Sunday 7 July 2013


Future and Past of Linux Then and Now

Linux one of the most growing operating system in today most of the people using this because you can gain lot of advantages over windows. So here I found some good picture about Linux then and now statistics.

Java Reflection

  Private methods and Fields Access with Java Reflection

Java Reflection, guess you heard it.But I will give a little bit of introduction and show some code sample to get familiar with this.
OK so the first thing first.
What is Java Reflection ?
Java Reflection can be used to dynamically find java classes , locating and execute methods, access fields at run time.

You can find More on :

Here is the sample project that I did.

First I create a class called dynamic test and add one private field and four methods including one private methods. Here is the code and its straight forward.

 package rd.test;  
 public class DynamicTest {  
   private int count;  
   public void printStar() {  
   public void printStarWithInt(int i) {  
     System.out.println("* Integer : " + i);  
   public void printStarWithString(String param) {  
     System.out.println("* String : " + param);  
   public void printStarWithStrings(String param1, String param2) {  
     System.out.println("* String : " + param1 + " , and " + param2);  
   private void printStarInPrivate() {  
     System.out.println("* Private : *");  

and here is the class with main method.

 package rd;  
 import rd.test.DynamicTest;  
 import java.lang.reflect.Field;  
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;  
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;  
 public class Main {  
   public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException,  
       InstantiationException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchFieldException {  
     Class cls = Class.forName("rd.test.DynamicTest");  
     Object obj = cls.newInstance();  
      * calling printstart method without passing any parameters  
      * */  
     Method method = cls.getDeclaredMethod("printStar", null);  
     method.invoke(obj, null);  
      * calling printStarWithInt method with int parameter  
     Class[] intParam = new Class[1];  
     intParam[0] = Integer.TYPE;  
     method = cls.getDeclaredMethod("printStarWithInt", intParam);  
     method.invoke(obj, 100);  
      * calling printStarWithStrings methos with two string parameters  
     Class[] stringParams = new Class[2];  
     method = cls.getDeclaredMethod("printStarWithStrings", stringParams);  
     method.invoke(obj, "hi","rajith");  
      * calling private method in DynamicTest class  
     method = cls.getDeclaredMethod("printStarInPrivate", null);  
     method.invoke(obj, null);  
      * setting and getting private fileds  
     DynamicTest dynamicTest = new DynamicTest();  
     Field field = cls.getDeclaredField("count");  

Operating Systems Programming

Operating Systems Programming via Java Producer Consumer Problem with Blocking Queue

Producer Consumer problem is a popular problem domain in SE industry.
Before that I will give a quick introduction of Blocking Queue.

Blocking Queue is an interface locate in java concurrent package.It mainly support operations that wait for the queue to become non empty when retrieving and removing element and wait for space become available when adding an element. All the blocking queue implementation are thread-safe and methods are atomic.

In this demo I will use ArrayBlockingQueue as the implementation of BlockQueue.

So first we create domain model for this demo.

 package rd.domain;  
 public class Message {  
   private String description;  
   public String getDescription() {  
     return description;  
   public void setDescription(String description) {  
     this.description = description;  

then we create
create 100 message and finish message and add in to the queue.

 package rd.concurent;  
 import rd.domain.Message;  
 import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;  
 public class Producer implements Runnable {  
   private BlockingQueue<Message> queue;  
   public Producer(BlockingQueue<Message> queue) {  
     this.queue = queue;  
   public void run() {  
     // create messages and adding to queue  
     for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {  
       Message message = new Message();  
       message.setDescription(" Message " + i);  
       try {  
         System.out.println("Produced " + message.getDescription());  
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
     // adding exit message  
     Message message = new Message();  
     try {  
     } catch (InterruptedException e) {  

 package rd.concurent;  
 import rd.domain.Message;  
 import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;  
 public class Consumer implements Runnable {  
   private BlockingQueue<Message> queue;  
   public Consumer(BlockingQueue<Message> queue) {  
     this.queue = queue;  
   public void run() {  
     Message message = null;  
     try {  
       while (!(message = queue.take()).getDescription().endsWith("finish")){  
         System.out.println("Consumed " + message.getDescription());  
     } catch (InterruptedException e) {  

So the basic implementation are done. Now its time to test it. Here I create and create producer consumer thread and start those threads.

 package rd;  
 import rd.concurent.Consumer;  
 import rd.concurent.Producer;  
 import rd.domain.Message;  
 import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;  
 import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;  
 public class Main {  
   public static void main(String[] args) {  
     BlockingQueue<Message> blockingQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(10);  
     Producer producer = new Producer(blockingQueue);  
     Consumer consumer = new Consumer(blockingQueue);  
     new Thread(consumer).start();  
     new Thread(producer).start();  

Hence we had  solved the producer consumer problem.

Does Clean Code matters ?

Does Clean Code matters ?

And the other question is WHAT FOR ? That's what we talk about here..

OK lets go for it..
What is Clean code ? Actually we don't have the exact definition for this. But there are some definitions that create by geniuses. Below are some of these...

Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor C++ and author of The C++ Programming Language
 I like my code to be elegant and efficient. The logic should be straightforward to make it hard  
 for bugs to hide, the dependencies minimal to ease maintenance, error handling complete  
 according to an articulated strategy, and performance close to optimal so as not to tempt  
 people to make the code messy with unprincipled optimizations. Clean code does one thing  

Dave Thomas, founder of OTI, godfather of the Eclipse strategy,
 Clean code can be read, and enhanced by a developer other than its original author. It has  
 unit and acceptance tests. It has meaningful names. It provides one way rather than many  
 ways for doing one thing. It has minimal dependencies, which are explicitly defined, and provides a clear and minimal API. Code should be literate since depending on the language, not all necessary information can be expressed clearly in code alone.  

Michael Feathers, author of working Effectively with Legacy Code,
 I could list all of the qualities that I notice in clean code, but there is one overarching quality that leads to all of them. Clean code always looks like it was written by someone who cares. There is nothing obvious that you can do to make it better. All of those things were thought  
 about by the code’s author, and if you try to imagine improvements, you’re led back to  
 where you are, sitting in appreciation of the code someone left for you—code left by someone  
 who cares deeply about the craft.  

If your a programmer with more than one year you know what I mean..

First take a look at bad code or a mess code.

Suppose you get a new requirement and you need to add the new functionality to your existing code which is really bad and messy. Before adding any new thing to your code first you need to understand the exiting code. That means you need to READABILITY your existing code. Since its a bad code you will go through really pain full time to understand what the code says. For example imaging a code with no comments, no meaning full variables, no meaning full function definitions with hell of big line of codes that does too many things within single code block , this will drive you crazy.
So this will take more than time than your expecting(Or your PM) to read and understand only others code. Every programmer knows about the damn dead lines and our heads will bump up.
If it is a clean code it must full fill the READABILITY.

That's one of the basic thing that each and every code must have. But there are more. Formatting, Unit testing, avoid writing bad comments, Error handling  are some of. So will talk about all of these things in near future.

Android Applications[Windows]

To Develop Android Applications[Windows] Setup required

In this tutorial I will show you the required steps how to setup your computer to develop Android applications in windows.

Android is a software platform and operating system for mobile devices. It based on linux kernal and it written on Java language but not use JVM to execute the applications.

Here are the requirements to setup Android in your machine.

  • Any Operating system
  • Android SDK
  • Java Development Kit
  • Eclipse IDE (Optional, but has lot of advantages)
Here are the steps that you want to follow.

First you have to download the appropriate Android SDK from here.

Its free and anyone can download it. After downloading unzip it and install it. 
Now you will get the Android SDK Manager.\
To get the full benefit go to Available packages and install the Third party add-ons . It includes the Google APIs.
In order to run your apps you want to set the Android Path in Environment variable.
For an Example:
suppose we have Java path and Android path. So PATH variable look like this 
PATH = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_19\bin;C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows\tools


Now Every thing is set. But to develop applications you need Eclipse IDE. You can use any IDEs that support Java. But using eclipse you can get the lots of benefits. 

Download Eclipse in here --->

Goto Help --> Install New Software 
Click Add 

Enter 'ADT Plugin' for the Name and enter '' for the URL and Select OK.

Click Next in the windows and click Finish. After that restart the Eclipse to apply the changes.
To configure Eclipse follow these steps.
1.Windows --> Preferences
2.Select Android
3.Give the SDK location and click Apply.
Hence you all can enjoy Android Programming.

What is Cloud Computing ?

Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Computing ?
Cloud computing is location-independent computing, whereby shared servers provide resources, software, and data tocomputers and other devices on demand, as with the electricity grid.
source :

Cloud Computing as the term indicates implies using the cloud infrastructure or internet based shared infrastructure to host and access applications. That means hosting application and their data on a shared servers on the internet and access the applications through a browser.

Things that cloud computing change

  • Completely shift from Desktop based model to Web based model. In cloud computing model applications are web based hosted on a cloud server and users can access the applications through a web browser. 
  • Hosting application and services. Today most business organizations host application on their servers and use their firewalls. So adding these things is a extra overhead for organizations. Moving to the cloud model make it easier to organizations.
  • Security, a key implication in cloud computing is that security risk added by the third party provider.  
Saas, Paas and Iaas

Cloud computer has various flavors of implementation. In here we talk about SaaS(Software as a Service) , PaaS(Platform as a service), IaaS(Infrastructure as a service).

Software as a Service (Saas)

This term describe software that is deployed over the internet. The services are provided with typically payment charged on monthly basis based on the number of users or services consumed. 

Platform as a service (PaaS)  

Provide the ability for building and deploying custom application on their platform. 
Amazon EC2 , Microsoft Azure , Google App Engine are some of service providers.

Infrastructure as a service (Iaas)

Provide computer and server infrastructure as a virtualization environment. 
Amazon Web Services and Rackspace are examples of service provides.

Here is the brief description about cloud computing. 

In Linux Google App Engine in Eclipse

 In Linux Google App Engine in Eclipse

In this article I'm going to show you how to develop and deploy a small Java app engine application on Google App Engine using Eclipse IDE.

First you have to install Eclipse IDE for that . Its free so anyone can download. Here is the link.
Eclipse IDE

Now install Java SDK. Here is the link..
Java SDK

Now install the Google Eclipse App Engine plugin.
Ref Link :

Install the Google web toolkit plugin.
Ref Link :

  • There is easiest way to follow Step 3 and 4. Click Help --> Eclipse Market Place 
  • Type Google App Engine
  • install the plugin

Create Web Application.

File --> New --> Web application or Simply click the g icon (blue background).
  • Enter the Project Name  as GuestBook and Package name as guestbook.
  • Make sure Google Web Toolkit checkbox and Google App Engine check box is selected.
  • Click Finish.

Now it will create the project structure like this.
There are some files that Eclipse automatically created.
  • src/
  • war/WEB-INF/web.xml
  • war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml 
After that debug your app like this. Click Run ---> Debug as ---> Web Application 
now it will create a server 8888 port so you can access it by browsing http://localhost:8888/

To deploy your app to Google App Engine right click the app select Google --> Deploy to App Engine

Before deploy get application ID from .

So, These are the major steps that you want to follow to create and deploy Java App Engine application to Google App Engine.

mysql databases.

Restore & Backup Mysql Database using mysqldump Command

mysqldump is a effective tool to backup and restore mysql databases. Using mysqldump command we can backup one or many databases or tables.

You have to use command prompt[Windows users] or kernel[Linux users,MacOS] to backup databases.

Backup Mysql Database

  • Backup a single database
mysqldump -u root -p[root_mysql_password] [database_name] > [path_to_save_with_sql_extension]

mysqldump -u root -p123 test > D:/backups/test_backup.sql

  • Backup Multiple databases
mysqldump -u root -p[root_mysql_password] --databases [database_name] [database_name] .. > [path_to_save_with_sql_extension]

suppose we have two databases called test and tutorial
mysqldump -u root -p123 --databases test tutorial > D:/backups/test_tutorial.sql

  • Backup all the databases
mysqldump -u root -p[root_mysql_password] -all-databases > [path_to_save_with_sql_extension]
  • Backup a specific table 
Suppose we have a demo table in test database.

mysqldump -u root -p123 test demo \ > D:/backups/demotables.sql

Restore Mysql Database

To restore mysql database use following command.

mysql -u root -p[root_mysql_password] [database_name] < D:/backups/test.sql

Java 7 / Apache Click/ Apache Shiro

New in Java 7 ?

Everyone is now searching what's hot in java 7(including me :D). What are the new features that added to java 7. When I'm searching I found a good slide presentation that visualize what are the new things that added to java 7 . It was an amazing :D . Check this presentation and you can see why most of people in love with java.

Application Protection with Apache Shiro

Apache Shiro is a Java security framework that performs four kind of operations such as authentication, authorization, cryptography and session management. Can use in any kind of web applications or mobile applications. It provide a security API for perform the above tasks.

Advantages of Apache Shiro

  • Easy to use
              Using and Implementing is very easy.
  • Comprehensive
            There is no other security framework can compare to Apache shiro. It provide wide range of security aspects.
  • Flexible
           Can work in any application like Web or EJB.
  • Pluggable
           Can integrate with many other framework like Apache camel, Spring , Vaadin , Grails.

Shiro was 5 years old and previously know as Jsecurity project. There were no other alternatives for java security but the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS). But in JAAS also have some issues with cryptographic. Java cryptographic architecture was hard to understand and it did not use as usual. But in Apache Shiro it gives flexible security for Java developers add security there applications.

Furtherer References : Apache Shiro Home Page  

Apache Click

 Apache Click is a Web application framework for Java language and built top of Java Servlet API. Its free and open source project under Apache foundation.

In the new version of Apache Click (version 2.3.0) it add some new features like AJAX support, Page Actions and stateful controls.  Using Apache click we can build a web applications without using JSPs and MCV architecture.

Apache click use HTML templates an POJO for develop applications. It also include some unit testing features.

Ref : Apache Click Home
       : Getting Started with apache click
       : Examples