Monday 25 May 2015

TeaApt: sample questions

  1. Some students do not show any signs of understanding. Under such circumstances I would rather not
  1. Waste my time on them
  2. Feet motivated to each them
  3. Feel impatient but try to simplify
  4. Scold them
  1. Ancient Indian teachers applied some psychological principles in educating the young child from pre-school age adolescence. They recognized the role of
  1. Convent system of schooling
  2. Sense and perceptions in learning and teaching
  3. Gurukul type of schooling
  4. None of the above
  1. When you make a mistake while teaching in the class and your students points it out angrily then what will you do?
    1. You will scold the student and angrily resist him
    2.  You will feel sorry for committing a blunder
    3. You will break all the limits of anger
    4. You will leave the class for few day.
  1. What will you do as a teacher if the students do not attend your class?
    1. Keep quiet considering the present attitude of students
    2. Blame the students for their absence
    3. Think of using some interesting methods of teaching
    4. Know the reasons and try to remove them
  1. Which of the qualities described below make a teacher popular amongst students?
    1. A teacher help the students during educational work and the hour of need.
    2. A teacher who overlooks the student’s mischieves.
    3. A teacher who behaves with students in a friendly way.
    4. None of the above
  1. Students differ greatly in their susceptibility to anger due to heredity, health status and environment and to the way they are dealt with by adults. As a teacher, how will you try to direct his attention towards something else:
    1. Grown up children should be taught a problem solving behaviour in coping with situation that provoke anger.
    2. Angle should be used into socially acceptable channel
    3. They must be taught how to express anger so as to avoid disapproval
    4. All of these
  1. Teacher should not demand their pupils which is beyond their stage of growth. If they do so, they only cause
    1. frustration
    2. frustrations, heighten tension and nervousness in children
    3. encouragement to students to learn more
    4. None of the above.
  1. A serious minded teacher as a rule
    1. Allows the mistakes to be committed and explains how to minimize those mistakes
    2. Takes all precaution so that students never commit mistakes
    3. Never allows any mistakes on the part of his students
    4. Should mildly punish students who commit mistakes
  1. If a teacher has to establish his credibility in evaluation answer scripts he must be
    1. lenient
    2. b. strict
    3. objective
    4. prompt
  1. How should a teacher behave with the students?
    1. Father like
    2. A friend like
    3. General
    4. Elder like
  1. Sympathy has great educational significance. It leads to altruism and true fellow-feeling. Thus teacher’s should develop
    1. a egostic personality
    2. neutral feelings
    3. good moral conduct
    4. sympathic towards good students only
  1. A teacher is the leader both de jure and de facto. He is in the authority before the students, and so it is his right to lead. While assuming leadership of the students, he should follow some important principles.
    1. preparation and planning
    2. creating right atmosphere in the class
    3. providing opportunities
    4. all of the above
  1. A children is a back-bencher and is unable to watch the black-board clearly, therefore he stands, see and sit repeatedly. What inference will you draw with the student’s difficulty?
    1. The child has a poor eye-sight
    2. The black board may have shinning effect of light
    3. The child may have defective eyes
    4. The child is creating mischief.
  1. A teacher’s most precious item is his
    1. job
    2. pay
    3. pride
    4. student’s faith
  1. If a student is constantly rubbing his eyes and is inattentive during blackboard work he is having
    1. adjustment problem
    2. hearing problem
    3. diversion of mind
    4. any of the above
  1. An effective teacher is expected to
    1. reduce the anxiety level of students to moderate level
    2. encourage the students to make initiative
    3. to make students feel that education is their need
    4. all of the above
  1. Quality of education in a school/college can be measured through
    1. manpower, teachers and principal available
    2. infrastructural facilities available
    3. student’s achievement
    4. all of the above
  1. Why is a teacher is called as a leader of the class
    1. He masters the art of oratory like a political leader.
    2. He is the autocratic emperor of his class.
    3. He belongs to a recognized teacher’s union
    4. He is maker of the future of his students
  1. Observable behaviours which a teacher can use in the class to bring home to the pupil an idea or point is technically called
    1. teaching skills
    2. demonstration
    3. communication facilities
    4. none of these
  1. The male students of your class are annoyed with you on the pretext you have favour to the female students. In such a an embarrassing situation how would you like to control them in the class
    1. You will tell the male students that girls have no option except to depend on the school teacher for their academic assistance
    2. You will justify that most of the female students are more sincere towards their studies than male students.
    3. You will justify to the male students that it is difficult for you refuse the request made by female students.
    4. None of the above.
  1. After a lecture, if a student asks you a question, and you do not know the answer of the question, what will be your response in that situation
    1. You will not answer
    2. You will say that the question is improper
    3. You will discourage the student
    4. You promise to give the answer next lecture
  1. A teacher learns the maximum from the
    1. books
    2. principal
    3. well wishers
    4. students
  1. As a teacher, which behaviour of a student will you consider as a serious matter
    1. If he asks multiple questions in a class room
    2. If he does not complete the homework
    3. During a lecture/studies he talks to an other student
    4. To be slow in studies.
  1. A teacher exploits students in your school. In this situation, you will
    1. not interfere in this matter
    2. report the matter to the principal
    3. guide the teacher please stop this activity
    4. go on satyagraha against the teacher
  1. If students absents from the classes for a long time,
    1. you will try to know the cause of his absence
    2. you would be neutral and would not show any interest in it
    3. he would be absent due to some personal reasons
    4. it is not duty of teacher
  1. To stop malpractice of mass-copying in the examinations, what will you do?
    1. You will give punishment to student and his parent
    2. You will give severe punishment to students
    3. You will try to give moral education to the students
    4. You will rusticate the students forever from the school
  1. Effective teaching means
    1. Corporal punishment given to students at the time of moral offences.
    2. Love, cooperation, sympathy, affection and encouragement given to students.
    3. Individualized instruction and open class room discussion
    4. Both (a) and (c)
  1. If a high caste teacher adopts a discriminatory attitude towards a low caste students his behaviour
    1. correct according to his religion
    2. against the national spirit, and need of the hour
    3. not against the constitutional provisions
    4. not against the code of teacher’s professionalism of UNESCO
  1. The professional requirements of a teacher as explained in the UNESCO publication is/are
    1. Innovativeness in approach and teaching strategies
    2. Mastery over the subject and competency of teaching
    3. Justice to the profession
    4. All of the above
  1. A teacher can guide students very much efficiently, because
    1. students obey teacher’s orders
    2. he is the boss of the students
    3. students fear him
    4. he understand student’s psychology
  1. Before starting instruction a teacher should
    1. be aware of the environmental variables acting on the mind of the pupils
    2. know the existing knowledge of his students and their background knowledge
    3. be competent enough to arouse the curiosity of his pupils
    4. all of the above
  1. Many experienced teacher go into a class room and embark straight away upon a lesson. As a beginner to the teaching profession you will
    1. do as the student’s like
    2. make a written note of your preparation
    3. adopt the same procedure
    4. None of the above
  1. In order to help educationally backward child, it is necessary for a teacher
    1. to find out the cause of his backwardness
    2. to refer him other competent teacher
    3. to skip such students
    4. None of the above
  1. A teacher meeting his students for the first time should
    1. develop rapport with the class
    2. start teaching without caring the students like and dislikes
    3. give a broad outline of the whole subject
    4. (b) and (c) both
  1. Verbal guidance is least effective in teaching
    1. relationship
    2. concept and facts
    3. attitude
    4. skills
  1. There will be better communication in a lecture if a teacher
    1. reads from prepared notes
    2. prepares the notes will in advance and uses them as a guide
    3. talks extempore
    4. talks extempore drawing examples from other disciplines
  1. Drop outs are more likely to be
    1. vulnerable to the requirement of the public assistance
    2. unemployed
    3. engaged in anti-social behaviour
    4. all of these
  1. Teachers should study educational philosophy because
    1. they do not have their own philosophy
    2. they do not know it
    3. philosophy is he backbone of all disciplines
    4. they may improve their work by clarifying their own philosophy
  1. If you invite your personal friends and colleagues in your son’s birthday party, the procedure of it will be
    1. only personal invitation will be extended to most dear ones.
    2. Only a specific group of teachers will be invited
    3. Extend invitation to al the teachers without any distinction
    4. You would invite all the personnel of the school
  1. Class room discipline can be maintained effectively
    1. by putting of fancy clothes in the classroom
    2. providing a programme which is according to the need and interest of the pupils
    3. knowing the cause of indiscipline and handling it with stern hand
    4. none of the above
  1. If a student, wears some odd dress and attends your class, you will
    1. ask the student do not to attend the class
    2. make a joke on him
    3. communicate him not to wear such cloths
    4. not give any attention on it.
  1. You are a teacher of literature. A chapter of a book deals with biography of scientists and his works. In this situation, what would you do with this chapter?
    1. you would ask the students to read themselves
    2. you would request the Science teacher, to teach this chapter to the students
    3. you would consult other book concerning with the scientist and then you would teach the lesson to students
    4. Any one of them
  1. When your personal friend seeks your assistance to get his ward’s admission in the school, how would you extend your cooperation to him?
    1. You would extend all types of support as you have intimate relationship
    2. You would not help him
    3. You would put forward some lame excuse
    4. None of the above
  1. If a principal of your college, charges you with the act of negligence of duties, how would you behave with him?
    1. you would take revenge by giving physical and mental agony to him
    2. you would neglect him
    3. you would take a tough stand against the charges
    4. you would keep yourself alert and make his efforts unfruitful
  1. You loss your behaviour when you are maltreated by others. When you show such behaviour in relation to others, what do you think?
    1. You are the elder one, and have the authority to behave in such a manner.
    2. Behave as you expect from others
    3. I must control myself
    4. None of the above.
  1. If a teacher requests you to do a favour in a female student’s evaluation, what would you like to do in this situation?
    1. You will teach him a moral lesson against injustice
    2. You will remind him about the morality of being a teacher
    3. You will evaluate the answer-book honestly and award marks accordingly
    4. None of the above.
  1. If some students fail in the examination it is the fault of
    1. the principal
    2. the teacher
    3. pupils themselves
    4. text books
  1. If majority of students in your class are weak you should
    1. keep your speed of teaching fast so that students comprehension level may increase
    2. not care abut the intelligent students
    3. keep your teaching slow
    4. keep your teaching slow along with some extra guidance to bright pupils
  1. In the final analysis, teaching must be though of mainly as a process of
    1. hearing the recitation of pupils
    2. directing the activities of the pupils
    3. asking questions and evaluating the learning
    4. all of the above
  1. Democracy in the classroom is best reflected through
    1. allowing student’s freedom to the observance of classroom rules and regulations
    2. allowing the class to decide the curricular experience of the classroom
    3. allowing the maximum participation of all the students in classroom activities
    4. none of the above
  1. A teacher who is not able to draw the attention of his students should
    1. evaluate his teaching method and improve it
    2. find fault in his pupils
    3. resign form the post
    4. start dictating
  1. Teachers who are enthusiastic in the class-room teaching
    1. simply drmatise to hold the student’s attention
    2. often lack proficiency in the subjects which stays hidden under their enthusiasm.
    3. Involve their students in the teaching learning process
    4. All of the above
  1. Use of telecast materials
    1. enhances concentration and learning
    2. increases retention power
    3. reduces the burden of the teacher
    4. all of the above
  1. The students who keep on asking question in the class
    1. should be encouraged to find answers independently
    2. should be encouraged to participate in the classroom discussion
    3. should be advised to meet the teacher after the class
    4. should be encouraged to continue questioning
  1. All of the following statements regarding a teacher are correct except that he is/he
    1. a friend, guide and philosopher
    2. teaches what the students do not know
    3. changes his attitudes and behaviour according to the need of society
    4. the leader of the class
  1. In order to develop rapport with your pupils you should
    1. behave them in a democratic way
    2. guide them
    3. have communicative ability
    4. all of the above
  1. A teacher is expected to do all except
    1. help pupils to solve their problems
    2. participation in community activities
    3. taking interest in politics
    4. sponsor clubs and other school affairs
  1. A mentality retarded student attends your lecture and sit in a deaf and dumb manner what will you do?
    1. Make your lecture very simple and spare some extra time for him
    2. You pressurized the student to leave the class
    3. You do not like to spoil majority for the individual
    4. You do not support him at all
  1. An effective teacher adopts the norms of the
    1. democratic society
    2. autocratic society
    3. laizzes faire society
    4. all of the above according to the situation
  1. While dealing with juvenile delinquents a teacher should
    1. play them with filthy sex jokes
    2. talk with them frankly and guide and channelize their potentialities in constructive ways.
    3. Complain to the principal against them
    4. None of the above
  1. The adage of maintaining good relations with others is
    1. kaleidoscopic personality
    2. sycophancy
    3. attractive features and mental make up
    4. control over emotions
  1. The male students of your class are annoyed with you on the pretext you have been easily approached the girl students and o a favour to them (girls). In such a an embarrassing situation how would you like to control them in the class
    1. You will tell the male students that girls have no option except to depend on the school teacher for their academic assistance
    2. You will justify that most of the female students are more sincere towards their studies than male students
    3. You will communicate to the male students that it is difficult for you refuse the request made by female students
    4. None of the above
  1. TV is superior to radio as teaching aid because it
    1. is costly
    2. invites two senses – hearing and vision simultaneously leading to more accurate form of learning
    3. is generally liked by pupils
    4. all of the above
  1. Arrange the following teaching process in order
(i) relating the present knowledge with the previous knowledge
(ii) evaluation
(iii) re-teaching
(iv) formulating objectives
(v) presentation of materials
    1. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
    2. (ii), (i), (iii), (iv), (v)
    3. (v), (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)
    4. (iv), (i), (v), (ii), (iii)
  1. If students are not able to follow, you should
    1. make the matter easy
    2. give the prompt
    3. illustrate with examples
    4. all of the above
  1. Which of the following steps would you consider first as an effective communicator?
    1. plan the evaluation procedure
    2. select the channels of communication
    3. specify the objectives of communication
    4. identify various media of communication
  1. The best educational programme is one which is according to the
    1. ability of the child
    2. need of the child
    3. interest of child
    4. all of these along with the need of the society
  1. Some of your colleagues are busy in cracking filthy jokes during their leisure in college. You are also a member of that group but unable to stop them. What would you do to avoid it?
    1. You advice your colleagues to mind their languages while cracking jokes in college
    2. You persuade them not to waste their leisure time is filthy jokes.
    3. You change the groups or live in isolation because you don’t relish it.
    4. You remind them of their noble profession
  1. You have children. You are a teacher. How would like to behave with your students in comparison to your children
    1. Just like own children
    2. Repressed treatment
    3. Equal treatment is not possible to all the students
    4. It is better to lend item a free hand
  1. Which of the following is the most important single factor in underlying the success of beginning a teacher?
    1. Communicative ability
    2. Scholarship
    3. Personality an its ability to relate to the class and to the pupils
    4. Organizational ability
  1. An effective teaching means all of the following except
    1. a teacher teaches with enthusiasm
    2. a teacher find fault in his students
    3. a teacher is interested in making the subject matter understood rather than on completing the course.
    4. A teacher puts emphasis more on teaching than on class control
  1. A teacher in the class should keep the pitch of his voice
    1. high enough
    2. moderate
    3. low
    4. sometime low and sometime high
  1. How will you demonstrate your impartial behaviour?
    1. By maintaining his high self-esteem and egoistic behaviour
    2. By making own behaviour more balanced and fair.
    3. By assaulting the teacher
    4. By criticizing the teaching community
  1. The greatest important cause of failure in beginning for a teacher lies in the area of
    1. inter-personal relationship
    2. knowledge of the teacher
    3. verbal ability
    4. tight handling of the students
  1. The education aims at the fullest realization of all the potentialities of children. It implies that
    1. they should provide suitable opportunities and favourable environmental facilities which are conducive to the maximum growth of children
    2. Teachers and parents must know what children are capable of and what potentialities they possess.
    3. It is necessary that their attitudes are helpful, encouraging and sympathetic.
    4. All of the above
  1. If some of your pupils misbehave with you in the college campus you must
    1. report to their parents
    2. report to the principal
    3. improve their behaviour by your own character and scholarship
    4. mobilize other teachers against these guys
  1. The introduction of career courses in schools and colleges aims at
    1. developing the ability to make the intelligent choice of jobs
    2. providing professional knowledge to students
    3. increasing G.K. in students
    4. All of the above
  1. A democratic society is one which
    1. respects the enlightened individuals
    2. follows the principles of equality, freedom, fraternity and justice
    3. believes in equal educational opportunity
    4. all of the above
  1. The most appropriate meaning of learning is
    1. personal adjustment
    2. modification of behaviour
    3. inculation of knowledge
    4. acquisition of skills
  1. The major responsibility with which the school personnels have been entrusted is that
    1. it harmonizes the needs of the child and demands of the society for the benefit of both
    2. it prepares the school programme according to the need of the child.
    3. It makes the child able to get job
    4. All of the above