone and call you. The decisions you make on what information to emphasize and what to d-emphasize should be based on considering every word of your resume to be an important part of the assertions section. The evidence includes some or all of the following:


* List jobs in reverse chronological order. Don't go into detail on the jobs early in your career; focus on the most recent and/or relevant jobs. (Summarize a number of the earliest jobs in one line or very short paragraph, or list only the bare facts with no position description.) Decide which is, overall, more impressive - your job titles or the names of the firms you worked for - then consistently begin with the more impressive of the two, perhaps using boldface type.
* You may want to describe the firm in a phrase in parentheses if this will impress the reader. Put dates in italics at the end of the job, to d-emphasize them; don't include months, unless the job was held less than a year. Include military service, internships, and major volunteer roles if desired; because the section is labeled "Experience." It does not mean that you were paid.
* Other headings: Professional History,Professional Experience, Employment & Work History,both of which sound more lower-level.


* List education in reverse chronological order, degrees or licenses first, followed by certificates and advanced training. Set degrees apart so they are easily seen. Put in boldface whatever will be most impressive. Don't include any details about college except your major and distinctions or awards you have won, unless you are still in college or just recently graduated. Include grade-point average only if over 3.4. List selected course work if this will help convince the reader of your qualifications for the targeted job.
* Do include advanced training, but be selective with the information, summarizing the information and including only what will be impressive for the reader.
* No degree received yet? If you are working on an uncompleted degree, include the degree and afterwards, in parentheses, the expected date of completion: B.S. (expected 200_).
* If you didn't finish college, start with a phrase describing the field studied, then the school, then the dates (the fact that there was no degree may be missed).
* Other headings might be "Education and Training," "Education and Licenses, Legal Education / Undergraduate Education" (for attorneys).


If the only awards received were in school, put these under the Education section. Mention what the award was for if you can (or just "for outstanding accomplishment" or "outstanding performance&quot. This section is almost a must, if you have received awards. If you have received commendations or praise from some very senior source, you could call this section, "Awards and Commendations." In that case, go ahead and quote the source.


Include only those that are current, relevant and impressive. Include leadership roles if appropriate. This is a good section for communicating your status as a member of a minority targeted for special consideration by employers, or for showing your membership in an association that would enhance your appeal as a prospective employee.
This section can be combined with Civic / Community Leadership, Professional and Community Memberships.


This is good to include if the leadership roles or accomplishments are related to the job target and can show skills acquired, for example, a loan officer hoping to become a financial investment counselor who was Financial Manager of a community organization charged with investing its funds. Any Board of Directors membership or "chairmanship" would be good to include. Be careful with political affiliations, as they could be a plus or minus with an employer or company.


Include only if published. Summarize if there are many.


Include only if very exceptional. Heavily edit for key phrases.


Advantages: Personal interests can indicate a skill or area or knowledge that is related to the goal, such as photography for someone in public relations, or carpentry and woodworking for someone in construction management. This section can show well-roundness, good physical health, or knowledge of a subject related to the goal. It can also create common ground or spark conversation in an interview.

Disadvantages: Personal interests are usually irrelevant to the job goal and purpose of the resume, and they may be meaningless or an interview turn-off (TV and Reading, Fund raising for the Hell's Angels

You probably should not include a personal interests section. Your reason for including it is most likely that you want to tell them about you. But, as you know, this is an ad. If this section would powerfully move the employer to understand why you would be the best candidate, include it; otherwise, forget about it.

May also be called Interests and Hobbies or just "Interests.

You may put "References available upon request" at the end of your resume, if you wish. This is a standard close (centered at bottom in italics), but is not necessary: It is usually assumed. Do not include actual names of references. You can bring a separate sheet of references to the interview, to be given to the employer upon request. The resume is visually enticing, a work of art. Simple clean structure. Very easy to read. Symmetrical. Balanced. Uncrowded. As much white space between sections of writing as possible; sections of writing that are no longer than six lines, and shorter if possible.

General Tips

* There are absolutely no errors. No typographical errors. No spelling errors. No grammar, syntax, or punctuation errors. No errors of fact.
* All the basic, expected information is included. A resume must have the following key information: your name, address, phone number, and your e-mail address at the top of the first page, a listing of jobs held, in reverse chronological order, educational degrees including the highest degree received, in reverse chronological order. Additional, targeted information will of course accompany this. Much of the information people commonly put on a resume can be omitted, but these basics are mandatory.
* Jobs listed include a title, the name of the firm, the city and state of the firm, and the years. Jobs earlier in a career can be summarized, or omitted if prior to the highest degree, and extra part-time jobs can be omitted. If no educational degrees have been completed, it is still expected to include some mention of education (professional study or training, partial study toward a degree, etc.) acquired after high school.
* It is targeted. A resume should be targeted to your goal, to the ideal next step in your career. First you should get clear what your job goal is, what the ideal position or positions would be. Then you should figure out what key skills, areas of expertise or body of experience the employer will be looking for in the candidate. Gear the resume structure and content around this target, proving these key qualifications. If you have no clear goal, take the skills (or knowledge) you most enjoy or would like to use or develop in your next career step and build the resume around those.

* Strengths are highlighted / weaknesses d-emphasized. Focus on whatever is strongest and most impressive. Make careful and strategic choices as to how to organize, order, and convey your skills and background. Consider: whether to include the information at all, placement in overall structure of the resume, location on the page itself or within a section, ordering of information, more impressive ways of phrasing the information, use of design elements (such as boldface to highlight, italics to minimize, ample surrounding space to draw the eye to certain things).
* It has focus. A resume needs an initial focus to help the reader understand immediately. Don't make the reader go through through the whole resume to figure out what your profession is and what you can do. Think of the resume as an essay with a title and a summative opening sentence. An initial focus may be as simple as the name of your profession (Commercial Real Estate Agent,& Resume Writer&quot centered under the name and address; it may be in the form of an Objective; it may be in the form of a Summary Statement or, better, a Summary Statement beginning with a phrase identifying your profession.
* Use power words. For every skill, accomplishment, or job described, use the most active impressive verb you can think of (which is also accurate). Begin the sentence with this verb, except when you must vary the sentence structure to avoid repetitious writing.
* Show you are results-oriented. Wherever possible, prove that you have the desired qualifications through clear strong statement of accomplishments, rather than a statement of potentials, talents, or responsibilities. Indicate results of work done, and quantify these accomplishment whenever appropriate. For example: "Initiated and directed complete automation of the Personnel Department, resulting in time-cost savings of over 25%." Additionally, preface skill and experience statements with the adjectives "proven" and "demonstrated" to create this results-orientation.

* Writing is concise and to the point. Keep sentences as short and direct as possible. Eliminate any extraneous information and any repetitions. Don't use three examples when one will suffice. Say what you want to say in the most direct way possible, rather than trying to impress with bigger words or more complex sentences. For example: "coordinated eight city-wide fund-raising events, raising 250% more than expected goal" rather than "was involved in the coordination of six fund- raising dinners and two fund-raising walkabouts which attracted participants throughout St. Louis and were so extremely successful that they raised $5,000 (well beyond the $2,000 goal).
* Vary long sentences (if these are really necessary) with short punchy sentences. Use phrases rather than full sentences when phrases are possible, and start sentences with verbs, eliminating pronouns (I he or &she. Vary words: Don't repeat a power verb or adjective in the same paragraph. Use commas to clarify meaning and make reading easier. Remain consistent in writing decisions such as use of abbreviations and capitalization.
* Make it look great. Use a laser printer or an ink jet printer that produces high- quality results. A laser is best because the ink won't run if it gets wet. It should look typeset. Do not compromise. If you do, your resume will look pathetic next to ones that have a perfect appearance. Use a standard conservative typeface (font) in 11 or 12 point. Don't make them squint to read it. Use off-white, ivory or bright white 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper, in the highest quality affordable. If you are applying for a senior-level position, use Cranes 100% rag paper and make sure the water-mark is facing the right way. Use absolutely clean paper without smudges, without staples and with a generous border. Don't have your resume look like you squeezed too much on the page.
* Shorter is usually better. Everyone freely gives advice on resume length. Most of these self-declared experts say a resume should always be one page. That makes no more sense than it does to say an ad or a poem should automatically be one page. Your resume can be 500 pages long if you can keep the reader's undivided attention and interest that long, and at the same time create a psychological excitement that leads prospective employers to pick up the phone and call you when they finish your weighty tome. Don't blindly follow rules! Do what works. Sometimes it is appropriate to have a three pager. But unless your life has been filled with a wide assortment of extraordinary achievements, make it shorter. One page is best if you can cram it all into one page. Most Fortune 500 C.E.O.s have a one- or two-page resume. It could be said that, the larger your accomplishments, the easier to communicate them in few words. Look to others in your profession to see if there is an established agreement about resume length in your field. The only useful rule is to not write one more word than you need to get them to pick up the phone and call you. Don't bore them with the details. Leave them wanting more. Remember, this is an ad to market you, not your life history.

* Length of consulting resumes. In a consulting resume, you are expected to shovel it as deep as you possibly can. If you are selling your own consulting services, make it sizzle, just like any other resume, but include a little more detail, such as a list of well-known clients, powerful quotes from former clients about how fantastic you are, etc. If you are seeking a job with a consulting firm that will be packaging you along with others as part of a proposal, get out your biggest shovel and go to town. Include everything except the name of your goldfish: A full list of publications, skills, assignments, other experience, and every bit of educational crayola that you can manage to make sound related to your work. The philosophy here is: more is better.
* Watch your verb tense. Use either the first person ("I&quot or the third person (;he,& she&quot point of view,but use whichever you choose consistently. Verb tenses are based on accurate reporting: If the accomplishment is completed, it should be past tense. If the task is still underway, it should be present tense. If the skill has been used in the past and will continue to be used, use present tense (conduct presentations on member recruitment to professional and trade associations&quot. A way of ;smoothing out transitions is to use the past continuous (have conducted more than 20 presentations...
* Break it up. A good rule is to have no more than six lines of writing in any one writing block or paragraph (summary, skill section, accomplishment statement, job description, etc.). If any more than this is necessary, start a new section or a new paragraph.
* Experience before education...usually. Experience sections should come first, before education, in most every case. This is because you have more qualifications developed from your experience than from your education. The exceptions would be 1) if you have just received or are completing a degree in a new professional field, if this new degree study proves stronger qualifications than does your work experience, 2) if you are a lawyer, with the peculiar professional tradition of listing your law degrees first, 3) if you are an undergraduate student, or 4) if you have just completed a particularly impressive degree from a particularly impressive school, even if you are staying in the same field, for example, an MBA from Harvard.
* Telephone number that will be answered. Be sure the phone number on the resume will, without exception, be answered by a person or an answering machine Monday through Friday 8-5pm. You do not want to lose the prize interview merely because there was no answer to your phone, and the caller gave up. Include the area code of the telephone number. If you don't have an answering machine, get one. Include e-mail and fax numbers, if you have them.
* Try not to include anything on the resume that could turn the employer off, anything that is controversial (political, etc.) or could be taken in a negative light.
Put the most important information on the first line of a writing block or paragraph. The first line is read the most.
* Use bold caps for your name on page one. Put your name at the top of page two on a two-page resume. Put section headings, skill headings, titles or companies (if impressive), degrees, and school name (if impressive), in boldface.
* Spell out numbers under and including ten; use the numerical form for numbers over and including 11 (as a general rule), unless they are the first words in a sentence. Spell out abbreviations unless they are unquestionably obvious.
* If you are not sure what sort of job you are looking for, you will most likely wind up in something that turns out to be just a "job." In a job you exchange your life for money. It is possible to choose a career that will fit you so well that you do it because you like to go to work.


* The word "Resume" at the top of the resume
* Fluffy rambling "objective" statements
* Salary information
* Full addresses of former employers
* Reasons for leaving jobs
* A "Personal" section, or personal statistics (except in special cases)
* Names of supervisors
* References


* What key qualifications will the employer be looking for?
* What qualifications will be most important to them that you possess?
* Which of these are your greatest strengths?
* What are the highlights of your career to date that should be emphasized?
* What should be De-emphasized?
* What things about you and your background make you stand out?
* What are your strongest areas of skill and expertise? Knowledge? Experience?
* What are some other skills you possess--perhaps more auxiliary skills?
* What are characteristics you possess that make you a strong candidate? (Things like "innovative, hard-working, strong interpersonal skills, ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously under tight deadlines&quot
* What are the three or four things you feel have been your greatest accomplishments?
* What was produced as a result of your greatest accomplishments?
* Can you quantify the results you produced in numerical or other specific terms?
* What were the two or three accomplishments of that particular job?
* What were the key skills you used in that job? What did you do in each of those skill areas?
* What sorts of results are particularly impressive to people in your field?
* What results have you produced in these areas?
* What are the "buzz words" that people in your field expect you to use in lieu of a secret club handshake, which should be included in your resume?

Reply With Quote Cover Letter Writing Tips

* Research the organization and the job to understand the firm's needs and priorities. This helps a lot in deciding the main points for the cover letter.
* The approach should be simple, avoiding jargon and technical terms. Avoid dramatic style or flowery language.
* Use a white executive bond paper of A4 size and use word processor with eligible font.
* Don't confuse the reader with your covering letter. Keep the letter clear, simple and concise. Limit your letter to not more than one page. Be assertive and adopt a confident tone throughout the covering letter.
* Direct your letter to a specific person; try your best to research the contact person in charge, and address the person in a polite manner by last name preceded by Mr. or Ms. (Dear Mr/Ms.X). This is particularly important for speculative inquires when the job hasn't been advertised and you are not sure who is in charge of recruitment. If all your attempts fail, top your letter with "to the HR Manager/Personnel Manager" or equivalent, and address the person as Dear Sir or Madam. Avoid using. To whom it may concern
* Be brief and to the point, keeping a professional business tone to your letter. Briefly mention why you are interested in this company in specific. Research some information about the company and its activities.
* Limit your paragraphs to a maximum of four to five lines. Use the covering letter to show your suitability for the post; how you match the skills and experience the employer is looking for.
If you are applying to a specific job advertisement make sure this is clear in the letter, most commonly this should form part of the opening paragraph. Avoid repeating what is in your resume but rather refer to it for more details.
* If you are making a speculative application, you need to research the company beforehand to make sure that they have jobs that will suit you. Make sure that your letter is clear about what you want - a full-time job, a part time job, or work experience.
* Always use Action verbs and end in a positive note. Instead of writing "I hope you will find", say "I am confident that my experience will add
* Sign your letter. You signature is very important at the bottom of the letter. Never forget to put your signature.
* Make sure of the correct spelling of name and title of the recipient. And check the spellings and grammar. You may also have a friend or colleague proof-read your letter for possible errors. Be aware, one single mistake could prove to be brutal.
* Tailor your letter to the recipient. Do not have a ready-made cover letter for all potential employers.
* As funny as it may sound, ensure that you do not put an ABCs cover letter in an XYZs envelope!
* If you are sending your resume and covering letter through e-mail, check your letter and attachment for viruses.
* Follow up on your letter and call your recipient on the day you specified.
* Keep in mind that a well-written cover letter not only enhances, but also augments your resume. It gives you an edge over others. The interview call and offer letter will not be far behind!

To get rid of interview phobia?


Interview can be defined as “A selection process designed to predict future job performance on the basis of applicant’s oral responses to oral inquiries.

Effectiveness of selection interview:

An interviewer tries to answer three bottom lines Questions.i.e,

Can he do the job? (Competence)

Will he do the job? (Motivation)

Will he fit in team/organization? (Match)

In every interview Interviewer has certain requirements & candidates have certain expectations as discussed below so try to make you best as per the company’s requirement. List the things you would like to have seen when you last went for an interview. Make clear within yourself that what you expect from the company.

The structure of any interview is as listed below:
- Opening, Rapport Building
- Current & Previous roles
- Aspirations & Awareness
- Education & Upbringing
- Circumstances & Interests
- Closing, Wrap up

The structures of questions that are being asked are as follows:
- Open Ended Questions

Open-ended questions are the questions which start with “How, What, When, Where, Who, Why”.
- Close Ended Questions

Close-ended questions are the questions starting like “Do you, did you, Can you, Will you, Could you, would you, Should you”.
- Prompting/ Encouraging Expressions

Prompting or Encouraging expressions are the questions starting like “Tell me……, Describe ………, For example? For instance? , In what sense? How come? In simpler terms…….

Different Questions are covered like:

- What Q’s –Elicit information about knowledge, facts/Data, Opinions
- Why Q’s-Analytical skills, Reasoning, Logic etc., motivations (what else…, how else…, where else...)
- How Q’s-Knowledge of functional skills, process/steps,(Also analytical skills)
- How much/ How well Q’s-Validating achievements.

The 12 most important competencies that any Employer is looking for are as follows:
i. Communication
ii. Achievement Orientation
iii. Customer Focus
iv. Team Work
v. Leadership
vi. Planning & Organizing
vii. Commercial awareness
viii. Flexibility
ix. Developing others
x. Problem Solving
xi. Analytical Thinking
xii. Building Relationships

Critical Attributes For Managers
- Interpersonal skills
- Influencing skills
- Results Orientation
- Customer Concern
- Technical Expertise
- Providing Direction
- Conceptual Thinking
- Team Building
- Planning
- Decision Making

Most Important Things To look For In A Resume
- Work or Internship Experience
- Specific Major or Degree
- Summary of Qualifications
- Accomplishments
- Clear Objective
- Extra-Curricular Involvement

What makes a candidate stand out most in an interview?
- Personality that seems to feet in position and team.
- Answers that include thoughtful examples.
- Sincere, passionate interest in the position.
- Poised & professional attitude
- Providing evidence/an example of intelligence or ability to learn.
- Knowledge of Company/ Organization
- Thoughtful Questions to the interviewer
- Professional Dress
- Direct & Appropriate eye contact.

Interviewer Favorite Questions
- Tell me something about yourself.
- How would you describe yourself in five words or phrases?
- Why should I hire you instead of one of the other applicants for this position?
- What are your long-term career goals?
- Have you ever visited our website?
- What do you know about our Company/Organization?
- Why are you interested in this particular position in our company?
- What strengths do you bring to this position?
- What qualities will you bring to our company that will help us improve?
- If you were the employer and could only make one job offer, which one of your classmates would you hire and why?
- Give me an example of a time when you failed. What did you learn from it, and how did you apply that knowledge in a future situation?
- Give me a situation where in order to solve a problem you had to find a unique solution.
- According to you what are the key elements in order to be successful in life?
- What has been your greatest accomplishment in life?
- Tell me about a stressful situation and how you handled it.
- What do you look in a leader? What do you look for while selecting a team?
- What are your interests/hobbies off work? Do you enjoy more as an individual or a group?

What do your colleagues see you as?
- If you could change something in past, what would you like to change? How and why?
- What remuneration are you expecting from this position in our company?
- Is there any other relevant information that you might like to convey/discuss that may be important to you?
- When would you like to start working?

Human Resource Interview Tips & Questions

Here are the keys to successful job interviewing.

Tell About Yourself?

» Tell me about yourself: This is really more of a request than a question. But these few words can put you on the spot in a way no question can. Many quickly lose control of the interview during the most critical time- the first five minutes. This is not the time to go into a lengthy history or wander off in different directions. Your response should be focused and purposeful. Communicate a pattern of interests and skills that relate to the position in question. Consider your response to this question as a commercial that sells your autobiography. Provide an answer that includes information about where you grew up, where you went to school, your initial work experience, additional education and special training, where you are now, and what you intend to do next. One of the most effective ways to prepare for this question is to develop a 60-second biographic sketch that emphasizes a pattern of interests, skills, and accomplishments. Focus your response around a common theme related to your major interests and skills. Take, for example, the following response, which emphasizes computers. "I was born in Canton, Ohio and attended Lincoln High School. Ever since I was a teenager, I tinkered with computers. It was my hobby, my passion, and my way of learning. Like most kids I enjoyed computer games. When my folks gave me a computer as a reward for making honor roll my sophomore year, I mastered DOS, Windows, and WordPerfect within six months. I then went on to teach myself programming basics. By the time I graduated high school,
I knew I wanted to study programming. From that point on, everything fell into place. My life revolved around computing. By my junior year at Syracuse, I decided I wanted to work for a major software manufacturer. That is why I had an internship last summer at FastTrack Software.
I now want to work for a major player so I can be at the forefront of breaking trends and new technology. When my college roommate told me about his start in your department, I hounded him until he helped me get a referral, which brought me here today. I am prepared to answer any questions you may have about my education and experience." This response sets a nice tone for starting the interview. The interviewee is able to say a lot within 60 seconds by staying focused.
The message is clear: the interviewee has both passion and focus relating to the position. He stays on message and concludes by leaving the door open for additional questions about his education and experience. Unfortunately some candidates get off on the wrong foot by rambling on for
several minutes about their childhood, family, hobbies, travels, and interests.

What are your greatest strengths?

TRAPS: This question seems like a softball lob, but be prepared. You don't want to come across as egotistical or arrogant. Neither is this a time to be humble.

BEST ANSWER: You know that your key strategy is to first uncover your interviewer's greatest wants and needs before you answer questions. And from Question 1, you know how to do this.
Prior to any interview, you should have a list mentally prepared of your greatest strengths. You should also have, a specific example or two, which illustrates each strength, an example chosen from your most recent and most impressive achievements.
You should, have this list of your greatest strengths and corresponding examples from your achievements so well committed to memory it.
Then, once you uncover your interviewer's greatest wants and needs, you can choose those achievements from your list that best match up.

As a general guideline, the 10 most desirable traits that all employers love to see in their employees are:

1. A proven track record as an achiever...especially if your achievements match up with the employer's greatest wants and needs.
2. Intelligence...management "savvy".
3. Honesty...integrity...a decent human being.
4. Good fit with corporate culture...someone to feel comfortable with...a team player who meshes well with interviewer's team.
5. Likeability...positive attitude...sense of humor. 6. Good communication skills.
7. Dedication...willingness to walk the extra mile to achieve excellence.
8. Definiteness of purpose...clear goals.
9. Enthusiasm...high level of motivation.
10. Confident...healthy...a leader.

What are your greatest weaknesses?
TRAPS: Beware - this is an eliminator question, designed to shorten the candidate list. Any admission of a weakness or fault will earn you an "A" for honesty, but an "F" for the interview.

PASSABLE ANSWER: Disguise strength as a weakness.

Example: "I sometimes push my people too hard. I like to work with a sense of urgency and everyone is not always on the same wavelength."

Drawback: This strategy is better than admitting a flaw, but it's so widely used; it is transparent to any experienced interviewer.

BEST ANSWER: (and another reason it's so important to get a thorough description of your interviewer's needs before you answer questions): Assure the interviewer that you can think of nothing that would stand in the way of your performing in this position with excellence. Then, quickly review you strongest qualifications.

Example: "Nobody's perfect, but based on what you've told me about this position, I believe I' d make an outstanding match. I know that when I hire people, I look for two things most of all. Do they have the qualifications to do the job well, and the motivation to do it well? Everything in my background shows I have both the qualifications and a strong desire to achieve excellence in whatever I take on. So I can say in all honesty that I see nothing that would cause you even a small concern about my ability or my strong desire to perform this job with excellence."
Alternate strategy (if you don't yet know enough about the position to talk about such a perfect fit):
Instead of confessing a weakness, describe what you like most and like least, making sure that what you like most matches up with the most important qualification for success in the position, and what you like least is not essential.

Example: Let's say you're applying for a teaching position. "If given a choice, I like to spend as much time as possible in front of my prospects selling, as opposed to shuffling paperwork back at the office. Of course, I long ago learned the importance of filing paperwork properly, and I do it conscientiously. But what I really love to do is sell (if your interviewer were a sales manager, this should be music to his ears.)

Problems and Issues in the - Student Placements

The task of filling up vacant positions in an organization is extremely important and must be done right in order to get the best people to work for you and take the Company forward with their skills and dedication.

Companies have been using a variety of methods to employ and select personnel to work for them and Campus Recruitment is one of the newest methods used by most Companies today.

What is Campus Recruitment?

Campus Recruitment or Campus Placement has become a popular and commonly used method for selecting personnel in an organisation. In Campus Recruitment, Companies / Corporate visit some of the most important Technical and Professional Institutes in an attempt to hire young intelligent and smart students at source.

The most significant fact about Campus Recruitment is that instead of the job seekers approaching employers, the employers come to the most suitable prospective candidate with a job offer. It is common practice for Institutes today to hire a Placement Officer who coordinates with small, medium and large sized Companies and helps in streamlining the entire Campus Recruitment procedure.

The term Campus Recruitment refers to the system where various organizations visit to the college (campuses) to recruit bright youngsters to work for them. Students, who are keen on beginning their professional career as soon as they finish studies, find the opportunity knocking at their doors. They can thus get the training and acquire professional skills immediately after college. This is good opportunity to enter the job market as entry otherwise becomes difficult.


Campus Recruitment provides a platform for the organizations to meet the aspirants and pick up intelligent, committed youth who have the requisite enthusiasm and zeal to prove themselves. In order to find the right candidates, organizations employ various selection procedures. With the growth in IT/ITES industries, the need for talented and self-motivated young people who can work tirelessly has grown. So organizations do not confine themselves to only the select institutes but spread their net far and wide.

Campus recruitment has also spread from professional colleges (like engineering) to colleges offering general degrees like B.Com, B.Sc, etc. Organizations seek to pickup the cream from different colleges. Hence, students from most good colleges now have a favorable chance to join a reputed organization without having to scrutinize diligently the 'wanted' columns.

Now one also needs to understand why it is that corporate are beginning to lay a lot of emphasis on campus recruitment. In today's world it is a war out there. A war to hire the right kind of talent. Capable and hardworking manpower is the best asset that any company can have. And the company that manages to hire and retain the right kind of talent can hope to best its rivals in the market place. Hence the importance of Campus Recruitment.

It is easy for companies to reach a particular college and conduct recruitment's there rather than reach out to a whole lot of individuals via newspapers etc. Now this trend is here to stay. It therefore makes a lot of sense to be thoroughly prepared for the Campus Recruitment by the companies.

Need for preparation: In order to find the best possible placement, students, good or mediocre, need to put up their best. While more companies are now recruiting one must realize that the competition has become stiffer. It must also be borne in mind that organizations do not want to compromise on quality, as the salary offered is good. So, even good students need to polish their speed and accuracy, through regular practice and thus give a credible performance.

Benefits of Campus Recruitment:

To Colleges

* Attract more employers.
* Increase in placement percentage.
* Quicker placements.
* Higher compensation packages.
* Enhanced college brand image.
* Reduced burden on placement office.
* Reduced cost of placement initiatives.
* Attract more students.
* Greater student satisfaction.

To Students

* Quicker placements after graduation.
* Better remuneration packages.
* Improve self-marketing skills.
* Enhance career planning knowledge.
* 24x7 access to career counselors.
* Large choice of job opportunities.
* Build career in area of prominent skills, interests.

To Employers

* Improve hiring speed and efficiency.
* Reduce administrative costs of hiring.
* Attract greater response to vacancies.
* 24x7 access to college.
* Overcome geographical barriers to recruitment.

Problems in Connection with Placements:

* Except a few most of the colleges do not have placement cells.
* So many colleges have not appointed qualified and experienced Placement officers so far.
* Students with rural background do not posses communication skills . So they are not being selected.
* Companies are focusing only on Metros and City colleges and they are not coming to remote colleges for campus selections.
* Corporates are depending on recruitment (placement) agencies for hiring fresh people. The expectations of some of these agencies are not feasible to colleges.
* Some of the recruitment agencies are resorting to unhealthy practices by taking money from the colleges and students.
* Severe Competition among colleges

Measures Required:

* College managements should have tie-up with industries while starting their courses
* Colleges may earmark some amounts in their annual budges for the placement activity.
* Colleges should form alumni associations and annual alumni meetings need to be arranged to support placement activity.
* Career portal services can be utilized by the colleges to improve their placements
* Universities may conduct Job Fests by inviting various companies to one place to help the students of the affiliated colleges.
* Universities also maintain the data base of the students of affiliated colleges and disseminate the same to prospective employers.
* Colleges should create placement cells and appoint placement officers exclusively to look after placement activity.


Quick tips to answer the personal interview questions

* As you go for a personal interview, always expect the question “Tell us something about yourself”. Go prepared to answer it.
* Understand the requirements of the role properly and keep your answer ready for “Why does this role interest you?”
* To judge your stability in the personal interview, the interviewer might ask a direct question like “Why do you think should we take you?” Go prepared to answer it.
* Prepare your answer to the question the interviewer might ask about your strengths and weaknesses in the interview. Take the word weaknesses as liberally as possible.
* Analyze the qualities that you required to achieve something big. Talk your latest achievement in the interview. When asked about mistakes, mention the one from long past.
* Never approach the interviewer as a “Job Beggar”. Go as a “Problem Solver”. Answer in positive when you are asked if you are speaking to some other companies for your job search.
* Show your flexible attitude during the personal interview. This can be done by being open to relocation.
* If you have stayed in your last job for too long or have switched the jobs very frequently, have an answer ready to the queries that might appear during the personal interview.
* Demonstrate the keenness to learn if you do not have all the required experience.
* Never talk bad about your last jobs or employers.
* Sound ambitious but stable.
* Sound like a team player but be open to take the autonomous responsibilities.
* Don’t jump on the salary in the initial part of the interview. Let the interviewer take it out first.
* Study about the company before you go for the interview. Ask intelligent questions when give a chance to ask questions to interviewers.
* Stay confident, composed and calm during the interview.


Logical Reasoning Questions and Answers

Question 1

Although most of the fastest growing jobs in today's economy will require a college degree, many of the new jobs being created-from home health aide to desktop publisher-require knowledge other than that gained from earning a degree. For workers in those jobs, good basic skills in reading, communication, and mathematics play an important role in getting a job and developing a career.

From the information given above it can be validly concluded that, in today's economy,

A) skills in reading, communication, and mathematics play an important role in developing a career as a desktop publisher

B) the majority of the new jobs being created require knowledge other than that gained from earning a college degree

C) a job as a home health aide will rely more on communication skills than on basic skills in reading and mathematics

D) if a job is one of the fastest growing jobs, it will require a college degree

E) desktop publisher jobs and home health aide jobs are not among the fastest growing jobs

Which letter corresponds to the correct response? ________
Question 2

According to the National Agricultural Aviation Society (NAAS), without the use of crop protection products to control insects, weeds, and diseases, crop yields per acre will drop by more than 50 percent. The first aerial application of insecticide occurred in 1921, and it was a huge success. By contrast, in today's economy all aircraft that are classified as aerial applicators do more than just apply insecticide; today, they also spread seed and apply fertilizer.

From the information given above it CANNOT be validly concluded that

A) in today's economy, if an aerial applicator is used, then it will be able to spread seed and to apply fertilizer

B) according to the NAAS, if crop yields per acre never drop by more than 50 percent, then crop protection products have been used to control insects, weeds, and diseases

C) in today's economy, any aircraft that cannot be used to apply fertilizer cannot be classified as an aerial applicator

D) in 1921, if an aircraft was used for the application of insecticide, then it was not also used to spread seed

E) according to the NAAS, if crop yields per acre drop by more than 50 percent, then crop protection products have not been used to control insects, weeds, and diseases.

Which letter corresponds to the correct response? ________
Question 3

No national productivity measures are available for underground industries that may exist but remain unreported. On the other hand, at least some industries that are run entirely by self-employed industrialists are included in national productivity measures.

From the information given above, it can be validly concluded that

A) there are at least some industries run entirely by self-employed industrialists that are underground industries

B) no industries that are run entirely by self-employed industrialists operate underground

C) there are at least some industries other than those run entirely by self-employed industrialists that are underground industries

D) there are at least some industries run entirely by self-employed industrialists that are not underground industries

E) there are at least some underground industries for which national productivity measures are available

Which letter corresponds to the correct response? ________

  Three things to make your resume unique

A resume is a one- to two-page document summarizing your career objectives, professional experiences and achievements, and educational background. To stand apart from other candidates, you should consider the information in your resume carefully and make sure that it is personal to you. Here are three tips on making your resume unique to you:

1. Customize your career objective. Think of your whole resume as a sales tool; your career objective is your opening statement. You want your employer to know what you want, not just restate what other people want. State your commitment to your career goal. If you are unsure of what you want, how is your employer to believe that you really want the job at their organization and you are not just applying because you want to get out of your current work environment? Don't be afraid to state what you want from a job and from an organization. While you want to state your commitment, you also want to show that you are willing to take action to achieve your goal. Indicate what direction or action you are willing to take in order to accomplish your career objective. Lastly, be specific about what you are looking for in a work situation. While you can say that you are looking for a "challenging" environment, this doesn't mean anything to your employer, as people define challenges in various ways. Avoid using generic and broad terms. Simply state what you want, and what you are willing to do to get it.

2. Highlight the best elements of your experience. This is the most commonly missed aspect of writing a resume. The entire professional experience section on your resume is unique to you. Take advantage of that. Use power words to list your responsibilities, and make sure that you have a winning attitude in each of statement. Focus on those responsibilities that best describe the skills you acquired while in each job that make you the most qualified candidate for the position you are seeking. Quantify your responsibilities when possible to showcase to your potential employer that you are drive by results and are capable of exceeding goals. Don't be shy about promoting your qualifications - you earned them with your hard work and dedication.

3. Personalize your cover letter. The biggest mistake professionals make is not spending any time on their cover letter. Your cover letter should receive the same attention as your resume as they go hand-in-hand. Address your cover letter to the appropriate person at the company (contact info is typically listed in the job description). Make sure to mention what position you are applying for, and demonstrate how the information in your resume aligns well with the job requirements. Your cover letter also allows you to address any information in your resume that may raise questions - take the time to do so, as you don't want your resume discarded because you chose not to create a personalized cover letter. Overall make sure that your cover letter supports your resume and presents you as the most qualified candidate for the job.

GD Topics & Answers

1. Is coalition politics here to stay?

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

Nature of coalition politics. Indecisiveness of elections. No particular party is getting the peoples mandate. Advantage of coalition politics in enabling formation of government. Flipside of coalition politics- a party with a handful of seats become powerful. Government falls before tenure. Fresh elections each time. Suggest a way out of this problem, for e.g.: once a party pledges support to a coalition, it will not withdraw its support until it has watched a governments performance for at least three years...etc The future -will it only have coalitions ,emerging political trends...etc...

2. Does India need a dictator?

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

The current political structure. Drawbacks of it. Bureaucracy, layers in decision making, anarchy. Dictatorship would mean centralized power and faster decision making. But, country run on whims and fancies of an individual. Freedom on individuals could be clamped..etc....Present a balanced argument for and against and take up your position on the issue.

3. Is India moving away from a secularist state?

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

Define secularism.Constitution calls our country such a state, but how things have changed over the last 50 years.Spread of nationalism. Division into majority and minority groups-e.g. benefits given to minority groups perceived as a threat by others. Role of non-tolerant neighbors in fuelling fundamentalism. It is a passing phenomenon. We have the national character to overcome this....Points along these lines can be discussed.

4. Education in India-or the lack of it.

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

Discuss current education system. Discuss our sociological structure.Poverty which forces kids to drop out to supplement family income.Vicious circle-poverty due to lack of education and vice versa.Suggest solutions to get out of this-for e.g., governments are doing a commendable job with the midday meal schemes but we need more of such efforts. Going down further , why restrict it to government alone? why cant private people, NGOs and other voluntary bodies come forward to do the same? How about tapping corporate funds for such causes .....etc.....

5. What ails Indian sports?

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

A nation of 950 million, we fail to produce great champions barring the occasional Vishwanathan Anand or Geet Sethi. Sports system steeped in bureaucracy. Overriding popularity of cricket leading to neglect in other sports.Traditionally , sports not accorded much importance by us as a career. Need to develop sports from the primary school level-"catch em young". Various incentives to be given to budding sportsmen like academic credits, sports in lieu of a few other subjects etc. Development of sports infrastructure, making it amenable and affordable...etc.....

6. The Age of Information.

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

Today a plethora of sources to provide information-Newspapers, radio, Television, Internet etc. Information available at the touch of a button. Greater decision making power to the individual. Also easier decision making for the individual.Information is the key to ones success today. One who is more informed forges ahead. The flipside-information overkill. At times deciding is tough due to too much information ...etc.....

7. Is Philosophy just arm chair theory?

(This is an example of an abstract topic which is thrown up to students once in a while by the examiners)

The following points could be discussed under this topic:
Talk what you know about this topic . Talk of its relevance in day to day life( or irrelevance if you feel so..). Talk of its influence in literature e.g. Influence of Kant on the romantic poets especially Wordsworth or of Bacon , Voltaire et al on the "Enlightenment"period etc. Talk of its influence in politics e.g. Influence of Nietszche on Hitler and subsequent genocide during Nazi regime etc. Talk of ethics and morals and their importance in life. talk of Indian philosophy. the Gita . Discuss whether we use any of these in our lives and their importance in moulding our values...etc...

8. Success is all about human relations

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

The most important skill for success in to have people on your side. One can get a lot of work done by superiority and hierarchy but one cannot be a leader of men unless one maintains excellent human relations.Its importance not only in professional life but personal life too.Knowledge and expertise does one no good if one cannot maintain proper human relations...etc.....

9. Borderless worlds-Dream or reality?

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

Globalization of business. Opening up of the various economies. Cross cultural exchanges. More and more people getting an opportunity to work in different lands among different peoples and absorbing a bit of their values and culture. This leads to greater tolerance and understanding of others' problems. The other side-people despite all this have nationalistic and regionalist chauvinism . A world divided into first, second and third worlds. People still talk of "their" economy and not world economy. Europe has shown a step in this direction with EU but its feasibility remains to be seen. So while people clamor for globalization, they still think only in terms of their national interests...etc...

10. Quality is a myth in India.

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

The Indian products and manufacturing techniques. Why are we unable to sustain against global competition. Our mindset towards quality. Indian attitude of "chalta hai" which leads to an undemanding customer which in turn lets people get away with substandard products and services. Today competition is forcing our industry to adhere to global standards so we are getting there in terms of quality. Examples of our software industry which is recognized for its ability to meet global standards etc. Since the topic is general, we can extrapolate it to our quality of life-the air , the water , the facilities we have, the infrastructure we have, the services we get and put up with etc.

8 things you should NOT do in a Group Discussion

Group Discussion, abbreviated as GD is a form of many-on-many discussion. It has become an inseparable part of admissions to management institutes and your selection in campus interviews. GD is held to identify certain traits that the companies and the institutes like to see in their employees and students. Let’s take a look at the traits which the evaluators look out for in a candidate during the GD.

Whatever you do in a GD, your knowledge about the subject can’t be replaced by anything else. You are required to talk in A GD but a talk that doesn’t contain substantial value doesn’t hold any meaning. Be a voracious reader to increase your knowledge on various subjects. T.V., Newspapers, magazines, News portals etc. could be your good sources of knowledge.
Alertness and presence of mind

In a GD you are required to carefully listen to the other person’s thoughts and keep an argument, example or a supportive statement, fact, example ready to participate in the discussion. Here comes into picture your alertness and ability to think & act immediately. As you participate in a GD, make sure that you sit with an attentive mind and keep taking down the relevant points put forward by others.

You have a lot of good points to put across but if you can’t communicate them clearly, you won’t stand a chance to impress the evaluators. Practice to communicate in a clear and effective way.

Your self confidence adds a lot of value to your candidature. Look at every group member as you speak, avoid too much hand movement and looking at evaluators.
Leadership and team skills

Your participation in a GD clearly establishes not only your Leadership skills but also your capability to work in a team. To meet the objectives, a good leader has to be a team player.
Goal Orientation

As so many people participate in a GD the chances of discussion moving from the subject are high. Your focus on goal can get you some extra points.

Now, as you are being evaluated for the above discussed traits, you must the things that can work to your disadvantage and might cost you the selection. Following are the things that you must avoid to do as being a part of the GD:
Initiating the discussion without proper subject knowledge

Though initiating the discussion helps you get immediate attention of the evaluators but if you start the discussion with irrelevant details, it works to your disadvantage. Start first only if you know the subject well otherwise wait for others to start and get a feel of the subject before entering into the discussion.
Snatching other’s chance to speak

Give other group members a chance to speak. Talking more won’t get you through the GD In fact it will give the evaluators a feeling that you are not a team player. Making short and relevant contributions of 20-30 seconds 3-4 times in the discussion is enough. Give other members also a chance to speak.
Interrupting others

Let the other person finish off his comment before you speak. Interrupting others is counted as a negative trait. Remember, it is a discussion not a debate. Don’t jump at the conclusions. Listen carefully to the other person before putting your point across.

In a GD you are expected to communicate with all the members of the group. Do not keep looking at one person while talking. Establish eye contact with all the members of the group. It is a many-on-many discussion not one-on-one.
Shouting or dominating

Keep you emotions under control. Do not try to dominate the group or let your emotions rule you. Sometimes it might happen that a group member might say something which hurts your emotions for example a comment on your race or religion, make sure that you do not get into an argument. Your focus should be to effectively meet the goals of GD topic.
Show off

You have to put across your knowledge on the subject during the GD but you have to be very careful about the thin demarcation between showing off and knowledge sharing. For e.g. Using statistics and facts during the GD is a good thing to do but you must not over do it to nauseate the group members.
Low Self Confidence or Insecurities

As we have seen earlier, one of the traits evaluated during GD is your self confidence. Do not hesitate to speak confidently. You might be short of ideas or knowledge on the subject. Listen to others and put across your thoughts in a clear and audible voice. Make sure that you make eye contact with all the group members.
Slang and negative gestures

GD is a formal discussion. Avoid informal words and negative gestures. For e.g. avoid words like gonna, wanna, ya etc. Similarly avoid gestures like pointing fingers, knocking the desk with the pen.

If you ensure that you do not commit these mistakes during the GD, you will not have to worry about the negative marks and your chances of getting through it also become bright.

Group Discussion topics for Software companies

  GD Probables:

1. US war on Iraq-justified or not.
2. Role of UN in peacekeeping.
3. Position of Women in India compared to other nations.
4. Environment Management.
5. Is China better than India in software.
6. Should SONIA gandhi be made the PM
7. BPOs in INDIA
8. Govt contribution to IT
9. Will punch lines rule the Advt
10. premarital sex
11. is china a threat to Indian industry
12. India or west , which is the land of opportunities
13. water resources should be nationalized
15. Effect of cinema on Youth
16. Education in India compared to Foreign nations
17. Is it necessary to ban COCO COLA in India.
18. What is the effect of movies on youth.(is it good or bad)
19. Are studies more beneficial in India or in Abroad.
20."UN's peace activities" and "America's war on Iraq".
21."Environment-Whose Responsibility".
22.Is China a threat to the Indian software industry.
23.Role of UN in Peace keeping
24.War on Iraq
25.About Hockey being the primary game in India.
26.Can america occupy iraq
27.Cricket shoudl be banned or not.
29.Present state of Indian Cricket team.
30.Love marriage/Arranged marriage.
31.Advantages of Co-education.

Hot Topics:

1.How to deal with international terrorism.
2.Should we pursue our policy of dialogue with Pakistan?
3.Is peace and non-violence outdated concepts?

Current Topics:

1.A Unipolar World spells disaster for underdeveloped countries like India.
2.Is Globalization Really Necessary?
3.What shall we do about our ever-increasing Population?
4.Corruption is the price we pay for Democracy.
5.Foreign Television Channels are destroying our culture.
6.What India needs is a Dictatorship.
7.With media publishing and telecasting trivia, censorship is the need of the hour.
8.Kaun Banega Krorepati is less about knowledge but more about money and personality.
9.Beauty contests degrade womanhood
10.The rise of regional blocs threatens independent nations like India
11.Six billion and one bronze!
12.Is dependence on computers a good thing?
13.Should the public sector be privatized?
14.China and India are similar nations with contrasting ways
15.Is India a Soft Nation?
16.Value based politics is the need of the hour
17.Religion should not be mixed with politics
18.How to deal with high oil prices
19.Our cricketers are not to blame for match fixing
20.Why cant we be world players in industry as we are in software?
21.Multinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise?
22.Should there be limits on artistic freedom (the controversy on Fire).
23.Should there be private universities?
24.Does banning fashion shows and New Year parties save our culture?

Social Topics:

1.Are Big Dams Necessary?
2.Films are corrupting the Indian Youth
3.A Gandhian State selling liquor is an anomaly
4.Bride burning and dowry may look bad, but are an integral part of India.
5.Our Culture is Decaying
6.We are not serious about saving Wildlife/Environment
7.The education system needs serious reforms
8.The impact of MTV on our psyche
9.Showing Violence and Crimes should not be allowed in films and on television.
10.Let us legalise gambling

Management Topics:

1.Is management an art or a science?
2.The Rush for MBA is really a rush for big money
3.Ethics in Business are just a passing fashion
4.The objective of Management is to maximise profits
5.Do professional managers have a chance in our family run businesses?
6.The Internet is an exercise in hype
7.Is an MBA necessary to succeed in life?
8.Family owned business vs professionally run businesses
9.Smaller businesses and start-ups have more scope for professional growth.
10.Dot com or doubt com?

Creative Topics:

1.The Wheel is Turning Round and Round
2.If I was the Finance Minister/Prime Minister
3.There is no right way to do a wrong thing
4.Group Task: How can we have Mount Everest in India?
5.Do Beauty and Brains Go Together?
6.When I woke up in the morning I saw…
7.A ship docked in Barbour cannot face the storms
8.Up the Down Staircase
9.Just as we have smoke free zones, we should have child free zones
10.Marriage is a social trap


1. The Internet chains have come on the wings of science and technology but are no less restrictive for all that.
2. Secularism has become a tool to justify the wrongs done by the minorities.
3. Media is a mixed blessing/How ethical is media?
4. To fight AIDs, stop being coy about sex education.
5. What should India strive for- Westernization or modernization?


1. Developing countries need trade, not aid.
2. Why do we lag behind China?
3. Capitalism is a very flawed system but the others are so much worse.
4. Flexibility of labour laws is the key to attracting more Foreign Direct Investment.
5. Is the business of business only business?


1. Reserving seats for women in Panchayat has not only been a farce but has distracted from developing a more genuine voice of women.
2. Have the nuclear tests of 1998 benefited or harmed India?
3. Voters, not, political parties are responsible for the criminalization of politics.
4. The voters are required to be well informed and educated about their candidates so that they can elect the right aspirant by their own assessment.
5. India should go for the presidential form of democracy.


1. In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing.
2. Every cloud has a silver lining
3. Can the economy achieve an 8 percent growth rate?.
4. Is disinvestment really that good for India or is a rethink in order ?
5. Are co-operatives relevant in today's globalised environment?.
6. Foreign aid is a dangerous drug that can stimulate in small doses but become fatally addictive in larger doses.
7. Modern day sport in industrialised society is an industry, as anything else.
8. Government should clean its own hands before pointing finger at the private sector for corruption.
9. Is the NPA ordinance too harsh?
10. Reforms have to grow up.
11. The future lies with glocalisation .
12. Is the consumer really the king in India?.
13. Globalisation versus nationalism
14. Conditional access system for cable TV watchers: boon or bane?
15. If India is poorly governed, the reason is that we have designed our system of governance for protecting, if not encouraging, corruption?
16. Commercialisation of health care : Good or Bad ?
17. For globalisation to succeed in India people must be able to see what is in it for them
18. Is the US economy headed the Japanese economy way?
19. Economic freedom not old fashioned theories of development will lead to growth and prosperity
20. Markets left to themselves encourage greed.
21. For globalisation to succeed in India people must be able to see what is in it for them
22. Should businessmen run the finance ministry
23. Should important services like transport be left to market forces?.
24. Is there any point in having a business strategy when the world changes from month to month?
25. Is the patents bill good for India? .
26. Is the business of business only business?.
27. Globalisation is good for developing countries
28. Public sector being a guarantor of job security is a myth.
29. Is industryless growth here to stay ?
30. Capitalism is a very flawed system but the others are so much worse ?
31. How can business get rid of the bad name that it has earned?
32. Government pumping money into the economy is not the solution for
our economic problems
33. Business ethics are no longer a luxury for corporates but a necessity?
34. How should privatisation proceeds be utilised ?
35. Is the budgeting exercise of any use?
36. Should agricultural subsidies be stopped ?
37. Will Mumbai's film industry ever evolve into a truly modern corporatised one?
38. Will market reforms enrich rich states further, while poorer ones lag further?.
39. Why do we lag behind China ?
40. Who says MNCs are superior to Indian companies ?.
41. Why not use a brand index to measure national prosperity?.
42. What we need to reduce scams is better regulatory bodies.
43. War rhetoric is misplaced in a country like India which is trying to globalise its economy.
44. Trade can help the poor ?
45. The power ministry should cut off supplies to all the defaulting SEBs.
46. Steal a few lakhs and you're a criminal. Steal a few hundred crores and you become an industrialist.
47. Should PSUs be divested through strategic sale or public offer?
48. The state is above the law?

Management Education Topics:

1. Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match those learnt from experience
2. Democracy is hampering India progress
3. MBA in India is highly overrated.
4. Religion is a private affair and should be of no concern for the state
5. Decreasing defense expenditure and increasing social expenditure is the need of the hour

TCY Online:

1.Public sector is more a hindrance than help to promote socialism.
2.Economic betterment of the poorer nations is as important as disarmament to ensure lasting world peace.
3.From public sector to privatization as in the U.K., is the right answer for India's instant economic breakthrough.
4.The doctrine of "limited nuclear war" is an ill-convinced, ill-logical, irrational and extremely dangerous concept.
5.Some simple but effective electoral reforms will enable us to retain the present parliamentary system and ensure the preservation of democracy in India.
6.We must have only two national parties to contest parliamentary elections and regional parties should not be allowed to contest for the same.
7.We can increase our food production not only to match our population explosion but also for export provided we adopt modern, mechanized farming methods with large size land holdings.
8.Nuclear war cannot be won and should not be fought.
9.Private enterprise and not public sector will contribute to faster and higher economic growth in India.
10.Inflation is inevitable in our developing country.
11.The policy of reservation is a legacy of the British and it has done more harm than good.
12.Do you think MBAs are useful in the manufacturing / production department?
13.For a marketing post graduate, without prior work experience working in a big marketing firm is a disadvantage when compared with working in a small firm. Discuss.
14.Consumerism is destroying the social fabric of Indian culture.
15.Free market is a prerequisite for growth.
16.Cricket as a national obsession is a detriment to other sports.
17.To develop India has to empower women.
18.Formulate the government's health policy to control the spread of AIDS.
19.Advertising is a waste of resources.
20.Privatization will lead to less corruption.
21.State is the biggest violator of human rights.
22.There can never be a classless society.
23.Beauty pageants are a marketing gimmick.
24.Voting rights to illiterates in India is illogical because it is widely misused.
25.Joint family is a blessing in disguise.
26.Higher education should be made possible only for those who can pay for it.
27.The weaker sex is the weakness of the stronger sex.
28.Women cannot successfully combine both career and home.
29.Women are good managers.
30.Executive should be allowed to form unions.
31.Effect of liberalization on poverty.
32.Indians perform better as individuals rather than in groups.
33.Business and ethics go hand in hand, or do they?
34.Developing countries should spend more on development than on defense.
35.Political parties have outlived their utility.
36.Is Swadeshi relevant for India today?
37.Money is required to earn more money.
38.Foreign trade is necessary for any country to survive .
39.Presidential Vs Parliamentary form of government of India.
40.Technology: The Ism' Of The New Millennium?
41.Religion And Politics Should Not Mix
42.TRIPS Controversy And The Patent Act Amendment
43.Export Stagnation: Causes And Cures
44.Excessive Depiction Of Sex And Violence In Films
45.Classical Music Heritage And The Growing Pop-Culture
46.Decentralisation & The Panchayati Raj Institutions
47.Should India Sign The CTBT
48.State Interventions In Market Kind Or Mixed Economy
49.Science Is A Boon Or Bane
50.Is Swapping Terrorists For Hostages An Encouragement For Plane- Hijackers?
51.India and the political dynasties: The Nehru Family context
52.Nice Guys Finish Last
53.All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy
54.Individual Freedom And Civil Society
55.Conventionalism And Modernity: The Ever going Debate
56.Should There Be A Restriction On Permissiveness Being propagated by The MTV Culture And Foreign Media?
57.Marxism And Its Future All Over The World
58.The Growing Menace Of Casteism And Regionalism
59.Presidential Form Of Government Is Needed In India
60.Bullet For Bullet: Is It The Right Policy?
61.Capitation Fees Should Be Abolished
62.Arranged Marriages Are Better Than The Love-Marriages
63.Brain-Drain Has To Be Stopped
64.Business And Ethics Can't / Don't Go Together
65.Are women As good as Men Or Inferior?
66.Nothing Succeeds Like Success
67.The Malthusian Economic Prophecy Is No Longer Relevant
68.Secessionism In The North-East: Who's To Blame?
69.Should India Break Diplomatic Ties With Pakistan?
70.Age and Youth: Experience And Young Talent
71.`East Is East & West Is Where All The Action Is': Mark Twain
72.Freedom Of _Expression And The State Authority.
73.Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished
74.Tuitions Should Be Banned
75.India Needs Gujral Doctrine For Better International Relations
76.Doctors' Accountability To Improve Health-Care
77.Universal Disarmament Is A Must
78.Indian Cricket Team Shouldn't Be Allowed To Play Abroad

How to meet great expectations in Interviews or Career?

It is important to remember that employers/companies will not continue to hire those who do not contribute to projects. Before a company presents an offer, it wants answers to many questions. An employer will request references and set up interviews during the hiring process.

You should expect to answer the following questions:
1) Why are you the right person for the job?
2) What do you offer that cannot be achieved by other applicants?
3) Are you a team player?
4) Do you complete assignments on time? (This is not a 40 hours/week work environment.)
5) Do you thrive with independent work efforts?
6) Can you work independently without constant supervision?
7) Is the candidate really capable of working hard?
8 ) Where would you like to be in 5–10 years and beyond?
9) Do you have a passion for the projects required by this position?

Once the employer decides to hire the candidate, they usually expect the following from the employee:
1) Be prepared to work long hours.
2) Meet deadlines.
3) Work as a team player.
4) Self-learning may be required since in many organizations it is difficult to get assistance in learning.

Interviews for MBA (Marketing) Candidates

Urgent Requirement: "Specialist – SEO & Web Marketing"

Desired Profile:

1) Prefer an MBA with Marketing as a Major / Minor specialization and possessing strong knowledge of marketing concepts. Other academic qualifications with strong interest in SEO are welcome.
2) Candidates with up to 6 months to below 2 years of experience in any field are preferred.
3) Good scholastic track record is a must.
4) Should have strong interest / commitment towards building a long term career in the field of Web Marketing (digital marketing).
5) Good command over computers basic software like e-mails, browsers and Microsoft Office.
6) Strong business awareness and knowledge of Internet e-commerce concepts, tools and recent developments.

Please refer the Link below for Details/Registration:
