Friday, 16 February 2018

Unified Modelling Language Practicals. Below is the case study of it for the construction of different UML diagrams

CASE STUDY: Hospital Management System

Hospital management system helps in registering information about patients and handles patient’s query. A unique ID is generated for each patient after registration. This helps in implementing customer relationship management and also maintains medical history of patient. This system also monitors the doctor appointments, when the ID is generated the patient receives the appointment time and number from the receptionist and accordingly visit the doctor. This system also deals with testing appointments as and when ID is generated the patient receives the appointment time and number and accordingly undergoes the test.

It also deals with bed allotments to various patients by checking their ID. It also undergoes various operations by diagnosing the patients. The system identifies whether the person is a doctor or staff and handles various activities such as draw salary and give salary, also it adds doctor/staff information into database. This system is responsible for handling various other activities like deleting, editing doctor/staff information into the database. As per doctor diagnoses the patient, gives treatment and gives suggestions to patients and prescribe laboratory tests and medicines. This system also takes care of medical equipment, doctor visit, vitals recording, patient case sheet, diet ordering, blood requisition, transfer information and discharge information, maintenance of wards, inter and intrawards transfers also it generates patient’s discharge summary which includes patients health at the time of discharge, medical history, various diagnosis and drug prescriptions, history of patients illness and course in hospital. Patient can pay bill through credit card, cash or cheque whose information is maintained by this system.

Use Case Diagram:-
UML Use Case Diagram for Hospital Management

Activity Diagram:- Patient Payment
UML Activity Diagram for Hospital Management Patient Payment

Activity Diagram:- Setting Doctor Appointment
UML Activity Diagram for Hospital Management Doctor Appointment

Class Diagram:-
UML Class Diagram for Hospital Management

State Chart Diagram :- Patient
UML State Chart Diagram for Hospital Management Patient

State Chart Diagram :- Doctor
UML State Chart Diagram for Hospital Management Doctor

State Chart Diagram:- Receptionist
UML State Chart Diagram for Hospital Management Receptionist

Sequence Diagram:- Test Appointments
UML Sequence Diagram for Hospital Management Test Appointments

Sequence Diagram:- Bed Allotment
UML Sequence Diagram for Hospital Management Bed Allotment

Collaboration Diagram:- Test Appointments

Collaboration Diagram:- Bed Allotments
UML Collaboration Diagram for Hospital Management Bed Allotment

Component Diagram:-

Deployment Diagram:-
Unified Modelling Language Practicals. Below is the case study of it for the construction of different UML diagrams


ATM or rather Automated Teller Machine is also called as ANY TIME MONEY by many. The ATM system is connected to banks.

The ATM is given the utmost security in terms of technology because its a stand alone system and easily prone to malicious attacks.

The Below diagrams are has come up in Mumbai University MCA exams.

Class Diagram for ATM Machine

Class Diagram for ATM Machine

Use Case Diagram ATM Machine

Use Case Diagram ATM

Activity Diagram for ATM Machine 1

Activity Diagram for ATM Machine

Activity Diagram for ATM Machine 2

Activity Diagram for ATM Machine

Activity Diagram for Overall ATM Machine:-

Activity Diagram Overall ATM

Activity Diagram Verify Password ATM Machine:-

Activity Diagram for Password Verification ATM

Sequence Diagram for ATM Machine :-

Sequence Diagram for ATM Machine

Sequence Diagram for Invalid Pin ATM Machine:-

Sequence Diagram for Invalid ATM Pin

Sequence Diagram ATM withdrawal:-

Sequence Diagram ATM Withdrawal

Collaboration Diagram For ATM machine:-

Collaboration Diagram for ATM machine

Collaboration Diagram for ATM withdrawal :-

Collaboration for ATM Withdrawal

State Diagram for One Transaction ATM machine:-

State Diagram one Transaction ATM Machine

State Diagram one Session ATM Machine:-

State Diagram one Session ATM

Component Diagram ATM Machine:-

Component Diagram ATM machine

Deployment Diagram ATM Machine :-

Deployment Diagram ATM Machine
Unified Modelling Language Practicals. Below is the case study of it for the construction of different UML diagrams

CASE STUDY: Hospital Management System

The hospital has several specialized departments like Cardiology, Gynecologic, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, ENT etc. OPD is another independent department. A doctor is only associated with one specialized department at a time though he/she can be a member of the OPD(Outside Patients Department) department. Each doctor has a visiting time and day in a week.
At reception the patient details are entered and the fees are also taken and the patient is tracked on the basis of the Id generated.
            In routine a patient can visit the doctors either directly selecting a doctor or by getting admitted to the hospital and then a doctor visits the patients.
A doctor can prescribe tests for the patient to perform. The patient visits the lab to get done the tests prescribed by his/her doctor. The reports are given to the patient. The payments pertaining to the tests are done at the reception. Referring the reports, the doctor prescribes the patient medicines or further tests or is asked to get admitted.
A patient is admitted into a ward of a specialized department (if available) as per the doctor’s prescription. The number of wards is limited and if there is no vacant ward the admission of the patient is rescheduled.
As per the prescription of the doctor the patient is operated on a specified date and time as decided by the doctor who is doing the operation.
After the completion of the treatment a patient may get discharged on an advice of a doctor and upon the complete payment of all due charges at the reception. On payment of full dues the reception generates a discharge ticket for the patient

Use Case Diagram:-
Use Case Diagram for Hospital Management UML

Class Diagram:-
Class Diagram for Hospital Management UML

Activity Diagram Registration :-
Activity Diagram for Registration in Hospital

Activity Diagram for Ward Allocation:- 
Activity Diagram Ward Allocation Hospital Management

Activity Diagram for Tests to Perform:-
Activity Diagram Tests to perform Hospital Management

Activity Diagram for Treatment and Operations:-
Activity Diagram Treatments and Operations Hospital Management

Activity Diagram Discharge:-

Activity Diagram Discharge from Hospital Management

State Chart Diagram for Patient:-
State Diagram for Patient Hospital Management UML Diagram

State Diagram for Doctor:-
State Diagram for Doctor Hospital Management UML Diagram

State Diagram for Ward Object:-
State Diagram for Ward Hospital Management UML Diagram

Sequence Diagram for Patient Admit / Registration:-
Sequence Diagram Admit Patient and allocate Ward Hospital

Sequence Diagram Test & Operation:-
Sequence Diagram Test & Operation Hospital Management

Sequence Diagram Discharge from Hospital :-
Sequence Diagram Discharge from Hospital UML Diagrams

Collaboration Diagram Admit to Hospital:-
UML Collaboration Diagram for Admitting to Hospital & Bed Allocation

Collaboration Diagram for Treatment at Hospital:-
UML Collaboration Diagram for Treatment at Hospital

Collaboration Diagram for Discharge from Hospital :-
UML Collaboration Diagram Discharge Hospital
Unified Modelling Language Practicals.  Below is the case study of it for the construction of different UML diagrams

CASE STUDY: Library Management System.

Use Case Diagram:- Library Management System

Activity Diagram for Issue Book in Library :- 

Activity Diagram for Return Book in Library:-

Class Diagram for Library System:-

State diagram for Book:

State diagram for Librarian:

Collaboration diagram for issuing Book:

Collaboration diagram for returning Book:

Sequence diagram for issuing book:

Sequence diagram for returning book:

Component diagram for Library Management System:

Deployment Diagram for Library management system:-