Saturday 2 May 2015

Network SimulatorFor Windows
"Network Simulator (NS) is a discrete event simulator targeted at networking research. NS provides substantial support for simulation of TCP, routing, and multicast protocols over wired and wireless (local and satellite) networks". You may find more info about NS at Information Science Institue's homepage.
Here you could find concise notes about how to use NS on Windows. Downloading, Installing, and Compiling NS has been described and some useful related tools has been introduced.
 A Sample NS project of mine may be downloaded here. It includes a general TCL script which could be considered as Queue Experimentation Benchmark. A source code shows how to trace various queue parameter values in a typical network topology. It is not well documented and the interested user may follow the NS manual along with comments in the presented script and source codes.

Things to download
If you want to just install and run NS on windows without having to compile the source code the following list includes the minimum things to download:
NAM is a Tcl/TK based animation tool for viewing network simulation traces and real world packet traces. ActiveTCL is binary build of Tcl for Windows from ActiveState. Cygwin is a UNIX environment, developed by Red Hat, for Windows.
If you want to install, compile and run NS on windows the following list includes the minimum things to download:

How to install
You may follow these steps to install NS on Windows:
  • Make a new folder on hard disk (Let's call it D:\NsProjects)
  • Copy downloaded NS binary for windows (e.g. ns-2.1b9a-win32.exe) to D:\NsProjects and rename it as ns.exe
  • Copy downloaded NS binary for windows (e.g. nam-1.0a11a-win32.exe) to D:\NsProjects and rename it as nam.exe
  • Go to downloaded Cyqwin directory and install it. (Run setup.exe and select "Install from local directory")
  • Go to downloaded ActiveTCL directory and install it (e.g. run ActiveTcl8.3.4.2-1-win32-ix86.exe)
  • Restart computer after installing ActiveTCL. It may not ask for restarting but you have to do this for initializing some of the system environment variables.
  • Create a sample TCL script for NS. You may find many sample TCL scripts in NS manuals. For example get this one (example2.tcl). Copy the tcl script to D:\NsProjects.
Now you have all of the required files. Follow these steps for running NS:
  • Run Cygwin
  • In Cygwin window use "cd" commands and go to D:\NsProjects (You may use "mount" command without any parameter to have the list of the mounted file systems. e.g. you may go to /cygdrive/D/NsProjects)
  • In Cygwin window run "ns example2.tcl"

Useful related tools
  • TraceGraph: This is a very useful analysis tool for NS written by Jaroslaw Malek. It uses MATLAB 6.0 run-time libraries. You may find out more about and download it here.
  • GnuPlot: This is the well known "General purpose plotting program". VINT's proposed plotting tool for NS is "xgraph", but it is just available in X-Windows. GnuPlot may be used as graphing tool in Windows. You may find out more about and download it here. (Link1)
  • Javis: Javis is the Java implementation of Nam, the network animator which can show animations of Nam trace files.You may find out more about and download it here.

How to compile

All download links

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