Friday 16 February 2018

CENG 222 – Computer Organization Lab Work 9

Standard I/O In 8086

Standard input output operations  are performed INT 21h interrupt in assembly.
Int 21h acts like a function. The operation to perform in interrupt no 21h is determined by the contents of the AH register.
Read the entry regarding Int 21h interrupt in “Supported Interrupt Functions” section of Emu8086 help (“help”->”Documentation and Tutorials”->“Supported Interrupt Functions”)
Pay attention to Int 21h functions where the value of AH is 1,2,9,0Ah


1) Write an assembly program to read a character and print the same character back to screen
2) The user will enter a 2 digit decimal number write an assembly program to store the number in CX register.
3) Write an assembly program to print the English alphabet (capital letters only)
4) design an assembly function (that uses a variable for return value) that reads 5 characters from the keyboard. Call the function in main to get the characters and write the program to print the characters.

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