Wednesday 5 November 2014

True or False

  1. In a finite language no string is pumpable. True
  2. A DFA has infinite number of states. False
  3. A DFA can have more than one accepting state. True
  4. In DFA all states have same number of transitions. True
  5. Every subset of a regular language is regular. False
  6. Let L4 = L1L2L3. If L1 and L2 are regular and L3 is not regular, it is possible that L4 is regular. True
  7. In a finite language no string is pumpable. True
  8. If A is a nonregular language, then A must be infinite. True
  9. Every context-free language has a context-free grammarin Chomsky normal form. True
  10. If A is a context-free language, then A must be nonregular. False
  11. The class of regular languages is closed under intersection. True
  12. If a language A is regular, then it A must be finite. False
  13. Every language is Turing-recognizable. False
  14. If a language is context-free, then it must be Turing-decidable. True
  15. The problem of determining if a context-free grammar generates
    the empty language is undecidable. False
  16. The problem of determining if a Turing machine recognizes the
    empty language is undecidable. True
  17. The set of all languages over an alphabet is countable.False
  18. There are some languages recognized by a 5-tape, nondetermin-
    istic Turing machine that cannot be recognized by a 1-tape,
    deterministic Turing machine.False
  19. The language { 0n1n | 0 ≤ n ≤ 1000 } is regular. True
  20. Nonregular languages are recognized by NFAs. False
  21. The class of context-free languages is closed under intersection. False
  22. A language has a regular expression if and only if it
    has an NFA. True
  23. The regular expression (01*0 ∪ 1)*0 generates the language
    consisting of all strings over {0, 1} having
    an odd number of 0’s. False
  24. If a language A has a PDA, then A is generated by a
    context-free grammar in Chomsky normal form. True
  25. If A is a context-free language and B is a language such that B is a subset of A, then B must be a context-free language. False
  26. If a language A has an NFA, then A is nonregular. False
  27. The regular expressions (a ∪ b)* and (b*a*)* generate the same language. True
  28. If a language A has a regular expression, then it also has a context-free grammar. True
Important Questions for NET



Describe the language denoted by the following regular expressions:

a) a(a|b)*a

The expression denotes the set of all strings of length two or more that start and end with an ‘a’.

b) ((e|a)b*)*

The expression denotes the set of all strings over the alphabet {a,b}.

c) (a|b)*a(a|b)(a|b)

The expression denotes the set of all strings of length 3 or more with an ‘a’ in the third position from the right. Ie of form yaxz where y is an arbitrary string , and x and z are single characters.

d) a*ba*ba*ba*

The expression denotes the set of all strings that contain precisely 3 b’s.

e) (aa|bb)*((ab|ba)(aa|bb)*(ab|ba)(aa|bb)*)*

The expression denotes the set of all strings of even length.

Database Quiz

1. Set of permitted values of each attributes are called
A . Row
B. Column
C. Domain
D. Schema

2. Which of the following statements is not true
A. All primary keys are super keys
B. A candidate key can have a proper subset which is a super key
C. All super keys are not candidate keys
D. A candidate key may not be a super key

3. Entity integrity means that
A. A primary key cannot be null.
B. A foreign key cannot be null.
C. A primary key can be partially null.
D. A foreign key can be partially null.

4. The target of a foreign key should be
A. Foreign key in another table
B. Primary key in another table
C. Super key in another table
D. Primary key in the same table

5. Which of the following can not be the mapping cardinality of a foreign key
A. One- one
B. Many - many
C. Many- one

6. SQL is a
A. Host language
B. Application language
C. Data manipulation language

7. In the following ER diagram,

mapping cardinality of the relation is many one, which means
one manager can manage

A. zero or more departments
B. one or more departments
C. more than one department
D. exactly one department

8. Entity, that can not be uniquely identified by its own attributes , is called
A . Composite entity
B. Strong entity
C. Weak entity
D. Simple entity

In schema S = {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}, suppose the following hold for S.
AB --> CD
E --> F
F --> G

9. Which of the following holds true with respect to the above schema
A. CD --> AB
B. AB --> ACD
C. A --> CD
D. AB --> C

10. Which of the following does not hold true.
A. E --> G
C. AB --> ABH
D. AB --> null set

  1. A B A B B C A C D C



In this topic of Syllogism Based on the given Statements, You are required to evaluate which conclusion follows.
Mark 1. If the 1st statement follows
Mark 2. If the 2nd statement follows
Mark 3. If both follows
Mark 4. I f none follows


  1. Statement.1 All Doctors are engineers Statement.2 All Engineers are Advocates
Conclusion 1. All Advocates are Doctors Conclusion 2. All Doctors are Advocates
  1. Statement.1. Some Chairs are Furniture Statement.2. Some Furniture is Tables
Conclusion 1.Some Tables are Chairs Conclusion 2. Some furniture is chairs
  1. Statement.1. All flowers are buds Statement.2. No bud is bush
Conclusion 1. No bush is flower Conclusion 2. All flowers is flower
  1. Statement.1. No cat is elephant Statement.2. No elephant is animal
Conclusion 1. No cat is animal Conclusion 2. Some elephant is cat
  1. Statement.1. All monkeys are animals Statement.2. Anil is an animal
Conclusion 1. Anil is a monkey Conclusion 2. All monkey are animals
  1. Statement.1. Some Apples are bricks Statement.2. All grapes are bricks
Conclusion 1. Some Apples are grapes Conclusion 2. Al bricks are grapes
  1. Statement.1. All plants are trees Statement.2. No tree is stone
Conclusion 1. No stone is plants Conclusion 2. Some stones are plants
  1. Statement.1.All players are tall Statement.2.Rahul is tall
Conclusion 1. Rahul is player Conclusion 2. No player is tall
  1. Statement.1.All students read news paper Statement.2. Rahul doesn’t read newspaper
Conclusion 1. Rahul is a student. Conclusion 2. Rahul is not a student
  1. Statement.1. All rivers are ponds Statement.2. Some ponds are lakes
Conclusion 1. Some lakes are not ponds Conclusion 2. All lakes are rivers
  1. Statement.1All windows are doors Statement.2 No door is a bat
Conclusion 1. No window is bat `Conclusion 2. No bat is door
  1. Statement 1.All glasses are liquids Statement 2.All liquids are fluids
Conclusion 1. All glasses are fluids Conclusion 2. All fluids are glasses
  1. Statement 1. Some gold are bright. Statement 2. Some bright are silver
Conclusion 1. Some gold are silver Conclusion 2. Some bright are gold.
  1. Statement 1.All flowers are garden Statement. 2. All gardens are fruits.
Conclusion 1. All fruits are flowers Conclusion 2. All flowers are fruits.
  1. Statement 1. All poets are singers Statement 2. No singer is composer.
Conclusion 1. No composer is poet Conclusion 2. All singers are poet.
  1. Statement 1. All Tables are cupboards Statement 2. Some cupboards are chairs
Conclusion 1. Some chairs are Tables Conclusion 2. No chair is Table
  1. Statement 1. No tigers are rabbits Statement 2. No rabbit is a jackal
Conclusion 1. All tigers are jackal Conclusion 2. Some tigers are jackal
  1. Statement 1. Some blues are oranges Statement 2. Some oranges are green
Conclusion 1. Some blues are green Conclusion 2. No blue is green.
  1. Statement 1. Some hotels are teashop. Statement 2.All restaurants are teashop
Conclusion 1. Some Hotels are restaurants. Conclusion 2. No Hotel is restaurant.
  1. Statement 1. Some shops are footages Statement 2. All footages are slippers.
Conclusion 1. Some slippers are shops Conclusion 2. No slipper is shop
  1. Statement 1.No book is eraser Statement 2. Some erasers are not pens
Conclusion 1. Some books are pens Conclusion 2. Some erasers are pens.
  1. Statement.1.All MLAs are Ministers. Statement 2. No Minister is MP.
Conclusion 1. All MLAs are MPs. Conclusion 2. No MP is MLA
  1. Statement 1. Some Kings are queens Statement 2. All queens are bishops.
Conclusion 1. Some Kings are bishops Statement 2. All Kings are Bishops
  1. Statement 1.No teacher is Engineer Statement 2. Some engineers are not Doctor
Conclusion 1. All teachers are Doctors Conclusion 2. Some teachers are Doctors.
  1. Statement 1.All Politicians are Sociologist. Statement 2. All sociologists are fighters.
Conclusion 1. All politicians are fighters. Conclusion 2. Some fighters are Politicians.

Key and explanation

  1. Answer is 2. Both are SAP type premises, hence, the conclusion may be SAP type. Incase of first conclusion the term ‘Advocate’ which is distributed is not distributed in question.
  2. Answer is 4. Both Statements are SIP type or particular. Hence, No conclusion is possible.
  3. Answer is 1. First statement is SAP and second statement is SEP, ie, Universal negative, from which we will get only SEP.
  4. Answer is 4. Combination Universal negative premises will produce no conclusion
  5. Answer is 4. The middle term ‘animal’ has not been distributed at least once in the premises.
  6. Answer is 4. The middle term ‘bricks’ has not been distributed at least once in the premises.
  7. Answer is 1. Combination of SAP (Universal positive) and SEP (universal negative) often produce SEP.
  8. Answer is 4. The middle term ‘tall’ is distributed at least once in the premises.
  9. Answer is 2. Combination of SAP (Universal positive) and SEP (universal negative) often produce SEP.
  10. Answer is 4. The middle term ‘ponds’ has not been distributed at least once in the premises
  11. Answer is 3. Combination of SAP and SEP produces SEP only.
  12. Answer is 1. In Second conclusion, the term ‘fluids’ is distributed which is not distributed in premises.
  13. Answer is 4. The middle term ‘ponds’ has not been distributed at least once in the premises. More over, the combination of SIP and SIP never produces any conclusion.
  14. Answer is 2. In first conclusion, the term ‘fruits’ is distributed which is not distributed in premises.
  15. Answer is 1. In Second conclusion, the term ‘singer’ is distributed which is not distributed in first premises.
  16. Answer is 4. The middle term ‘cupboard’ has not been distributed at least once in the premises.
  17. Answer is 4. More over, the combination of SEP and SEP produces nothing.
  18. Answer is 4. The middle term ‘oranges’ has not been distributed at least once in the premises. More over, the combination of SIP and SIP never produces any conclusion.
  19. Answer is 4. The middle term ‘teashop’ has not been distributed at least once in the premises.
  20. Answer is 1. In Second conclusion, the term ‘slipper’ is distributed which is not distributed in premises.
  21. Answer is 4. More over, the combination of two negative premises produces nothing.
  22. Answer is 2. Combination of SAP and SEP produces SEP only.
  23. Answer is 1. In Second conclusion, the term ‘kings’ is distributed which is not distributed in premises.
  24. Answer is 4. More over, the combination of two negative premises produces nothing.
  25. Answer is 3.


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Theory of Computation

Instructor :Emanuele Viola
Overview of class.
Slides .PDF, .ODP.

Math primer. Reading: Sipser Chapter 0. Think like the pros, sections 1,2, and 4.4.
Slides .PDF, .ODP.
Regular languages and finite automata. Reading: Sipser Chapter 1.
Slides .PDF, .ODP.

DFAs ,regular operations
closure properties ,non-determinism, equivalence of NFAs and DFAs
regular expressions,equivalence of RE and FA, the pumping lemma
Context-free languages and pushdown automata. Reading: Sipser Chapter 2.
Slides .PDF, .ODP.

-context-free grammars
-pushdown automata
-equivalence of CFLs and PDAs
-pumping lemma for CFLs
-closure properties
Turing Machines and Computability. Reading: Sipser Chapter 3, 4, 5, and Problem 5.28.
Slides .PDF, .ODP.

-Turing Machine variants
-Church-Turing thesis
-cardinality of infinite sets
-Halting Problem
-Rice’s theorem
Complexity. Reading: Sipser Chapter 7.
Slides .PDF, .ODP.