Thursday 28 June 2012


Required Ingredients:

  • Bitter Guard Pieces
  • Lodduga Chekka
  • Neem Leaves
  • Danimma (pomegranate) fruit peel
  • Mango Tree Bark(outer dark brown part)
-Take the ingredients together and grind them to paste.
-Apply this paste to body like Nalugu and take bath after half an hour.
-By doing it daily skin glows and skin tone improves a lot


Make a paste of Sonti and Lavanga(cloves) with water. Apply this paste daily. It cures pimples effectively.

Make a paste of JAJIKAYA with water. Apply this paste for 30 days. Pimples will be reduced and no marks will be left.

Cut an Onion(neerulli) into two halves. Take one half and rub it to face. After half an hour wash face. Do it regularly and pimples will be cured.

Kasturi Pasupu(Turmeric powder)
Lemon juice
Mix them to get a paste. Apply this to face regularly. Pimples will be cured.

Apply the water that is obtained after washing rice(ganji). This will also cure pimples.


Some people may be suffering from stammering, they cant speak the words quickly. Some may speak very fast and their words would not be understood by others. The following remedy helps such people to overcome their problem.

Vasa Kommulu- 50 grams
Sonti Kommulu- 50 grams
Pippallu (pippali)- 50 grams
Saraswathi Leaf- 150 grams

Unani's Remedy For White Hair

-Have cow milk(preferably non-hybrid cow).
-Consume Guntagalagara(bringaraja) chatney along with food.
-Consume karam podi(made of mirchi powder,coconut, seseme seed oil) along with rice.

-Take good quality neem oil(vepa nune).
-One hour before having food, pour a drop of neem oil in nostrils and breath in.

-Bringaraj leaves, Usiri powder, Athimadhuram
-Mix above three and roast them.
-Then mix it with equal proportions of Black seseme seed powder(Nalla nuvvula podi) and candy sugar powder.
-Filter the composition using a cotton cloth to obtain a fine powder.
- Have it along with a cup of water daily one hour before having food.
-Initially have half teaspoon and increase the dosage to one teaspoon regularly.


Thanakam (Will be available in ayurvedic stores. Ask with the same name.)
Kusumala Nune(Safflower Oil)
First of all remove the hair cleanly.
Grind Thanakam in kusuma oil to make a paste.
Apply this paste on the place and massage it well.
Do this for 100 days.
This is a permanent remedy and works for sure. 

Unani's narrations for use of TRIPHALA

All diseases in human body arise due to imbalance of the three doshas namely Vaata, Pitta and Kapha. Triphala i.e. karakkaya, taanikaya and usirikaya are bestowed by God to maintain the above doshas in the desired proportion in human body.

Triphala powder means karakkaya, taanikaya and usirikakaya are to be taken in equal proportion. Make powder, mix and store. Now-a-days they are available in tablet form also apart from powder form. Even if there is no problem one can take the powder or tablets along with half a glass of water daily to preserve and protect our inbuilt immune system.

Use of Triphalas for specific problems:

1) Hair oil:
Take karakkaya, taanikaya, usirika kaaya, mango flowers, maddi tree bark powder in equal proportion and pound them to powder form. Add this powder to double quantity of sesame oil and boil. Filter the oil and store.
If the oil is used daily, hair growth will be dense.

2) Head problems:
Take karakkaya, taanikaya, usirika kaya powders 100 gms each. Add candy sugar powder 300 gm. And store. Take 10 gm in the morning and evening. Relieves from more than 100 problems of head.

3) Fits:
Take triphala churn half spoon along with one spoon honey daily in the evening. FITS problem will disappear.

4) Jaundice, asthma and other problems:
- Add one tsp ginger juice, 2.5 gm jaggery to one cup of triphala kashayam and take daily in the morning
and also:
- Add atimadhuram powder 50 gm to 150 gms triphala powder and store. Take 5 gm with half cup water daily at night.
If taken in the morning and evening as above for two weeks, FITS problem, cough, jaundice Asthma problems are relieved.

5) Stomach problems:
Mix triphala churn, atimadhuram powder, ippa chekka powder uniformly. Take ½ spoon along with ghee two times a day. All stomach problems will vanish,

6) Dysentry problems:
Take triphalas and kaachu in equal proportion and make powder. Take one tsp along with butter milk or honey two times a day. Blood motions, watery motions gum motions etc will subside.

7) Excess urination:
Take half spoon triphala powder with ¼ glass water during night. Sugar content in urine reduces and excess urination is stopped.

8) Jaundice:
Add little honey to 10 gm triphala ras and take two times a day. Jaundice problem disappears.

9) Good family life:
Take triphalas, addasaram leaves, pilli teega, atimadhuram, candy sugar, tippa sattui in equal proportion and make powder. Add cow’s ghee to consistency and make small balls equal to size of usirika. If taken two times a day, all problems of body get eliminated, body will become strong, one will be happy, will have longer life, sperm growth, capacity to lead good family life etc.

10) Pitta diseases:
Take half spoon triphalas powder along with one spoon honey two times a day. All diseases due to pitta will vanish.

11) Cough:
Prepare trikata churnam by mixing triphala powder, sonth, pippali, black pepper in equal proportion each constituent fried and make powder. Take half spoon powder along with honey two times a day. All types of cough like dry cough, wheezing cough, phlegm cough, blood emission with cough etc will subside.

12) Eye problems:

Add triphala powder 30 gms to 3 lts water and boil it to 1 litre on SIM flame. Add half litre milk and ¼ litre ghee and boil once again till ghee remains. Take this ghee two times a day (about one spoon). Eye sight improves and eye problems vanish.

Unani's recipes for HAIR BALDNESS

Hair baldness arises due to

i) Non applictaion of hair oil.
ii) Development of excess heat
iii) Lack of exercises

Recipe No.1:
Yoga and exercises:

i) Spell out 'Om' for 10 times
ii) Sarvangasanam
iii) Ushtrasanam
iv) Shupta Vajrasanam

v) Visualisation exercise:
Sit in sukhasana posture, close your eyes and visualise your head portion. Visualise that all the excess heat from your head is dissipated. Visualise locks of silky, shinking hair growth in the bald portion without any bald patches. Do this for 10 minutes daily. Hair regrows.

Recipe No.2:
Tonsure the entire head and do the following:

i) Apply raddish juice with a cotton cloth by stretching the skin where bald is present so that the applied juice enters the blocked roots of the hair. Apply juice round the head and on the patches of hair loss before going to bed. Take bath early in the morning with Ayurvedic shampoo.

ii) Put 2 droops of sesame oil in the nostrils and breathe in. Due to this the closed pores of the root ends of hair that was lost will reopen and hair regrows.

iii) Repeat the tonsure process once again after 15 days and apply raddish juice and nose drops as mentioned above.

Benefits: Within 3 to 6 months hair regrows again in the bald portions.

Recipe No.3:
Kalabanda hair oil:

Kalabanda gujju : 1/4 kg.
Coconut oil : 1/4 kg.
Mix the above and boil on SIM flame till oil remains. Before removing from flame add a fistful of maruvam/davanam. Before the leaves turn black, remove from flame, filter and store.
Oil can be used daily. Those having hair problems, the oil should be applied in warm condition to each layer of hair till it soaks into the roots.
The roots of hair will be strengthened, excess heat in head reduces, nerves will be cooled, dandruff will be eliminated, oiliness in head goes away, itching in head vanishes, hair fall, grey hair, bald head, penukorukudu etc. problems will be solved.

Recipe No.4:
Jatamamsi : 100 gm
Chengalva kostu : 100 gm
Black sesame : 100 gm
Sugandhaphala roots : 100 gm
Tamara ginjalu : 100 gms.
Grind all the above to paste with water, add 500 gm naatu cow's ghee and boil on SIM flame till ghee remains. Filter the ghee and store.
Apply this ghee to the head daily or atleast two times a week.
Baldhead problem will be resolved.

Recipe No.5:
Tips for Bald head problem:

i) Wrap wet cloth around head. Wrap one dry cloth over it and on the top one thikck bed sheet. Excess heat is removed, head gets warmed and the closed roots will re-open.

ii) Apply neem oil or mustard oil by Nasya karma

iii) Apply hair oil atleast two times a week. Use Bringraj hair oil or kalbanda hair oil or usirika hairoil or coconut oil till the oil reaches roots. Gently massage and wrap one cloth. Take head bath with soap nut or seeka kaya early in the morning.

iv) Soak 5 pieces triphalas (Taanikaaya, usirikaya, karakkaya) over night. Apply the filtered water to head and comb the hair. Hair fall stops and hair regrows.

v) Apply onion juice with cotton cloth on the bald patches and gently massage. Take bath after it is dried.

vi) Make paste of onion seeds powder by grinding with water. Apply the paste on the bald patches and take bath after it dries.

Recipe No.6:
Take boorugu jiguru (gum), nela taadi dumpalu and tamara ginjalu in equal proportion, make pieces, dry and make powder and store. Take little powder grind it with water and apply the paste to the bald portion. Wait for one hour and wash. Do this for 2 to 3 times a week till the hair restarts growing.

Unani’s recipes for SKIN PROBLEMS - ALLERGY

Recipe No.1:

Cow’s ghee : 100 gms
Pepper : 100 gm
Add pepper to ghee and boil ghee on SIM flame. Remove the pepper and use the ghee along with rice.
All skin problems vanish within 40 to 100 days. Blood purifies, skin will beautify.
Pepper has the strength to improve the immunity of the body.

Recipe No.2:
Mud bath:
Ondru matti : ¼ kg
Neem leaf powder : 2 sp.
Tulasi leaf powder : 2 sp.
Turmeric : little
Camphor (mudda karpooram) : 5 gm
Mix all the above contents and apply mud to entire body. After half an hour take bath.
Body pains, Allergy (daddurlu), itching, burning, heat reduction, internal pollution etc will be cleared.

Recipe No.3:
For smooth skin:
Seema avisa ginjala powder : 100gm
Urath dal (mina pappu): 100 gm (Fry and powder)
Pippali : 100 gm ( fry and powder)
Cow’s ghee or naatu gede ghee : as required to form paste for each day.
Prepare the above powder and store. Take required quantity of powder add ghee as required and apply to entire body. Take bath after one hour. Milk also can be added.
At least 2 times in a week.
Roughness of skin, blackness, pricking sensation etc will be eliminated.

Recipe No.4:
Turmeric sticks : 50 gm
Bark of soap nut tree (kunkudu chettu beredu) : 50 gm
Coconut oil : 50 gm
Bees wax : 50 gm
Pound the turmeric sticks and bark of soap nut tree and fry in a vessel till it turns black. Sieve the powder. Add bees wax and coconut oil by little boiling. Filter the oil and add the above powders, stirring with spoon. After it cools a little, add 10 to 20 gm camphor (mudda karpuram ). Stir it well and let it dry. Store the paste in bottle.
Usage :
Apply paste to the affected skin 2 to 3 times a day.
Gajji, chidumu, ring worm, stripes on stomach (due to wearing pants/langa), itching, skin problems in arm pits etc will be eliminated.
While using this paste do not eat brinjal, gongoora, aavakaya (mango pickle). All those where mustard is used, chilly, salt, pulupu (tamarind).

Recipe No.5:
Tips for Allergy (daddurlu) and itching.
i) Apply mustard oil to entire body and take bath after one hour.
ii) Add saindhavalavanam to ghee and apply to entire body. Take bath after one hour
iii) Add jaggery (10 gm) to ginger juice (30gm). Take it morning and evening before food.
iv) Add Vaamu powder and old jaggery powder in equal proportion and store. Take 2 spoons three times a day for 10 to 15 days. Seeta paityam will be eliminated.

Recipe No.6:
Tulasi leaf juice : 20 gm
Ginger juice ; 20 gm
Pudina juice : 20 gm
Neem leaf juice : 20 gm
Turmeric : 20 gm
Mix all the above and store. Apply to the affected parts half an hour before bath.
Itching, allergy (daddurlu) will be eliminated.

Unani's recipes for EXCESS FAT IN CHEST

Recipe No.1

Karakkaya : 100 gm
Taanikaya : 100 gm
Usiri kaya : 100 gm
Sonthi : 100 gm
Pippali : 100 gm
Pepper : 100 gm
Saindhava lavanam: 100 gm
Fry all the above contents and make powder. Sieve and store.
Take three pinches daily along with water.
Excess fat in chest melts away.

Recipe No.2:
Sesame oil: 100 gm. Boil and remove from flame.
Add 20 gm camphor powder, 10 gm pepper powder and 10 gm pippali powder. Stir it well and store in a bottle.
Usage: Apply to the chest from top to the sides. Massage outwards so that excess fat melts away after usage for a few days. Take bath after one hour.