Saturday 21 September 2013

Refer Cyberz Tab
To install Conky on Ubuntu First we need to know what is Conky ?
A Conky is a Programe which is free,and light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any information on your desktop like CPU, Ram, System up-time Disk usage with graph, Kernel version Network info(Up and Down Speed, Network signals, ip address)Time and Date with day + year. Conky is licensed under the GPL and runs on Linux and BSD Distribution. For example it is something like this in below pics.
But here i am taking my virtualBox OS (UBuntu),Now to install Conky in Ubuntu/Linux open terminal and copy the following commands in the Terminal.
sudo apt-get install conky conky-all
Then Download Startup script with following commands
wget -O .start-conky
 chmod +x .start-conky
Now Hit Alt and F2, Type “Startup Applications” For example,
Then Click on ADD Typ in name “Conky” Click on Browse, Go to home Directory(Mine /home/bipul/) and Hit “Alt and H”.CLick on .start-conky(Note-First time you have choose this file .start-conky) then “Add” then “Close” For example.
Then finally Logout from present account and again Loged in

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