Tuesday 16 July 2013

LinkedIn has brought out some reasons as to why employees may be hating their job,

LinkedIn has brought out some reasons as to why employees may be hating their job, the Huffington Post reported. A recent study by Dale Carnegie Training showed that nearly 75% of workers are not fully engaged at their jobs.

One of the major reasons is that an employee's friends are having an amazing experience at another company, which makes them envious. The transparency of employee benefits and perks at other companies can sometimes lead them to dream about working elsewhere.

Another reason could be that the workers believe that he/she is not valued.

A person also feels dissatisfied with his/her job if they find no room for advancement. Many workers feel stuck in their company, which often leads to job hopping.

Being paid less than what is deserve also leaves employee disenchanted with their work.

Rules can also ruin a team, as it becomes frustrating when an employee is not able their own decisions.

The passion's also vanishes sometimes, as there is a huge difference between living to work and working to live.

One of the primary reasons why people hate their job is that their boss sucks. Poor management can make even the most passionate and well-paid workers hate their job.

Source : TOI

New banks to increase inclusion, create more jobs: Survey

The Reserve Bank's decision to allow new players in the banking sector would result into improvement in efficiency, increase in capital base to meet the credit needs of the economy and generate huge employment opportunities, says a survey by industry chamber Ficci.

According to the survey which drew responses from existing banks, NBFCs, corporate and industrial houses and other stakeholders, the setting up of new banks is considered significant in view of the fact that only 35 per cent of the country's population have formal bank accounts as compared to an average of 41 per cent in other developing economies.

Eighty-eight per cent of the respondents felt that RBI's condition for an applicant applying for a licence to set up at least 25 per cent of its branches in unbanked area with a population of less than 9,999 will play a significant role in expansion of banking services and hence help in increasing financial inclusion.

Nearly 70 per cent of India's population lives in villages, it said, adding that a vast majority of approximately 6.5 lakh villages do not have a single bank branch thus leaving a huge chunk of rural population in the hands of money lenders.

The total number of branches in rural India stood at 37,471 and the total banking outlets in villages after taking into account the branches, business correspondents and other modes was just 1,81,753 (as on March, 2012), it said.

The survey notes that they can bring in the new processes and technology and will play a significant role in driving competition.

First of all, it will also encourage existing players to improve efficiency. Secondly, new players with sound financial base will bring in the much needed capital that is required to support the credit needs of the economy and they will generate huge employment opportunities, it said.

Sixty-nine per cent of the respondents felt that corporate or industrial houses should be given licences, while the remaining 31 per cent felt that they should not be allowed to operate as banks.

Irrespective of the fact that the new banks will help in consolidation of the banking sector, 58 per cent of the total respondents felt that new banks should start afresh completely while only 42 per cent of the respondents felt that new banks should acquire existing smaller banks and grow.

As many as 30 per cent of the respondents felt that the time line for reviewing a new bank application should be 6-12 months.

Source : TOI

recruitment and hiring process

Freshers Please Understand recruitment and hiring process to get your desired job

Are you looking for a new job and don't know where to look, what to do and who to speak to? After having exhausted your professional and personal networks, it's likely that you would have approached head hunters and recruitment consultants.

With no results to show for your efforts, you are probably ended up depressed, and clueless. Here is what you can do to make the recruitment market work for you.

Be found

First things first. If people do not know you, you cannot get a job. So, make it easy for the recruiters and companies to know and find you when they need to. Post your resume on leading job portals like Naukri, Monster, Shine, and TimesJobs. Upload your profile on professional networking portals like LinkedIn.

These are the first places that a prospective employer or a recruitment consultant will search. Make sure that your cell number and e-mail ID are updated even on networking portals. Do not fret about sharing your cell number since these portals are rarely the source for telemarketers.

On job portals, make changes to your resume at least once every three months. When a recruiter searches for an accountant in Mumbai, the recently updated profiles figure on top of the search.

Include industry jargon and technical words related to your role in your resume since searches are based on keywords relevant to the role. Compare your profile with online ones of similar professionals.

On networking portals, make friends and connect with people in your industry. Encourage people to post recommendations of your work. All of these make it easier for recruiters to find you when they have job opportunities.

Understand the CV

Your CV or resume does not get the job offer; it only helps you get shortlisted for an interview. However, it can cost you the job offer if any information provided in it is found to be incorrect during the background verification process.

Thus, the focus of a good CV is to be truthful and convince the recruiter to shortlist you for the first interview. Think of it as a marketing tool, whose primary aim is to appeal to the customer, the HR manager in this case.

Since every job that you apply for is different, you cannot have a one-size-fits-all resume. Tailor it to the job description provided by the recruitment consultant and use words that are same or similar to this description while referring to your work experience.

Choose a standard layout borrowed from any leading job portal since the recruiter is used to scanning a resume in a few seconds to determine a fit for a role. Do not make it an autobiography spanning six pages.

The best resumes are often one page long obtained by compressing or cutting out portions that are not relevant to the job. Get inputs from at least two people before sharing your resume. They will help you increase the impact and eliminate inadvertent grammatical and spelling errors that could cast you in a bad light.

Master the communication

Whenever you receive an e-mail from a recruiter, respond within a day and always include your resume. Do not start a new e-mail thread otherwise it will not be read. If you are initiating a conversation, make sure that the subject line of the e-mail should contain the position you are interested in. Again, attach the CV.

Source : EC

Why Infosys is losing momentum in every vertical

Infosys's overall revenues dropped below that of Cognizant last year. But what must be worrying the IT company more is its loss of momentum in almost every vertical. And in both its flagship verticals - BFSI (banking , financial services & insurance ) and manufacturing - its rank has dropped.

In BFSI, Infosys's revenue in the March quarter of fiscal 2011 was $571.9 million and this grew modestly to $657 million in March 2013. But Cognizant's revenue grew from $570 million to $855 million in the same period , pushing Infosys to No. 3 in that space. In fact, Cognizant surpassed Infosys in this vertical in the June quarter of fiscal 2012.

In manufacturing, Infosys used to be No. 1, but in the September quarter of fiscal 2013, TCS's revenue ($402 million) crossed that of Infosys ($397 million) and has remained ahead since then. In retail, Infosys and TCS's revenues were similar in the March quarter of 2011, but by March 2013, TCS had grown its revenues to $407 million, while Infosys's rose to just $298 million.

This loss of momentum and ranking puts the company at risk of losing mindshare among customers in the long run. "It is critical for you to protect your flagship growth engines. Today, being No.1 or No.2 in a vertical is important for companies because they are known for their specialized offerings. If you think of Maruti, you would associate it with 800 or Alto, not with its big cars. Likewise, HCL has created a niche in infrastructure services , and Cognizant in healthcare and BFSI," said an industry analyst who did not want to be named.

Some experts say that clients are not concerned as much about relative rankings as about whether the IT vendor can demonstrate scale, stability and incremental value . "The IT vendor's credibility , past experience and delivery capabilities become a priority while contracting work. It's on auto pilot mode once these are factored in," said Sanjay Dhawan, leader for technology in consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) India.

Siddharth Pai, partner and president of Asia Pacific in advisory firm Information Services Group (ISG), said an IT company should have a large enough presence in a vertical and that was more important than the relative position.

But in Infosys's case, the problem is that it has been weakening, relatively, in the areas that it was once seen to be experts in. "The big question is will they be in a position to demonstrate incremental bandwidth to clients? Infosys has no doubt managed to add new clients, but they are not necessarily growing them across the sub $10 million accounts," said Sudin Apte, CEO of IT advisory firm Offshore Insights.

"Infosys had set the tone in terms of market perception and brand value for others to follow. But they didn't read the market too well when competition took the lead and widened the gap, making it hard for them to catch up," said Sridhar Vedala, CEO of IT sourcing advisory firm QS Advisory.

Source : TOI

Sunday 7 July 2013

ns 2 Network Components

Network Components

This section talks about the NS components, mostly compound network components. Figure 6 shows a partial OTcl class hierarchy of NS, which will help understanding the basic network components. For a complete NS class hierarchy, visit http://www-sop.inria.fr/rodeo/personnel/Antoine.Clerget/ns.

Figure 6. Class Hierarchy (Partial)
The root of the hierarchy is the TclObject class that is the superclass of all OTcl library objects (scheduler, network components, timers and the other objects including NAM related ones). As an ancestor class of TclObject, NsObject class is the superclass of all basic network component objects that handle packets, which may compose compound network objects such as nodes and links. The basic network components are further divided into two subclasses, Connector and Classifier, based on the number of the possible output data paths. The basic network objects that have only one output data path are under the Connector class, and switching objects that have possible multiple output data paths are under the Classifier class.
  • Node and Routing
  • A node is a compound object composed of a node entry object and classifiers as shown in Figure 7. There are two types of nodes in NS. A unicast node has an address classifier that does unicast routing and a port classifier. A multicast node, in addition, has a classifier that classify multicast packets from unicast packets and a multicast classifier that performs multicast routing.

    Figure 7. Node (Unicast and Multicast)
    In NS, Unicast nodes are the default nodes. To create Multicast nodes the user must explicitly notify in the input OTcl script, right after creating a scheduler object, that all the nodes that will be created are multicast nodes. After specifying the node type, the user can also select a specific routing protocol other than using a default one.
    • Unicast
    • - $ns rtproto type
      - type: Static, Session, DV, cost, multi-path
    • Multicast
    • - $ns multicast (right after set $ns [new Scheduler])
      - $ns mrtproto type
      - type: CtrMcast, DM, ST, BST
    For more information about routing, refer to the NS Manual located at http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-documentation.html. The documentation has chapters talk about unicast and multicast routing.
  • Link
  • A link is another major compound object in NS. When a user creates a link using a duplex-link member function of a Simulator object, two simplex links in both directions are created as shown in Figure 8.

    Figure 8. Link
    One thing to note is that an output queue of a node is actually implemented as a part of simplex link object. Packets dequeued from a queue are passed to the Delay object that simulates the link delay, and packets dropped at a queue are sent to a Null Agent and are freed there. Finally, the TTL object calculates Time To Live parameters for each packet received and updates the TTL field of the packet.
    • Tracing
    • In NS, network activities are traced around simplex links. If the simulator is directed to trace network activities (specified using $ns trace-all file or $ns namtrace-all file), the links created after the command will have the following trace objects inserted as shown in Figure 9. Users can also specifically create a trace object of type type between the given src and dst nodes using the create-trace {type file src dst} command.

    Figure 9. Inserting Trace Objects
      When each inserted trace object (i.e. EnqT, DeqT, DrpT and RecvT) receives a packet, it writes to the specified trace file without consuming any simulation time, and passes the packet to the next network object. The trace format will be examined in the General Analysis Example section.
    • Queue Monitor
    • Basically, tracing objects are designed to record packet arrival time at which they are located. Although a user gets enough information from the trace, he or she might be interested in what is going on inside a specific output queue. For example, a user interested in RED queue behavior may want to measure the dynamics of average queue size and current queue size of a specific RED queue (i.e. need for queue monitoring). Queue monitoring can be achieved using queue monitor objects and snoop queue objects as shown in Figure 10.

    Figure 10. Monitoring Queue
      When a packet arrives, a snoop queue object notifies the queue monitor object of this event. The queue monitor using this information monitors the queue. A RED queue monitoring example is shown in the RED Queue Monitor Example section. Note that snoop queue objects can be used in parallel with tracing objects even though it is not shown in the above figure.
  • Packet Flow Example
  • Until now, the two most important network components (node and link) were examined. Figure 11 shows internals of an example simulation network setup and packet flow. The network consist of two nodes (n0 and n1) of which the network addresses are 0 and 1 respectively. A TCP agent attached to n0 using port 0 communicates with a TCP sink object attached to n1 port 0. Finally, an FTP application (or traffic source) is attached to the TCP agent, asking to send some amount of data.

    Figure 11. Packet Flow Example
    Note that the above figure does not show the exact behavior of a FTP over TCP. It only shows the detailed internals of simulation network setup and a packet flow.

    ns 2 Packet


    A NS packet is composed of a stack of headers, and an optional data space (see Figure 12). As briefly mentioned in the "Simple Simulation Example" section, a packet header format is initialized when a Simulator object is created, where a stack of all registered (or possibly useable) headers, such as the common header that is commonly used by any objects as needed, IP header, TCP header, RTP header (UDP uses RTP header) and trace header, is defined, and the offset of each header in the stack is recorded. What this means is that whether or not a specific header is used, a stack composed of all registered headers is created when a packet is allocated by an agent, and a network object can access any header in the stack of a packet it processes using the corresponding offset value.

    Figure 12. NS Packet Format
    Usually, a packet only has the header stack (and a data space pointer that is null). Although a packet can carry actual data (from an application) by allocating a data space, very few application and agent implementations support this. This is because it is meaningless to carry data around in a non-real-time simulation. However, if you want to implement an application that talks to another application cross the network, you might want to use this feature with a little modification in the underlying agent implementation. Another possible approach would be creating a new header for the application and modifying the underlying agent to write data received from the application to the new header. The second approach is shown as an example in a later section called "Add New Application and Agent".


    ns-2 tutorial


    NS (version 2) is an object-oriented, discrete event driven network simulator developed at UC Berkely written in C++ and OTcl. NS is primarily useful for simulating local and wide area networks. Although NS is fairly easy to use once you get to know the simulator, it is quite difficult for a first time user, because there are few user-friendly manuals. Even though there is a lot of documentation written by the developers which has in depth explanation of the simulator, it is written with the depth of a skilled NS user. The purpose of this project is to give a new user some basic idea of how the simultor works, how to setup simulation networks, where to look for further information about network components in simulator codes, how to create new network components, etc., mainly by giving simple examples and brief explanations based on our experiences. Although all the usage of the simulator or possible network simulation setups may not be covered in this project, the project should help a new user to get started quickly
    This document gathers the authors’ own experience in implementing MANET routing protocols for the ns-2 Network Simulator. The text is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License (FDL). It was written back in 2004, you can update it and share the result.


    You can either download the tutorial or view it online.


    Francisco J. Ros and Pedro M. Ruiz.

    MAC Address

     MAC Address using Java

    Free Source Code
    Free Source Code
    Objective :
    * How to get the MAC Address of a computer?
    * How to get the MAC Address of a computer using Java?
    * How to get the MAC Address of a computer via programming?
    import java.net.*;
    class GetMac
    public static void main(String arg[])
    InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
    NetworkInterface nwi = NetworkInterface.getByInetAddress(address);
    byte mac[] = nwi.getHardwareAddress();
    catch(Exception e)
    Note : This code will return only the first net address; if you need other detils too, get a list.
    Posted from WordPress for Android

    Smallest Projector

     Smallest Projector Up to date...

    iGo, introduces the UP-2020 palm size pocket projector based on the Digital light processing System.

     The Projector features 854x480 native resolution and able to project viewable screen up to 70 inches. 
    It also supports built in media playback function like MP4,JPG and BMP files and has micro-SD card slot, USB port and built in speaker.