JNTU-HYD : Procedure For Name Correction, Duplicates Marks Memos/Degree,PC,CMM,Addition of Grace Marks,Class Change,OD,RC,RV,Transcripts
If u had completed the course of education then u can apply directly in JNTUH.
If you are still pursuing the course then u need to apply through college principal only.
Follow the respective below links to get the complete info
JNTU-HYD : Procedure For Name Correction
1) Requisition from the Student through the Principal.
In the case of the Students who completed their course, can submit directly their requisitions to the Controller of Examinations.
2) Original Certificate(s) in which correction(s) is/are required.
3) Photocopy of SSC.
4) A D.D for the total amount @ Rs. 50/- per Marks Memo / CMM.
5) A D.D for Rs. 250/- for correction in Provisional Certificate.
6) If the student name is completely different then Clearance Certificate issued by the University.
Note: All Demand Drafts must be on any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, JNTUH” payable at HYDERABAD.
JNTU-HYD : Procedure For Duplicates Marks Memo's
1) Requisition from the Student through the Principal.
In the case of the Students who completed their course, can submit directly their requisitions to the Controller of Examinations.
2) A D.D for the total amount @ Rs. 200/- per Marks Memo / CMM.
3) Duplicate Provisional Certificate cannot be issued as per the University norms.
Note: All Demand Drafts must be on any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, JNTUH” payable at HYDERABAD.
NTU-HYD : Procedure For Provisional Certificates (PC) & Consolidated Marks Memos (CMM) To B.Tech Students
The Principals are requested to follow the instructions given below when forwarding the “Undertakings” for issue of CMM and PC to B.Tech. (R05 and R07 regulations) students.
(1) Download the “Undertaking Form” Here
(2) Print it on the Letter-head of the college.
(3) Duly filled “Undertaking” may be forwarded with the signature of the Principal and the seal of the college
(4) Do not attach photo-copies of marks memos.
JNTU-HYD : Procedure For Addition of Grace Marks
2) Original Marks Memo(s) containing the subject(s) for which addition of Grace Marks, is applicable.
3) Undertaking for issue of Provisional Certificate & Consolidated Marks Memo. when students get 216 or 220 credits after adding grace marks.
Academic Regulations-Certain concession for passing (Info on 0.15% Rule & Grace Marks Rule included)
JNTUH – Academic Regulations – Certain concession for passing – Regarding. Read: Note file Orders of the Vice–Chancellor
ORDER:Presently, 0.15% grace marks are being allowed for change of class from first class to distinction (69.85 % to 70%), Second class to first class (59.85% to 60%) and pass class to second class (49.85% to 50%). With this, a total of 0.15% marks maximum are added to final year project/seminar to enable the student to get higher class for B.Tech/B.Pharm. courses.
Many representations are received from the students that a grace marks may be added for passing if a candidate failed in one/two subjects with shortage of 1, 2 or 3 marks.
Under the circumstances stated above, Vice-Chancellor is pleased to extend 0.15% grace marks facility to the candidates of any degree if he/she passes the subject(s) and obtains the degree, subject to approval of academic senate and execute council/MDC.These orders shall come into force from all examinations held during May/June 2010.
All candidates seeking benefit from the 0.15% grace marks shall apply through proper channel enclosing failed original marks memo. The principal shall verify at the college whether the candidate is passing if 0.15% grace marks facility is extended i.e. 0.15% of grand total marks of the UG/PG courses with fail in maximum two subjects.
A separate approval shall be obtained for the eligible candidates for implementation of the above relaxation as and when the applications are received.
JNTU-HYD : Slight Change in the Grace Marks Rule : Consideration of Previous Best Performance
In the note orders cited above the vice-Chancellor is pleased to approve the following :
The best performance among the external examinations shall be considered while giving the grace marks, if adding these marks makes the student to get his/her degree, for which the candidate must have appeared at least one examination after 18-08-2011.
These orders shall come into force with the immediate effect.
For the official Notification visit the below url
Hello. My full name (along with surname) is present in my 10th and inter certificates. In B.Tech memos, only initial is present in place of surname (I am in final year). Do I need to go for a name change or can I ignore it?