Alarming Threat to the world :
Obedient servant of
Allah The God Almighty
Assheikh Syedina
Sufi Hyder Ali Yakeenullashah,
Kalifathul Kadhiri Shathari Chishthi Sir Kalifa Rifai
Allah, the God Almighty instructs this poor fellow that Ebola’s threat to all Continents and countries is imminent.
Apart from scientifically searching for a medicine for cure and
prevention, He urges the men and women of the world should recite
Fathiha, the few verses from Holy Quran.
I oblige God Almighty by submitting herein the Godsaid four prayer
chapters from Quran to the populace. It should be said by the people of
the world irrespective of their country, color, religion and tongue to
avoid the prevalence of the fatal virus.
Not a Joke nor cheap publicity. I am Hyder Ali Yakeenullashah from
Nellikuppam,Cuddalore Dt., Tamil Nadu State, India plead again,
Brothers and Sisters of the World community pay heed to my words and do
recite the following passages from Quran at your home and in public.
Prayers to be Vocalized
Faatiha- The Opening
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahim
AlHamdhu lillahi Rabbil aalameen;
Ar’Rahmanur Raheem;
Maaliki Yawmid-Deen!
Iyaaka na’budu wa iyyaakka nastha’een.
Ihdinas Siraathal Musthaqeem
Siraathal’lazeena an‘amtha alaihim
Ghairul maghzubi alaihim wala’zaaleen! Ameen!
Al Fathiha – The opening
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful!
All praises art to (Thee Allah Oh) God!
The creator and sustainer (Thou art! Oh) Lord!
Of the worlds (all along the universe)
(The sun, the moon, and the stars that traverse
The skies visibly and unseen worlds of the heavens)
The most Gracious and Merciful (Thou art to Thy servants)
(The ruling fate belongs to Thee, and) on the Day
Of the Judgement Thou art the Monarch (whom all obey)
Thee alone we worship and Thee alone we seek for help!
Show us the way of those who walk on the straight path
The path of those who Thyne Grace and Mercy relish!
Not of those who earn Thy wrath and who go astray!
Amen! Oh God grant us our request, we humbly pray!
Bismillaahir – Rahmaanir – Rahiim
Qul Hu-wallaahu Ahad;
Lam yalid, wa lum yoolad;
Walam yakun-la-Hoo kufu-wan ahad.
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful!
(Oh men and women hear and) Say!
The God is one and alone (whom you cry
For help!) He is the eternal and absolute!
He is not needy (but ever alert
In helping the needy) He is the need of all!
Neither He begets! nor He is begotten!
(No dad or mom for Him!) There is none
Like unto Him. He is Allah the one and alone!
Bismillaahir – Rahmaanir – Rahiim
Qul a-uuzu bi Rabbil-Falaq
Min-sharri maa khalaq;
Wa min-sharri gaasiqin izaa waqab
Wa min-sharrin-Naffaasaati fil-uqadi,
Wa min-sharri haasidin izaa hasad.
Al-Falak – The day break
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful!
(Oh men and women hear and) Say!
Oh the Lord of the Dawn (the God of the universe!)
I seek refuge from the evils in Thy creation!
(The torrent rain and flood, the terrific cyclone
The horrifying earthquake, Tsunami and volcano!
Dangerous accidents on the sky, earth and seas
And the adversities thereon! The dreadful diseases
Bacterias and virus!) All the perils of the Darkness
(Theives and murderers, snakes and instincts poisonous!
The mischieves of sorcery, witchcraft and blackmagic!
The unseen ghost, satan all such things tragic!)
The envious IllWill in Jinns and men (which drives
them to whisper where upon terrorism thrives!
War out of stupid fanaticism and war of the globe
Dangers of Atomic bombs, Bio weapons to blow
The entire world to an end! Oh Allah Save us from these disasters!
Bismillaahir – Rahmaanir – Rahiim
Qul a-oozu bi-Rabbin-NAAS
allazee yuwas- wisu fee suddurin- Naas
Minal-Jinnati wan-Naas.
Annas – Men
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful!
(Oh men and women hear and) Say!
Oh Allah! the Lord of the mankind!
The Monarch of the mankind!
The God of the mankind!
(Bestow peace to our minds!)
Save our hearts from (lust and anger
Unwarrented worries) doubts (and fear)
And from the evils of the perilious whisperer
Who whispers in the hearts (a terrible desire
To fight for women, gold and power!)
(Let the hearts of women and men be sanctified
And upon the earth thy rule be justified!)
An Naba – Tidings-
78th Chapter of Holy Quran describing
the end of the world!
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful!
Regarding what they argue with each other?
(Is it about the great day of catastrophe!) Is it so?
They will realise soon! (Does not the reality of death intimate you the reality of destruction?)
Do you think your life on earth everlasting?
Have we not made the earth a couch?
And the mountains as pegs?
We have created you a pair of sexes!
And made the sleep a source of rest!
And made the day a source for livelihood
(Does not your sleep and wakefulness
imply you death and birth?)
Built over you seven solid heavens
And set luminous lamp (the sun) upon it!
We have made the dark clouds to down pour rain!
We bring out grains and vegetables there with!
We have made crowded orchards!
Lo! the day of severance is fixed!
There shall be a blast of trumpet
and you shall come in crowds!
And the sky will be opened
So that it will become gateways
(to enter into the astral and spiritual worlds)
The mountains will be set in motion
They will become mirages!
Surely the hell is set in ambush!
It is an abode for transgrassers!
They will be abiding in it for ages!
No cool drinks
Only boiling water and running sores!
To meet recompose
They never looked for an account of the deeds!
They rejected our signs totally
Everything is recorded of their deeds!
Taste it (the sores) we will give you increase of torment!
But for the good there is blissful abodes!
Enclosed gardens and wineyards!
And damsels, peers in age at full cup!
No vain discourse, nor falsehood
Award from their Lord – a sufficing gift!
Lord of the heavens and earth and all of that
In between them! the God of mercy He is!
No one have a word against Him!
On that day the spirit and angels shall stand in order
None shall speak except whom the God permits
(the renowned souls of Prophets and Saints)
They will speak right!
That is the true day
so whoso seeks help let him turn unto his Lord!
Verily we warn of a chastisement getting near!
The day the man will see the result
Of deeds of his hands!
And when, the unbeliever will say
Would I were not a dust
(Why not we continue to be humans made of clay)
We warn again the day of woes!
No End of The End
The Commentary on 78th Chapter Annaba- The Great Event in Quran
“Whomsoever Allah wills He draws him unto His Light.” (Al Quran).
“The example of His Light is a lamp that is kept in a niche which glows
of an oil that neither belongs to the west nor to the east.” (Al Quran).
“God says, There is a piece of flesh in human body, there is a light in
it, there lies a secret hidden and I do dwel there!” This is a saying of
the Prophet Muhammed(Peace..)
Thus in His words of Quran and in the voice of His messenger, the Hadhis, the only God Allah vividly expressed His presence.
And He says further, “For those who do contemplate we have set evidences
of our presence all along the Universe and in themselves…” in the Holy
The bounden duty of the man is to probe, ponder over and find the presence of his Lord, the God every where and in himself.
The beloved Prophet(Peace..)said “Avvalu
Dheeni Mahribathullah- the first of the lessons of faith is the
knowledge of God”, and he deliberated further “man arafa nafsahu, faqadh
arafa rabbahu, whoever perceives his spirit indeed has perceived his
Lord the God,
This is a fact found prominent in each every religion or faith on earth.
“Think over thy own self” is the golden words of great Philosafer
Socrates. Baghavath Geetha, Holy Bible and every script on earth calls
upon human beings to think of themselves, their origin and their
astounding presence on earth.
But the common man never heeds these words, the hectic affairs of day to day life keeps him away from such occult pursuits.
The few who venture to brood over, look like reckless and insane. Why this contradiction and inconsistency, we are not aware of.
Still the God insists in Quran His apprehension, “Oh man! I am in your
own self, but you avoid me” And what that holds him back from such
natural ingenuous thinking is the alluring attractions of this world and
the entertainments there on.
The leading among them is certainly cupid’s knot the carnal love. But,
Love is the essence of life is the eternal song of the poets,
universally. The love in itself is of varities. The love at first sight,
the one side love, the love premartial, the love after marriage.
The love at its run through seems fantastic and blissful.
However the terms heavenly love, Godly love etc..also is just a dupe and meaningless. This is said Platonic love.
According to Plato, the disciple of illustrious Socrates, the God made
man a single solid of sexless human body. Finding its imertness, He
halved it into two parts as sexual counterparts and threw them off to
two different parts of the earth.
According to him, the great visionary the separated biparts of the human
creation longs to meet and merge with each other and that is love and
life of human beings.
When the halved parts of human souls find each other after a long
searth, they unite and there unity is called meeting of the twine flame.
The reunited couple become unique lovers and their life becomes
ennobled. At the footsteps of Plato, the new Platonions are speaking of
soul mates and carmic mates among lovers.
However all these concepts of twin flames, soulmates and carmic mates
could never be claimed to be divine or Godly. Because every religion and
faith, originated from Godhood recount love and longings between God
and His creations.
In Geetha, Krishna speaks “I give to my disciples whatever they aspire but to those who are in love with me I give them myself.”
It is found in Holy Bible, Jesus calls upon men and women, “I am the light, I am the way, I am your sheperd, you come unto me.”
The Holy Quran describes about the devotees of Allah “they love Him, and He is in love with them”.
So to say the Platonic love wherever it is felt or spelt is just carnal
and has an end. The love between human soul and the Creator is eternal.
According to all the scriptures, Rig
Yajur Sama Adharvana of Hinduism, Zend Avesta of Zorostranism, Thorah of
Judaism Bible of Christianity, Guru Granth of Sikhism that of Buddhism
and Jainism, and indeed of Holy Quran, the heaven and hell are true, and
life of human beings after their mortal death is certain.
The descriptions of heavenly abodes and luxuries seem to be alike. and
in every scripture the menfolk getting more number of beauties for their
enjoyment. This partiality with women on heaven too provokes thoughts.
The Quran enlilghtends clearly whatever is said in Quran regarding
heaven and hell is only allegory and metaphor. And we must accept either
men or women of us, we came out of souls. and when we leave this sex
bodies we are just souls to enter the other world. Omnipresence of God
is our lovable soul mate.
Thousands of verses have been sung by Nayanmars and Azhvars belongings
to Hindu Bakthi Cult. Sweeter than honey and milk the lyrics of Meera
Bhai and Aandaal such devotional songs are chanted in the temples by men
and women.
Devotional path of Islam is four graded. They are called Shariat,
Tharikath, Hakikath and Maarifa. Performing salat the prayers five times
day, fasting for thirty days of month of Ramzan. Almsgiving of five
percent of one’s earning and making pilgrimage to Mecca are the duties
of Shariat the submission to God’s ordains.
The Tharikath is the stage when the devotee seeks the help of a
spiritual master to reach the nearness of God. Haqikath is the devoty’s
mental state, by spiritual practices his mind is enriched with abilities
to receive Ilham or divine messages of God.
Finally Mahriba is the final phase that soul of the man realises himself as God and immerse in His eternal attributes.
The words of Quran “Ya Ayyatuhal Nafse Musthmainna -Oh the soul of
perfection, loving Him and loved by Him come with those people of
worship and enter paradise.”
Muhabath is the stage of everlasting bliss the individual soul
experiances from within. unto those pious people only the God proclaims
in Quran “they love Him, and He is in love with them”.
And this love of God starts with love of the spiritual master.
The word of Quran “your faith is not perfect until you love the
messenger of God more than you love your family members”. and the Hadhis
“The spiritual master (Sheikh) among his disciples is alike the Prophet
among his followers” should be thought over.
And thus making a love affair with God leads to blissful experiance of
the soul. The Quran in its 89th chapter discloses this affair.
The love described in this Quranic verse bears the inner meaning. self
of the man should fall in love with his soul and vice verse.
Miraj the meeting of the Prophet with God in the Arsh the seat of Allah,
is described by him, “I saw Allah at the incidence as an young beauty.”
Muhyideen Bin Arabi, the forerunner of Sufi cult says that until you
recogize your God as a young sweet heart you have not won Him.
The great Sufi Arabi wrote a love song on God which was misunderstood by
Ulemas and he was given fatua to be hanged. However all over the world
Sufis have sung alluring songs of amorous love in every language.
Some of the poems of Kunangudi Masthan Sahib, Tamil Sufi Saint are worthwhile to read and reflect over.
“Oh Manonmani, my love, I perceive you as half of my Lord and long to
enter thy abode. Oh Manonmani, my love, fearing women of their false
play, and devastation done by the devil of death, at your feet myself I
The Manonmani would mean the divinity in female character or the Godhood
in female form instead of the common male posture. These are all Sufi
views. Those who consider Him as Him the Lord Almighty let them do. But
they have no right to fight with the idealogy or concept of Godhood
Our Master Muhydheen Abdel Khadir Jilani, the Sage of Bhaghdad describes deity feminine in his spiritual song Iniya.
Our master Hazarath Kadhir Oli, the divine light of South east Asia, as
he was in the hermit of his renowned Sheikh in Gwalior was Proposed to
marry the daughter of his Sheikh by his wife. Our master posed before
the couriers with his counterpart of the self that is his own soul in
female form.
Quran does clearly state when self of the man and his soul approve the
one another at its spiritual coitus the Roohul Qudhs or the inner Holy
Soul in astral body appears before the being in its own human frame and
it is called the perception of God on earth.
The all ritual practices of all the religions aim at the apprehension of the human soul or holy spirit by the living person.
Crores and Crores of years ago God created all the souls and in the
assembly of the souls He inquired “Do you, all accept I am your God?”
and the reply was “Of course Thou art our God”.
All the worlds and the entire universe will end one day God will gather
all His souls. And ask them again. Every soul will say “Yes! Thou only
our God Almighty!.”
And that is the day of Judgement. Everything will be over.All created
souls will have the deliverence. Every soul knowing himself or herself
the divine entity. They will indulge in love. There will be no hatred
between each other.
The sky will be opened there will be no holding such as inner or outer
worlds. No material, astral, spiritual or soul world. All the worlds and
the skies will find each other in one boundless infinite space. All the
souls, the slaves of God would find themselves immersed in love and
After billion and billions of years, on a fine morning, unlike the
morning of ours a man and woman, who are unlike us will sit on earth,
that is unlike our earth, will embrace each other and look at the sky to
ask “who is that one who created us to stay here?”
Obedient servant of
Allah The God Almighty
Sufi Hyderali Yakeenullahshah