Electronic Distribution of Examination Question papers :

The University examinations in all the affiliated colleges will be conducted by the University through its Nodal centres. In this procedure the question papers are randomly generated by the computers and they are stored in the electronic form duly encrypted. These encrypted soft copies are sent to the examination centres. These question papers can be decrypted by entering three levels of passwords. The final password will be issued by the university 30 minutes before the commencement of examination which will help the colleges to decrypt the question paper and print them at their centers. This gives full fool proof system and confidentiality.

Double Valuation System :

In order to make evaluation system perfect and to do justice to all the students, “Double valuation” system is introduced with effect from November, 2005 for all affiliated engineering colleges. According to this procedure each answer book will be evaluated independently by two examiners. These examiners will award the marks on different award lists without marking on the answer books. These two award lists will be compared by the Chief Examiner of the subject. If the difference between these two valuations is within the prescribed limits, the higher marks will be awarded to the student. If the differences are more than the prescribed limit the Chief Examiner will finalize the marks in consultation with the two examiners. The above examination procedure, make the foolproof examination and justified evaluation.