Saturday 21 January 2012

WEB TECHNOLOGIES Important Units & Check List
Choose: Units I, II, III, V, VI and VIII (1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8)

Unit I - HTML Common tags
Check List After Study

·         Tables and Images
·         Forms
·         Frames
·         Cascading Style Sheets
Unit II - Java Scripts Basics
Check List After Study
·         Java Script Basics
·         Objects in Java Scripts
·         Dynamic HTML
·         Programs Using Java Script
Unit III - XML
Check List After Study
·         DTD, Schemas
·         DOM, Parsers
·         SAX
·         XML Processors
Unit V - Web Server
Check List After Study
·         Life Cycle of Servlets
·         Servlet API
·         Handling Requests and Response
·         Cookies and Session Tracking
·         Security Issues
Unit VI - Introduction to JS
Check List After Study
·         Sevlets vs. JSP
·         JSP Processing and Anatomy
·         MVC setting and environment
·         Installing JSDK, Tokcat and Testing
Unit VIII - Database Access
Check List After Study
·         JDBC
·         Database from JSP Page
·         Deploying Java Beans in JSP
·         Basics of struts

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