Monday 19 January 2015


These sweet, crunchy veggies may help control blood sugar levels and make diabetes less likely. They may also help your cholesterol levels, since they're a source of soluble fiber -- the kind of fiber also found in oats.
Tip: Add shredded carrots to spaghetti sauce and muffin batter.

Swiss Chard

The dark green, leafy vegetable is rich in potassium and magnesium, minerals that help control blood pressure. You'll also get fiber, vitamin A, and the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin from these greens.
Tip: Serve with grilled meats or as a bed for fish. Saute with olive oil and garlic until wilted; season with herbs and pepper


This sweet, juicy fruit has the cholesterol-fighting fiber pectin as well as potassium, which helps control blood pressure. Research shows that OJ may make your blood vessels work better and lower blood pressure a bit.
Tip: A medium orange averages 62 calories with 3 grams of fiber.

 Green Edamame BeansMiso Soup with TofuUncooked Sweet PotatoSlice of OrangeLeaf of Red ChardStack of CarrotsUncooked BarleyFlaxseed AssortmentHeart Foods
Tip: Try frozen edamame. Boil and serve warm in the pod.


Serve up tofu, and you get a great form of vegetarian soy protein with its heart-healthy minerals, fiber, and polyunsaturated fats. It can take on the taste of the spices or sauces you use to cook it.
Tips: Chop firm tofu, marinate, then grill or stir-fry, going easy on the oil. Add tofu to soups for protein with no added fat.

Sweet Potatoes

Swap out white potatoes for sweet potatoes. With a low glycemic index, these spuds won't cause a quick spike in blood sugar. They also have fiber, vitamin A, and lycopene.
Tip: Boost their natural sweetness with cinnamon and lime juice, rather than sugary toppings.

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