Thursday 31 May 2012

JNTU-HYD : Rescheduled dates of postponed University examinations on 28th & 31st May 2012

B.Tech / B.Pharmacy University Examinations on 28-05-2012 and 31-05-2012 had been postponed. These Examinations will be conducted as per the following Time –Table

S.No Name of The Examinations Scheduled Date of Exam Rescheduled Date of Exam
01 B.Pharmacy III Year I Semester [R09, R07, NR, OR] 28-05-2012 F.N 02-06-2012 F.N
(10.00AM to 1.00 PM)
02 B.Tech II Year I Semester
[R09, R07, R05, RR]
28-05-2012 A.N 08-06-2012 A.N
(2.00 PM to 5.00 PM)
03 B.Tech III Year I Semester [R09, R07, R05, RR] 31-05-2012 F.N 07-06-2012 F.N (10.00AM to 1.00PM)
04 B.Tech IV Year I Semester [R07, R05, RR] 31-05-2012 A.N 07-06-2012 A.N (2.00PM to 5.00PM)
05 B.Tech I Year
[R09, R07, R05]
28-05-2012 F.N 13-06-2012 F.N (10.00AM to 1.00PM)

It is requested to communicate the same to the students immediately.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Students of PRRCET

Mini Projects:_ Once we confirm it with the management we will let you know

ns-3.5.1 released

ns-3.5.1 has been released and is immediately available at

This is a bugfix-only release:
  • Bug 628: Virtual Net Device's DoDispose doesn't clean up properly
  • Bug 632: fix bug preventing the sending of packets to a local IP
  • emu device shouldn't be adding an FCS
  • Bug 627: Jakes Propagation Loss Model doesn't properly calculate signal loss
  • Bug 625: Wrong calculation of GetAccessGrantStart in DcfManager.
  • Bug 381: Wifi crashes on shutdown
  • Fix example
  • Bug 642: allow multiple InternetStackHelpers to be instantiated
  • Implement UdpSocketImpl::Close ()
  • bug 650: PacketSocket::Close()
  • Reorder the #includes in to solve Fedora 11 compilation error
  • Bug 639: Buffer::CopyData is buggy.
  • Bug 654: avoid segfault with ConfigStore loading
  • Fixed erroneous first return of Normal Variable
  • Bug 661: Fixed WifiMacHeader Print Control Characters
  • Bug 643: Interference Helper does not account properly for simultaneous events
  • Require nsc 0.5.1
I can see a flood of RREQ and RREP around 178 second region. This really
should not have happened for stationary nodes.
i believe this a bug. Can you file it on,

  Screen Shot 2012-05-17 at 10.02.27 AM.png
269K Download
What's the ns-3 version?

> On Thursday, May 17, 2012, Michael W.S. Yee wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>       I use the testing code "examples/routing/" to test aodv routing performance, in the simulation, set up 10 sinks, 5Mbps for each on/off Application, Packet size is 5000 Bytes, and the simulation lasts 200 seconds, 0~50 seconds is going to setup the network topology, 51~200 seconds doing the simulation.
>      When network scale is 10 nodes, the throughput is a normal value from 51s~200s, but with 50 nodes, the performance gets so poor that the throughput is close to 0 from 180s~200s. Is this  means a serious congestion happened in the network ?

> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "ns-3-users" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at

Best Regards,
Michael W.S. Yee@ Peking University, P.R. China

Michael W.S. Yee  
View profile  
Hi everyone,
       I use the testing code "examples/routing/" to test aodv routing performance, in the simulation, set up 10 sinks, 5Mbps for each on/off Application, Packet size is 5000 Bytes, and the simulation lasts 200 seconds, 0~50 seconds is going to setup the network topology, 51~200 seconds doing the simulation.  
      When network scale is 10 nodes, the throughput is a normal value from 51s~200s, but with 50 nodes, the performance gets so poor that the throughput is close to 0 from 180s~200s. Is this  means a serious congestion happened in the network ?
12K Download

4K Download

Best Regards,
Michael W.S. Yee@ Peking University, P.R. China


ns-3.8 Released

ns-3.8 has been released and is immediately available for download here.

A plethora of new features have been included with this release. They are listed below:
  1. WiMAX Net Device:
    Allow to simulate IEEE 802.16 point to multi-point based networks.
  2. MPI Based Parallelization:
    Distributed simulation for point-to-point networks using the MPI standard.
  3. Matrix Propagation Loss Model:
    This model uses a two-dimensional matrix of path loss, indexed by source and destination nodes.
  4. Topology Read System:
    Allows quick and easy creation of large topologies by reading Inet or Orbis files.
  5. Gauss-Markov Mobility Model:
    Adds 3-D adaptation of Gauss-Markov mobility model which has both memory and variability.
  6. Steady-state Random Waypoint Mobility Model:
    Based on random waypoint mobility (RWM) model for cases when speed, pause and position are uniformly distributed random variables. However, initial values of these parameters are not from uniform distribution, but from a stationary distribution of RWM model.
  7. Two-ray Ground Propagation Loss Model:
    Calculates the crossover distance under which Friis is used. The antenna height is set to the node's z-coordinate, but can be added to using the model parameter SetHeightAboveZ, which will affect *all* stations.
A long list of bug fixes have also been included with this release. A complete list is available here.

ns-3.9 Released

ns-3.9 has been released and is available from the releases directory:

A short list of new features is shown below:
  • a new OFDM error rate model for WiFi based on an underlying NIST model
  • a new mobility trace reader for reading ns-2, BonnMotion, SUMO, and TraNS mobility trace files
  • an energy model for nodes and devices, including an energy source model and device energy models
  • Rocketfuel topology dataset support for the Rocketfuel ISP topology mapping engine
  • an underwater acoustic network (UAN) model
For a more complete changelog, please look at the full RELEASE_NOTES:

Thanks to Josh Pelkey for serving as release manager, and for the usual strong support from maintainers and contributors.

NS-3 Summer of Code 2011: Results Announced!

We have selected three students for the NS-3 Summer of Code 2011. The accepted list of projects are listed below:
  • Ashwin Narayan with "Click-MAC extensions for ns-3-click". Mentored by Ruben Merz and Lalith Suresh.
  • Pankaj Gupta with "LTE-RRC extensions". Mentored by Giuseppe Piro and Francesco Capozzi.
  • Atishay Jain with "Ipv6 Global Routing". Mentored by Tom Henderson and Mitch Watrous.
Congratulations to all of you and welcome to the ns-3 community, we look forward to working with you over the summer!

Announcing the NS-3 Summer of Code

We are pleased to announce the NS-3 Summer of Code (NSoC) 2011 programme!

The NSoC is a summer program to bring in student developers into the ns-3 community. Any student (Undergraduate, Masters or PhD) currently registered in an accredited institution is free to apply. Students will be paired with mentors from the ns-3 development team, and will work on focused projects throughout the summer. The main goals of the program are:

  • Attract new student developers who’re eager about contributing and, if they like the experience, will join the project for the long term.
  • Provide students with a good mentoring programme, allow them to be a part of the ns-3 development process, and help them pick up knowledge and skills that would be helpful in their future careers.

Unlike Google Summer of Code, NSoC is not a paid summer position, and neither students nor mentors will be paid. Students who successfully complete the project will receive recognition on the ns-3 web site, and a commemorative shirt. Mentors will be recognized as well.

At most three students will be selected for this programme. So students, what are you waiting for? Look through the ideas page (link given below) and start working on your applications as soon as possible!

The timeline for the programme is as follows:

April 5th - April 15th: Students apply for NSoC with project proposals.
April 15th - April 30th: NS-3 developers review project proposals.
May 1st: Results announced.
May 2nd - May 22nd: Community Interaction/Introductions.
May 23rd: Coding Period.
July 11th - July 15th: Mid Term Code Review + feedback.
August 15th - August 19th: End Term Code Review + feedback.

Important links:

NSoC page
Project Ideas page
Student application template

Friday, January 7, 2011

ns-3.10 has been released and is available from the releases directory. Some significant additions/changes to ns-3 are as follows:
  • the PyViz visualizer has been merged to the main tree
  • a new TCP implementation for IPv4, including default support for TCP NewReno congestion control
  • a bulk file transfer application
  • DSDV routing for IPv4
  • support for IEEE 802.11g
  • the initial set of models for 3GPP LTE (from GSOC 2010)
  • energy support for the UAN module and a Li-Ion energy model (from GSOC 2010)
  • migration of the trace-based regression tests to the new test framework
  • reorganisation of the high MAC of the 802.11 model
  • support for modeling energy consumption in WiFi devices
  • conversion of project documentation to Sphinx
For a more complete changelog, please look at the full RELEASE_NOTES.

Thanks to Tom Henderson and Josh Pelkey for serving as release managers. And to all our community members, keep the contributions flowing!
I am using an ns-3-dev version updated three weeks ago
 (cloned from

./waf --run 'flow_monitoring 106'
may return the same situation described in this thread.

Otherwise, in order to detect the time of the anomaly for checking the
routing tables, log the tcp-socket-base, and search for 'ReTxTimeout
Expired at time '.

Thank you very much.
Dear all,

in my previous post
I was trying to identify the reason why a node that correctly received a
packet did not forward it.
I thought that the problem was at the MAC level, but I've just noted that
the real problem is at the IP level.

By analyzing the routing tables, I observed that the 'selfish' node does
not forward the packet because it's missing some routing paths info.

one source node transmits TCP packets via bulk-send-application to a
destination node that is 5 hops away (CHAIN topology).
(source)0 ---> 1 ---> 2 ---> 3 ---> 4 ---> 5(destination)

- Wifi 802.11a
- TCP NewReno
- Fixed positions (100 meters inter-node distance)

The 'selfish' node is Node 3; it correctly received ACK=X, but it did not
enqueued the packet in its transmission queue, approximately at time 46.  

In the following, please find the routing tables of each node at time 45.6.
As you can note, Node 3 does not 'see' Node 0.

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        1        1        2        1        3        1        4        1        5    

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        1        1        1        1        2        1        3        1        4    

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        2        1        1        1        1        1        2        1        3    

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        2        1        1        1        1        1        2    

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        4        1        3        1        2        1        1        1        1    

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        5        1        4        1        3        1        2        1        1

Later routing tables (time 46.4) show that also Node 4 and Node 5 stops
having routing information about Node 0.

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        1        1        2        1        3        1        4        1        5    

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        1        1        1        1        2        1        3        1        4    

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        2        1        1        1        1        1        2        1        3    

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        2        1        1        1        1        1        2    

Destination   NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        3        1        2        1        1        1        1    

Destination    NextHop        Interface    Distance        1        4        1        3        1        2        1        1

At around 50 seconds, the routing tables are again complete.

Please note that I am using OLSR routing with its default configuration,
and the nodes are static...
Does anybody have an idea?

Further, as I said, by evaluating 100s-long simulations with different
seeds, this is occurring 2/3 times.

Thanks in advance for your support. 

I am no OLSR expert at all, but I guess that OLSR is mistakenly detecting
that a link goes down, and I guess this might happen because e.g. of missed
hello packets or something similar. Now the question is why this happens...
for example I wonder if OLSR control packets end up in the same wifi queue
of data packet, and hence might be discarded by a buffer overflow. I seem
to recall that ns-2 had an explicit priority queue mechanism for this
purpose. No idea how ns-3 handle this... maybe some routing expert could
shed some light.  

The OLSR control packets are enqueued in the same wifi queue of data
packet, but the buffer is never overflowing.

1) If any of you, routing experts, have a suggestion, please contact me.


2) Does any of you know if there is a simple way to freeze the routing
tables initially generated with OLSR until the end of the simulation?


Marco Mezzavilla
Ph.D. Student - SIGNET Group
Department of Information Engineering (DEI)
University of Padova - Italy 

thanks for the support.
I tried to focus on the analysis of HELLO+TC messages, and it looks like it
is all working properly, no losses nor collisions.
I would kindly ask some routing (OLSR) experts to give a look to this

In few words, I can't understand why at a certain time a node loses some
routing info for few seconds.
I tried to log OLSR procedures, but I do not see any strange behavior (find
attached, starting from approximately 40seconds, referring to the previous


On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Konstantinos <>wrote:

Marco Mezzavilla
Ph.D. Student - SIGNET Group
Department of Information Engineering (DEI)
University of Padova - Italy
379K View Download


I am creating a module for Cellular IPv6 ( as part of
my Masters project. I have used AODV as the foundation for creating the
Cellular Ip routing protocol. However I am getting the following error on
building the module:

./ undefined reference to `typeinfo for
./ undefined reference to `vtable for
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I have followed the exact procedure give in the tutorials (running
src/, adding source and header files in wscript etc).
A google search says that this error occurs when virtual functions in base
class are left undefined in child class. But I have defined all virtual
functions in Ipv6RoutingProtocol (base) inside CellIpv6RoutingProtocol
(child class).

Is there any other reason this error occurs when building with waf? I have
not generated the python bindings for the module because I think it is
optional. Is the error because of that?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hi all....
                    Attack creation follows these steps
Step 1 :
Step 2 :
Extract the folder copy and paste into the  ns2 director "ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/"
Step 3 :
Add “blackholeaodv” protocol agent is added in “  ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/\tcl\lib\ ns-lib.tcl ”
blackholeAODV {
set ragent [$self create-blackholeaodv-agent $node]
Simulator instproc create-blackholeaodv-agent { node } {
set ragent [new Agent/blackholeAODV [$node node-addr]]
$self at 0.0 "$ragent start"     # start BEACON/HELLO Messages
$node set ragent_ $ragent
return $ragent
Step 4 :
   Add this line  to the “ \makefile”. 
blackholeaodv/blackholeaodv_logs.o  blackholeaodv/blackholeaodv.o \
blackholeaodv/blackholeaodv_rtable.o  blackholeaodv/blackholeaodv_rqueue.o \
 Step 5 :
Recompile the the ns2
Enter the password :

Step 6:

#   Now run this sample program..... (save file "atk3.tcl")

 set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel ;
set val(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround ;
set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy ;
set val(mac) Mac/802_11 ;
set val(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue ;
set val(ll) LL ;
set val(ant) Antenna/OmniAntenna ;
set val(ifqlen) 40 ;
set val(nn) 3 ;
set val(rp) AODV ;
set val(brp) blackholeAODV ; # blackhole aodv protocol mentioned here....
set val(x) 1000 ;
set val(y) 1000 ;
set val(stop) 20 ;

set ns [new Simulator]
set tracefd [open w]
set namtracefd [open wrlsaodv.nam w]
$ns trace-all $tracefd
$ns use-newtrace
$ns namtrace-all-wireless $namtracefd $val(x) $val(y)
set topo [new Topography]
$topo load_flatgrid $val(x) $val(y)

#GOD (General Operations Director)
create-god $val(nn)
$ns node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp) \
-llType $val(ll) \
-macType $val(mac) \
-ifqType $val(ifq) \
-ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
-antType $val(ant) \
-propType $val(prop) \
-phyType $val(netif) \
-channelType $val(chan) \
-topoInstance $topo \
-agentTrace ON \
-routerTrace ON \
-macTrace ON \
-movementTrace OFF \

set node_(0) [$ns node]
set node_(1) [$ns node]

$node_(0) label "sender"
$node_(1) label "destination"

$ns node-config -adhocRouting $val(brp)
set node_(2) [$ns node]
#blackhole node creation

$node_(0) set X_ 0.0
$node_(0) set Y_ 350.0
$node_(0) set Z_ 0.0

$node_(1) set X_ 120.0
$node_(1) set Y_ 400.0
$node_(1) set Z_ 0.

$node_(2) set X_ 160.0
$node_(2) set Y_ 290.0
$node_(2) set Z_ 0.0

set udp [new Agent/UDP]
$udp set class_ 1
set sink [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $node_(0) $udp
$ns attach-agent $node_(1) $sink
$ns connect $udp $sink

set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr attach-agent $udp
$cbr set packetSize_ 512

$ns at 0.1 "$cbr start"
$ns at 19.0 "$cbr stop"

$ns at 0.01 "$node_(2) label \"blackhole node\""

for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {
$ns initial_node_pos $node_($i) 10

for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {
$ns at $val(stop) "$node_($i) reset"

$ns at $val(stop) "stop"

proc stop {} {
global ns tracefd namtracefd
$ns flush-trace
close $tracefd
close $namtracefd
exec nam wrlsaodv.nam &
exit 0
$ns run


 Step 7 :

              your output showing like this .......

Thursday 24 May 2012

Openings for Windows Administrators / Desktop Support Engineers : eLOGIC SOLUTION INDIA @ Hyderabad

elogic Solution India Pvt Ltd (

eLogictech Solutions Inc. is an organization that specializes in Architectural and Engineering Services.
With offices in US and Hyderabad, eLogic is working on several design and construction projects globally using the latest technology.
We take pride in providing quality products and services by adapting the latest technological advances with focus on time-tested methodologies with commitment to deliveries .

eLogic's team is comprised of highly talented and enthusiastic team of Architects and Engineers, from all over the country. eLogic works with some of the leading US and European firms, bring in rich experience and international standards, along with a fun and friendly work environment.

(0-1 Years) System Windows Administrators / Desktop Support Engineers @ Hyderabad

Job Position : System Windows Administrator / Desktop Support Engineer

Job Designation : System Administrator

Job Category : Networking / Hardware

Job Location : Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Compensation : INR 1,00,000 - 1,50,000 P.A. Extremely suitable candidates - 12K

Number of Vacancies : 1

Desired Experience : 0 to 1 Year

Key Skills : Windows 2008 server, Windows 7, Windows XP, LAN, WAN, Linux, MySQL, wintel, server support, windows administration

Desired Skills :
• Any Graduate from a reputed University
• Commitment to work for atleast one year
• Excellent Academic Background
• Good Written and verbal communication skills is mandatory
• Local candidates from Hyderabad are only required to apply

Job Description :
1. Must be graduate of any discipline
2. MCITP / MCSA Trained professional, should be well versed with Windows 2008 Server Administration
3. Thorough knowledge in Desktop Support (Windows XP / 7 Prof) - Installations & Troubleshooting
4. Ability to configure, troubleshoot and manage LAN, Internet and Wireless Networks/Routers
5. Linux / Redhat, MAC OS knowledge is added advantage
6. SQL Server / MySQL, Query writing, HTML, DHTML, PHP knowledge would be added advantage
7. Expert in Googling and Research methods
8. Good communication skills is mandatory
9. Salary : 8K to 10K. Extremely suitable candidates - 12K

We wish to freeze this position by this weekend.

Candidates that match all the criteria mentioned above need only apply


How to Apply for this Job ?

Step #1 : Submit Your Resume

Step #2 : App

JNTU-HYD : Info on Question Paper pattern, Collection of halltickets & Instructions for exams which are commencing from 21 May 2012

Exams centers for 1st Year (R09,R07,R05) Regular/Supple & 2-1 (R09,R07,R05,RR) Supple Exams are changed. Where as for 3-1 (R09,R07,R05,RR) Supple Exams will be conducted in their respective colleges. The list of centers are sent to their respective colleges & You can contact your college exam branch to know your exam center.

Note : All the Students are requested to collect the revised hall tickets of 2-1 Supple Exams as the exam centers are changed. Students can collect their halltickets from the exam centers where they are going to write their exams (Check the hallticket for principal signature of the exam center where you are going to write your exam).

Question Paper Pattern :
For the 1st Year B.Tech (R09,R07,R05) Regular/Supply Examinations commencing from 21st May 2012 only single question paper set will be issued. Where as for 2-1 & 3-1 Supple Exams 4 sets Question Paper will be issued.

Collection of hall tickets:

  • Students can collect their halltickets from the exam centers where they are going to write their exams (Check the hallticket for principal signature of the exam center where you are going to write your exam).
  • Students are advised to collect their halltickets by showing college ID cards atleast 1 day before the commencement of examination.

1. Reach examination center atleast 1 hour before and examination hall 30 minutes before the commencement of examination. Students will not be allowed after 10:00AM for FN session and 2:00PM for AN session.

2. You must bring Hallticket, College ID card, Calculator and other items required for examination. Do not carry unnecessary material to the examination center/Hall i.e., cellphones, loose papers and etc.

3. I year B.Tech students are directed to note that,
a) Student specific OMR answer booklets with ‘40’ pages will be issued for each examination
b) No additional Booklets/papers will be given.
c) Students are advised to handle carefully the OMR sheet of answer booklet.

Sunday 20 May 2012

JNTU-HYD : Change of Test Centers for M.Tech / M.Pharmacy Exams Commencing From 2nd May 2012

Principals of all the affiliated colleges offering M.Tech/ M.Pharmacy courses are informed to note that the centers for M.Tech / M.Pharmacy University examinations shall be changed with effect from 02-05-2012. However the examinations on 30-04-2012 and 01-05-2012 shall be conducted at the respective colleges only. The details of the college names and their respective new centers for writing University exams of M.Tech / M.Pharmacy will be put in the portal on 30-04-2012.

Hence, the Principals of the colleges offering M.Tech / M.Pharmacy exams are informed to arrange for sending the M.Tech / M.Pharmacy exam material of the University examinations commencing from 02-05-2012 on or before 01-05-2012 to the centre allotted for your college.

Further, the Principals are informed to instruct the M.Tech / M.Pharmacy students to write their University exams at the specified test center only for the exams commencing from 02-05-2012.

The cooperation of the Principals is highly solicited for the smooth conduct of University examinations.

M.Tech Test Centers of all colleges

Looking to join a Course / Job Guarantee Program ? BEWARE !!!

Looking to join a Course / Job Guarantee Program ? BEWARE !, Job Seekers &amp; Freshers must read it...

Off the late, I have been witnessing many instances where job seekers (especially Freshers) are getting cheated by FAKE Consultancies and Companies. I don&#039;t want that to happen to you. With minimum care, you can avoid getting cheated. Most of you might be aware of these things but still many of you fall in trap by their convincing false claims. These guidelines might help someone who is new to industry or fresh out of college. Please forward this to every one of your friends and try to help at least few of them from getting cheated. --&gt; ChetanaS

Thumb Rule # 1:


Companies dont need to take any money from you. They might tell you hundreds of stories like they are taking money as a &#039;Security Deposit&#039; or for &#039;Infrastructure&#039; purpose. Don\t trust them. If they don&#039;t have enough money for their infrastructure, they don&#039;t deserve to run the company smile.gif

Instead, I advise you to trust a company who doesn&#039;t ask a penny from you even if it is a start-up company. You can work for FREE (or for a very less salary) if you want to get some work experience. That is Ok. But never pay money from your pocket for any reason. In worst-case scenario, if you are paying money, don&#039;t forget to take a signed paper (On their Company Notepad with the signature from an official) or a valid bank receipt from them in which it&#039;s clearly written that you have paid the money as a refundable security deposit and it should also have the Terms &amp; Conditions.

Also, don&#039;t submit/handover your educational certificates (or any original documents) unless it is a very good company and its mandatory for all employees working there. If you are submitting the documents, make sure you get a written proof that they have taken them as per the policy of their organization. (F.Y.I., Good companies never insist their employees to handover originals to them. They generally ask you to bring them during joining period to cross check with the photocopies of the same.) If you blindly believe somebody&#039;s words without following the above guidelines then, you will be in serious trouble later when you want to leave the company. I know many freshers who suffered because of this. Hope you don&#039;t get into trouble.

Thumb Rule # 2:


It has become a trend that many companies/institutes asking jobless people to pay 50,000 (or more) and they will pay you 2,000 per month. Just think logically how foolish it is. For 1 year, they will be paying you (2000X12=) 24,000. So, you are working FREE for them for more than 2 years. In other words, they will be giving you a part of the amount that you have paid to them initially. And they will be enjoying the interest on your money.

These institutes promise you a lot of things when you go for counseling. They will show their past record of placing people in MNC companies and they will tell you the list of companies that come there for the placement. Don&#039;t get deceived by them. All those promises will go in vain the moment you pay the money.

In the worst-case scenario, if you must join, then enquire with the students who are studying there and who already studied there. (You can know any regrets from those who are currently studying there and you will know the pros and cons from the people who already studied there. Try to get feedback from those who achieved the job and those who couldn&#039;t get the job after the completion of the course).

Unveiling the Secret :- From my experience, I can say that, typically some good training institutes could place those candidates who meet with the company&#039;s eligibility criteria such as the engineering branch/stream you have done and the percentage criteria through out the candidate&#039;s career. These institutes will lure freshers showing the past records and allows everybody to join the course initially but they keep mum on this issue until you demand the reason why they couldn&#039;t place YOU. Remember, even the good institutes are running on a profit basis and NOT on a service basis!

It&#039;s always good to get trained in some latest technologies and it improves your chance of getting a job. But don&#039;t join any institute based on their promise of giving you a job. When you want to join an institute, remember to enquire with the student who has taken the course and observe the infrastructure, lab availability timings, and the faculty. Some institutes train you using their previous batch students as faculty. Be careful. Preferably, join a branded institute as they maintain quality of education to some level. But generally they are expensive to afford as they try to maintain the quality. Remember? No institute is at your service ! Everything is business. You cannot change that, but you need to be careful.

Thumb Rule # 3:


There is a subtle difference between &#039;Placement Assistance&#039; and &#039;Placement Guarantee&#039;. The former one means that they will help you to get a job, but no guarantee. If you observe the advertisements carefully, most of them mention &#039;100% Placement Assistance&#039;. Later they can always escape saying that they never guaranteed a job. Even if they do, there will be a famous super star saying &quot;* Conditions Apply !&quot; :-). Ask them what those conditions are.

When some institute says &#039;Placement Guarantee&#039;, ask them to mention it in written and give it to you. (No body can dare to give you. They cleverly say that how can we assure you a job if you don&#039;t learn anything. Or they will ask you not to join the course if you don&#039;t have the trust on them and they can even say that, there are hundreds of candidates who are pursuing the course and they will slap a question back to you whether they are all fools to join that institute. What will be your reaction? ) See to it that it&#039;s clearly mentioned in that document WHAT IF they can&#039;t provide you a job. Also tell them that you will pay the money the next moment they provide you a job (Since they are anyway saying job is guaranteed, ask them what&#039;s the problem with this...:-)).

Some institutes say that they will recruit you based on your performance in training. This is even more fishy. They can always escape later saying your performance is not up to the mark (Despite of you performing very good) and walk away with your money. Be careful.

In the worst case, if you are paying money, see to it that you pay in installments. (At least, it will save you from losing your entire money). If their training is really good, you will anyway pay the remaining money. Otherwise, you can escape with the least damage. Hope you will keep in mind that I&#039;ve asked you to join an institute mainly to learn the technology and not for their job guarantee scheme. So when you want to learn, join the best! It may even fetch you a job!

Thumb Rule # 4:


An exception is the Government companies. They require some registration fee. That&#039;s OK. Remember that good/branded companies never ask you for registration fees. They don&#039;t need it. If they are taking money, there is something fishy. Don&#039;t pay registration fee unless you are totally convinced. Just walkout if you think something is fishy.

Thumb Rule # 5:


People in the companies are not senseless to recruit candidates in illegal ways and put them and their own company in trouble. Don&#039;t believe if someone says he knows the HR or Project Manager of a company and can provide you job through back door. In the best case, one may get a job if the candidate directly knows high level people and he/she meets all the eligibility criteria of the company and the candidate is talented enough to get a job but he/she didn&#039;t get an opportunity to prove his/her ability. But remember, there is no bypass to the process of the company. Process is rigid and it is because of the process, a company grows or shrinks! It&#039;s better and happy to stay away from such back door offers instead of getting troubled by them. Think!

Thumb Rule # 6:


If they give it for free, then you may think about it. (But, I strictly discourage such jobs because you will lose your will to get into a good job that matches your profile.) Better, simply ignore. Don&#039;t pay even a single paisa. They lure you saying you have to pay 500 Rs (or more) initial payment to earn thousands of money every day ! All that is simply trash. You will be wasting your time and you won&#039;t earn even a single paisa after paying your/your parents&#039; hard-earned money.

Thumb Rule # 7:


Personally I dont believe in Premier Memberships, Online Tests that require you to pay money. I believe that&;s just eye wash stuff and will not fetch you any job if you dont have right talent. If you have talent, you will anyway get that job even without the help of those programs. Even if they send your resume to 1000 companies or 10,000 companies, the companies won&#039;t recruit you unless they have vacancies and you are suitable for those positions.

If someone says they succeeded through some job program, just think what is the percentage of people succeeded in getting jobs through that program. I don&#039;t think it will be more than 1 %. I am not saying all programs are fake ones. But my advice for you is to think twice before you spend your hard-earned money on some job programs. Remember that companies pay money for those job sites if you get selected through them. In such case, there is no need to collect money from you.