also known as key Stroke recorders are the softwares that can record
the key strokes.These are Used in phishing websites to steal your
username and password.These keylogger can also be installed on a
computer and they can send usernames and passwords using your Internet
connection.You can protect yourself using special tips and tricks.And if
you follow the guidelines we are providing your username and password
will be safe even if a keylogger has been already installed on your
Ethical hacking, often performed by white hats or skilled computer
experts, is the use of programming skills to determine vulnerabilities
in computer systems. While the non-ethical hacker or black hat exploits
these vulnerabilities for mischief, personal gain or other reasons, the
ethical hacker evaluates them, points them out, and may suggest changes
to systems that make them less likely to be penetrated by black hats.
White hats can work in a variety of ways. Many companies utilize ethical
hacking services from consultants or full-time employees to keep their
systems and information as secure as possible.
The work of ethical hacking is still considered hacking because it uses
knowledge of computer systems in an attempt to in some way penetrate
them or crash them. This work is ethical because it is performed to
increase the safety of the computer systems. It’s reasoned that if a
white hat can somehow break the security protocols of a system, so can a
black hat. Thus, the goal of ethical hacking is to determine how to
break in or create mischief with the present programs running, but only
at the request of the company that owns the system and specifically to
prevent others from attacking it.
People enter the field of ethical hacking in a variety of ways. Many
people are very computer savvy and many, but not all, have an
educational background in computer science. In some instances, the white
hat has gained his or her experience by first being a black hat.
If black hat hacking was at a sufficiently criminal level, the black hat
turned white hat may have served jail time before resuming a career in a
more productive and positive way as an ethical hacker. The computer
world is peopled with former black hats, who now hold ethical hacking
jobs. Conversely, some white hats, such as Steve Wozniak, never
committed any illegal acts, but simply possess the know-how and skills
to analyze problems with any computer system.
With increasing use of the Internet and concerns about its security,
especially when it comes to things like consumer information or private
medical details, there is considerable need for computer experts to work
in ethical hacking. Even sites owned by organizations like the US
government have been hacked in the past, and concern about information
theft remains incredibly high. Designing impenetrable systems or
identifying the current weaknesses of a system are vital parts of
keeping the Internet safe and information private, and even with the
present legion of ethical hackers that perform this work, there is still
more work to do.
Those with interest in the field of ethical hacking often acquire a lot
of their skills on their own, and many have particular talent with and
affinity for computers. Some knowledge can also be acquired through
formal education in computer programming. This work requires creativity,
and the ethical hacker must be able to think outside of the box, coming
up with as many possible ways as he or she can derive, a system might
be encroached upon by black hats.