Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Info about Jawahar Knowledge Centers (JKC)

The Principals of all affiliated colleges under JNTU, Kakinada

Sub: Jawahar Knowledge Centers (JKC) - Reg.

I am by the direction of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor wish to inform to you that Government of Andhra Pradesh is very keen in increasing the rate of employment and skill development initiatives for students while they are on the campus. In view of this government promoted Jawahar Knowledge Center Initiative through Institute for Electronic Governance and the results so far are encouraging. The objective of bridging the gap between the industry and academia is successfully attempted and the JKC initiative has been expanding over the last few years. Especially for the engineering and MCA colleges in the tier II and III towns, JKC is extending number of Industry initiatives. Some of the initiatives that are on cards for students in the forthcoming year are listed below.

1) Oracle came forward to give free software to all JKC registered colleges and train faculty on Oracle 10g software. IEG has signed MoU with Oracle Academy to this extent.

2) Microsoft has given free access to software for all JKC students and is organizing faculty development continuously on new technologies.

3) Infosys Campus Connect is delivered to various colleges through JKC. JKC is regularly monitoring the rollout of these modules and assessing the delivery mechanism.

4) IBM has signed MoU with IEG – JKC to train students on IBM technologies and give access to students on their software.

5) To deliver these technologies to students, IEG has trained and ear marked about 50 IT Associates for each industry initiative. Industry has come up with special certification price for JKC students. The trainings are given free of cost for JKC students which otherwise would cost money (Rs.10k – 20K minimum) and time.

6) Similar initiatives with CISCO, HCL, Autodesk, LabView, Adobe, etc are being worked out to enhance the technical skills of the students while they are on the campus.

7) IEG is also working with Government of India to have all JKC students certified (free of cost) on Modular Employable Skills.

8 ) IEG is allocating IT Associate to supplement JKC training to students where the student registrations are considerable in number. These IT associates will deliver one theory subject and a lab course for the college as a good will gesture.

9) IEG has signed MoU with IUCEE (Indo US Council for Engineering Education) to network its activities in the state of AP.

10) IEG has been helping out JKC students on LIVE Projects in the final year wherever there is good number of requests.

11) All JKC students are continuously assessed (planned once in a year) on various skills so that student can concentrate on skills in which he is week. The test results are hosted on the web site.

12) JKC is networking several student competitions, industry academia interactions, student and faculty workshop, etc to improve the competencies of students.

For more information you may check the website www.ieg.gov.in or call Smt K. Prathyusha, Program Manager, IEG, JNTU Campus, Masab Tank, Hyderabad (ph 9908131998)

In view of the above the Principals of the colleges are requested to address the students and faculty to make them aware of the program and its benefits. This would improve the employment potential in students which in the long run improves the society at large.

Official Transcripts from JNTU


I came to USA 8 years back.I completed my M. Tech Computer Science part time program from JNTU Masab Tank in 1999. Now I am planning to join in MBA in Oregon University. I need to get official transcripts from JNTU to this university. I like to know if there is any provision in JNTU to get official transcripts posted to this university. You understand it is very expensive to travel to India for this purpose. Appreciate your help and directions.

Please let me know at the earliest..


JNTU-HYD : Procedure For Transcripts


The following transcripts will be issued by printing the required documents on security paper.

(i) Marks Memos of B.Tech. examinations (1999-2000 batch onwards)
(ii) Consolidated Marks Memo of B.Tech. course (1999-2000 batch onwards)
(iii) Provisional Certificate of B.Tech. degree (1999-2000 batch onwards)

One set of the above documents [i.e., one set of marks memos + one CMM + one PC] or part of the set of the above documents, will be issued along with an envelope. For each set of the above documents only one envelope will be given. It may be noted that for the above items photo-copies need not be enclosed.

The students who require their transcripts have to submit duly filled-in prescribed application for issue of transcripts, to the Principal, along with the necessary total amount of fee (@ Rs.40-00 per transcript) in the form of D.D. or challan. The D.D. for the total amount of fee must be in favour of the Registrar, JNTU, drawn on Hyderabad, on any Nationalized Bank.

If the student requires any other document other than the documents mentioned above, he has to submit the filled-in application along with the required number of photo-copies of the document(s) and the fee (@ Rs.40-00 per transcript) in the form of D.D./challan.

Click Here For Transcripts Application Form

Students Counter Services at University

Wait till the below image loads.


Name of the Officer & Designation Office Fax E-mail
Direct Line PBX Ext.
Dr. DN Reddy, Vice-Chancellor 23156109 23156112 reddydn@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. K. Lal Kishore Rector 32422256 1222 23158665 lalkishorek@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. E. Saibaba Reddy Registrar 32422253

23158665 esreddy75@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. Tulasiram Das Director, Acad. & Plg. 23156115 1444 23156115 das_tulasiram@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. GK Viswanath Director of Evaluation 23156113 1313 23158668 dejntuh@jntuh.ac.in
Dr.K. Rama Mohan Rao Director, BICS & Officer I/c. ED 23156110 1150 23156110 rkunapareddy@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. BC Jinaga Director I/c., SIT 32516831 3401 23158269 jinagabc@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. M Lakshmi Narasu Director, IST 23156128 3451 23058729 mangamoori@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. M. Anji ReddyDirector I/c., UFA 3477 director.ufr@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. IV Murali Krishna OSD
Dr. A. Damodaram Director I/c., ASC 32410621 2310 23156795 damodarama@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. A. Ramachandra AryasriDirector I/c., Sch. of Manage 23057111 2320 aryasri@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. Poshal Director I/c., Admissions 23158669 2180 gposhal_jntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. TKK Reddy Director I/c., R&D Cell 32505591 4050 reddykishen@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. A. Vinay Babu Director, SCDE 32410630 23372662 dravinayababu@jntuh.ac.in
Sri K. Chandrasekhar Finance Officer 32405422 1101 chandrasekhar.ka@jntuh.ac.in
Sri J. Rama Sekhar Joint Registrar (Acad.) 1306 ramasekhar.j@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Ram Mohan ReddyController of Examinations 32422249 1555 cejntuh@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. V. Kamakshi PrasadAddl. Controller of Exams. 1311 jntuonlineexams@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. R. Markandeya Addl. Controller of Exmn. ceedep@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. Krishna Mohan Addl. Controller of Exmn. kmrgurram@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Madhavi KumariAddl. Controller of Exmn. thoomati@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. K. Eswara PrasadDirector I/c., R&D Cell 23053124 1207 tnpjntuh08@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. K. MukkantiHead, Centre for Environment 23155413 3472 kmukkanti@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Prabhu Kumar Dy. Director, ASC prabsjntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. B. Balu NaikHead, Centre for Nanotechnology banothbn@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. B. Venkateswara Rao Head, Centre for Water Res 23155412 3469
Dr. Archana GiriHead, Sch. of Biotech. 23156129 3456 archanagiriin@jntuh.ac.in
Sri J. VenkateshHead, Centre for Spatial Inf. Tech 23058716 3486 vt_ig@jntuh.ac.in
Sri Anajaneya PrasadCoordinator, PIU & NSS 23151974 1170 baprasadjntu@jntuh.ac.in
Prof. B. RajagopalProf. of Library 1350 dr.b.rajagopal@jntuh.ac.in
Sri S. Seshanna Dy. Registrar (Admn.) 1211 seshannaseelam@jntuh.ac.in
Sri CJ Rama RajuDy. Registrar (Legal) & RTI Cell 1230 mudunuripadma@jntuh.ac.in
Sri K. Venkat ReddyDy. Registrar (Acct.) 1102 venkatareddy.k@jntuh.ac.in
Sri M. Radha Krishna Dy. Registrar (R&DC) 32505591 4040 radhakrishna.mrk@jntuh.ac.in
Sri PG Subba RaoAsst. Registrar (Acad.) 1201 subbarao.p.g@jntuh.ac.in
Sri T. Eswara PrasadAsst. Registrar (ED) 1160 eshwarprasad@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. V. Vijaya LakshmiAsst. Registrar (SIT) 4303 vila31@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. P. Nirmala Devi Asst. Registrar (SCDE) 32410629 nirmaladevi@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. Krishna VeniAsst. Registrar (ASC) 2312
Sri M. Narayana MurthyAsst. Registrar (Admns) 2182
Sri D. GopalAsst. Registrar (Accts.) 1108 gopal.d@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. E. DevamaniAsst. Registrar (Pen.) 1104 devamani.e@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. C. SashiAsst. Registrar (Acad. & Plg.) 1204 shashi.c@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. C. ArunaAsst. Registrar (Audit) 1105 aruna.c@jntuh.ac.in
Sri C. VenkateswarluUniversity Engineer 1500 venkateshwarulu.c@@jntuh.ac.in
Sri GNV PrasadExecutive Engineer, Engg. Dept. 1501 prasad.g.n.v@@jntuh.ac.in
Sri D. Nimma NaikDEE 1500 nimmanail.d@jntuh.ac.in
Sri Arun KumarProject Officer (Elec.) 1010 arunkunar.g.b@jntuh.ac.in
Sri MUM PrasadPA to Vice-Chancellor 32422254 1112 mum_prasad@jntuh.ac.in
Sri G. BapujiPA to Vice-Chancellor 32422254 1112 bapuji_g@jntuh.ac.in
Sri A. SremannyarayanaPA to Registrar 32422253 1334
Sri KSR Satya SaiPA to Registrar 32422254 1335 muralidhar_kotha@jntuh.ac.in
Sri S. Venkata KrishnaPA to DAP 23156115 1335 pa2dap@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. NV Ramana Rao Principal, JNTU CE, Hyd 32422251 4223 23057787 nvrrao@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. ACS Kumar Vice-Principal, JNTU CE, Hyd 32516950 4202 acskumar@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. M.V. Seshagiri Rao Head, Dept. of Civil EngG. 32408664 4555 rao_vs_meduri@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. L. Pratap ReddyHead, Dept. of ECE 32516932 4333 prataplr@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. M. Surya KalavathiHead, Dept. of EEE 4111 munagala12@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. A. GovardhanHead, Dept. of Comp. Sc. & Engg. 32408718 4444 govardhan_cse@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Ashok KumarHead, Dept. of Mech. Engg. 4522 ashokkumar@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. G. PoshalHead, EDC Cell 32408657 gposhal_jntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. KV SharmaCentre for Energy Studies 32408715 cesjntu@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. ARK PrasadHead, Mathematics Dept. 4310 prof.prasadak@jntuh.ac.in
Sri A. AdinarayanaJoint. Registrar adinarayana.a@jntuh.ac.in
Smt. Madhura VaniAEE, JNTU CEH tmvani9@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. Chennakesava ReddyPrincipal I/c. (08724)-231345 kesavary@jntuh.ac.in
Dr. NV RamanaVice-Principal I/c nvrjntu@ jntuh.ac.in
Sri R. LakshmanDEE lakshman.r@jntuh.ac.in

Guest House 23050871 1400
State Bank of Hyderabad 23050096 1191
Andhra Bank 23058193 1277
Nodal Centre JNTU CEH 23151269
Nodal Centre, ASC 23156102 2315

(PBX-3158662 to 3158664)
Principal 4223 P.A. to Principal 4222 Vice-Principal 4202
Examination Branch 4203 Special Officer (PTDC) 4204 Dy. Registrar 4205 Establishment 4200 Accounts Section 4207
Assistant Registrar 4206
Academic Section 4208 Engineering Cell 4209 Library 4244 Medical Officer 4255 Andhra Bank 4277
EEE Head 4111 Staff Room 4112 Measurement Lab 4113 Electrical Engineering Lab 4114
ECE Head 4333 Staff Room 4334 Ladies Staff Room 4335 Communication Lab 4336 IPC Lab 4337
CSE Head 4444 Staff Room 4445 Computer Lab 4446 Staff Room (I Floor) 4447 Computer Lab (I Floor) 4448
Civil Head 4555 Hydraulic Lab 4556 SM Lab 4557 Environmental Lab 4558 Geotechnics Lab 4559
Mechanical Head 4522 Staff Room 4523 Fuels & IC Engines Lab 4524 Workshop 4525
Mathematics Head 4310 Mathematics Staff Room 4311
Physics Head 4320 Physics Staff Room 4321
Chemistry Head 4330 Chemistry Staff Room 4331
Humanities Dept. 340
Placement & Trg. Officer 526 Metallurgy Head 530 Printing Head 540 PBX/Telephone Operator 100
Procedure For Addition of Grace Marks

Procedure For Class Change
Procedure For Provisional Certificates (PC) & Consolidated Marks Memos (CMM)-(if issue is pending for want of Photograph / Father’s name)
Procedure For Duplicate Degree Certificate
Procedure to obtain OD (Original Degree)
Procedure For Transcripts
Procedure for Recounting
Procedure for Revaluation
Permission For Scribe to appear for examinations

JNTU-HYD : Procedure For Name Correction, Duplicates Marks Memos/Degree,PC,CMM,Addition of Grace Marks,Class Change,OD,RC,RV,Transcripts

Note :
If u had completed the course of education then u can apply directly in JNTUH.
If you are still pursuing the course then u need to apply through college principal only.

Follow the respective below links to get the complete info

JNTU-HYD : Procedure For Name Correction

1) Requisition from the Student through the Principal.
In the case of the Students who completed their course, can submit directly their requisitions to the Controller of Examinations.

2) Original Certificate(s) in which correction(s) is/are required.

3) Photocopy of SSC.

4) A D.D for the total amount @ Rs. 50/- per Marks Memo / CMM.

5) A D.D for Rs. 250/- for correction in Provisional Certificate.

6) If the student name is completely different then Clearance Certificate issued by the University.

Note: All Demand Drafts must be on any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, JNTUH” payable at HYDERABAD.

JNTU-HYD : Procedure For Duplicates Marks Memo's

1) Requisition from the Student through the Principal.
In the case of the Students who completed their course, can submit directly their requisitions to the Controller of Examinations.

2) A D.D for the total amount @ Rs. 200/- per Marks Memo / CMM.

3) Duplicate Provisional Certificate cannot be issued as per the University norms.

Note: All Demand Drafts must be on any Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, JNTUH” payable at HYDERABAD.

NTU-HYD : Procedure For Provisional Certificates (PC) & Consolidated Marks Memos (CMM) To B.Tech Students

The Principals are requested to follow the instructions given below when forwarding the “Undertakings” for issue of CMM and PC to B.Tech. (R05 and R07 regulations) students.

(1) Download the “Undertaking Form” Here
(2) Print it on the Letter-head of the college.
(3) Duly filled “Undertaking” may be forwarded with the signature of the Principal and the seal of the college
(4) Do not attach photo-copies of marks memos.

JNTU-HYD : Procedure For Addition of Grace Marks

1) Request letter of the student through the Principal.

2) Original Marks Memo(s) containing the subject(s) for which addition of Grace Marks, is applicable.

3) Undertaking for issue of Provisional Certificate & Consolidated Marks Memo. when students get 216 or 220 credits after adding grace marks.

Academic Regulations-Certain concession for passing (Info on 0.15% Rule & Grace Marks Rule included)

JNTUH – Academic Regulations – Certain concession for passing – Regarding. Read: Note file Orders of the Vice–Chancellor
Presently, 0.15% grace marks are being allowed for change of class from first class to distinction (69.85 % to 70%), Second class to first class (59.85% to 60%) and pass class to second class (49.85% to 50%). With this, a total of 0.15% marks maximum are added to final year project/seminar to enable the student to get higher class for B.Tech/B.Pharm. courses.

Many representations are received from the students that a grace marks may be added for passing if a candidate failed in one/two subjects with shortage of 1, 2 or 3 marks.

Under the circumstances stated above, Vice-Chancellor is pleased to extend 0.15% grace marks facility to the candidates of any degree if he/she passes the subject(s) and obtains the degree, subject to approval of academic senate and execute council/MDC.These orders shall come into force from all examinations held during May/June 2010.

All candidates seeking benefit from the 0.15% grace marks shall apply through proper channel enclosing failed original marks memo. The principal shall verify at the college whether the candidate is passing if 0.15% grace marks facility is extended i.e. 0.15% of grand total marks of the UG/PG courses with fail in maximum two subjects.

A separate approval shall be obtained for the eligible candidates for implementation of the above relaxation as and when the applications are received.

JNTU-HYD : Slight Change in the Grace Marks Rule : Consideration of Previous Best Performance

The university had issued the proceedings to add 0.15% of the total aggregate marks to the student for the maximum of the two subjects, if adding these marks makes the student eligilble to get his/her degree. The university till date followed the practice of considering the external exam performance of the recently conducted exam only.

In the note orders cited above the vice-Chancellor is pleased to approve the following :
The best performance among the external examinations shall be considered while giving the grace marks, if adding these marks makes the student to get his/her degree, for which the candidate must have appeared at least one examination after 18-08-2011.

These orders shall come into force with the immediate effect.

For the official Notification visit the below url

JNTU-HYD : Pre / Post Convocation For Original Degree (for the batches 2002 - 2012) Notification - in online Mode

Instructions To The Candidates

The registration procedure for obtaining the original degree certificates for all Convocation OD's is through online only. To apply u need to visit JNTUH Convocation website Here.

The new users of this service has to enroll initially using the service New User Registration The Password has to be created by the student at the time of registration. Further the candidates are informed to remember their passwords for any future correspondence or updates. The User name shall be the hall-ticket number of the candidate during the study of the course for which he/she is seeking the Original Degree certificate.

The fee amount can be paid either by making online Payment (using Master/Visa Credit/ATM cards) or by making the payments at any branch of SBH using the on-line Challan generated by this registration application software. In case the candidate opts for the online challan payment mode and if the payment is not made by the candidate against this challan at any of the SBH bank branches, the registration shall be null and void.

Donwload the entire Convocation step by step process here

Click Here to Know Your Convocation Year

Apply Online Here For Convocation


Guidelines About Industry Oriented Mini Project

The objective of this document is to present the general guidelines for the writing up of a proper mini-project report.

All JNTU B-Tech III-II have to do a industry oriented mini project which is implemented by JNTU from R05 batch.

We were very confused as to what we had to do as this was only a mini project on whether we have to go to industry,scope of project etc.But as in most colleges we were given choice to a study project or kit based and this could be done in an Institute,Industry or own.Most of chose to do a study project and were given permission for this and we had to submit this report as soon as IV/I starts and had to work on project in III/II break.This project will be evaluated during IV/II (Along with the Final or Main Project).

Basically in this mini project student can take up any Industry oriented application in his/her field of interest in their respective field/branch.First one has to submit an Abstract of the project to their concerned department head (HOD) and once he approves it ,he will assign a project guide to the individual or batch after this project work is to be started. Generally batch for a mini project may have 1 to 3 members in it.

Impotant Points:

1. There is no page limit only thing to be considered is that concept is complete.
2. One must acquire all data and concepts related to one's project.
3. The Format Guidelines given by respective Dept.heads for report layout.
4. Project should have good idustry oriented applications.
5.The industry oriented mini project shall be submitted in report form and should be presented before the committee, which shall evaluate for 50 marks.
The committee consists of an external examiner, head of the department, the supervisor of mini project and senior faculty member of the department.
6.There shall be no internal marks for industry oriented mini project.


As there are many rumors spreading regarding the Pass marks for this semester. Here is the Info on Pass Marks (Only For "Theory Subjects") for JNTU-HYDERABAD, JNTU-KAKINADA & JNTU-ANANTAPUR.

For R09 Regulation
Internals : 14 out of 25 Marks
Externals : 26 out of 75 Marks
Total : 40 out of 100 Marks

For R07 , R05 Regulations
Internals : 12 out of 20 Marks
Externals : 28 out of 80 Marks
Total : 40 out of 100 Marks

For R10 Regulation
Internals : 14 out of 25 Marks
Externals : 26 out of 75 Marks
Total : 40 out of 100 Marks

For R07,R05 Regulations
Internals : 12 out of 20 Marks
Externals : 28 out of 80 Marks
Total : 40 out of 100 Marks

For R09 Regulation
Internals : 15 out of 30 Marks
Externals : 25 out of 70 Marks
Total : 40 out of 100 Marks

For R07,R05 Regulations
Internals : 12 out of 20 Marks
Externals : 28 out of 80 Marks
Total : 40 out of 100 Marks

Note: If u get less marks in the internal below the pass mark then it should be covered up in the externals to get a total of 40 Marks out of 100 Marks.


Official Website of JNTU-HYDERABAD www.jntuh.ac.in

Situated in the heart of the city at Kukatpally a major landmark- Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad has an environment of academic excellence with ‘A’ Grade accreditation by NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council). Bringing the spark of knowledge to young minds and instilling a new confidence and vigour to face the world,it is providing quality education for nearly 4 decades.

The territorial jurisdiction of the university covers the areas of Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy, Medak, Nizamabad, Adilabad, Karimnagar, Warangal, Khammam, Nalgonda and Mahboobnagar districts of Andhra Pradesh State.

This university has been deemed an autonomous one after Act No 30 of the approval of the Andhra Pradesh Legislature known as the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Universities Act, 2008 which came into force on 18th August, 2008. It is a teaching cum research oriented university consisting of the constituent and affiliated colleges. The main officers and councils of the university are Chancellor, Vice-chancellor, Rector, Executive council and Academic Senate. The Governor of Andhra Pradesh shall be the Chancellor of the university. The first vice-chancellor of the university is Dr.D.N.Reddy a brilliant administrator and widely read scholar.

Constituent Units
Picking out bright students from the rural backgrounds through its impartial selection system and honing them according to the needs and requirements of today’s cut-throat competitive world, thereby preparing them for a challenge called “life” is what this university excels in.

Fully autonomous now, after an act of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council Bills 1 & 2 with effect from 18th August 2008,the colleges that come under this university are :

  • JNTU College of Engineering,Hyderabad(CEH)
  • JNTU College of Engineering, Karimnagar
  • JNTU School of Information Technology (SIT)
  • JNTU Institute of Science and Technology (IST)
  • JNTU School of Management Studies (SMS)
  • JNTU Academic Staff College (ASC).

A premier institution with academic and research -oriented courses, the B.Tech programs (Undergraduate programs) are about 25. Major branches among them are Aeronautical Engineering, Automobile, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Electronics, Electrical, Instrumentation &Control, Metallurgy, Mechanical, Bio-medical, Civil and many more. A few courses are also offered through the correspondence cum contact mode. The Post-Graduate programs form about 77 in number namely M.Tech, MSIT,MBA,MCA and MSc. The major branches are Bio-Technology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Remote-Sensing &GIS, Electronics& Communication Engineering, Water Resources, Mechanical Engineering, Nano-Technology, Energy Systems, Environmental Studies, Microbiology, Food-Technology and many more like Management, Computer Applications, Pharmaceutical Sciences etc.

Global Colloboration
To make our students get a wide global exposure, a few collaborative programs with International Universities of repute have been designed. Some of them are 1)School of Information Technology (SIT) with Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2)School of Management Studies with Central Michigan University,USA 3) JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad with Kansas State University USA 4) JNTU Hyderabad with Blekinge Institute of Technology,Sweden.

Knowledge has no barriers -indepth exploration of it is essential to discover hidden areas. Keeping this principle in mind the university offers Research -Oriented courses like Master of Science(MS) in Engineering, Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Science and Humanities and Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D) in all streams.The admission procedure centres around merit.The admission to B.Tech courses are through the ranks acquired in the State wide common entrance examination i.e Engg Agriculture Medicine Common entrance examination(EAMCET exam) conducted by the A.P. State Council for Higher Education.

Entry to the post-graduate courses like MBA and MCA are by the scores in the ICET examination. Admission to M.Tech programs are based on the GATE or an entrance test conducted by the university with the basic eligibility criteria being a Bachelor’s degree in the appropriate field. For admission to Research programs, stringent rules are followed. Admission to MS course which is a Research degree in Engineering consists of an Entrance test and Interview. M.Phil is offered through an interview mode, for post-graduate holders. The theory exam has to be cleared followed by submission of thesis based on their Research work. The Ph.D program is flexible in nature with full-time and part-time external programs. Admission is for candidates possessing post graduation in the concerned area followed by a written test and interview. Passing the Pre Ph.D exam is a must followed by submission of research work. For external registration the candidate must be employed in any Research& Development organization with permission to use the library facilities. Along with this a Research Supervisor must be chosen from his parent organization and another one from the university.

“Reading makes a man wise” goes a saying. In tune with this, the university library enhances learning through its collection of 20,000 books and subscribes to 95 technical journals. It also has abstracts of 120 journals with the National Centre for Science Information, IISc, Bangalore through INFLIBNET. In addition to this, an audio-visual library is installed containing colour T.V ’s and VCR’s with video tapes on various subjects. Field-based learning like Current Affairs, Reference services, Online searching are provided. Upgradation plans are also in store like creating a computerized database in the fields of science, Engineering, Technology and Management. Bringing the wealth of knowledge from the comfort of the library to the masses is another venture by its participation in the local area computerized network systems to share information resources.

Industrial knowledge forms a part and parcel of JNTU,Hyderabad. An Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) was established by the Department of Science and Technology to create a business-oriented environment, to promote small and medium Enterprises(SME’s) and NGO’s, to organize lectures,T.V. and Radio talks, skill development training program etc.To get a hands-on experience of the industry,the JNTU Bureau of Industrial Consultancy Services(BICS) was formed to aid in the Human Resource needs, to identify R&D developments, to engage in entrepreneurial opportunities and to Icoordinate with organizations like HUDA, MCH, APSRTC, APSEB, BHEL, NTPC, ONGC, Telecommunications Department,MES,South Central Railway, Airport Authority of India and many others.

Even though Research constitutes the academic framework,the university has an exclusive R&D cell which monitors all the research activities and coordinates them through the recommendations of faculty members. Extension activities form part of campus life, apart from academics. The National Service Scheme(NSS) is introduced with an aim to help students develop a humanitarian temper. Commendable work done were laying of roads, Janmabhoomi Clean &Green program, Famine and Cyclone relief work.

Society is an integral part of our lives and our contribution however small matters a lot. A coordinator is posted at the NSS cell to undertake social service activities. A Grievance Redressal Cell is established with the motto of looking into the complaints and suggestions by staff and students. A director is appointed for this purpose. Backward section students are given utmost care and privileges.JNTU Hyderabad has a separate SC/ST cell to look after them. Scholarships too are provided from time to time.

Right career directions should be provided in order to explore one’s talents fully.In keeping with this,a Centre for Career Advancement and Resource Development (CARD) has been established. Some of its goals are to prepare the students for competitive exams like GATE, ECET, EAMCET with the assistance of Social and Tribal Welfare Departments Govt of Andhra Pradesh, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,Govt of India. Additional facilities are the Bank, Post-office and Health-care centre.

Grooming students for placements and helping them make a fruitful career is the topmost priority after learning.World famous companies like Wipro, Infosys, Satyam, Tata Consultancy Services(TCS), Birla Soft,Yahoo,Google and many others walk out with brilliant talent in exchange for huge pay packets and dynamic careers giving the university its due credit of a fulfilling future.

Fine-tuning the skill of the faculty is a regular feature here. For this purpose,the Academic Staff College(ASC) was instituted which conducts Refresher courses for Principals, Heads, Lecturers and also to evaluate, plan and implement innovative teaching methods.

As a consecutive whole, JNTU Hyderabad helps build many a bright and ambitious career. Hence,
Walk in with dreams and Walk out with reality!

JNTU HYD : Affiliated colleges portal

This PORTAL will help those who are seeking Information about various Engineering/ Pharmacy / MBA / MCA Colleges which are affiliated to JNTUH . The information like Rank of selected college ,details of faculty to Principal and location of institution .

Click the below required links for the information.

List of All affiliated colleges with college codes Under JNTUH


Info about JNTU-HYD Colleges

Info about JNTU-HYD Colleges (As of November, 2009)

List of All affiliated colleges Under JNTUH

JNTU Course Codes (Branch Codes)- Generation of Roll Numbers / Hall Ticket Numbers

Year of Admission : First 2 digits indicate year of admission
Ex : 09

College Code : As allotted by the Respective JNTU University

Type of Course :
1 – Day Time
5 – For Lateral Entry

Course Code :
A – B.Tech
D – M.Tech
R – B.Pharm
S – M.Pharm
T – Pharm.D

Branch Code for UG courses :
00 – B.Pharm
01 – Civil Engineering
02 – Electrical & Electronics Engineering
03 – Mechanical Engineering
04 – Electronics & Communication Engineering
05 – Computer Science & Engineering
08 - Chemical Engineering
10 - Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
11 - Biomedical Engineering
12 - Information Technology
13 - Electronics & Control Engineering
19 - Electronics & Computer Engineering
21 - Aeronautical Engineering
22 - Instrumentation & Control Engineering
23 - Bio Technology

For Pharm.D - 00

Branch Code for PG Courses :

M.Tech :
04 – CAD/CAM
06 – Digital System & Computer Electronics
07 – Electrical Power System
15 – Machine Design
38 – Digital Electronics & Communication Systems
57 – VLSI System Design / VLSI Design
58 – Computer Science & Engineering
05 – Computer Science

M.Pharm :
01 – Pharmacology
02 – Pharmaceutical Chemistry
03 – Pharmaceutics

Student Serial No.
Last 2 digits are roll numbers 01,02,03….99
If the strength is more than 99, assign A0,A1,A2….A9, B0,B1,B2…B9….

Example of a Student Roll No.

JNTU Paper Evaluation & Electronic Distribution of Question Papers

Electronic Distribution of Examination Question papers :

The University examinations in all the affiliated colleges will be conducted by the University through its Nodal centres. In this procedure the question papers are randomly generated by the computers and they are stored in the electronic form duly encrypted. These encrypted soft copies are sent to the examination centres. These question papers can be decrypted by entering three levels of passwords. The final password will be issued by the university 30 minutes before the commencement of examination which will help the colleges to decrypt the question paper and print them at their centers. This gives full fool proof system and confidentiality.

Double Valuation System :

In order to make evaluation system perfect and to do justice to all the students, “Double valuation” system is introduced with effect from November, 2005 for all affiliated engineering colleges. According to this procedure each answer book will be evaluated independently by two examiners. These examiners will award the marks on different award lists without marking on the answer books. These two award lists will be compared by the Chief Examiner of the subject. If the difference between these two valuations is within the prescribed limits, the higher marks will be awarded to the student. If the differences are more than the prescribed limit the Chief Examiner will finalize the marks in consultation with the two examiners. The above examination procedure, make the foolproof examination and justified evaluation.

Approved Courses being offered by JNTUH in affiliated colleges 2011-12.

(Established by an Act No.30 of 2008 of A.P. State Legislature)
Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 085, Andhra Pradesh (India)

Courses offered and approved by the JNTUH for the academic year 2011-2012 (in the Affiliated Colleges only)

B.Tech courses

  1. Aeronautical Engineering.
  2. Automobile Engineering.
  3. Bio-Medical Engineering.
  4. Biotechnology.
  5. Chemical Engineering.
  6. Civil Engineering.
  7. Computer Science and Engineering.
  8. Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
  9. Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  10. Electronics and Computer Engineering.
  11. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
  12. Electronics and Telematics Engineering.
  13. Information Technology.
  14. Instrumentation and Control Engineering.
  15. Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics).
  16. Mechanical Engineering (Production).
  17. Mechanical Engineering.
  18. Metallurgy and Material Technology.
  19. Mining Engineering
  20. Petroleum Engineering

B. Pharamcy


M. Tech courses

  1. Advanced Manufacturing Systems
  2. Aerospace Engineering
  3. Automation
  4. Bio-Technology
  5. CAD/CAM
  6. Chemical Engineering
  7. Communication Systems
  8. Computer Networks
  9. Computer Networks and Information Security
  10. Computer Science
  11. Computer Science and Engineering
  12. Computers and Communication Engineering.
  13. Control Engineering
  14. Control Systems
  15. Design for Manufacturing/ Design and Manufacturing
  16. Digital Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  17. Digital Electronics and Communication Systems
  18. Digital Systems and Computer Electronics
  19. Electrical Power Engineering
  20. Electrical Power Systems
  21. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  22. Electronics & Instrumentation
  23. Embedded Systems
  24. Embedded Systems and VLSI Design
  25. Geotechnical Engineering.
  26. Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning.
  27. Highway Engineering
  28. Image Processing
  29. Industrial Engineering and Management
  30. Information Technology
  31. Machine Design
  32. Mechatronics.
  33. Neural Networks
  34. Parallel Computing
  35. Power and Industrial Drives
  36. Power Electronics
  37. Power Electronics and Electrical Drives
  38. Power Engineering and Energy Systems
  39. Power System Control and Automation
  40. Power System with Emphasis H.V. Engineering / H.V. Engineering
  41. Real Time Systems
  42. Systems & Signal Processing
  43. Software Engineering
  44. Structural Engineering
  45. Thermal Engineering.
  46. VLSI
  47. VLSI and Embedded Systems
  48. VLSI Design
  49. VLSI System Design
  50. Web Technology
  51. Wireless and Mobile Communication

M. Pharmacy Courses

  1. Industrial Pharmacy
  2. Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
  3. Pharmaceutics.
  4. Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
  5. Pharmaceutical Technology (2011-12)
  6. Pharmacognosy
  7. Pharmacology.
  8. Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance.
  9. Pharmaceutical Management & Regulatory Affaires
  10. Quality Assurance

Pharma D (6 years & 3 years)

NOTE: Colleges wish to offer any new course(s) other than the above, shall meet the Director, Academic and Planning for prior approval of the University.

About Transfer of college

The following is the procedure for transferring of college

1) First the student need to consult their respective college principal & inform about the transfer of the college ( student need to inform the college name & also under which JNTU region that particular college comes under )

2) The student need to get the no objection letter from their respective college & the need to forward the request to the concerned JNTU university.

NOTE : students can transfer to any other college during his academic course only if there is a vacant seat in the college where the student want to transfer (But they cant shift their branch to any other branch)

3) If once the university accepts the transfer of college, then all the details like internals marks,external marks etc will be transferred to the new JNTU university.

4) The student need to pay the complete fee in their old college before transferring to the new college.
Waiting eagerly to start the Mobile updates. Be updated for updates

How to Crack ur Exams? 7 Golden Tips

Generally People who finish their Intermediate education feel bit uncomfortable to cope up with JNTU Reference Books as well as Hectic Syllabus.
So I am here by to help u all people especially the first Year B.Pharmacy Friends. As such I am a first year student.

Tips to Crack Exams : As I do is

1) know ur subjects : Because its fascinating few people dont know what all subjects they have
2) Next ask your seniors or Teachers to refer the books that is suitable for your subjects. seniors are the best guides for the juniors!
3)get ur syllabus copy. if your college dont have stock u may download from our www.imraan-prrec.blogspot.com
4)Divide your subjects according to Your likes for Ex. I like maths , Dispensing , English so i can understand these subjects with ease so i revise for an hour every day (anyone of the subject).next comes Organic , INORGANIC, Anatomy: for god sake follow classes and just try to understand atleast few topics spend some extra time a subject per week at least 2hours
5)Don't get Messed up because few people around u may make u confused . Be confident if u know the subjects
6)U need to perform basic tasks like Doing your assignments submitting on or before the deadline,Write ur Records
7)follow only one text book as i do or buy some materials for your better understanding but i dont use materials just learn myself

Believe me it works!!!!!!! reply if u like me please

Which is best? JNTU MBA or OU MBA?

The Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.) is a master's degree in business administration, which attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines. The MBA designation originated in the United States, emerging from the late 19th century as the country industrialized and companies sought out scientific approaches to management. The core courses in the MBA program are designed to introduce students to the various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operations management, etc. Students in MBA programs have the option of taking general business courses throughout the program or can select an area of concentration and focus approximately one-fourth of their studies in this subject.
Do in any one of the top colleges of any region (JNTU or OU), You can find top 10 MBA colleges from below pic

So I Prefer MBA, you should go for to make your career.


Fee Details at different Engineering colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Wait till the image loads.

Source : Eenadu

Tips for Scoring Good Marks in JNTU Final Exams

Hello students,

I know that many of you have got exam jitters, hope these tips will help you..

It is very easy to get good marks in jntu exams, only when you know how..

Firstly, Don't think that you can pass the exams by repeating the question papers or filling the additional with some idiotic stuff.. It is wrong.. please leave this misconception, It wont take you anywhere..

Impress the examiner with your handwriting (It is not mandatory to have a beautiful handwriting, but at least have a hand writing that everyone understands),

Next, show him that you have got some interest in giving the exam and that you have stuff in your brain by writing stuff from textbooks.. Don't write your exams for the sake of anyone, write them to prove your capability..

Never follow All in one answers, examiners have enough brains to find out where your answers come from.. so, at least try to draw diagrams and tabular columns from textbooks..

Use all in one when you wont find the topics in textbook, try to find out answers to all the questions in all in one from text books.., there is no guarantee for all in one answers , follow it at your own risk..

Use colour pens (no red, no green dude!!) to make your paper more attractive.. Don't overdo it so that it becomes a greeting card instead of exam paper!!

Concentrate on the chapters that are easy for you, but if you have not studied anything till today, then try learning the units with less content.. I mean units with less topics..

*** Important point..

Almost all examiners come to evaluate scripts for the sake of money, they get 12/- per script, each bundle contains 40 scripts, so examiner's concentration is to complete the bundles in the minimum possible time, your answer script is glanced hardly for a minute, so draw his attention towards the related equations, related diagrams and related side headings by using colours or putting them in a box..

*If you are asked to solve a problem and you have got no idea about it, then at least write the given data, you might be lucky enough to get two marks..

*Revision is very important.. don't forget to revise everything you read, if not everything then at least the diagrams and equations..

* never leave any question, you are asked to write five questions try to write five, If you know only three answers then try to write stuff related to the asked question for the remaining two answers.. In this case, If you write the first three answers from text book, there are more chances of getting good marks as the examiner will be in an impression that you are intelligent, thats the reason I asked you earlier to read from textbooks..

**Do you find it difficult to revise for exams when you have so many subjects and things to remember? If the answer is yes, then you are not alone!

These tips should help.

1. Find out the exact dates of your exams. You will know how much time you have left before each exam. It might help to draw up a table which includes all your subjects and all the weeks you have until the last exam, and then fill in the exam dates.

2. Prioritise your subjects. If you think you have most to do in networks or that is your weakest subject then this will be top priority. Put all your subjects in an order from most to least important.

3. Decide on a revision plan which will work for you. How many hours do you need to do of a night? Do you have other commitments you can't get out of? Leave some time for breaks,meals and free time but ensure you have a good time slot each night for revision.

4. Fill in your revision timetable in with your subjects, and use your priority list to give the most important ones more revision time.

5. Stick to this timetable! speaking from experience, if you decide to focus solely on one or two subjects because you think you know the others, you will get a nasty shock. Don't ignore any of the subjects, but ensure you have a balance where your priority subjects have the lead.

6. Begin by revising all the material which you don't know as well. There is no point in beginning to revise the transistors in electonics if you are pretty confident in it. You may find that also prioritising each individual subjects modules or topics helps you. Therefore if you run out of time you will know that you have definitely revised the hardest stuff!

7. Actually attempt to remember the material. It sounds stupid but most of the time people are tempted to spend all their revision time just reading or writing and assume that they know it all. Never assume; If you assume you know it without actually testing yourself on it then you might get a shock in the exam...

Never give up - easier said than done.. right, but giving up only makes you more of a failure when you don't get the marks you wanted for your exam. You will always have the guilt of knowing you didn't try your hardest.

Everyone learns differently; you just have to discover how is the best way for you. But in the end it all comes down to testing yourself, so you can be sure you know it!

You may not achieve the marks you expected. Know in yourself what you are capable of achieving so you don't set your targets too high. Don't settle for lower marks than your ability either though, just know your ability and do your best.

• Revision isn't fun - receiving your pass result is.

• Never compare yourself to your friends. They are not you. we are all different. Just do your best and be happy with that.

Have faith in yourself and do your best, you will definitely pass with flying colours..

EAMCET Counselling Procedure/Stages

EAMCET Counselling Stage 1: Registration for verification of candidates certificates.

1. Help line centre authorities will notify the registration details.
2. Rank card should be handed before you enter.
3. Have patience till your turn comes.
4. Collect receipt after paying registration and counseling fee upon the calling of your rank number.
5. Computer operator provides you the registration cum verification form at the counter.
6. Fill in the registration form with your details like rank, hall ticket no. etc and sign on it.
7. Your are almost done in the process of registration. Wait in the registration hall till you are called.
8. Certificates should be got verified at the verification counter as soon as your turn is called by the registration officer at the counter.

EAMCET Counselling Stage 2: Certificates Verification:

1. Check if the details like name, local area, category, date of birth are correct in the registration cum verification form.
2. Get it corrected by the verification officer in case of any mistake.
3. SC/ST/BC Candidates need to report to the caste verification officer and produce the original caste certificate for verification. After this process completes, make sure you are there at the certificate verification officer for affirmation of other certificates like rank card, marks memo, hall ticket, study and income certificates.
4. OC candidates can skip the above caste verification process and can approach the Certificate verification officer directly.
5. Your original certificates are scrutinized by the officers.
6. Any differences you come across in the print out of receipt of certificate given should be reported and get corrected by the chief verification officer. Also you should sign on it.
7. As soon as you enter the briefing hall you are given instructions for exercising the options.

EAMCET Counselling Stage 3: Exercising Options

1. This process includes the selection of courses and colleges and arranging them in the order of preference.
2. You have to get and keep with you the list of colleges and courses with their corresponding codes and manual and specimen option forms.
3. You are instructed by the officer in the briefing room about the process of exercising options and form filling.

EAMCET Counselling Stage 4: Home works for the exercising options.

1. You can discuss with your parents and friends as to the selection of colleges and courses you are interested in.
2. Option number, college and course codes that you are interested in should be mentioned in the manual option form. Exemplifying, one should write 1 under option number, JNTH under college code and CSE under course code if JNTU, Hyderabad College is opted. Write 2 under option number, JNTH under college and MECH under course code and HYD under district code if mechanical engineering is opted and given second preference. That means, you are allotted the MEC course if the CSE course seat is not available. One can write any number of options like this.
3. You should prompt computer operator to save the options regularly that you have entered or asked computer operator to enter on the screen.
4. Process of entering the options on the screen:
5. Certificate verification should be done in order to start this step.
6. Type in the URL www. apeamcet.nic.in or the one specified in the notification.
7. Options can be exercised only after the registration which is done by clicking on the Candidate Registration option. And further options are seen in the Login page by clicking on Candidate Login. All these details are present in the home page of the URL mentioned.
8. For using the Login option, Candidate has to fill up the Candidate registration form and thereby can exercise the options.
9. You will be provided with a password during the registration process with which you can exercise the further options.

10. Password is generated as soon as you enter your details like EAMCET H.T. No., Rank, Application No., Date of Birth and click on the appropriate button.

11. Registration process completes when you click the save button after selecting a password of six characters that at least contains one alphabet.

EAMCET Counselling Stage 5: Options

1. Options can be exercised once you log in with your password.
2. You should Sign in by giving the details of ICR No, Hall ticket no., date of birth and password.
3. Go through the instructions keenly. Check box should be selected after you go through the declaration. Explanation on various menu items can be had with a click on Help Screen.
4. After you digest the various options provided there, you can move to the page containing different check boxes for various districts by clicking on the link with the text Click here to Enter Options. This can be navigated even with a click on the link with the text Option Entry form.
5. If you want to see all the colleges across the state click on check all option or otherwise check the box with the district name, of which you wish to see the colleges.
6. Further options can be known by clicking on the Display Option Entry Form.
7. Three and half your courses are distinct with grey color from the creamy yellow colored three year Engineering and Non- engineering courses.
8. Option numbers should be entered by checking the pre filled Specimen option form.
9. Home work for entering such options should be done to avoid confusion and mistakes.

10. Save the options periodically. Three buttons with the options, Save and Logout, Confirm Logout and Cancel Logout are seen when select the Logout option.

11.Click on Confirm logout button displays the details of the selected options, click on Save and Logout button saves the exercised options while Cancel Logout displays the option entry form as it is.

12. Candidates can alter their options after verification by clicking on the button Login for Option Entry.

13. You will not have the chance of altering the options selected on the last day as the options will be locked in the server that day. You can change it as you like before the last date. But after the last day, you can only alter the options on the date scheduled for modification of options by consulting any of the help line centers. After that no one has the chance of changing the options since they are taken for the seat allotment. The entire thing you can do is to take a print out of the options that you have employed.

EAMCET Counselling Stage: 6: Seat allotment:

Merit and Category will be given preference in the seat allotment on the specified date. Once the seats are allotted, it will be displayed in the internet for the students to download. You cannot ask for a change since it is a final allotment.

EAMCET Counselling Stage: 7: Fee payment:

Help line centers and the websites will provide you the challans. Any branch Andhra Bank or Indian Bank will accept the fee remittance with the allotment order that is downloaded. Minority/PH/BC/ST/SC candidates whose parental income falls below one lakh rupees per annum are relieved from tuition fee and special fee.

EAMCET Counselling Stage: 8: College Reporting:

You should report to the specified college in the allotment within the given date along with the downloaded allotment order fee which in case on failure, will cost you the loss of claiming the allotment.

EAMCET Counseling Procedure

Counseling is the difficult time for the students mainly of engineering stream where they will be in stress in selecting the course and college that is crucial for the rest of their life.

With the cooperation of authorities, this process has been made a comfortable for the students to choose their college and courses without any obstacle.

Kadapa is added to the list of Hyderabad, Vishakhapatnam, Guntur, Tirupati and Warangal as a counseling center. Students of Rayalseema are benefited by this act with which they are saving the time and travelling expenses. All the six centers carry out counseling at one time.

Details of the ranks called on each day of the counseling and the certificates to be brought to the centers are mentioned in the major newspapers by the Department of Technical Education (DTE).

Process of Counseling

Following are the certificates to be brought by the students as specified: income certificate, caste certificate issued by MRO or DRO (if applicable), study certificates from 6th class to Intermediate, memoranda of marks of Intermediate and SSC. Non-local candidates should bring a document which certifies the residence in the State for the last 10 years.

Candidates should register name, rank category, hall ticket number and time of reporting and should sign on the form at the registration counter before which they are made to wait in the waiting hall.

Checking of all original certificates will be done at the verification counter. Candidates are allowed to the main counseling centre only after the certificates are verified once again. Certificates are pinned when the documents are intact. Much or less the same process is conducted in all the centers across the state.

All the colleges having different courses are listed out for the student to choose as soon as the counseling officer enters the rank and hall ticket number into the computer. Details about the college, hostel facility and the faculty are provided by the Counseling officers.

A form is filled containing five options of the course and colleges selected by the student. Total information is shown on the system based on the preference listed in the form. Only one of the parents is allowed to the allotment counter along with the student. Final decision should be made by the student in consultation with the parent present there.

The counseling officer enters the option into the computer as soon as the candidate selects the options, which will be sent to the main server. Main server is connected to all the counseling centers across the state and receives the options of the students from all regions. Marks sequence is followed in allotting the seat to the students. All the details can be checked by the students like course chosen and the college allotted.

One- stop experience

After the clearance at the allotment counter, students need to go to the bank counters of various banks within the premises for the payment of the prescribed fee. Provisional allotment letter and fee receipt are given to the students. More than 150 students got their seat allotment done within one hour across the state in earlier years.

Detailed information

Students have the option of watching the process of seat allotment and the seats left in various courses and colleges even without entering the counseling counter. Seats allotment and regular updates are displayed on the big screen present outside the counseling counter. This arrangement has been made for students in the waiting hall and other places in order to know the seats remaining in a stream and the availability of the seats.

Students need not get worried that lower rank students getting admission before higher rank ones. The server software is intelligent that it allots the seats in the order of rank sequence only. If a 100th ranker enters the counseling counter, he will be given a seat only after the 99th ranker gets his seat irrespective of the region and counseling center.

Details like candidates name, hall-ticket number, course selected, category they belong and college preferred are displayed on the big screen arranged. It shows all the details of the students across all the regions of the state. So there is no chance of any malpractice anywhere.

In the first phase, the general category seats are completed thereby providing chance for every student to compete. Second phase is conducted for the special category candidates like NCC, sports, CAP and others. This will be followed by the counseling for general category again. Major newspapers contain all the information regarding this.

Local and non-local

Non local candidates will have no reservations. They can only compete for the 15% seats altogether. No university has more than 15% non local students, though they get better ranks. All the three regions Osmania, Andhra and Sri Venkateswara universities are following this rule

Got a Ranking in Engineering Entrance Exams - What's Next ?

Exams are over and results are out now what next.....?

Most of the students are very happy that they have got good marks....but few of them are sad.

But those who are having good marks and cleared engineering entrance examination are still worried. Why ?

• Whether they will get admission in good college or not?
• What will be the Cut off percentage of different colleges ?
• What are the different courses available in different colleges ?
• Which branch should i take ?
• Which college i will get at this rank ?
and so and so !!!

Here we will discuss these question in detail but one by one

First of all which branch should i take ?

This question is very difficult because if u ask X,Y,Z then u will get X,Y,Z answer....but what is right for u let examine yourself..give the answer some of the question honestly and then decide yourself.

What is your criteria for choosing a branch?

(a) Job Opportunity
(b) Money
(c) Parents wish
(d) Your interest

(a) Job opportunity: This is the most important criteria for choosing a branch in a cut throat competition environment. This is true that branches like computer science, Information Technology and electronics are amongst the huge job provider and that's why they are the first choice of most of the students in last years counselling. But it's not means that other branches are less important as far as job opportunity is concerned, other branches are equally good the only difference is that most of the software industry are mass recruiter but core industry are not.

(b) Money : This is also one of the most important factor for choosing a branch.The answer of this question is very difficult because money making is depend upon individual talent not on your branch. It does not mean that if you are in computer science, Information Technology or electronics (which are the most preferred choice of students) then you will make a lot of money....even in other branches like mechanical, electrical, chemical or production, civil etc. you can make money. It is one of the misconception that software engineer are making more money. Only few of them are able to do it and again it's depend on your talent and hard work so no particular branch is moneymaker and in every branch you can make money.

(c) Parents Wish: This option is very emotional and worth meaning. Most of the parents wants only those branch in which job opportunity and money are more so for parents i request please go through above paragraphs and don't force your children to go for a particular branch only because of particular reason.

(d) Your Interest: This is the most important and worthy factor which is ignored by most of the parents and students. As mentioned earlier that each and every branch okay. It Is your intrest that make money and satisfaction.because after four year of your graduation u will be in industry and then whole of your life will be with same branch and work which u have opted today.....if you are interested in it then ii is good but if you are not then the words tension,stress,dissatisfaction, depression will come into picture because you are working for money not for your interest and hobby.You are working with those things which you have not liked in your four year of graduation but now you have to pass whole of your life with this branch. So always keep your interest first.

Got a wrong branch - What to do ?

This is the problem of most of the students. After the admission they realize that they have got the wrong branch or this branch is not for him/her. This may happen due to your mistake or due to your lower rank.

But this is not the end even now you can change your branch or can do something else. Surprised ! Yes it is true I will tell you how this is possible ?

If you have taken admission through AIEEE in NIT's then it is possible there are two ways.

1.Branch sliding
2.Branch change

1. Branch sliding

After your admission any NIT in the month of September-December if any of the seat in any branch remain vacant due to some reason then it is filled by the respective candidate of that state or UT on the basis of your AIEEE rank. Here you have a good chance to change your branch once more but it totally depends upon

(a) No. of seat vacant
(b)Your AIEEE rank

if your branch is not changed till now then don't worry you will have another chance to change your branch and this time it will be totally depend upon you and your academic performance throughout first year. This is a golden chance for you.

2.Branch change:
This happens at the end of second semester to give a chance of meritorious student to change their branch but rules are different from institute to institute. Like

(a) Minimum no of marks/CGPA(combined grand performance index)required in your first year
(b) Max. no of seat available for branch change.

Here it totally depends upon your academic performance so be ready for this and work hard throughout year to catch this opportunity.

Even now if your branch is not changed due to some reason then don't be disappointed. If You want to change the branch for job opportunity reason only, then don't worry because now a days software companies are allowing each branch for recruitment and you can be a software engineer .It does not matter from which discipline you are. So enjoy your studies and best of luck

How to choose the Right Engineering Branch ?

This is the most difficult question to answer. In my last article i have told you how to choose a college but in this article i will not tell you how to choose a branch but you will tell me that which branch do you like most.

Don't worry i know it is very difficult for you to give the answer so i am here to help you to know your interest in a particular branch. It's very simple just give the answer of some question and then decide yourself that which branch do you like most or which branch suited to you according to your interest.We will discuss branch wise so that you can choose tour branch according to your interest.

Computer Science & Engineering

1.Do you like computer ? (I am not talking about computer games and Internet)
2.Do you want to do something new in computer ?
3.Do you always experiment with your computer and surprise others ?
4 Are you strong enough in mathematics and logic making skills ?
5.Do you like puzzles ?
6.Are you having a good IQ.

If you answer most of the question in yes then this is the branch for you and you are made for this branch. This branch require a good logic making skills and good aptitude ,innovation and hard work. If you are having all these things in you then go for this branch. Information Technology This branch require the same skills as in Computer science & engineering. There is a little bit difference in their syllabus content. There is no big difference as far as placement and job opportunity is concerned both the branch are equally good and well payed.

Electrical & Electronics

1. Have you ever open your switch board and repair it ?
2. Do you want to know the functioning of your home electrical appliances ?
3. Do you want to know what is really going on in a computer CPU ?
4. Are u interested in sensors & transistor ?
5. Do you want to make your own robot ?

If yes then this is the branch for you, again there is a small difference in electrical and electronics most of the syllabus content are same. In most college theses are separate branches but in some college they are same. In short we can say that electronics is subset of electrical. As far as placement and job opportunity is concerned then it depend from college to college.

Mechanical & production Engineering

1.Are you interested in bike and cars design ?
2.Do you take interest in functioning of daily routine things ?
3.Do you ask basic question to your teachers(i.e how this works ? how that works ?)
4.Do you like physics ?
5.Do you like to make some new mechanism ?
6.Do you like to use your engineering skills for a common man life ?
if yes then you are at right place this is the branch for you. This branch require a real hard work. In most of the colleges mechanical and production are different branches but there syllabus content are more or less similar but in few college this is combine. There is a misconception that in this branch's job opportunity are less as compared to computer science and electronics. Again it's depend upon individual .This is called evergreen branch ,now a days there are a lot of job opportunity and money in this sector if you have talent and ready to work hard.

Civil Engineering

1.Are you interested in building making ?
2.Are you ready to rock the world by your talent ?
3.Have you ever think how this can be done after seeing a building ?
if yes then this is the branch for you. There is a misconception that in this branch's job opportunity are less as compared to others branch. It is not so, if you are hardworking and talented then there are a lot of opportunity in this sector.

Then best of luck and go ahead. I think now you can decide your branch If you don't get the branch of your choice by mistake or due to your lower rank then don't worry I will tell you how to deal with this situation. This is not the end.

How to choose an Right Engineering College ?

The right engineering college for you

The question arises that how to decide a college when there are thousands of engineering colleges in India. In this article we will discuss some of the features of colleges which will help you choose the right college. There are various factor while deciding a college for admission but always keep in mind the following factors while choosing a college:

Infrastructure: This is the most important factor while choosing a college Infrastructure does not means good looking building only. It means that whether a college has sufficient amount of infrastructure according to it's intake capacity. It include classroom, administrative building, workshop, computer labs, various laboratories etc. Because during your four year of graduation you need all these things, so keep it your first preference while choosing a college.

Faculty: Having a good infrastructure is not enough only. After having a sufficient infrastructure it is the faculty that make it useful, otherwise it will be a school without a teacher. Always have a look on college faculty which include Professors, reader, lecturer, teacher-student ratio, visiting faculty, teaching experience etc.

Facilities: This is another important factor that you have to keep in mind.Facilities provided by college assist you during your college period.It include Library, Internet, intranet, hostels, seminar halls, dispensary, student clubs, gym etc.

Placements: This is the most important factor while deciding a college. It not mean that it is the first and last criteria to choose a college. Placements of a college depend upon many factor like it's infrastructure,faculty,facilities provided by college to it's student,college rank, past performance of the students in company, and last but not the least individual talent and personality and many more factors. Have a look on past placement record of college branch wise as well as company wise.So keep all the things in mind while deciding a college.

Extra curricular activities: This is also one of the factor that should be taken into account because "all work and no play make jack a dull boy" this is true beacuse you have not to study only but have to survive in a competitive environment and for that u have to be a good personality.Extra curricular activities play a very important role in your personality development.So have a look about extra activities provided by college like, annual function, sport function, students club, seminars and workshops, industrial training, social activities, NCC, NSS etc.

Location: This factor does not play a very important role but if it is nearby any industrial or software hub then it may be slightly useful to you as far as your industrial training and placement is concerned but keep this factor at last.

So now question arises that how you can get so much of information about each and every college there are some tips for you

1.Visit the college web site on Internet

2.consult your seniors

3.visit the college personally if possible

4.Take the help of counsellor.

How To Plan This Semester - Tips To ace This Semester (Follow Atleast Few)

This approach helps you get the most out of your reading. It will help you create notes from your reading from which to study.

1. Survey: Carefully pre-read the chapter. Look at the title, subtitles, boldface and italics, graphs and diagrams, summary and/or conclusion, and questions at the end of the chapter.

2. Question: Reading is a thinking process; inquiry makes you an active reader. Formulate questions before you read. Convert titles, subtitles, etc. into questions. WRITE THESE DOWN!

3. Read: Thoroughly read the chapter and fill in the answers to your questions as you go along.
Important: Read for meaning, not only the answers! Write down any information you sense is important.

4. Recite: Talk to yourself. Read your questions, answers and notes out loud. Translate key ideas and new terms into your own words. Research any answers or information that don't seem clear enough.

5. Review: Reread your notes as often as possible. Frequent review enables you to better retain the material.
BE FLEXIBLE! At first go through SQ3R step-by-step, and later alter it to suit your own purposes and style.

Note Taking Skills and Strategies
Tips on taking notes, techniques and strategies that will help you become a good note taker. Whether taking college lecture notes or class notes these tips will be of great help.

  • If the instructor writes something on the chalkboard/overhead or repeats an idea then it is usually a key point and you should write it down.
  • Try to sit towards the front and center of the class where you'll be less distracted and can hear the professor the best and have a good angle on any visual aids that may be shown.
  • Don't rely on someone Else's notes, you may not understand everything that they write down and you'll learn the best by taking your own notes.
  • If your instructor talks fast, it may help to bring an audio recorder and record the lecture while taking notes.
  • After the lecture is over you can replay the lecture and fill in any parts that you missed in your notes.
  • Do reading assignments or homework questions before class, it is easier to take notes when you know what the instructor is talking about.
  • Date your notes; add titles and subtitles when you move onto a new topic for easy referencing.
  • Write down any terminology along with the definition that the instructor may present.
  • Make sure that you write legibly, if you can't read them later, they'll be useless.
  • If you have sloppy handwriting it may be wise to type your notes so that they are easier to read.
  • If you missed what the instructor said ask them to repeat it or go to the instructor after class and ask for clarification.
  • If you are in a rush, ask the instructor at the beginning of the next class or try to find the answer from a friend or the text.
  • Compare notes with a classmate to make sure you didn't miss any important points.

Study Skills Help & Study Tips

  • Everyone is different, different methods work for different people the following are only suggestions on improving upon your current studying techniques.
  • It is best to review the material right after class when it's still fresh in your memory.
  • Don't try to do all your studying the night before the test, instead space out your studying, review class materials at least several times a week, focusing on one topic at a time.
  • Have all of your study material in front of you: lecture notes, course textbooks, study guides and any other relevant material.Find a comfortable and quiet place to study with good lighting and little distractions (try avoiding your own bed; it is very tempting to just lie down and take a nap).
  • Start out by studying the most important information. Learn the general concepts first; don't worry about learning the details until you have learned the main ideas.
  • Take notes and write down a summary of the important ideas as you read through your study material.
  • Take short breaks frequently, you memory retains the information that you study at the beginning and the end better than what you study in the middle.
  • Space out your studying, you'll learn more by studying a little every day instead of waiting to cram at the last minute.
  • By studying everyday, the material will stay in your long-term memory but if you try to study at the last moment, the material will only reside in your short-term memory that you'll easily forget.
  • Make sure that you understand the material well, don't just read through the material and try to memorize everything.
  • If you choose to study in a group, only study with others who are serious about the test.
  • Test yourself or have someone test you on the material to find out what your weak and strong areas are.
  • You can use the review questions at the end of each chapter or practice tests the teacher may give out as well as other materials.
  • Listening to relaxing music such as classical or jazz on a low volume can relieve some of the boredom of studying. Don't study later than the time you usually go to sleep, you may fall asleep or be tempted to go to sleep, instead try studying in the afternoon or early evening.
  • If you are a morning person try studying in the morning.

Creating Good Homework/Study Habits
Good study habits start with a clean and quiet environment. So whenever you start to study or do homework be sure to turn off the television, radio, and i‐pod. If you absolutely have to have background noise try playing soft classical music. Avoiding music with words and recognizable melodies helps limit distractions.

There are many different kinds of routines that can help you succeed in completing your homework. Below is an example of such a routine. I encourage you to try it faithfully for at least a week before switching routines. The more you do something the easier it will become.

1. When you come home get a quick snack and some water (not soda). Also, change yours clothes; it will give you a fresh start. (10‐15min.)

2. Sit down at a clean table with your planner, binder(s) and all your books.

3. Set a timer for 30 min., almost all microwaves or ovens have a kitchen timer setting.

4. Open your planner and get started on the first item listed. Work on that item until it is completed, then put it back your notebook so you will be sure to have it ready to turn in.

5. Once you finish the first item highlight it or put a check next to it in your planner. Then begin the next item.

6. When the timer goes off set it for 5 min. and use that time to take a quick break to use the restroom, get another drink of water or walk around.

7. Once your break time is over set the timer for 30 min. again. Continue working on your list, remembering to check off the assignments once they are completed.

8. Continue this pattern of 30 min. on and 5 min. off until all your work is completed.

9. Once you have done everything you are supposed to do, put all your schoolwork and supplies (books) in your backpack. Then put your backpack by the front door, so you are ready to go in the morning.

10. Now you are done and can enjoy the rest of your evening. Way to go!


Do you find it difficult to revise for exams when you have so many subjects and things to remember? If the answer is yes, then you're not alone! These tips should help.

  • Find out the exact dates of your exams. You will know how much time you have left before each exam. It might help to draw up a table which includes all your subjects and all the weeks you have until the last exam, and then fill in the exam dates.
  • Prioritize your subjects. If you think you have most to do in computer graphics or that is your weakest subject then this will be top priority. Put all your subjects in an order from most to least important.
  • Decide on a revision plan which will work for you. How many hours do you need to do of a night? Do you have other commitments you can't get out of? Leave some time for breaks, meals and free time but ensure you have a good time slot each night for revision.
  • Fill in your revision timetable in with your subjects, and use your priority list to give the most important ones more revision time.
  • Stick to this timetable! Speaking from experience, if you decide to focus solely on one or two subjects because you think you know the others, you will get a nasty shock. Don't ignore any of the subjects, but ensure you have a balance where your priority subjects have the lead.
  • Begin by revising all the material which you don't know as well. There is no point in beginning to revise the basics of electronics if you are pretty confident in it. You may find that also prioritizing each individual subjects modules or topics helps you. Therefore if you run out of time you will know that you have definitely revised the hardest stuff!
  • Actually attempt to remember the material. It sounds stupid but most of the time people are tempted to spend all their revision time just reading or writing and assume that they know it all. Never assume; 'it makes an *** out of U and ME' and its true. If you assume you know it without actually testing yourself on it then you might get a shock in the exam...
  • Read the facts a few times so you are familiar with what they mean. If there's anything you don't understand do everything you can to find out. Ask the teacher, research other books and on the Internet. You will be learning as you do it!
  • After you are more familiar with them, make your own notes so that it's shorter, but ensure that they make sense so you won't need to refer back to the test book when revising.
  • Don't do too much at once. Take a page and test yourself by covering it up and writing down everything you remember. Then, check it and do it again and again until you have everything! This way you are testing and revising as you re-read it over again!
  • You may not enjoy revising, but if you try and take interest in what you are learning and get really stuck into it, the more you will remember!
  • Never give up - easier said than done right, but giving up only makes you more of a failure when you don't get the % you wanted for your exam. You will always have the guilt of knowing you didn't try your hardest.
  • Everyone learns differently; you just have to discover how the best way is for you. But in the end it all comes down to testing yourself, so you can be sure you know it!
  • You may not achieve the % you expected. Know in yourself what you are capable of achieving so you don't set your targets too high. Don't settle for lower % than your ability either though, just know your ability and do your best.
  • Revision isn't fun - receiving your good % is.
  • Never compare yourself to your friends. They are not you. we are all different. Just do your best and be happy with that.

Cramming Techniques for Exams

  • Cramming for exams should be avoided at all costs. You should only cram for an exam as a last resort. It's hard to take in and retain a large amount of information in a short period of time. Some of the tips on studying and preparing for a test may over lap with the cramming techniques below.
  • Eat some food to give you energy to study, but try to avoid excess sugar which will make you hyper and will make it more difficult to study.
  • An apple does a better job at keeping you focused and awake than caffeine.
  • Find a well lit place with no distractions around to study but don't get too comfortable or you may fall a sleep. Keep a positive attitude, it is easier to study when you are relaxed than when you are stressed out.
  • Since your time is limited you have to choose what you study, don't attempt to learn everything, focus on things that will get you the most points on the exam.
  • Focus on the main ideas and learn key formulas, skip the details for now and only come back to them if you see that you have time after you have learned the key points.
  • Write down the key ideas/formulas on a sheet of paper and keep on studying from that sheet, repetition is important.
  • Highlight the important points in your notes, and text and focus on that.
  • Read the chapter summaries (they usually do a good job at summarizing the important points), if there're no chapter summaries then skim through the text and write down key ideas.
  • Study from past tests, review questions, home works & review sheets.
  • Take at least one five minute break an hour so that you can gather your thoughts and let your brain relax.
  • If time permits, try to get at least 3 hours of sleep (one sleep cycle) before the exam so that you don't fall asleep when taking your exam. Don't forget to set your alarm!
Last edited by shanth; 11-24-2010 at 01:39 AM.