Friday 21 June 2013

Google launches scientific calculator

Next time, you need to do a quick calculation, you can head to Google. The search giant has added a scientific calculator to its varied array of features.

The company's new 34-button calculator appears the moment you type in the word "calculator" or a mathematical expression say "4x5" into the search box.

The calculator gives users ability to do everything from arithmetic to trigonometric calculations. The calculator has functions for calculating sines, cosines, square roots and tangents as well as also dedicated buttons for Pi and Euler's number.

Just follow these easy steps:

1. Open Google website (

2. Type "calculator"

3. The virtual calculator opens below

4. Do any calculation that you need to do

Not just this, Users can also use Google's voice search feature -- found in mobile version and in Chrome browser -- to do calculations without actually touching keyboard.

The search giant has also announced its Panda algorithm update (version 3.9) via its official Twitter account.

Launched in February 2011, Panda is aimed to lower the ranks of low-quality websites and list high-quality sites close to the top of the search results.

Source : TOI


Aakash 2's first lot not for students: Government

NEW DELHI: The recently developed Aakash-2 tablet is for the purpose of testing and empowerment of teachers and there is no proposal to provide these to students from poor and rural backgrounds, the government told Lok Sabha today.

In a written reply, Union Human Resource Development Minister, MM Pallam Raju said, "Presently there is no proposal in this regard... In the first phase one lakh tablets are for the purpose of testing and teacher empowerment. They would not be distributed to students in the first phase."

He was asked whether the government is planning to provide Aakash 2 tablets free of cost to students, particularly to the rural and poor students belonging to the weaker sections of the society.

The advanced version of low cost access device Aakash 2 tablet was launched by President Pranab Mujherjee on occasion of National Education Day on November 11, this year, Raju said.

"The salient features of Aakash-2 tablet includes seven inch multi-touch capacitive projective display with at least 800x480 resolution. It runs on Android 4.0 (ice-cream sandwich) operating system, powered by 1GHz processor and HD video playback support," the minister said.

The device has Wi-Fi support for internet connectivity with four GB internal memory storage and a microSD card slot that can support cards having capacities up to 32GB.

Source : TOI


Google makes '$100 laptop' a reality

BOSTON: Google began selling basic laptop computers to schools at a price of $99, meeting a price point that prominent MIT professor Nicholas Negroponte famously held out in 2005 as key to bringing computing power to the masses.

The internet giant said on Monday that it will be offering the steep educational discount on Series 5 Chromebooks from Samsung Electronics through December 21. They typically retail for $249.

Negroponte's One Laptop Per Child Foundation failed to meet his ambitious target, which critics said would be impossible to meet when he set it. His XO laptop currently sell for about $200.

Still, he is widely credited with helping to launch the era of low-cost portable computing.

The creation of relatively low-cost laptops from his foundation pressured industry giants including Intel, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and Dell to develop inexpensive versions of their products such as the netbook.

Source : TOI

Why Does Software Have Bugs???

Why does software have bugs????

* Miscommunication or no communication - as to specifics of what an application should or shouldn’t do (the application’s requirements).

* software complexity - the complexity of current software applications can be difficult to comprehend for anyone without experience in modern-day software development. Multi-tier distributed systems, applications utilizing mutliple local and remote web services applications, data communications, enormous relational databases, security complexities, and sheer size of applications have all contributed to the exponential growth in software/system complexity.

* programming errors - programmers, like anyone else, can make mistakes.

* changing requirements (whether documented or undocumented) - the end-user may not understand the effects of changes, or may understand and request them anyway - redesign, rescheduling of engineers, effects on other projects, work already completed that may have to be redone or thrown out, hardware requirements that may be affected, etc. If there are many minor changes or any major changes, known and unknown dependencies among parts of the project are likely to interact and cause problems, and the complexity of coordinating changes may result in errors. Enthusiasm of engineering staff may be affected. In some fast-changing business environments, continuously modified requirements may be a fact of life. In this case, management must understand the resulting risks, and QA and test engineers must adapt and plan for continuous extensive testing to keep the inevitable bugs from running out of control.

* time pressures - scheduling of software projects is difficult at best, often requiring a lot of guesswork. When deadlines loom and the crunch comes, mistakes will be made.

* egos - people prefer to say things like:

no problem
piece of cake
I can whip that out in a few hours;
it should be easy to update that old code

instead of:
that adds a lot of complexity and we could end up
making a lot of mistakes
we have no idea if we can do that; well wing it
I cant estimate how long it will take, until I
take a close look at it
we cant figure out what that old spaghetti code
did in the first place

If there are too many unrealistic no problems;, the
result is bugs.

* poorly documented code - it’s tough to maintain and modify code that is badly written or poorly documented; the result is bugs. In many organizations management provides no incentive for programmers to document their code or write clear, understandable, maintainable code. In fact, it’s usually the opposite: they get points mostly for quickly turning out code, and there’s job security if nobody else can understand it (’if it was hard to write, it should be hard to read’).

* software development tools - visual tools, class libraries, compilers, scripting tools, etc. often introduce their own bugs or are poorly documented, resulting in added bugs.

Re: Why Does Software Have Bugs??

What Are Some Recent Major Computer System Failures Caused By Software Bugs.

* According to news reports in April of 2004, a software bug was determined to be a major contributor to the 2003 Northeast blackout, the worst power system failure in North American history. The failure involved loss of electrical power to 50 million customers, forced shutdown of 100 power plants, and economic losses estimated at $6 billion. The bug was reportedly in one utility company’s vendor-supplied power monitoring and management system, which was unable to correctly handle and report on an unusual confluence of initially localized events. The error was found and corrected after examining millions of lines of code.

* In April of 2003 it was announced that the largest student loan company in the U.S. made a software error in calculating the monthly payments on 800,000 loans. Although borrowers were to be notified of an increase in their required payments, the company will still reportedly lose $8 million in interest. The error was uncovered when borrowers began reporting inconsistencies in their bills.
Windows 7 Your Way






In detail.......

Thanx Appreciated......

Turbo C on Windows Vista/Windows 7

Some of my friends were having problem using Turbo C on Windows Vista/Win 7..One of the major problems was vista didn’t support the Full Screen mode. So I thought this would able to solve...

here are the steps for it:

1.Copy the “DOSBox0.72-win32-installer.exe” from

Install it with default settings..

2.Create a folder “Turboc” in your C:\> directory.

3.Copy your turbo c folder such as “TC” in the folder “Turboc”. This is shown in the following diagram.

4.Run the software you installed. Its icon is present on the your desktop.

5.This will run the software, as shown in the fig:

6.write these lines in the screen:

mount c c:\>Turboc

Press Enter

Following message will appear on the screen

Drive c is mounted as local directory c:\Turboc\

Now write: C:

Press Enter Now write:

cd TC

Press Enter, Now write

cd bin

Press Enter, Now write


All these steps are shown in the following figure:

7.Now following screen will appear:

8. Press Alt + Enter. Full screen mode of Turbo C will appear

IMPORTANT : Don’t use shortcut Ctrl+F9 bcoz it is a shortcut for dos box to exit

Happy Coding

  Rise of 4G

Today, there is a significant deployment of 3G/3.5G networks, supporting a whole range of bandwidth-intensive applications such as audio and video streaming. Consumers are looking to replicate their Internet experiences from wired broadband services even while they are on the move.

The phenomenal success of smartphones (especially iPhones and BlackBerry phones), netbooks and tablet PCs (especially iPads) has resulted in a sudden surge in data bandwidth usage on the wireless operator's access networks. Several operators are addressing this data tsunami problem by resorting to application prioritization, combined with tiered pricing as a replacement for flat-rate pricing model. While this can be a good short-term palliative, wireless operators are strategically exploring the next-generation wireless technology (4G) to help alleviate this problem in the long term.

Currently, the two prominent choices for 4G wireless access technology are WiMax and LTE. These two technology options have a lot of similarities. The radio access networks for both are based on OFDM with support On-demand Remote Support - Free Trial from LogMeIn Rescue: Fast, secure solution for today's most popular platforms. for MIMO antennas. Both are "all-IP" networks in the core as well as access component, and both support speeds >50Mbps (Note: subscribers could expect consistent speeds of 10Mbps).

However, their origins and pedigrees are different and hence, their respective priorities vary. Given this, it is likely that WiMax and LTE will co-exist as sibling technologies for 4G wireless and complement each other by focusing on their respective areas of strength rather than competing with each other for operators' attention.
Origins of Technology

WiMax comes in two flavors -- fixed and mobile -- and has evolved from WiFi/WLAN technology to support a higher bandwidth as well as an increased range of more than ~30km. With its standards ratified by IEEE, WiMax positions itself as the wireless broadband access technology for data applications.

This "data-centric" approach works well for applications such as high-quality video streaming (over IP networks) and is expected to be consumed primarily by laptops and netbooks instead of smartphones. Hence, support for high-quality voice may not be a top priority for WiMax network operators, though voice services will be provided through standard VoIP applications. Without elaborate QoS support for voice applications, the voice quality is likely to be inferior to that of digital circuit-switched networks. Further, there is no accepted standard for voice services over WiMax to date.

LTE, on the other hand, has evolved within the 3GPP standards body and is positioned as the evolution from the current 3G/3.5G technologies for cellular operators. Taking the "voice-centric" approach, where voice is still considered as the "killer-app" for cellular operators, LTE has thrust a lot of importance to make the voice-application work very well on top of LTE. For example, LTE has been designed to work on the 700 MHz spectrum to efficiently support voice applications across longer distances and with higher in-building penetration.

LTE also comes in two flavors, namely, FDD-LTE and TDD-LTE. Frequency Division Duplex LTE uses two different frequency ranges for uplink and downlink communication -- hence requires more spectral bandwidth. Time Division Duplex LTE uses different time-slots for uplink and downlink communication, but on the same frequency band. WiMax (which also uses TDD) and TDD-LTE, therefore, are spectrally very efficient for communication.
Present Scenario

Commercial WiMax deployments have been going on for a few years now, touching nearly 600 deployments spanning across 150 countries today. These networks offer the end-user a rich and consistent broadband experience and work well for data applications. For voice services, the WiMax operators typically fall back to the 2G/3G option (through partnerships), thereby requiring a 2G/3G network to remain co-existent along with the WiMax network.

LTE, the 3GPP-based standard, is still in its very nascent stages. While trials have started in many operator networks today, the commercial rollouts of LTE have been very limited. The year 2010 started out with commercial LTE deployments by TeliaSonera in Sweden and Norway, and it is expected that about 20 deployments will be ready by end of 2010.

In the U.S., LTE trials are going on with both Verizon and AT&T (NYSE: T), with a commercial deployment to be ready in 2011.

In Europe, Tier1 operators such as Telefonica and Vodafone (NYSE: VOD) are conducting LTE trials, to be soon followed by a commercial deployment. The APAC region is aggressively pursuing LTE trials with China Mobile, Chungwa Telecom, NTT Docomo, SK Telecom, Telstra and KDDI leading the pack -- and some of them are expected to have commercial launches in 2010 itself.

Though many operators are trialing LTE today, the expectations are that it will take at least another couple of years (year 2012 and beyond) before we see more widespread commercial LTE deployments, supported by an ecosystem of easily available data dongles and smartphones capable of supporting LTE, combined efficiently with interoperability agreements across multiple operators for roaming users.
Some Recent Shifts

Growth of WiMax could be negatively impacted due to some of the recent strategic decisions taken by a few WiMax operators. Clearwire, a WiMax-based operator in the U.S., recently announced the trial of LTE services (in an overlay/co-existent mode) in the coming few months. While the outcome may eventually favor either technology, the investment needed to trial the LTE service will obviously distract Clearwire from growing its WiMax business to the fullest.

On a similar note, Sprint (NYSE: S), another WiMax service provider in the U.S., announced the possibility of acquiring T-Mobile's GSM assets in North America, with the focused intent of growing its LTE footprint.

In Europe, Yota, a Russia-based WiMax provider, has initiated a plan to overlay LTE networks in five cities in Russia this year with an investment of close to US$1 billion. Again, this investment obviously comes at the expense of WiMax growth.

Announcements from India are mixed after the recently concluded spectrum auction for technology-agnostic Broadband Wireless Access (BWA). Infotel, the PAN-India license winner, has no legacy infrastructure and is likely to roll out the well-proven and mature WiMax services with the intent of immediate monetization.

Qualcomm (Nasdaq: QCOM), another license winner with no legacy infrastructure, announced its intent to roll out LTE jointly with two partners. Bharti-Airtel remains undecided at this time, though it is likely that it will align with the LTE solution.
Deciding Factors

Both WiMax and LTE are equally viable alternate technologies for the next-generation wireless networks. The decision by an operator to choose one or the other, therefore, becomes a business decision rather than a technology decision.

One hypothesis is that operators with little or no prior legacy infrastructure in 2G/3G networks can easily opt for the WiMax route and monetize their deployment for near-term returns. WiMax is ready today -- here and now. It can be deployed quickly and is supported by a vibrant ecosystem of devices, including dongles and embedded chips.

The readiness of LTE and its immediate monetization is questionable, especially given that operators need to take some risks toward building an LTE-based viable service. Infotel's decision in India strongly validates this hypothesis -- especially in a price-sensitive, risk-averse market like India.

On the other hand, operators with legacy rollout in 2G/3G networks are likely to take the LTE path in line with the recommendations made by 3GPP. There is a significant cost associated with 3G->4G migration, given that the technology in the access as well as core has to be completely revamped.

Another alternative is possible. For the near-term advantages, an operator could roll out WiMax services initially and eventually migrate to LTE. Given the technological similarities between the two technologies, the eventual migration to LTE, especially TDD-LTE, could re-use about 70 percent of the WiMax rollout, thereby minimizing additional capital expenditure.

Finally, the success of 4G depends not just on the technology, but how the operators roll it out to provide the most flexible set of services to their end-users.

WHY BILLGATES Sold Microsoft?

Letter is from a SARDAR of Punjab to Mr. Bill Gates of Microsoft
Subject: Problems with my new computer

Dear Mr. Bill Gates,
We have bought a computer for our home and we have found some
problems, which I want to bring to your notice.

1. There is a button start but there is no stop button. We request you to check this.

2. We find there is Run; in the menu. One of my friends clicked run he ran up to Amritsar ! So, we request you to change that to sit so that we can click that by sitting.

3. One doubt is whether any re-scooteris available in system? I
find only re-cycle but I own a scooter at my home.

4. There is 'Find' button but it is not working properly. My wife lost the door key and we tried a lot trace the key with this find button, but was unable to trace. Please rectify this problem.

5. My child learnt Microsoft word now he wants to learn Microsoft sentence so when you will provide that?

6. I brought computer, CPU, mouse and keyboard, but there is only one icon which shows MY Computer when you will provide the remaining items?

7. It is surprising that windows says ;MY Pictures but there is not even a single photo of mine. So when will you keep my photo in that.

8. There is MICROSOFT OFFICE what about MICROSOFT HOME since I use the PC at home only.

9. You provided My Recent Documents. When you will provide My Past Documents?

10. You provide My Network Places For God shake please do not
provide ;My Secret Places. I do not want to let my wife know where I go after my office hours.



Last one from me to Mr Bill Gates :

Sir, how is it that your name is Gates but u are selling WINDOWS?

JNTU-HYD : Detailed info on Exemption of 2 subjects, Grace Marks & Class Change Rule [For R09 Batch Students]

As many of the students are asking many doubts/queries regarding the exemption of subjects, grace marks, class change. I have seen many students are asking similar type of doubts.This topic will answers all your doubts & queries.

Here are some of the question posted by students from past one week. I will post answers to all the questions so that your doubts can be clarified at one place.

Note : All the answers posted in this topic are collected from various exam branche in-charges (Including from JNTUH). I would answer all the question to best of my knowledge. Even though once contact your college exam cell, find out the info & verify the same before u proceed further on any issues.

Read all the points before u post any query. It took lot of time to collect & post the entire data. The other websites people who are copying this topic data from JNTUWORLD do mention source as JNTUWORLD website url/link (Its a minimum courtesy).

Terms used in the posting.(This topic is only meant for R09 batch students. Other batch students can post the queries in
Q = Question.
Ans = Answer.

Q) Is Exemption of subjects rule declared officially ?
Ans : Yes Exemption of subjects rule is declared officially by JNTU-HYD today (20th June 2013). For info & official notification visit the below url

Q) How many subjects can we leave/exempt under the exemption rule ?
Ans : U can leave/exempt maximum of 2 subjects (max of 8 credits) from 1 to 4 years.

Q) Who all students comes under R09 Batch ?
Ans : Students who got admitted into B.Tech in 2009,2010,2011,2012 comes under R09 batch.

Q) Is Exemption/Leaving of subjects rule applicable for B.Pharmacy students ?
Ans : No, its not applicable for B.Pharmacy students. They need to clear all the subjects from 1 to 4 years in-order to be eligible for award of degree.

Q) Do Lateral Entry students have chance to leave subjects ?
Ans : According to the latest info which we got from JNTUH is that lateral entry students can't leave subjects (This is still not yet official). We will try to get the correct info within 1 to 2 days from DE-JNTUH & will inform u.

Q) What does leaving/Exempt of 2 subjects mean ?
Ans : Exemption of 2 subjects means students have an option to leave or Exempt 2 subjects to get the degree. If a students secures 192 credits out of 200 Registered credits then the student will be eligible for award of degree. So, here students are having an option to leave 8 credits max.

In a simple way i can say that if a student fails in 1 or 2 subjects, if he wish to leave those subjects then he can leave those 1 or 2 subjects & he can get the degree.

Q) What does Exempt of 8 Credits mean ?
Ans : U do have an option to leave 2 subjects at most which carries a total of 8 credits. Here are the following cases for leaving of 8 credits max.

1) U can leave 2 subjects which carries 4 + 4 Credits each = Total of 8 Credits (Secured 192 Credits).
2) U can leave 2 subjects which carries 4 + 3 Credits each = Total of 7 credits (Total no.of credits should not exceed 8) - Secured 193 credits
3) U can leave 2 subjects which carries 3 + 3 Credits each = Total of 6 credits (Total no.of credits should not exceed 8) - Secured 194 credits
4) U can leave 1 subject which carries 6 credits = Total of 6 credits (Total no.of credits should not exceed 8) - Secured 194 credits.

Q) How this rule will be beneficial ?
Ans : This rule will be beneficial to increase the percentage (For those who cleared all subjects) & also to get the degree (For those students who got failed in 1 or 2 subjects).

Q) I got failed in 1 or 2 subjects. How can i get memos (PC,CMM) ?
Ans : Students who got failed in 1 or 2 subjects can leave those subjects to get the memos. They need to apply for leaving of subjects by filling the undertaking form & submit it in respective colleges. so that JNTUH can issue the memos for them. Follow the below mentioned url to know the complete info on how to apply for exemption of subjects.

Procedure to apply for undertaking (If u fail in 1 or 2 subjects)

Q) I got cleared in all subjects & secured 200 credits. Do i need to apply for Exemption of subjects ?
Ans : No need to apply for Exemption. JNTUH will dispatch your memos (CMM,PC) directly to your respective colleges.

Q) Do i need to pay any fee while apply for Exemption, Grace Marks & Class Change Rule ?
Ans : If u apply for the above rules at your respective then no need to pay any fee. If at all if u apply in tatkal process directly at JNTUH then u need to pay an extra amount of Rs.1000/- per memo.

Q) In the notification it is given we need to clear "All the practical subjects" What does practical subjects mean?
Ans : Practical subjects are labs. It means u need to clear all labs from 1 to 4 years.

Q) Can i leave lab based theory subjects ?
Ans : Yes u can leave lab based theory subjects. But u need to clear labs.
Example : If a student of R09 regulation has a backlog in MICRO PROCESSOR Theory subject then he can leave that subject. But he can't leave the Micro Processor Lab.

Q) Can i leave elective ?
Ans : Yes u can.

Q) How many days it will take to get the memos who secured 200 & 192/193/194 credits ?
Ans : For the students who secured 200 credits they will get the memos from their respective colleges from next week (Maximum). Students can start collecting their 4-2 Semester memos from tomorrow (21st June 2013) as JNTUH had already dispatched the memos.While PC,CMM will be dispatched after 5 days.

For the students who secured 192/193/194 credits & who Submitted undertaking form in respective colleges will get the memos within 25 to 30 working days.

For students who applied in tatkal process it may take 2 to 3 days to get the memos.

Q) If i Secured 192/193/197 credits (By leaving 1 or 2 subjects) & i need the memos as soon as possible. Is tatkal process available in JNTUH ?
Ans : if you are in a urgent need of memos then u can apply for tatkal process directly at JNTUH by submitting the undertaking form at JNTUH. For each memo u need to pay an extra amount of Rs.1000/- per memo.

Tatkal Process :

Q) How percentage will be calculated for the students who cleared all subjects & students who left/Exempt 1 or 2 subjects ?
Ans : Here are the below 3 cases how percentage will be calculated.

1) If u cleared all subjects & secured 200 credits then the percentage will be calculated by excluding 2 least subjects marks in which u secured least marks from 1 to 4 years (that is percentage will be calculated for best of 192 credits).
2) If u leave 2 subjects (max of 8 credits) then percentage will be calculated for best of 192,193 (By leaving those 2 subjects in which u got failed).
3) If u leave 1 subjects (which carries 6 credits) then percentage will be calculated for best of 194 (By leaving that 1 subject in which u got failed).

Note : If a student failed in one subjects (Which carries 4 or 3 credits), then at that time JNTUH will remove 2 subjects
i) The particular subject in which he got failed. [Students need to submit undertaking form in respective colleges].
ii) other subject in which he secured least marks from 1 to 4 years.

Q) Students who cleared all subjects have an option to leave subjects of his own choice.
Ans : No , they don't have an option. JNTUH will automatically removes 2 subjects in which they secured least marks from 1 to 4 years while calculating the final percentage.

Q) Can i Leave EDP (Drawing from 1st year)
Ans : Yes u can leave the EDP (Drawing) subject of 1st year as it is a theory subject for R09 students. Once conform the same from your respective college exam branch.

Q) What is the Difference between the students who secured 200 credits & 192/193/194 credits?
Ans : For the students who secures 192/193/194 credits (failed in 1 or 2 subjects) they will exclude those 1 or 2 subjects only in which he failed while calculating total %. where as for the students who secured 200 credits JNTUH will exclude 2 subjects in which he/she secured least marks.[/COLOR]

Sample CMM (R07 Batch) : We will update the R09 batch as soon as they are released.
Students Who cleared all subjects & Secured 224 credits ==>
Students Who left 2 subjects & Secured 216 credits ==>

Q) Does JNTUH will mention any FAIL or Star Mark in the certificates if i leave 1 or 2 subjects ?
Ans : For JNTU-HYD students In the PC,CMM there will not be any indication of Fail. But on the concerned semester marks memo "Fail" will be indicated. But star mark will be given for those 1 or 2 subjects in which u had failed.

Note: Star Mark(*) indicates that those 2 subjects marks are excluded while calculating the total % [Star mark will be even indicated for those students who secured 200 credits].

Q) If i clear all the subjects & secure 200 credits will i get any star mark in my CMM?
Ans : Yes u will get the star mark in the subjects in which u secured least marks. Star Mark indicates that those 2 subjects marks are excluded while calculating the total %. You can see a sample CMM from the below.

Sample CMM of R07 Batch :

Q) What happens if i fail & leave those one/two subjects. Does it effect my carrier ?
Ans :
  • Many of the companies recruits only the students who does not have any active backlogs/arrears.
  • Suppose a CSE student fails in Operating Systems and Computer Organization courses and applies for a PC, this may affect in getting a job. An ECE student who failed in VLSI and DSP subjects may not get admission in M.Tech in VLSI/DSP specializations.Similarly for other branch students.
  • If a candidate is in urgency to submit the PC for Visa, for higher studies then he/she may apply for PC even they acquire 192,193,194 credits, because that may not affect them.
  • Therefore if there is no urgent requirement for PC, it is better, the students pass all the subjects and take PC. The students have the option to apply for PC at any time if it is required. They have to apply through 'Tatkal' if they require it immediately.
Q) I had applied for the CMM,PC by filling the undertaking form, can i attend for supple exams ?
Ans : No u can't attend for the supple exams of those subjects that u had applied in the exception of 2 subjects rule.

Q) I had written 1 or 2 subjects supple exams & now i want to leave them before results are declared. Can i leave them ?
Ans : Yes u can leave them. Just fill the undertaking form & submit in ur respective college to get the CMM,PC.

Q) I had given my supple for 1 or 2 subjects exams & before the results are declared i had applied for the CMM,PC by filling the undertaking form.Will there be any problem & does i get my result now?Ans : There wont be any problem. u will not get the results Once if u apply for the CMM,PC under the exception of 2 subjects rule.

Q) Can i get my PC,CMM after clearing all the subjects (i.e., securing 200 credits) ?
Ans : Yes at a time after u secure 200 credits u can get the CMM & PC.

Q) Is there any last date to apply for exemption of 2 subejcts rule ?
Ans : No there is no such last date. u can apply at any time for leaving of 2 subjects in your respective college or at JNTUH directly.

Questions/Answers Related to Grace Marks Rule & Class Change Rule

Q) What about Grace Marks & 0.15% rule ?
Ans : Grace marks & 0.15% rules are even applicable for R09 batch students.

Q) Can u mention what is grace marks & how many grace marks can be added under this rule ?
Ans : if a candidate failed in one/two subjects with shortage of marks if adding these marks makes the student eligible to get his/her degree then grace marks will be added.

Note :
1) Grace marks can be added only to 1 or 2 subjects maximum.
2) Grace marks can be added only for external exams.
3) Under Grace marks Rule 4 marks [Total of 8 marks Maximum] each will be added in 2 subjects. [Example : if u are having 22 Marks in external exams in 1 or 2 subjects then the grace marks will be added to get u passed in that particular subject].
4) The best performance among the external examinations shall be considered while giving the grace marks.
5) Grace marks can't be added to internal marks.
6) Students can apply for grace marks & class change only after they get the original marks memos.

Q) I got 24 marks in Nov/Dec 2012 exams in my 4-1 semester. Can i apply for grace marks by using those previous exam marks ?
Ans : Yes u can apply by using the previous result.

Q) Can i use leaving of 2 subjects rule & Grace marks rule at a time to get my degree.
Ans : Yes u can use both the rules to get the degree.

Q) Will there be any sort of indications if i apply for grace marks & get my degree ?
Ans : No there wont be any kind of indication if u get passed in any subject by using Grace marks rule.

Q) Whats is class change rule ? can u explain in detail & how can i apply for class change ?
Ans : If you got a final percentage of 49.85% , 59.85% , 69.85% then u can apply for 0.15% rule to get 50%, 60%, 70%.

Q) To which all courses & regulation grace marks rule & class chaneg are applicable ?
Ans : To all courses (UG/PG) & all regulations its applicable.

JNTU-HYD : B.Tech / B.Pharmacy 4-2 Advance Supple Exam Notification (July 2013)

This notification is issued for the conduct of following examinations :
1) IV B.Tech. - II Sem. (R09) – Supplementary
2) IV B.Tech. - II Sem. (R07) – Supplementary
3) IV B.Tech. - II Sem. (R05) - Supplementary
4) IV B.Tech. - II Sem. (RR) - Supplementary
5) IV B.Pharm. - II Sem. (R09) – Supplementary
6) IV B.Pharm. - II Sem. (R07) – Supplementary
7) IV B.Pharm. – II Sem. (NR) – Supplementary
8) IV B.Pharm. – II Sem. (OR) – Supplementary

The students appearing for the above examinations commencing from 08-07-2013 are informed to note time schedule given below.
Without Late Fee 24-06-2013
With Late Fee of Rs.100/- 27-06-2013
With Late Fee of Rs.1000/- 29-06-2013

Opportunities After B.E/B.Tech

The last decade has seen a tremendous change in the attitude of people towards their careers. Gone are the days when the only choices we had after completing school were Engineering, Medicine, Chartered Accountant, B.Com, and Law besides a few others. Today’s generation has endless career options open in front of it (from Nuclear Scientist to DJ). However, this presentation certainly is helping hand to decide your career after B.Tech


Before we go any further and talk about Career Planning, let’s just look at the change in the job scenario in the last decade:

• Growth of service sector, especially IT. In spite of the recent recession in the US economy, IT has been growing at an explosive rate with the requirement for skilled manpower in this sector desperately falling short of demand. As a result, countries that face such a shortage are busy recruiting manpower (on work permits) from countries, which have an adequate supply.

• In this era of global village, a person today is a global citizen going and living where his/her career aspirations take him/her. One’s country of birth is no longer the default choice to pursue a career in. Thus, we have people born in one corner of the world migrating and pursuing successful careers in another part of the world.

• Knowledge about Information, Communication and Entertainment, commonly referred to as the ICE Age has become increasingly important, rather inevitable for the students, specifically with the onset of IT.

• The focus today is on acquiring multiple skills and cross functionality rather than specializations: Today organizations are not made up of different departments each of them having a focused task and a limited role; instead today they are made up of teams. These teams consist of people who although have specialized skills but have to synergize their efforts in achieving a common goal.

• Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) are also opening new opportunities for different people. Procedures like deli censing encourage entrepreneurial activity, which leads to a lot more people taking initiative and exploiting their talents to their fullest potential. It is astonishing how many 21-year-old millionaires exist today and it is anybody’s guess how many more are expected tomorrow.

• Increasing presence of women in the working force plus increasing presence of women in areas traditionally considered male bastions for e.g. the armed forces.

• As the standard of living is increasing throughout the world; people are moving away from pure monetary considerations while considering a career. True, monetary considerations are still very important, but the weight age of other factors like emotional satisfaction, spiritual fulfillment etc. is increasing. Furthermore acceptance of these factors in a career decision is universally increasing and today a parent is more considerate and open, if his/her teenager states the desire to become a DJ, instead of a Chartered Accountant.

• Increase in pay packages plus increase in working hours but with increased flexibility.

• It has been propounded by most of the management gurus that emphasis of the next decade would shift from design and technology to happiness and aesthetics, clearly indicating the trend that one's job should match one's potential and interest rather than be decided on one's whims and fancies and dictates of peers and the available norms. Consequently there has been increased job/career switching for various reasons ranging from growth prospects to personal factors like need for creativity etc.

What does it all mean and where does it lead?

Simply put, with so much happening so quickly, most of us do not know what to do. Taking the information mentioned above into consideration and other factors like Parental Pressure, Peer Pressure, Environmental and Social Norms, the issue (i.e. your career decision) gets all the more complicated.
Another very crucial need also exists and that is an opportunity to identify and then develop those traits of your personality, which with respect to today’s scenario is absolutely necessary irrespective of one’s profession. Some of these traits are the ability to work in teams, leadership, creativity, communication skills etc.

This simply means that there is definitely a need for one to go through a process, which will not only enlighten and inform the individual with respect to the various career options, but will also be a journey of discovery of one’s own Interests, Aptitude and Personality which are the very critical components of any career decision. Added to this, one also needs to identify areas of personal development and needs to work on them before embarking on his/her career roadmap.

So, it is necessary for one to decide their career. Now that you have entered into B.Tech. So, now you have to start looking into your future.

Study or Job ?

There are two options you prefer after you complete your B.Tech degree. If you are economically efficient and don’t need a job, it is better you go for your further studies. A specialization will always earn you more salary as well as priority during interviews and of course sound grip over subject. Otherwise you can find some job.

Further Studies:

If you prefer to continue to studies, you can do Post graduate courses and then obtain a Ph.D. You have lots of options during this P.G course like M.S/ M.Tech, IAS/IPS, Navy/NDA and Finance related courses like MBA.


If you prefer doing P.G in your field of study, you can go for M.S/M.Tech. If you are ready to go outside India and financially sound you can prefer M.S. You need to appear for GRE/TOEFL for doing M.S in Foreign countries.

GRE: The Graduate Record Examination or GRE is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in English speaking countries. It is created and administered by the Educational Testing Service and is similar in format and content to the SAT. It is a computer based Online Test. The percentile scored in this exam will decide your future in doing M.S in foreign nations

TOEFL: The Test of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL®, pronounced "toe-full" or sometimes "toffle") evaluates the potential success of an individual to use and understand Standard American English at a college level. It is required for non-native applicants at many English-speaking colleges and universities. A TOEFL score is valid for two years and then is deleted from the official database.

The TOEFL® test is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS®) and is administered worldwide. The test was first administered 1964 and has since been taken by nearly 20 million students.

Since its introduction in late 2005, the Internet-based test (iBT) has progressively replaced both the computer-based (CBT) and paper-based (PBT) tests. The iBT has been introduced in phases, with the United States, Canada, France, Germany, and Italy in 2005 and the rest of the world in 2006, with test centers added regularly.

The demand for test seats remains very high even after almost a year after the introduction of the test: Candidates have to wait for months since short-term test dates are fully booked. The four-hour test consists of four sections, each measuring mainly one of the basic language skills (although some tasks may require multiple skills) and focusing on language used in an academic, higher-education environment. Note-taking is allowed in the iBT.

GATE: Conducted by one of seven Indian Institutes of Technology in rotation, Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an annual exam for admission to M.Tech and M.S. programmes in most engineering institutes in India[citation needed]. It is regarded as a benchmark test for engineering graduates in India [citation needed]. This examination is coordinated by a committee, comprising of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordinating Board - GATE, Department of Education, and Government of India. The pattern and syllabus are usually based on a candidate's B.Tech. Or BE syllabus. Minimum eligibility for appearing in this exam is usually a B.Tech, BE, B. Arch. or Masc. The exam is usually conducted on second Sunday of February.

PSU's like BARC, NPCIL, HAL etc. give importance to GATE scores for various job positions in their organizations.

It is not worthy for anyone doing P.G in some college other than Foreign/Indian University Colleges, and Premiere Private Engineering Colleges


If you prefer doing P.G in some finance related courses you can definitely go for MBA.

GMAT: The Graduate Management Admissions Test, better known by the acronym GMAT (pronounced G-mat), is a standardized test for determining aptitude to succeed academically in graduate business studies. The GMAT is used as one of the selection criteria by most respected business schools globally, most commonly for admission into an MBA program.

The GMAT is one of many factors schools use when reviewing applications for admission; it is typically balanced with work experience, grades in previous schools, recommendation letters and other admissions criteria.

The fee to take the GMAT is currently US$250, worldwide.

Global institutes like ISB require the entries to write GMAT.

CAT: Common Admission Test is conducted by IIMs in India for entry to various IIMs present in India. Admissions are based on the scores in CAT exam.

Indian Civil Service:

The Indian Civil Service serves as the backbone of India and carries great respect and responsibilities. India's best brains vie for entry into the Indian Civil Services as officers. Even though corporate jobs may offer the best of salaries and perks, a majority of youngsters and their parents still crave entry to the prestigious Indian Civil Services held by the UPSC. The very fact that a big share of every year's top posts in the civil services exams are bagged by professionals from various streams, shows that the IAS is still the dream job for many

These are most preferred routes by engineering students in education after B.Tech

Job/ work:

Software industry:

What ever the branch you are in during your engineering you can get into a software industry with simply communication skills. It is good if you get a job during the campus placements itself because it is really difficult to find a job after you come out of the college. However there are various kinds of jobs in Software industry which you get accordingly as your course of study or your specialization. It is ok if you do job for sometime and start studying again for your P.G courses.

Own Company:

If you are financially sound, you can start your own company with a little experience in some other company.

Still there are various choices in jobs like lecturer in some famous engineering college, call center jobs, etc.


So decide your career now it self and prepare accordingly to reach your goal.

JNTU-HYD : Introduction of TATKAAL scheme For Issue of Certificates and Marks Memos

A proposal has been received from the Director of Evaluation to collect an extra fee of Rs.1000-00 per each certificate / marks memo under TATKAAL scheme from the students whenever there is urgent requirement of the educational certificates by the students.

After careful consideration of the proposal, the Vice-Chancellor has permitted to collect a fee of Rs.1000-00 (Rupees one thousand only) per each certificate / marks memo under TATKAAL scheme from the students whenever there is an urgent requirement of the educational certificates. The required certificate(s) / marks memo(s) will be issued to the student as early as possible, on priority basis.

These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.