Refer Cyberz Tab
To install Conky on Ubuntu First we need to know what is Conky ?
A Conky is a Programe which is free,and light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any information on your desktop like CPU, Ram, System up-time Disk usage with graph, Kernel version Network info(Up and Down Speed, Network signals, ip address)Time and Date with day + year. Conky is licensed under the GPL and runs on Linux and BSD Distribution. For example it is something like this in below pics.
But here i am taking my virtualBox OS (UBuntu),Now to install Conky in Ubuntu/Linux open terminal and copy the following commands in the Terminal.
sudo apt-get install conky conky-all
Then Download Startup script with following commands
Now Hit Alt and F2, Type “Startup Applications” For example,
Then Click on ADD Typ in name “Conky” Click on Browse, Go to home Directory(Mine /home/bipul/) and Hit “Alt and H”.CLick on .start-conky(Note-First time you have choose this file .start-conky) then “Add” then “Close” For example.
Then finally Logout from present account and again Loged in