Thursday 31 May 2012

JNTU-HYD : Rescheduled dates of postponed University examinations on 28th & 31st May 2012

B.Tech / B.Pharmacy University Examinations on 28-05-2012 and 31-05-2012 had been postponed. These Examinations will be conducted as per the following Time –Table

S.No Name of The Examinations Scheduled Date of Exam Rescheduled Date of Exam
01 B.Pharmacy III Year I Semester [R09, R07, NR, OR] 28-05-2012 F.N 02-06-2012 F.N
(10.00AM to 1.00 PM)
02 B.Tech II Year I Semester
[R09, R07, R05, RR]
28-05-2012 A.N 08-06-2012 A.N
(2.00 PM to 5.00 PM)
03 B.Tech III Year I Semester [R09, R07, R05, RR] 31-05-2012 F.N 07-06-2012 F.N (10.00AM to 1.00PM)
04 B.Tech IV Year I Semester [R07, R05, RR] 31-05-2012 A.N 07-06-2012 A.N (2.00PM to 5.00PM)
05 B.Tech I Year
[R09, R07, R05]
28-05-2012 F.N 13-06-2012 F.N (10.00AM to 1.00PM)

It is requested to communicate the same to the students immediately.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Students of PRRCET

Mini Projects:_ Once we confirm it with the management we will let you know

ns-3.5.1 released

ns-3.5.1 has been released and is immediately available at

This is a bugfix-only release:
  • Bug 628: Virtual Net Device's DoDispose doesn't clean up properly
  • Bug 632: fix bug preventing the sending of packets to a local IP
  • emu device shouldn't be adding an FCS
  • Bug 627: Jakes Propagation Loss Model doesn't properly calculate signal loss
  • Bug 625: Wrong calculation of GetAccessGrantStart in DcfManager.
  • Bug 381: Wifi crashes on shutdown
  • Fix example
  • Bug 642: allow multiple InternetStackHelpers to be instantiated
  • Implement UdpSocketImpl::Close ()
  • bug 650: PacketSocket::Close()
  • Reorder the #includes in to solve Fedora 11 compilation error
  • Bug 639: Buffer::CopyData is buggy.
  • Bug 654: avoid segfault with ConfigStore loading
  • Fixed erroneous first return of Normal Variable
  • Bug 661: Fixed WifiMacHeader Print Control Characters
  • Bug 643: Interference Helper does not account properly for simultaneous events
  • Require nsc 0.5.1
I can see a flood of RREQ and RREP around 178 second region. This really
should not have happened for stationary nodes.
i believe this a bug. Can you file it on,

  Screen Shot 2012-05-17 at 10.02.27 AM.png
269K Download
What's the ns-3 version?

> On Thursday, May 17, 2012, Michael W.S. Yee wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>       I use the testing code "examples/routing/" to test aodv routing performance, in the simulation, set up 10 sinks, 5Mbps for each on/off Application, Packet size is 5000 Bytes, and the simulation lasts 200 seconds, 0~50 seconds is going to setup the network topology, 51~200 seconds doing the simulation.
>      When network scale is 10 nodes, the throughput is a normal value from 51s~200s, but with 50 nodes, the performance gets so poor that the throughput is close to 0 from 180s~200s. Is this  means a serious congestion happened in the network ?

> --
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Best Regards,
Michael W.S. Yee@ Peking University, P.R. China

Michael W.S. Yee  
View profile  
Hi everyone,
       I use the testing code "examples/routing/" to test aodv routing performance, in the simulation, set up 10 sinks, 5Mbps for each on/off Application, Packet size is 5000 Bytes, and the simulation lasts 200 seconds, 0~50 seconds is going to setup the network topology, 51~200 seconds doing the simulation.  
      When network scale is 10 nodes, the throughput is a normal value from 51s~200s, but with 50 nodes, the performance gets so poor that the throughput is close to 0 from 180s~200s. Is this  means a serious congestion happened in the network ?
12K Download

4K Download

Best Regards,
Michael W.S. Yee@ Peking University, P.R. China


ns-3.8 Released

ns-3.8 has been released and is immediately available for download here.

A plethora of new features have been included with this release. They are listed below:
  1. WiMAX Net Device:
    Allow to simulate IEEE 802.16 point to multi-point based networks.
  2. MPI Based Parallelization:
    Distributed simulation for point-to-point networks using the MPI standard.
  3. Matrix Propagation Loss Model:
    This model uses a two-dimensional matrix of path loss, indexed by source and destination nodes.
  4. Topology Read System:
    Allows quick and easy creation of large topologies by reading Inet or Orbis files.
  5. Gauss-Markov Mobility Model:
    Adds 3-D adaptation of Gauss-Markov mobility model which has both memory and variability.
  6. Steady-state Random Waypoint Mobility Model:
    Based on random waypoint mobility (RWM) model for cases when speed, pause and position are uniformly distributed random variables. However, initial values of these parameters are not from uniform distribution, but from a stationary distribution of RWM model.
  7. Two-ray Ground Propagation Loss Model:
    Calculates the crossover distance under which Friis is used. The antenna height is set to the node's z-coordinate, but can be added to using the model parameter SetHeightAboveZ, which will affect *all* stations.
A long list of bug fixes have also been included with this release. A complete list is available here.

ns-3.9 Released

ns-3.9 has been released and is available from the releases directory:

A short list of new features is shown below:
  • a new OFDM error rate model for WiFi based on an underlying NIST model
  • a new mobility trace reader for reading ns-2, BonnMotion, SUMO, and TraNS mobility trace files
  • an energy model for nodes and devices, including an energy source model and device energy models
  • Rocketfuel topology dataset support for the Rocketfuel ISP topology mapping engine
  • an underwater acoustic network (UAN) model
For a more complete changelog, please look at the full RELEASE_NOTES:

Thanks to Josh Pelkey for serving as release manager, and for the usual strong support from maintainers and contributors.

NS-3 Summer of Code 2011: Results Announced!

We have selected three students for the NS-3 Summer of Code 2011. The accepted list of projects are listed below:
  • Ashwin Narayan with "Click-MAC extensions for ns-3-click". Mentored by Ruben Merz and Lalith Suresh.
  • Pankaj Gupta with "LTE-RRC extensions". Mentored by Giuseppe Piro and Francesco Capozzi.
  • Atishay Jain with "Ipv6 Global Routing". Mentored by Tom Henderson and Mitch Watrous.
Congratulations to all of you and welcome to the ns-3 community, we look forward to working with you over the summer!

Announcing the NS-3 Summer of Code

We are pleased to announce the NS-3 Summer of Code (NSoC) 2011 programme!

The NSoC is a summer program to bring in student developers into the ns-3 community. Any student (Undergraduate, Masters or PhD) currently registered in an accredited institution is free to apply. Students will be paired with mentors from the ns-3 development team, and will work on focused projects throughout the summer. The main goals of the program are:

  • Attract new student developers who’re eager about contributing and, if they like the experience, will join the project for the long term.
  • Provide students with a good mentoring programme, allow them to be a part of the ns-3 development process, and help them pick up knowledge and skills that would be helpful in their future careers.

Unlike Google Summer of Code, NSoC is not a paid summer position, and neither students nor mentors will be paid. Students who successfully complete the project will receive recognition on the ns-3 web site, and a commemorative shirt. Mentors will be recognized as well.

At most three students will be selected for this programme. So students, what are you waiting for? Look through the ideas page (link given below) and start working on your applications as soon as possible!

The timeline for the programme is as follows:

April 5th - April 15th: Students apply for NSoC with project proposals.
April 15th - April 30th: NS-3 developers review project proposals.
May 1st: Results announced.
May 2nd - May 22nd: Community Interaction/Introductions.
May 23rd: Coding Period.
July 11th - July 15th: Mid Term Code Review + feedback.
August 15th - August 19th: End Term Code Review + feedback.

Important links:

NSoC page
Project Ideas page
Student application template

Friday, January 7, 2011

ns-3.10 has been released and is available from the releases directory. Some significant additions/changes to ns-3 are as follows:
  • the PyViz visualizer has been merged to the main tree
  • a new TCP implementation for IPv4, including default support for TCP NewReno congestion control
  • a bulk file transfer application
  • DSDV routing for IPv4
  • support for IEEE 802.11g
  • the initial set of models for 3GPP LTE (from GSOC 2010)
  • energy support for the UAN module and a Li-Ion energy model (from GSOC 2010)
  • migration of the trace-based regression tests to the new test framework
  • reorganisation of the high MAC of the 802.11 model
  • support for modeling energy consumption in WiFi devices
  • conversion of project documentation to Sphinx
For a more complete changelog, please look at the full RELEASE_NOTES.

Thanks to Tom Henderson and Josh Pelkey for serving as release managers. And to all our community members, keep the contributions flowing!