Saturday 11 May 2013

How to win friends and influence people

Can you solve this? Only skilled people can open this file.......

Once you succeed to open this file, you will find names of the people who have managed to open this......

Now it is your turn! How to open attached file?

A man was traveling to London. At the bus stop, he met a man with 7 wives. Each wife has 12 sons and 12 daughters. Each daughter of the man's wife had 4 sons and 7 daughters. Each son of the man's wife had 7 sons and 4 daughters. Each granddaughter had 4 friends. How many people are going to London?

The number of people who are going to London is the password to open attached file.

(Enter the number in value not in word) Once you have opened it, add Your name and challenge others.

And forward to others to challenge......!!!!!!

Note:-(((((Don't post the answer here.....!!!!!!!But,post that you've got the skills to open it and as well as if you opened it only)))))

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