Tuesday 10 November 2020

Error in Installing XAMPP On Windows-10 UAC Warning Message Solution fix


  •  I am trying to install xampp-windows-x64-7.1.29-1-VC14-installer. I get a message saying " Because an activated user account control ( UAC ) on your system some functions of XAMPP are possibly restricted with UAC please avoid to install XAMPP to c:\program Files (x86) ( missing write permisssions). Or deactivate UAC with msconfig after the setup.

    Installing XAMPP On Windows 10 & User Account Control (UAC) Warning Message

    How To work on UAC when Installing XAMPP 

    There are two things you need to check: 
    Ensure that your user account has administrator privilege.

    Disable UAC (User Account Control) as it restricts certain administrative function needed to run a web server.

    To ensure that your user account has administrator privilege, run lusrmgr.msc from the Windows Start > Run menu to bring up the Local Users and Groups Windows.
    Double-click on your user account that appears under Users, and verifies that it is a member of Administrators.

    To disable UAC (as an administrator), from Control Panel:According to the instruction they had given I simply went to

    • Start Menu –> Control Panel–> In the Control Panel search box just type User Account Control.
    • Then you will get the results among which I found; 

    Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    • “Change User Account Control Settings”

    Kumar Atul Jaiswal

    In this User Account Control Settings Form you will find a slider that controls the level of notification messages you want when changes are done to your computer.

    Kumar Atul Jaiswal
    NOTE :- Alternately, if you don't want to disable UAC, you will have to install XAMPP in a different folder, outside of C:\Program Files (x86), such as C:\xampp.
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