Info about Jawahar Knowledge Centers (JKC)
The Principals of all affiliated colleges under JNTU, Kakinada
Sub: Jawahar Knowledge Centers (JKC) - Reg.
I am by the direction of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor wish to inform to you that Government of Andhra Pradesh is very keen in increasing the rate of employment and skill development initiatives for students while they are on the campus. In view of this government promoted Jawahar Knowledge Center Initiative through Institute for Electronic Governance and the results so far are encouraging. The objective of bridging the gap between the industry and academia is successfully attempted and the JKC initiative has been expanding over the last few years. Especially for the engineering and MCA colleges in the tier II and III towns, JKC is extending number of Industry initiatives. Some of the initiatives that are on cards for students in the forthcoming year are listed below.
1) Oracle came forward to give free software to all JKC registered colleges and train faculty on Oracle 10g software. IEG has signed MoU with Oracle Academy to this extent.
2) Microsoft has given free access to software for all JKC students and is organizing faculty development continuously on new technologies.
3) Infosys Campus Connect is delivered to various colleges through JKC. JKC is regularly monitoring the rollout of these modules and assessing the delivery mechanism.
4) IBM has signed MoU with IEG – JKC to train students on IBM technologies and give access to students on their software.
5) To deliver these technologies to students, IEG has trained and ear marked about 50 IT Associates for each industry initiative. Industry has come up with special certification price for JKC students. The trainings are given free of cost for JKC students which otherwise would cost money (Rs.10k – 20K minimum) and time.
6) Similar initiatives with CISCO, HCL, Autodesk, LabView, Adobe, etc are being worked out to enhance the technical skills of the students while they are on the campus.
7) IEG is also working with Government of India to have all JKC students certified (free of cost) on Modular Employable Skills.
8 ) IEG is allocating IT Associate to supplement JKC training to students where the student registrations are considerable in number. These IT associates will deliver one theory subject and a lab course for the college as a good will gesture.
9) IEG has signed MoU with IUCEE (Indo US Council for Engineering Education) to network its activities in the state of AP.
10) IEG has been helping out JKC students on LIVE Projects in the final year wherever there is good number of requests.
11) All JKC students are continuously assessed (planned once in a year) on various skills so that student can concentrate on skills in which he is week. The test results are hosted on the web site.
12) JKC is networking several student competitions, industry academia interactions, student and faculty workshop, etc to improve the competencies of students.
For more information you may check the website or call Smt K. Prathyusha, Program Manager, IEG, JNTU Campus, Masab Tank, Hyderabad (ph 9908131998)
In view of the above the Principals of the colleges are requested to address the students and faculty to make them aware of the program and its benefits. This would improve the employment potential in students which in the long run improves the society at large.