Saturday 11 May 2013

Information on Regulatory affairs [RA]. Careers, Present Scenario, Future

Regulatory Affairs (RA) is an upcoming profession within the pharmaceutical sector. RA profession at its heart is all about Collecting, Analyzing and Communicating the Risks and Benefits of health care products to regulatory agencies and public all over the world.

What are the responsibilities?
In Industry:
1. Interact with all departments of the company and based on this cooperation
2. Prepare a variety of documents necessary for research, development and production of drugs/medical devices.
3. Frequent interaction with government is necessary to obtain regulatory approval for conducting clinical studies and for production of therapeutics

In Government:
1. Assure that industry complies with regulations.
2. Reviews documents submitted by industry and
3. Releases permission for conducting clinical studies or for product manufacturing and distribution, based on regulatory and scientific merits.

What is it all about
Pharma is a highly regulated industry the world over and professionals, who can manage regulatory affairs, are in high demand.
Selling drugs is not like selling anything else, when we sell drugs we need to be confident that -
  • They do what they claim to do
  • They have been through a tough testing process to get from the lab to the market
  • The side effects are well documented

This is where the regulatory affairs comes in.

What you will need to become a RA professional
  • A good background knowledge of the pharmaceuticals and medical environment
  • A meticulous approach to work
  • Attention to detail.
  • Academic Qualification in Regulatory Affairs

You can expect to work in a multidisciplinary workplace where scientists and medics will come from very different backgrounds. Excellent written and verbal communication skills are a must as is the ability to work effectively under pressure

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Institutes offering this course in India
In India, so far only two universities:

  • Guru Jambeshwar University, Haryana
  • Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal

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The curriculum
  • It deals with the USFDA and EUDRA guidelines concerning filing for New Drug Applications and Abbreviated New Drug Applications;
  • FDA, International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH), EUDRA and Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention (PIC) guidelines for various operational activities;
  • Intellectual Property Rights such as Patents, Copy Rights, Trademarks; etc for patenting

The Future
Regulatory affairs position is in highest demand and fastest growing according to the findings from a recent survey on employment trends in the clinical trials industry from CenterWatch4, the reasons being the lack of candidates who wish to make their career in this field and increasing turnover of the pharmaceutical industries. Pharmaceutical

Regulatory affairs is a vast area, which cannot be taught just with the help of books or the course materials. The issues related to the field are often updated so the professionals find it challenging to keep abreast with the recent modifications and inclusions.

Queries are welcome.

How to win friends and influence people

Can you solve this? Only skilled people can open this file.......

Once you succeed to open this file, you will find names of the people who have managed to open this......

Now it is your turn! How to open attached file?

A man was traveling to London. At the bus stop, he met a man with 7 wives. Each wife has 12 sons and 12 daughters. Each daughter of the man's wife had 4 sons and 7 daughters. Each son of the man's wife had 7 sons and 4 daughters. Each granddaughter had 4 friends. How many people are going to London?

The number of people who are going to London is the password to open attached file.

(Enter the number in value not in word) Once you have opened it, add Your name and challenge others.

And forward to others to challenge......!!!!!!

Note:-(((((Don't post the answer here.....!!!!!!!But,post that you've got the skills to open it and as well as if you opened it only)))))

Procedure for application to UK for higher studies

UK is a very good country for the study of pharmaceutical sciences.

It poses the following requirements.
1. UG % - 60 % - in Pharmacy, or related field*
2. IELTS score of 6.5 [not <6.0 in individual modules] / TOEFL score (90+ iBT)
3. Complete Financial documentation
4. Student visa with 2 year work permit

*requirements may change according to universities.

Advantages studying in UK!
1. Any Masters course in UK is complexly designed and is for 1 year full time.
2. You will allowed to work for 20hours per week, off-campus / on-campus
3. For part-time job average Indian in UK gets 600£ per month, which is equivalent to 50,000 INR approx.
4. Average expenses for Indian would be 400£ per month. and the rest you can save :-)
5. UK doesn't have a VISA rejection policy as USA, so it is easy to get a VISA, once the application has been approved by the UK universities.

So, If you will to study in UK, you must take the IELTS/TOEFL test in your 3rd/4th year itself. And apply to universities by February of the corresponding year for September intake
Because UK universities will consider "First come First serve" criteria, you need to apply well in advance to get an admission in UK.

Any queries are welcome. :-)
The following is the link for the dictionary of MCGRAW-HILL Book Publications for Engineering Student's. I'm sharing this link hoping that it will be useful in your studies while you are referencing the books.

Earth Allows You to Stand. Let the Earth Stand the Way It Is.....

Materials on various subjects of biotechnology















Biosensors & Bioelectronics 1-4 units

Biosafety,Bioethics & IPR 1-8 units

Phylogenetic analysis

Biotechnology important units for 2-1,3-1,4-1 for external exam!!!!

2-1 Semester

units- I,III,IV,V,VI or VIII ( sometimes Molecular biology question paper will be mixed along with this question paper)

Thermodynamics for Biotechnologists
units- I,II,IV,V,VII ( concentrate on problems also)

cell biology
units- I,II,III,V,VI or VIII

units- I,III,IV,V,VI or VII

units- I,II,III,IV,V or VII

3-1 Semester

Transport Phenomena In Bioprocess
units- I,II,III,V,IV or VIII ( expect minimum 3 problems from this subject in question paper)

Biochemical Reactions Engineering-I
units- II,III,IV,VII,VIII ( expect minimum 3 problems from this subject in question paper)

Basic Industrial And Environmental Biotechnology
units- I,II,III,IV,V or VI,VIII ( its a huge portion so each set of question paper will get different questions from other sets)

Genetic Engineering
units- I,III,IV,V,VIII and VI,VII will be combined as single unit in question paper

Plant Biotechnology
units- II,IV,V,VI,VII or VIII (finish last units, they are very easy)

4-1 Semester

units- I,III,IV,V,VIII or VI

Bioethics,Bio safety and IPR
units- I,II,III,IV,VI ( content seems to be less in this subject but answers are in depth)

Downstream Processing
units- I,II,III,IV,VI or VII (DSP lab will help alot in this subject)

Biosensors and Bioelectronics
units- I,II,III,IV,V or IV

cancer biology
units- I,II,IV,V,IIV ( confusing subject need extra effort)

Metabolic Engineering
units- I,II,III,IV,VIII or V ( very huge subject of this sem, ref: Gregory N.Stephnopoulos Metabolic engineering T.B)

2-2 Important/easy Units For JNTUH & JNTUA (AllBranches)

Applied Thermodynamics (APT-I) : 1,2,3,4,5 Units.

Building Materials , Construction & Planning (BMCP) : 1,2,5,6 Units.

BIO-PROCESS ENGINEERING : 1,2,3,4,5,8 Units.

Computer Organization :
1,3,4,7,8 Units.

Data Base Management Systems : 1,2,3,4,7 Units.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms (DAA) : 1,2,3,4,5 Units.

Environmental Studies : You can read any 5 units from all 8 units, as the subject is very easy.

Electro Magnetic Theory & Transmission Lines (EMTL) : 1,2,5,6,7 Units.

Electronic Circuit Analysis (ECA) : 1,2,3,5,6 Units.

Electrical Machines -II : 1,2,5,6,8 Units.

Electronic Circuits : 1,2,3,4,6 Units.

Formal Languages And Automata Theory : 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 Units.


Kinematics Of Machinery - I (KOM-I) : 1,2,4,7,8 Units.

Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis (MEFA) : 1,2,4,6,7 Units.

Mechanics Of Fluid And Hydraulic Machines (FMHM) : 1,2,3,5,6 Units.

Machine Drawing (MD) : All Are Important .


MOLECULAR BIOLOGY : 1,2,3,7,8 Units.

Network Theory : 1,2,3,5,6/7 Units.

Numerical Methods (NM) : 1,2,4,5,6 Units.

Object Oriented Programming : 1,2,3,4,5 Units.

Probability & Statistics (P&S) : 1,2,3,4,5 Units (Be Perfect with the Previous Papers,Important Questions & FAQ's).

Principles Of Electrical Engineering (PEE): 1,2,4,5,6 Units.


Power Systems-I : 1,2,5,6,7 Units. (You can prepare 8th unit also as its very easy)

Pulse & Digital Circuits (PDC) : 1,2,3,7,8 Units.

Production Technology (PT) : 1,2,3,5,8 Units.

Principles Of Communication (POC) : 1,2,5,6,7 Units.

Software Engineering : 1,2,3,4,5,6 Units.

Switching Theory & Logic Design (STLD) : 1,2,3,4,6/8 Units. (Better To Prepare Las 5 UNITS , Confusing Question Will Be Asked From The Starting Units)


JNTU-HYD (R09) JNTU-K (R10) JNTU-A (R09)

Probability & Statistics (P&S) : 1,2,3,4,5 Units (Be Perfect with the Previous Papers,Important Questions & FAQ's)


Electronic Devices and circuits (EDC) : Units I, II, III, IV, VI

Basic Electrical Engineering (BEE) : 1,2,3,7,8 Units.


ADS Important Units & check List 


Choose: Units II, III, IV, VI, VII and VIII (2,3,4,6,7 and 8)
Unit II
Check List after study
  • Overloading (function & Operator)
  • Templates
  • Virtual Functions
  • Abstract Classes
Unit III
Check List after study
  • Time and Space Complexity
  • Stacks & Queues Programs
  • Two Stacks with single array
  • ADTs of List, Stack, Queue
Unit IV
Check List after study
  • Dictionaries
  • Skip Lists
  • Hash Functions
  • Collision Resolutions

Unit VI
Check List after study
  • Binary Search Trees ADT
  • AVL Trees ADT
  • Algorithm of BST
  • Algorithm of AVL
Note: If you don't know program write algorithm, atleast you will get some marks

Unit VII
Check List after study
  • Red-Black Trees ADT
  • B-Trees ADT
  • Splay Trees
  • Comparisons

Note: If you don't know program write algorithm, atleast you will get some marks

Check List after study
  • Brute Force
  • KMP
  • Tries


Choose: Units I, II, III, IV, VII and VIII (1,2,3,4,7 and 8)
Unit I - Mathematical Logic
Check List after study
  • Well formed Formulas
  • Truth Tables
  • Tautology
  • Normal Forms (PDNF,PCNF)

Unit II – Predicates
Check List after study
  • Basic Concepts
  • Proof of Contradiction
  • Rules of Inference
  • Automatic Theorem Proving

Unit III - Set Theory
Check List after study
  • Posets
  • Hasse Diagrams & Lattice
  • Recursive function
  • Pigeon Hole Principle
Unit IV - Algebraic structures
Check List after study
  • Groups and Semigroups
  • Monoids
  • Homomorphism
  • Isomorphism
Unit VII - Graph Theory
Check List after study
  • DFS and BFS
  • Spanning Trees
  • Planar Graphs
Unit VIII - Graph Theory and Applications
Check List after study
  • Euler Circuits
  • Hamiltonian Graphs
  • Chromatic Numbers

Digital logic design Important Units & Check List

Choose: Units I, II, III, IV, V and VI (1,2,3,4,5 and 6)
Unit I - Binary Sysems
Check List after study
  • Conversions
  • Binary Codes
  • Complements
  • Registers
Unit II - Boolean Algebra
Check List after study
  • Boolean Algebra and Theorems
  • Boolean Functions (Canonical,Standard)
  • Digital Logic Gates
  • Integrated Circuits
Unit III - Gate Level Minimization
Check List after study
  • Mapping Methods
  • Four-variable Maps
  • HDL Basics
        Unit IV - Combinational Logic
Check List after study
  • Binary Adder/Multiplier
  • Decoders and Encoders
  • Multiplexers
  • HDL for Combinational Circuits
Unit V - Synchrnous Sequential Logic
Check List after study
  • Flipflops
  • Clocked Sequential
  • HDL for Sequenital
Unit VI - Registers & Counters
Check List after study
  • Shift Registers
  • Ripple Counters
  • Synchronou Counters


Mathematics – III (M3) : 3,4,5,6,7,8 Units

Probability Theory & Stochastic Processes (PTSP) : 1,2,3,4,5 Units

Electronic Devices and Circuits (EDC) : Units I, II, III, IV, VI

Signals and Systems (SS) : 1,2,3,6,7,8 Units

Electric Circuits (EC) : 1,2,3,4,7,8 Units

Environment Studies (ES) : You can read any 5 units from all 8 units, as the subject is very easy


athematics-III (M-III) : Units I, II, IV, V, VI

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery (FMHM) : Units I, II, III, IV, IV

Electronic Devices and circuits (EDC) : Units I, II, III, IV, VI

Electrical Circuits (ELC) : Units I, II, III, VI, VIII

EMF : Units I, II, IV, VII, VIII

Electrical Machines -I (EM-I) : Units I, II, III, IV, VI

3-2 Important/Easy Units For JNTU-HYD & JNTU-ANANTAPUR (All Branches)

COMPILER DESIGN : 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 Units.

Computer Graphics : 1,2,3,6,8 Units.


Unit In Syllabus Book : Pages In Text Book [Author Name – Book Color]

1st Unit : 3 To 24 & 35 To 57 [John R Vacca - White] - [22 + 23 = 45 Pages]
2nd Unit : 191 To 206 & 217 To 229 [John R Vacca - White] - [16 + 13 = 29 Pages]
3rd Unit : 235 To 252 & 257 To 268 [John R Vacca - White] - [18 + 12 = 30 Pages]
5th Unit : 149 To 188 [Nelson - Yellow] - [ 40 Pages]
6th Unit : 259 To 283 [Nelson – Yellow] - [ 24 Pages]

Data Warehousing and Data Mining (DWDM) : 1,2,3,5,6 Units.

Digital Communications : 1,2,4,5,6 Units.

Digital Signal Processing : 2,3,5,6,7 Units.


Embedded Systems (ES) : 1,2,3,4,8 Units.

Engineering Optimization :
1,2,3,4,5 Units.

Environmental Engineering : 1,2,3,7,8 Units.

Environment Studies (ES) : You can read any 5 units from all 8 units, as the subject is very easy.

Electrical Measurements - 2,3,4,5,6 Units.

Heat Transfer : 1,3,5,7,8 Units.

Intellectual Property Rights : 1,4,6,7,8 Units.

Intellectual Property Rights & Cyber Law : 1,2,3,7,8 Units.


Microprocessors & Microcontrollers : 1,3,4,6,8 Units.

Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis - 1,2,4,5,7,8 Units.

NANOTECHNOLOGY : 1,2,3,5,7,8 Units.

Network Security : 1,2,3,4,7,8 Units.


Object Oriented Programming : 1,2,3,4,5 Units.

Operations Research : 2,3,4,5,7,8 Units.

Operating Systems : 1, 2,3,4,7 and 8 Units.

Probability & Statistics (P&S) : 1,2,3,4,5 Units (Be Perfect with the Previous Papers,Important Questions & FAQ's).


Renewable Energy Sources : 2,4,5,6,7,8 Units.


VLSI Design : 1,5,6,7,8 Units.

Water Resources Engineering : 1,2,3,4,5,8 Units.

WEB TECHNOLOGIES : 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 Units.

Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp on Opportunities in Information Technology Secto

Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp on Opportunities in Information Technology Sector on 18,19 &amp; 20th of this month.

For more details

JNTU-HYD : Remuneration sharing formula for University Exams

The Principals of the Constituent & Affiliated Colleges offering UG and PG courses are informed to note that whenever the students of other colleges write their University examinations in your college, are informed to note the following examination remuneration sharing procedure:

i) For B.Tech/B.Pharmacy University theory examination, Rs.15/- per subject per candidate is to be collected from the parent college of the students. Similarly if the students of your college, write University examination at some other college, Rs.15/- per subject per candidate is to be paid to the host college.

ii) For any PG course (M.Tech / P.Pharm / MBA / MCA) Univerity theory examination, Rs.20/- per subject per candidate is to be collected from the parent college of the students. Similarly if the PG student of your college write their University examinations at some other college Rs.20/- per subject per candidate is to be paid to the host college.

iii) In case of swapping between two colleges, only the difference amount (as per the above calculations which are per-candidate-basis) needs be paid to/received from, the other colleges. In all other cases, the rules (i) and (ii) above are applicable.

The Principals are informed to communicate the same to the Principals of the counter-part colleges, by referring this University letter for making or receiving the payments, as the case may be. These guidelines for the distribution of the charges shall be applicable retrospectively, for all the examinations conducted from April, 2012 onwards.

JNTU-HYD : Late Fee Structure For Registration of University Examinations

1) The time deadlines for without fine, with Rs.100/- fine and with Rs.1000/- find shall be specified in the main notification. The existing practice for identification of time deadlines shall continue.

2) The candidates may be permitted with Rs.2000/- fine for each semester, upto two days before the issue of Examination stationary. This enables to combine the booklets of Rs.2000/- fine cases also in the main lot of booklets. The money transfer shall also be carried out along with other Examination fees money transfer.

3) A late fee of Rs.5000/- per semerster may be collected from candidates upto two days before commencement of that series of Examinations in the semester for which he/she applies.

4) A late fee of Rs.10,000/- per semerster may be levied from the candidates from one day before the commencement of that series of Examination till one day before the commencement of that particular examination for which candidate appears. However such permission is possible after getting confirmation of the availability of the question papers with ACE (EDEP) section. If the Examinations paper is not available, the Examination request for such cases shall not be accepted.

5) Items listed (2) to (4) above will not be included in main notification instead, they will be communicate in a seperate notification/communication from the office of Director of Evaluation.

Opportunities After B.E/B.Tech

The last decade has seen a tremendous change in the attitude of people towards their careers. Gone are the days when the only choices we had after completing school were Engineering, Medicine, Chartered Accountant, B.Com, and Law besides a few others. Today’s generation has endless career options open in front of it (from Nuclear Scientist to DJ). However, this presentation certainly is helping hand to decide your career after B.Tech


Before we go any further and talk about Career Planning, let’s just look at the change in the job scenario in the last decade:

• Growth of service sector, especially IT. In spite of the recent recession in the US economy, IT has been growing at an explosive rate with the requirement for skilled manpower in this sector desperately falling short of demand. As a result, countries that face such a shortage are busy recruiting manpower (on work permits) from countries, which have an adequate supply.

• In this era of global village, a person today is a global citizen going and living where his/her career aspirations take him/her. One’s country of birth is no longer the default choice to pursue a career in. Thus, we have people born in one corner of the world migrating and pursuing successful careers in another part of the world.

• Knowledge about Information, Communication and Entertainment, commonly referred to as the ICE Age has become increasingly important, rather inevitable for the students, specifically with the onset of IT.

• The focus today is on acquiring multiple skills and cross functionality rather than specializations: Today organizations are not made up of different departments each of them having a focused task and a limited role; instead today they are made up of teams. These teams consist of people who although have specialized skills but have to synergize their efforts in achieving a common goal.

• Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) are also opening new opportunities for different people. Procedures like deli censing encourage entrepreneurial activity, which leads to a lot more people taking initiative and exploiting their talents to their fullest potential. It is astonishing how many 21-year-old millionaires exist today and it is anybody’s guess how many more are expected tomorrow.

• Increasing presence of women in the working force plus increasing presence of women in areas traditionally considered male bastions for e.g. the armed forces.

• As the standard of living is increasing throughout the world; people are moving away from pure monetary considerations while considering a career. True, monetary considerations are still very important, but the weight age of other factors like emotional satisfaction, spiritual fulfillment etc. is increasing. Furthermore acceptance of these factors in a career decision is universally increasing and today a parent is more considerate and open, if his/her teenager states the desire to become a DJ, instead of a Chartered Accountant.

• Increase in pay packages plus increase in working hours but with increased flexibility.

• It has been propounded by most of the management gurus that emphasis of the next decade would shift from design and technology to happiness and aesthetics, clearly indicating the trend that one's job should match one's potential and interest rather than be decided on one's whims and fancies and dictates of peers and the available norms. Consequently there has been increased job/career switching for various reasons ranging from growth prospects to personal factors like need for creativity etc.

What does it all mean and where does it lead?

Simply put, with so much happening so quickly, most of us do not know what to do. Taking the information mentioned above into consideration and other factors like Parental Pressure, Peer Pressure, Environmental and Social Norms, the issue (i.e. your career decision) gets all the more complicated.
Another very crucial need also exists and that is an opportunity to identify and then develop those traits of your personality, which with respect to today’s scenario is absolutely necessary irrespective of one’s profession. Some of these traits are the ability to work in teams, leadership, creativity, communication skills etc.

This simply means that there is definitely a need for one to go through a process, which will not only enlighten and inform the individual with respect to the various career options, but will also be a journey of discovery of one’s own Interests, Aptitude and Personality which are the very critical components of any career decision. Added to this, one also needs to identify areas of personal development and needs to work on them before embarking on his/her career roadmap.

So, it is necessary for one to decide their career. Now that you have entered into B.Tech. So, now you have to start looking into your future.

Study or Job ?

There are two options you prefer after you complete your B.Tech degree. If you are economically efficient and don’t need a job, it is better you go for your further studies. A specialization will always earn you more salary as well as priority during interviews and of course sound grip over subject. Otherwise you can find some job.

Further Studies:

If you prefer to continue to studies, you can do Post graduate courses and then obtain a Ph.D. You have lots of options during this P.G course like M.S/ M.Tech, IAS/IPS, Navy/NDA and Finance related courses like MBA.


If you prefer doing P.G in your field of study, you can go for M.S/M.Tech. If you are ready to go outside India and financially sound you can prefer M.S. You need to appear for GRE/TOEFL for doing M.S in Foreign countries.

GRE: The Graduate Record Examination or GRE is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in English speaking countries. It is created and administered by the Educational Testing Service and is similar in format and content to the SAT. It is a computer based Online Test. The percentile scored in this exam will decide your future in doing M.S in foreign nations

TOEFL: The Test of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL®, pronounced "toe-full" or sometimes "toffle") evaluates the potential success of an individual to use and understand Standard American English at a college level. It is required for non-native applicants at many English-speaking colleges and universities. A TOEFL score is valid for two years and then is deleted from the official database.

The TOEFL® test is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS®) and is administered worldwide. The test was first administered 1964 and has since been taken by nearly 20 million students.

Since its introduction in late 2005, the Internet-based test (iBT) has progressively replaced both the computer-based (CBT) and paper-based (PBT) tests. The iBT has been introduced in phases, with the United States, Canada, France, Germany, and Italy in 2005 and the rest of the world in 2006, with test centers added regularly.

The demand for test seats remains very high even after almost a year after the introduction of the test: Candidates have to wait for months since short-term test dates are fully booked. The four-hour test consists of four sections, each measuring mainly one of the basic language skills (although some tasks may require multiple skills) and focusing on language used in an academic, higher-education environment. Note-taking is allowed in the iBT.

GATE: Conducted by one of seven Indian Institutes of Technology in rotation, Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an annual exam for admission to M.Tech and M.S. programmes in most engineering institutes in India[citation needed]. It is regarded as a benchmark test for engineering graduates in India [citation needed]. This examination is coordinated by a committee, comprising of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordinating Board - GATE, Department of Education, and Government of India. The pattern and syllabus are usually based on a candidate's B.Tech. Or BE syllabus. Minimum eligibility for appearing in this exam is usually a B.Tech, BE, B. Arch. or Masc. The exam is usually conducted on second Sunday of February.

PSU's like BARC, NPCIL, HAL etc. give importance to GATE scores for various job positions in their organizations.

It is not worthy for anyone doing P.G in some college other than Foreign/Indian University Colleges, and Premiere Private Engineering Colleges


If you prefer doing P.G in some finance related courses you can definitely go for MBA.

GMAT: The Graduate Management Admissions Test, better known by the acronym GMAT (pronounced G-mat), is a standardized test for determining aptitude to succeed academically in graduate business studies. The GMAT is used as one of the selection criteria by most respected business schools globally, most commonly for admission into an MBA program.

The GMAT is one of many factors schools use when reviewing applications for admission; it is typically balanced with work experience, grades in previous schools, recommendation letters and other admissions criteria.

The fee to take the GMAT is currently US$250, worldwide.

Global institutes like ISB require the entries to write GMAT.

CAT: Common Admission Test is conducted by IIMs in India for entry to various IIMs present in India. Admissions are based on the scores in CAT exam.

Indian Civil Service:

The Indian Civil Service serves as the backbone of India and carries great respect and responsibilities. India's best brains vie for entry into the Indian Civil Services as officers. Even though corporate jobs may offer the best of salaries and perks, a majority of youngsters and their parents still crave entry to the prestigious Indian Civil Services held by the UPSC. The very fact that a big share of every year's top posts in the civil services exams are bagged by professionals from various streams, shows that the IAS is still the dream job for many

These are most preferred routes by engineering students in education after B.Tech

Job/ work:

Software industry:

What ever the branch you are in during your engineering you can get into a software industry with simply communication skills. It is good if you get a job during the campus placements itself because it is really difficult to find a job after you come out of the college. However there are various kinds of jobs in Software industry which you get accordingly as your course of study or your specialization. It is ok if you do job for sometime and start studying again for your P.G courses.

Own Company:

If you are financially sound, you can start your own company with a little experience in some other company.

Still there are various choices in jobs like lecturer in some famous engineering college, call center jobs, etc.


So decide your career now it self and prepare accordingly to reach your goal.