Saturday 26 May 2012

ns-3.5.1 released

ns-3.5.1 has been released and is immediately available at

This is a bugfix-only release:
  • Bug 628: Virtual Net Device's DoDispose doesn't clean up properly
  • Bug 632: fix bug preventing the sending of packets to a local IP
  • emu device shouldn't be adding an FCS
  • Bug 627: Jakes Propagation Loss Model doesn't properly calculate signal loss
  • Bug 625: Wrong calculation of GetAccessGrantStart in DcfManager.
  • Bug 381: Wifi crashes on shutdown
  • Fix example
  • Bug 642: allow multiple InternetStackHelpers to be instantiated
  • Implement UdpSocketImpl::Close ()
  • bug 650: PacketSocket::Close()
  • Reorder the #includes in to solve Fedora 11 compilation error
  • Bug 639: Buffer::CopyData is buggy.
  • Bug 654: avoid segfault with ConfigStore loading
  • Fixed erroneous first return of Normal Variable
  • Bug 661: Fixed WifiMacHeader Print Control Characters
  • Bug 643: Interference Helper does not account properly for simultaneous events
  • Require nsc 0.5.1

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