Tuesday 6 October 2015


7 Sorting
Sorting is one of the most important operations performed by computers. In the days of magnetic tape storage before modern data-bases, it was almost certainly the most common operation performed by computers as most "database" updating was done by sorting transactions and merging them with a master file. It's still important for presentation of data extracted from databases: most people prefer to get reports sorted into some relevant order before wading through pages of data!

7.1 Bubble, Selection, Insertion Sorts

There are a large number of variations of one basic strategy for sorting. It's the same strategy that you use for sorting your bridge hand. You pick up a card, start at the beginning of your hand and find the place to insert the new card, insert it and move all the others up one place.
/* Insertion sort for integers */

void insertion( int a[], int n ) {
/* Pre-condition: a contains n items to be sorted */
    int i, j, v;
    /* Initially, the first item is considered 'sorted' */
    /* i divides a into a sorted region, x<i, and an
       unsorted one, x >= i */
    for(i=1;i<n;i++) {
        /* Select the item at the beginning of the
           as yet unsorted section */
        v = a[i];
        /* Work backwards through the array, finding where v 
           should go */
        j = i;
        /* If this element is greater than v,
              move it up one */
        while ( a[j-1] > v ) {
          a[j] = a[j-1]; j = j-1;
          if ( j <= 0 ) break;
        /* Stopped when a[j-1] <= v, so put v at position j */
        a[j] = v;

Bubble Sort

Another variant of this procedure, called bubble sort, is commonly taught:
/* Bubble sort for integers */
#define SWAP(a,b)   { int t; t=a; a=b; b=t; }

void bubble( int a[], int n )
/* Pre-condition: a contains n items to be sorted */
    int i, j;
    /* Make n passes through the array */
        /* From the first element to the end
           of the unsorted section */
           /* If adjacent items are out of order, swap them */
           if( a[j-1]>a[j] ) SWAP(a[j-1],a[j]);


Each of these algorithms requires n-1 passes: each pass places one item in its correct place. (The nth is then in the correct place also.) The ith pass makes either ior n - i comparisons and moves. So:
or O(n2) - but we already know we can use heaps to get an O(n logn) algorithm. Thus these algorithms are only suitable for small problems where their simple code makes them faster than the more complex code of the O(n logn) algorithm. As a rule of thumb, expect to find an O(n logn) algorithm faster for n>10 - but the exact value depends very much on individual machines!. They can be used to squeeze a little bit more performance out of fast sort algorithms -

Key terms

Bubble, Insertion, Selection Sorts
Simple sorting algorithms with O(n2) complexity - suitable for sorting small numbers of items only.

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