Friday 16 February 2018

CENG 222 – Computer Organization
Lab Work 1

16-bits Intel microprocessors have some capabilities of moving data from register to register; register to memory, and vice versa.

Commonly used 16-bits registers are:


First four registers (AX, BX, CX, and DX) consist of two 8-bits parts called high part (denoted by ‘H’) and low part (denoted by ‘L’).

AX = AH, AL                        BX = BH, BL             CX = CH, CL             DX = DH, DL

Note that the high part register is the most significant byte and the low part is the least significant byte of the whole 16-bits register.

Assembly instructions of moving data using memory and registers are given below:

§  Parameters of instructions are denoted by <…> symbols for explaining the usage of the instruction.
§  [] braces in Macro assembly has the same function with * operator in C language. For example, [AX] denotes the data or memory location where AX points to.

1-    Immediate data to register

            MOV <destination register>, <data>

      MOV AX, 4C00H                  ; AX = 4C00h
      MOV DL, 120                        ; DL = 120

      Size of data and destination register must be equal!

2-    Register to register

            MOV <destination register>, <source register>

            MOV AX, CX            ; AX=CX
      MOV CL, BH             ; CL=BH
      Note that size of destination and source registers must be the same!

3-    Memory to register (Direct addressing)

            MOV <destination register>, [<address>]

            MOV AX, [1BFFH]               ; Copy 2-bytes (word) data stored at address 1BFF to AX
            MOV DL, [offset msg]           ; Copy 1-byte data at msg to DL

Important:  Size of the data read from memory is determined by the size of the destination register!

4-    Memory to register (Indirect addressing)

            MOV <destination register>, [<register>]

            MOV AX, [BX]         ; AX = (*BX)
      MOV DL, [BX]          ; DL = (*BX)

Important:  Size of the data read from the memory location pointed by register, is determined by the size of the destination register!

5-    Register to memory

            MOV [<register>], <source register>

            MOV [BX], DX         ; *BX = DX    (Writes 2 bytes)
            MOV [BX], DL          ; *BX = DL     (Writes 1 byte)
            MOV [1BFFH], AX   ; *(1BFFH) = AX;      (Writes 2 bytes)
Note: Size of the data written is the size of register.

6-    Immediate data to memory
            MOV [<register>], <data>

            MOV [BX], 20h         ; *BX = 0020h
            MOV [BX], 4C00h     ; *BX = 4C00h
            MOV [1BFFH], 20h   ; *(1BFFH) = 20h;
If the source data is 1-byte, size of the data written to the memory is 16-bits unless you state the size. Leading zeros will be added automatically.

MOV [BX], 20h          ; Copy the word (2-bytes) data to the memory
                                    ; block started at BX. (*BX = 0020h)
MOV WORD PTR [BX], 20h            ; Exactly the same as above
MOV BYTE PTR [BX], 20h              ; Copy 1 byte (*BX = 20h)

If the source data is 2-bytes, size of the data written to the memory is 16-bits and you cannot state the size.

Analyze the assembly code below:

title Register test program

.model small
.stack 100h
msg db "AB",0dh,0ah,'$'

main proc
     mov ax,@data
     mov ds,ax

; Add your code here
; ------------------

; ------------------

     mov ah,9
     mov dx,offset msg
     int 21h

     mov ax, 4c00h
     int 21h
main endp

end main

The program above prints “AB” to the console. The message “AB” is stored at msg in data segment. Therefore, “offset msg” is the starting address of the string. Modify the code according to the following experiments:

1-      Copy the second byte stored at “msg” (which is ‘B’ currently) to the first byte. The output should be “BB”. In order to do that, load 2-bytes data stored at “msg” into a 16-bits register. Copy one part of the register to the other part. Then, write your register back to msg.
2-      Copy the first byte stored at “msg” (which is ‘A’ currently) to the second byte. The output should be “AA”. To achieve this, load the first byte stored at “msg” into one 8-bits register (high or low part) and copy it onto the other part and write the data stored in register back to msg.
3-      Load the data stored at “msg” into one register and swap the high and low parts of the register using a temporary 8-bits register. Then write back your “swapped” register onto msg. The output should be “BA”.

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